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means it contains some personal notes or conclusions

made by me, you can replaces them with your own conclusions
means that this is an active part of this workbook, you
replace those XXX with answers of your own
"Quotes" means its a transcribtion directly from the audio
is a rating of how usefull I've found the particular audio
segment to ME, replace this with your own rating for further
referencing, re-listening to the system
is a rating of how usefull I've found the particular reading
segment to ME, replace this with your own rating for further
referencing, re-listening to the system
nonquote regular, non-quoted text is ussually a summary of the
points made in the particular audio segment
Track 1 - Welcome
0:00 [1] Intros

1:10 [1] {7} Letter to frustrated guy

"I thlnk you're here because you have a problem, a pain, a frustration that you'd
like to get handled. I thlnk that the problem of not having success wlth women is ilke
a virus running on your mental computer system in the background ... everything
runs through it and is corrupted by it... and it bogs the entire system down. I also
suspect you're here because you're hoping for a technique ... a secret trick...
something that's golng to magically fix everything and give you all the success you
ever wanted ... and you have your fingers crossed that I or one of my guests is going
to reveal it. In other words, I thlnk you want a quick fix, and you're hoping that its
here. - - Further, I think that the REALITY is that you already probably know FAR
more than the averagee guy, and probably know even more than most guys who are
VERY successful wlth women. You already know the tricks! You already know what
you need to do, but you're just not doing it. And actually I think you KNOW THAT
you realize that the problem is something BIGGER, something more intense... and
more difficult to face. I thlnk you know that you're using one or more "secret resons"
to justify your inabllity to have success with women... and that they somehow give
you a kind of depressing comfort... because If you fail at thls, you can always fall
back on your secret reason: "I knew it. I knew that this wouldn't work for me..." I
think that most people go to therapists so they can hear the words "I understand. I'd
feel the same way if I were in your sltuation..." and so they can explain and justify
the way they are... NOT to change, But I'm not going settle for that here I'm not
going to settle for you walking out of here saying "Yea, I knew I wasn't going to learn
anything that's going to help me. I'm just going to have to accept that this is an area
that I wlll never have together in life.

3:07 [2] {3} Commit to yourself


Before we get into the material, I want you to take a moment and consider the series of
events and the reasons why you're going through this program

I know that you didn't just wake up one day, say "Hey, I think I'll get myself a program to
teach me how to meet women"

If you're anything like me, you've spent a LOT of time, effort, and energy trying to figure out

the female of our species And if you're like me, then you've probably gotten to the point where
you're ready to take your success to the level to the place we're calling "Mastery"

I'd like to invite you to really reflect on the years you've spent in your life trying

things that didn't work, starting something then dropping it a few days or weeks
later because you just didn't have what it took to stick with it, and beating your head
against the wall

I really want you to reflect on where you are, and, more importantly, on where you want to
go... now make a commitment to YOURSELF to spend at LEAST the next 90 days working with
this program every single day

Make a commitment to yourself that you're going to go through it at least three

times, you're going to implement what you learn, and you're going to take control of
this area of your life I want you to say "yes" with me when I count to three - say yes with
me and agree out loud that you're actually going to do it this time

Track 2 - Intro to mastery

0:00 [2] {3} Theories, Awareness, Change
Many of the things I'm going to personally teach you in thls program are theoretical,
abstract, and complex

Many of the concepts are outslde of the realm of "scientific" or "proven"

In many cases I'm going to pose ideas to you that have no "action step" or "direct
application" to your interactions with women

Why would I say and do these things?

I've come to believe that the process of successfully attracting a mate is the single
most powerful underlying force in human psychology, behavior, and motivatlon.

This drive is very complex, multi-dimensional, counter-intuitive and ironic.

In fact, it's so powerful and pervasive that one could actually view every thought,

communicatlon, and behavior, no matter how grand or trivial, as part of an intricate

mating ritual

"I want you to start watching everything that happens around you and think of it as part
of intricate complex mating ritual"
I've made it my purpose to learn as much as I can about this particular process - first so I
can be succesfull myself, and secondly so I can teach other guys effectively

In the process of learning the "secrets" of how to successfully attract women, I've realized

that by addressing some of these more abstract and conceptual levels a guy can not
only learn how to attract women better and faster, he can also become more whole
and integrated as a man

I also believe that sometimes just having an awareness of something can trigger a snowball
effect - and lead to incredible change, development, and evolution

"Steven McCovey teaches that awareness itself can build momentum. Alot of my purpose
today is to just have you become aware of what's going on around you; Aware of some of the
processes that are happenning in your mind. Aware of some of the emotional, psychological
automated processes that are happening and you're not even aware of.


I fully expect that the first half of this program is going to challenge your mind and
emotions, and it's going to make you think in ways you've never thoght before

But stick with it - not only will this material change you on a more fundamental level, but it

will also prepare your mind for the incredible specific insights and step-by-step techniques
you're going to learn in the second half - and these techniques are going to literally blow your

2:25 [2] {2} What We'll Be Covering

Women and dating
Section one is about clearing blocks from the mind, body, and emotions
Section two is about learning the subtle dynamics of interpersonal interactions
Section three is about learning the strategies of Mastery
Section four is about learning the specific, step-by-step techniques in detail

Track 3 - [2] {3} Attraction still isn't a choice

I started my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program (which I hope you watched or listened to,
because it's the foundation for this program) with the words "Attraction Isn't a Choice"

Well, it still isn't...

But men are still acting like it is
Men are still acting like they can convince women to feel attraction for them
In this program we're going to go down deep inside of your mind to uproot once and for all
those programs that are leading to you chasing women, giving away your power,
and ultimately ruining your own chances with them

0:57 [3] {2} - Mastery is about personal commitment

"I want you to notice specifically as you go thru the program how the meaning changes
for you of things, how things become more meaningfull"
This program goes deep ... very deep

Mastery in this area of life comes from a deeper understanding of the principles, mindsets,
and strategies

Techniques aren't the focus, although you'll hear a lot of them.

This program is meant to be reviewed several times - it's a reference
You'll start getting your best results after three, four, five or more times through it
Notice how the meaning changes as you evolve, and how it becomes more

1:42 [2] {2} - Taking control

Mastery is about taking control
It's about getting to the point where you don't feel helpless or out of control in a

It's about getting to the point where you control your own destiny instead of
feeling like it's controlled for you

It's about moving from effect to cause... from watching things happen to making them
happen ... from hoping and wishing to realizing

The commitment to Mastery is the commitment to take control of your [own] life

2:20 [2] {2} - The source of this program

I spent a lot of time deciding whether or not to do this program, as it's not going to be for

In this program I'm going to share a lot of concepts, theories, and ideas that it has literally

taken me my whole life to learn, refine, and understand - in other words, the source of this
program is my own journey and experience of learning

We're going to spend a lot of time doing personal work in this program
You've heard the phrase "You can't change other people, you can only change

We're going to start with that idea, and work on ourselves ... knowing that by
improving the inside, the outside will take care of itself

"Once you have changed yourself you become much more effective at changing the
things around you"
3:40 - [4] Mastery by George Lenard quote (good metaphor for skill mastering)

"As with all significant learning this is measured not in a straight line but stages. Brief
spurts of progress separated by periods where you seem to be getting nowhere"

5:16 [2] {2} - Why Mastery?

Why Mastery? Why not just leave It at the Advanced Series?
Because I thlnk that when we want to learn somethlng new in our lives, we go through a few

First, we try to learn the tricks. We want the quick flx. We want magic techniques that will
instantly solve our problems.

Then, after learnlng a few tricks, you realize that there's still something wrong - when

you're beating your head up against the wall and It's just not working you seek out
more "In-depth" knowledge.

This is when people usually get my Advanced Series. But then once you get some level of

skill in a particular area, you then begin to realize that there must be a DEPEER level
of understanding. You realize that there must be something much bigger at work.
You realize that maybe there are other areas that you can develop that will
strengthen the area you are trying to develop.

"You begin to realize there must be a deeper level of understading, a deeper level that's
connected to other things. A deeper level that ties everything together; that ties not only
the subject you're learning to itself, but also everything else in the world and in your life
to each other"
That's what this program is about. We're going to address many of those other areas... and
the first place we're going to start is with what I'm golng to call THE DEEP INNER GAME.

6:35 [2] {3} - The first step

The first step on the road to Mastery may be the hardest.

"And this goes right to the heart of the DEEP INNER GAME, right to the heart of
dealing with yourself. "
The first step involves discomfort, anxiety, and even pain.
The first step on the road to Mastery is to admit that you do not want to do all the
things that are going to be required for you to REACH Mastery.

It's to come to grips with the fact that there are going to be a lot of things that are
going to be physically, emotionally, and psychologically uncomfortable along the
path, and that you're going to do them anyway.

It's to make a personal commitment that you're going to do whatever it takes, no matter
how much you don't want to do it in the moment, to reach your objective.

Can you take the hardest step?

"If you can't take this step, the others aren't gonna work for ya"

Track 4 [3] {3} - Transition Vulnerability

When a butterfly is coming out of its cocoon, or a baby is being born, or a snake is shedding
its skin ... these are the times when they're the most sensitive, the most vulnerable, the most
disoriented, the most afraid ... the most uncomfortable. (A cat entering a new room)

When you start learning new things about how to meet women, changing how you think and
learning and trying new things, this will be the same for you.

The transition period will be the one when you feel most sensitive and vulnerable.
Remember that there is a long-term payoff to getting outside of your comfort zone
and sticking with the process.

Eventually the discomfort and feeling of vulnerability will go away, and you'll be
enjoying a new level of success.

"So what does transition vulnerability mean for you? It means you're gonna feel it. It
means that as you're going thru these steps you're gonna get uncomfortable. You're gonna
try things that will freak you out. We will talk about issues and then you're gonna go out
there in the world and they will come up for you... and you will realize you're powerless
and helpless in certain situations. What do most people do when they run into transition
vulnerability? They go inside, they hide, they close up, they go "you know what, i'm
shutting that out" And repress it. I want you to be aware of it. Don't worry about it; it's
just a step you need to go thru. Just like the cat, you need to get aware of the enviroment,
the room and soon it will be second nature to you.


Track 5 [9] {7} - Development detour

Our thoughts, feelings, behavior, and self image is mostly unconcious

We humans llke to identify with these aspects of ourselves and become attached to them in a
way that prevents change

Many think that 'learning' new ways of thinking, new ways of communicatlng, and new body
language is somehow inauthentic and fake

I think that this attachment is one of the biggest stumbling blocks people face when wanting
to improve

Design a branded process []

Sometimes you need to progress from Unconcious to Concious to Unconscious
again in order to learn

It's OK to learn and do things that don't feel llke "you" in order to get a new skill
The seminar is a detour... and spending some time learning techniques to become better
with women is a detour

"It's ok to do things that don't feel like you when evolving"

[3]{6} - From focus to integration

Mastery requires intensive focus for a tlme, then eventually lntegratlon wlth the rest of your

Thlnk hub and nodes. From the hub to a node

Thlnk Solar System. From the Sun to a Planet
To MASTER something is to go from that thing having power and status over you, to you
having power and status over it

Don't make the mistake that a lot of guys make and become ADDICTED TO AN

The better you get at something, the further you feel from the IDEAL... because the
more you know, the more you realize you don't know

Don't become one of the guys who is a llttle "too into" thls stuff ... who can't thlnk about,
talk about, or do anything else ... who obsess over it and lose touch wlth the rest of reality

Don't attach your identity and self esteem to the Idea of getting to an unreallstlc level
Don't become addicted to this like a drug
Focus on it, [and] then integrate it

Track 6 [7] {6} - Five steps to evolution
Imitate the best until you are gettlng consistent results.
Learn to make finer and finer distinctlons until you can clearly see how and why each approach works in
each situation

Learn how to asslgn higher and lower values to behaviors, results, mlstakes to create an internal system
that wlll gulde you.

Learn to create variatlons of great ldeas and to combine great elements of great ideas to evolve improved

Learn to innovate, design and create new things that have superlor value LAST
The mistake most people make is dolng these in reverse
"Imtate Assimilate Innovate" - Clark Terry (Jazz Trumpet Player)

5:16 [3] {6} - The formula for conssistent luck

Expertise + Experience + Great Mentors + Access to Great Advice = LUCK
Masters can walk into a situation and appear to create magic. It looks ilke they're getting lucky far too

The counterlntuttive nature of wisdom and expertise, and how dolng the obvious thing doesn't always
serve you

The best thlng to do in a sltuatlon isnt usually the OBVIOUS thing, Masters do counter-intuitive thlngs ...
things that wouldn't be natural for others

The Master makes success look almost effortless, which leads novices to assume that what he is dolng Is
easy and slmple

Don't be fooled Into beileving that it's not complex just because it looks easy
When you spend years cornbining expertise, experience, great mentors and access to great advice, you
start gettlng lucky all the time

Track 7 [2] - Masters

1:27 - [3] {2} Take control of your personal evolution
Seek the history of things you're interested in learning
Become a student of your interests
After learning how the current models evolved, and becoming competent, you'll begin to have "future
vsion" and see how things will evolve

This will lead to situational predictive powers - you'll be able to see possible scenario outcomes, and then
behave accordingly

The most important place to use this is your own life

Review your own personal evolution, then take control of it in the future
Evolution means not onl to evolve, but to transcend and include

Track 8 [2] {2} - Two Ways of Winning

Winning to beat someone else
Winning to succeed in reaching a goal or getting what you want
--The objective here is to get to the point where you have the kind of success that YOU
want for YOURSELF
-- We're not looking to learn how to beat others here
this context

- that's counter-productive and distracting in

"Finally, you need to move this from the center of your life to part of your life "
"I want you to succeed. I don't want you to win by beating others. I don't want you to
compare yourself to others; I don't want you to use that. I don't think that strategy is
usefull in this situation.


0:49 [10] {8} - Improve the quality of your life and become more attractive to women

Humans "catch" emotions from others

If you're always down, people won't want to be around you because you bring them down
If you're always up, people wi!l want to be around you so they can "catch" some of that emotion
Improving the quality of your life - which leads to being happier and more satisfied - makes you
a more interesting and attractive person
What does quality of life come down to?

1:18 [2] {5} - Models of quality of life

If your perspective is that more pleasure improves quality of life, then physical pleasure, emotlonal
pleasure, and mental pleasure would increase quality of Ilfe.

This would involve having challenges and meeting them, receiving love, getting physical
affection and sex, doing good
If your perspectlve is that attachment to reality is negative, then detachment or mls-ldentlficatlon and
losing your preferences is the answer. Transcending this world (or LIFE) leads to the greatest quality of

If your perspective is that giving of yourself is what improves quality of Ilfe, then doing for others will
improve your Iife

If your perspective is that joy or enjoyment is what Improves the quality of your Iife, then doing things
that add joy to your life and keep you in the FLOW state is the answer

Choose the path that improves your own personal quality and enjoyment of life, and then stick to it. It
will make you more attractive

** (2:10) ** "I want you to be very selfish; I want you to improve your own life. I want
you to improve the quality of your own life. I want you to do whatever it takes to make
your life great so that YOU feel good about it. I want you to think of that in terms
winning for yourself... Again I think too many people compare themselves to everybody
else. They're looking at what everyone else is doing. They try to figure out "Ok how can I
do that to make me happy" Instead of actually looking at the things that make them
happy, looking at the things they feel; will improve the quality of their life and then
increase those things. So I now want you to give yourself permission to improve the
quality of your own life. Stand out from the crowd, make yourself happier. If the quality
of your life is good, you will feel better and you will become more attractive


Track 9 [4] {7} - Flow

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi released a book called "Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience"
Flow is the feeling of "being in the zone", of total immersion and involvement

It's a state that takes all of your attention, where time passes effortlessly
--The challenge is matched well with your skills
--Compete and compare results only with and to yourself
--Creates enjoyment or long-term satisfaction

The Flow zone chart visual

High skill - low challenge = boredom

Low skill - high challenge = anxiety
If you're feeling anxiety in your life it ussualy means that you need to get a skill. If you're
bored, if you feel boredom... that's the sign you need more challenge.
Track 10 [7] {3} - Journey to mastery
Step 1: Choosing what you want for yourself in this area consciously
- Choosing your ethics consciously
- Choosing your values consciously
- Choosing what you will and won't accept

... setting standards

- Choosing your own path in life

2) Deciding To Get What You Want
- Deciding on, and describing the kind of woman you want in your life, relationship you want
- Setting out on your OWN path, detaching from what others want and what others want for
- Accepting that you might not impress others, etc. but it DOESN'T MATTER
- Making the commitment to get what you want for yourself, no matter what
- Realizing that ultimately no one in your life cares whether or not you're successful
3) Hesitation, Stalling, Rethinking
(Fears, Self-Doubt, Change Of Heart)
- Realizing that this isn't going to be easy, no instant results (bad experiences)
- Doubting that it's possible, doubting that it's possible for YOU
- Facing your "Secret Reason" for failure
- It looks too big, too complex, too much

- Self Image ... "I'm not one of those guys"

- Deserving, Permission issues

4) Preparing For Your Journey

- Accepting that you're going to need to step out of the situation mentally, and be willing to learn
and try things that might not feel like "you" ... knowing that you might keep some of what you
learn, and you might disregard some of what you learn
- Learning DYD material, reframing, self-image stuff, techniques
- Mental rehearsal, emotional rehearsal, physical practice, crutches

5) Gathering Your Support Team

- Reference group of guys who are good with women
- Mentor
- Female friends
- Counselor or therapist possibly

6) The Warrior Phase - Learning By Doing

- Getting out there and actually using what you're learning
- Identifying the areas you need to work on, and working on them
- Leveraging your strengths
- Physical, Logical, Emotional
- Taking steps, one at a time
- Learning to lead
- Learning how The Critical Moments and Bridges actually feel and work; smooth transitions,
knowing what to do

7) The Tests
- Fears (fear of something is worse than the thing itself)
- The Shadow, your dark side
- Your emotions, how they come up at critical times
- Tests from Women
- Feminine distraction, confusion, emotions ... staying strong, composure
- Making mistakes you know you shouldn't make, and paying the price

- Sacrifice: Something must die in order for something new to live ... you must let a part of you
die, and let it go

8) Facing Your Ultimate Fear and Ultimate Desire

- Can you stand the test, and take what you want when it's in front of you?
- When you finally find the woman you want, will you turn into a wuss, treat her "differently",
pursue her, give away your power, and drive her away?
- Once you do attract the right woman, will you take her, and STAY a Real Man or will you doubt
what has taken you this far, and screw it up?
- Keeping what you want is far more difficult than getting what you want

9) Returning and Integrating

- Keeping what you like, disregarding what isn't useful from the journey
- Making the things that align with your values part of who you are permanently
- Moving this from the center of your life to an integrated part of your life

10) Giving Back

- Teaching other guys to learn better yourself
- Continuing to be the Real Man that your woman wants into the future
- Moving on to other journeys and adventures in your life

Track 12 [6] {3} - Being in the center / Living in the middle of your own reality
Find Your Center
Center Yourself
Become the Center
Finding your center is about getting in touch with what you really want for your life and for
yourself. It's about "finding yourself", "choosing your own path", and "Iiving consciously", It's about
figuring out who you are and how you fit into your world

Centering yourself is about taking a moment to shlft your awareness into your own body,
becoming aware of yourself and your surroundings, and then operating from that perspective. It Is
a way of gohg lnslde and becoming grounded

Becoming the center is about moving women from the center of your universe to an lnterestlng
part of your unlverse. It's about becoming so interesting and attractive that women make you the
center of their universes

1:23 [8] {9} - Find your center

What is it that you really want for yourself and your life?
If you could start all over, and operate from a place where you get to choose every aspect of who
you are. what you do, and where you're going, whal would that look like?

What do you like aboul your life that you want to keep, and what do you not like about yourself that
you won't accept any longer?

Who are you going to be in the future, when you're not living half-way?
We're going to discuss moving your frame of reference inside later in this program (which is helpful
when linding your center), but for now I want you to think about finding your owncenter, so you can
operate from that place

2:15 - physical centering

Stand up straight, as if a string were pulllng your head up
Notice how it's easier to stand thls way, and requires less effort when balanced
Take three deep breaths with me, deep into the stomach
The breath is the only vital life process that you can control elther consciously or
unconsclousIy.., use it as the bridge to begin with
Relax your shoulders, stomach, jaw, and forehead as you exhale each time
Look up and to the center, where the imaginary crest is formed above your nose
Open your peripheral vision, taking in the edges of your visual field. Inhale slowly, and notlce
both the feeling of air rushlng into your nose, and your stomach expanding and contracting at the
same time
Pay attention to your vision, the air rushing into your nose, and your stomach at the same time...
maintain that attentlon to quiet your mind

Track 13 - Mental centering

Accept everything exactly as it is
Detach from the past, the future, then the present
Make your outcome here at this program unimportant for a moment
Release your identification with yourself and your identity
0:55 - emotional centering
As you exhale, release emotional tension, anxiety, pressure
Exhale any ill feelings toward yourself or others

In your imagination, open up your chest and your heart, allow that opening to envelop
everything and everyone around you

"When you learn to do those 3 things, and you learn to do them quickly, just CENTER.
It will have a profound effect on the way you come across. You can do them very quickly
once you automate the process"
1:55 - Acting from a centered state
Notice everything around you, looking at the details
Consciously make meaning from these things
Look with an optimistic eye, pro-actively looking for things that will help you
Realize that learning a lesson by trying something is far more valuable than getting a short-term

Tuning Your Peripheral Senses

Peripheral Senses: Just like peripheral vision, you have peripheral hearing, touch, smell, and

Focusing one of your senses: If you smell something that is familiar, but for some reason you
can't quite figure it out, you'll often close your eyes, or try to tune out your other senses in order to
"focus in" on the smell. Something is going on here. It's as if you're automatically trying to use
your brain's processing power for one particular task... and focusing it.

Consciously use your Peripheral Senses to notice finer and flner details, and to see what works
and what doesn't

Become The Center Of Her Universe

I've had the experience many times of meeting women and almost instantly feeling them
become "trapped by my gravitational pull" and almost "captured in orbit around me"

It was like they were now in my orbit and I could FEEL it

I knew that they were hooked, and that there was basically nothing that could change it
It was obvious on many levels, from their body language to their communication
I did thlngs very early on that most men would conslder 'dumb"
I pushed them away, told them that they were in love with me, and told them to go bug other
guys... knowing that it would only make the "gravity" stronger

Think of the relatlonshlp of the sun and the earth. The sun is at the center of the earth's
universe. The earth could be said to "belong to" the sun. Because of the sun, earth has day and
night; it wakes and sleeps, and is able to suppbrt life.

Most men behave like the opposlte is the case. In fact, most men behave like wandering planets who
are looking for a sun to orbit... someone to cling to... a place to get energy from... a central figure in
their Iives. They have not learned how to become their own sun, give themselves energy, and become
powerful and attractive on their own.

In order for a body to be in orbit around another, it must be close enough, but not too close. It must
be MOVING, it must exert less gravity than the central body it orbits.

A woman wants a man who is strong enough to attract her, hold her In his orbit, and keep her there

... but the thing that really keeps her "attracted" (feeling attraction) is the tension that comes from not
qulte being "all the way there"

The Power Of The Center

Find Your Center
Center Yourself
Become The Center
Track 2/1 - Mental centering [2] {2}
3:05 [10] short run of centering ritual
3:46 [2] {2} why we center

Centering To Eliminate Negative Mental/Emotional/Physical

Distractions And Anxiety
Ongoing mental chatter
Worries of what others think about you
Figuring out how to get approval and recognition
Imagined negative outcomes of situations
The emotions of fear, anxiety, nervousness
Conflicts between physical/logical/emotional needs
Conflicts between past/present/future time frames
By finding your center and centering yourself, then becoming the center, you work to eliminate
these things at the root of the problem

"When you run into a challenge often what it takes is to just center yourself, to get back
on track "oh hmm i'm in control... I forgot about that, and then go into success""
4:50 [4] {10}

The First Law Of Success With Women:

Accept Everything The Way It Is
A big fundamental mistake that guys make is not accepting things as they are
Not accepting:

- Yourself
- Women
- Situations
Another is letting things that are beyond your control frustrate you, victimize you, upset you,
make you mad, control your thoughts and emotions, By accepting everything as it is, you make
yourself powerful

Center yourself, accept, then be pro-active to get what you want - pushing against things robs
you of power - accepting them gives you power

"Guess where you can use that. Everytime you have a challenge. Every time you're
nervous... Center... accept the situation... you know what she might not like... whatever.
What can I do to be proactive now... When you push against things it robs you of power.
When you accept them, it gives you power.


Track 2/2 - [2] introduction to dark side | reading quote by DeMelo

0000 [1] {4} the shadow (explained)
Carl Jung coined the term 'The Shadow' to describe a particular aspect of ourselves that is
almost entirely unconscious

As the name suggests, this part of our inner selves can be a dark, elusive, rightening thing
As we grow up, we are confronted by parents and other authority figures who tell us that certaln
things are 'bad' or 'wrong' and that WE are bad or wrong for even THINKING those things

As we develop, we repress these important aspects of ourselves and put them into "the

We can only become aware of our own shadow by watching carefully for it, then taking
advantage of the fleeting momts when it sneaks up and rattles our world

The Shadow can only be seen by looking at its own shadow

A moment of intense irrational anger ... or a murderous thought ... a feeling of envy about
someone we want to be like ... are all clues that your shadow is active

Carl Jung said that The Shadow is where your personal gold is ... its the place where your
greatest treasure waits for you

As you get to know your Shadow, it's important to embrace, welcome, and integrate it... only by
including it will you be able to transcend it

3:30 {2} Reading from meeting your shadow

Track 2/3 [7] {2} - The Dark Side...

Every virtue has a dark side, especially when taken to an extreme

Every strength can turn into a weakness
Confidence can become overconfidence and then Hubris
Hard work can become an addiction, leading to "workaholism"
Don't take any strength too far ... or it will turn to its opposite and posslbly destroy you
0:55 [5] {2} - The bright side of everything
Just like everything can have a dark side, every negative thing has a bright side
Arrogance can be toned down and turned into strong confidence
Liars are often fantastic at building rapport with people and persuading
A child that starts out breaking everything by taking it apart often grows up knowing how to fix

But use good judgment ... too many people ONLY see the good in others, and ironically allow
this shadow trait to harm them[selves] over and over

Includes the story about how to see people realisctially, from an objective side... the
whole drawing with viewing people from the right angle... where you see both the light
and dark sides.

~Also applies to use not viewing our own dark sides which makes them stronger~
3:47 [2] {2} beating others (the two sides of winning in the shadow)
Does it bother you when another guy gets a girl that you wanted?
Do you like the idea of taking a woman from another guy?
Which would you enjoy more... getting a girl that you wanted but no other guys seemed to want

... or getting a girl that you know every other guy wanted ... and a girl that would make every
other guy jealous?

Is it enough to win by getting what you want ... or do you feel the need to win by beating other
guys and getting the thing that THEY want?

4:38 [2] {4} (the shadow side of) self awareness

Self awareness is a double-edged miracle sword
Being aware of yourself allows you to see things you need to improve, see the progress
you're making, etc.

But it also allows you to feel "self conscious", and insecure because you don't "measure

When you compare yourself to others, it can be very negative, or very positive

...depending on how you do it

It's important to use your self awareness to constantly work toward evolving yourself and
getting what you want, and not to put yourself down, beat yourself up, or make yourself feel
like less than others

5:37 [3] {2} other levels of the shadow

I've found that there are different levels to the concept of The Shadow
Some are psychological, some are biological, some are physical, and some are social
This is a complex topic, as all levels interact with each other ... but becoming aware of the
levels creates its own kind of energy toward understanding and integrating them
9:15 [5] {4} befriending your shadow

Think of the last three times you had a strong, instant, overpowering emotional response to
something that took over your mind and body

Think of the three things in life you fear most, and how you respond when confronted with them
Think of those things you desire more than anything, and the reasons you desire them
Recognize these elements as parts of your own unconscious mind that you're not integrating
into yourself, and commit to integrating them in the future

Track 2/4 [1] {5} - finding your own gold

Make a list of the three people you admire most in life
Next, write down three things about each person that you really admire
Now make a list of the three people you disrespect most or hate most in life
Finally, write down three things about each of those people you disrespect or dislike most
Track 2/5 [2] {3} projection
Our bodies, minds, and emotions are an actlve part of how we perceive the world and the
meanlng we make OF the events around us - there isn't an "objective reality" that "everyone can
agree on

Most of our perceptive abillty is actually PROGRAMMING that is LEARNED... not the objective,
accurate, perfect set of equipment we think of it as

A loud bang outside wlll be perceived as a car backflring by one person, a car accident by
another, and a gunshot by another - all projections

You can only perceive something relative to what is already programmed In your mind - thls is
why we often see things that aren't there, and miss thlngs that are - because our minds are
playing an active role in their "being there"

Projection comes up often in relatlonshlps between men and women - we often project our own
negative aspects onto people we dislike and we project our own positive qualities onto those we
are attracted to

This leads to many problems, as we're not recognizing our own "dark slde" or seeing our own
"light side"

Carl Jung: Perception is projection

2:28 [2] {6} explanation of the finding your gold excercise (shadow and projection
Read the list of people you don't admire, and the traits you disrespect most about them. Think
about YOURSELF, and review these things in your mind, realizing that these are, to some
degree, aspects of yourself that you previously didn't want to accept, acknowledge, or admit to

yourself or others. As you think about yourself, allow your body and mind to relax, and make a
personal commitment to begin working with these areas of yourself more, instead of only
projecting them onto others

Find one person to do the next part of this exercise with, all the better if you don't know the
person you're getting to work with you. I want you to sit across from them, and:

1) Confidently tell them about three of your strengths... the strengths that you've projected onto
others and haven't acknowledged in yourself, but that you're now going to lead with, develop, and
admowledge in the future as use more as the basis for your own success

2) Authentically and directly tell them about three of the repressed, dark traits you have that you
have been projecting onto others

The story of the farmer who broke his plow, and of using personal challenges, emotional
triggers, and shadow issues as the guiding path to your own "Personal Gold"

I'd like to suggest that when I asked you to imagine someone that you admire, then list the three
things you admire about them, that you unconciously went into your shadow and PROJECTED
three things about yourself onto that other person. I'd like to also suggest that you have chosen
three aspects of yourself that are YOUR own strengths that you don't acknowledge enough, lead
with, and develop

I'd like to suggest that when I asked vou to imagine someone that you don't admire and that you
disrespect, that you again UNCONSCIOUOSLY went into your shadow and PROJECTED three
things about YOURSELF onto that person. I'd like to also suggest that you have chosen three
aspects of yourself that are your OWN weaknesses that you don't acknowledge, come to grips
with, and confront in yourself ... and that these three aspects of you are holding you back in life to
an extent that you can't even imagine

Read the list of people you admire, and the traits you admire most about them. Then look into
the mirror, and review these things in your mind, realizing that these are your own personal
greatest assets. Affirm to' vourself that vou will lead with, capitalize on, and develoo these
strengths more, instead of only projecting them onto oihers

Track 2/6 [3] {2} unconcious blind spots

I'm golng to suggest to you that everything about you is an unconcious blind spot. If you do it,
it's a blind spot

It almost has to be
You're dolng a thousand llttle things unconciously, habitually, and constantly that you aren't
aware of... and worse, you are programmed to do them ... and think that they're perfectly normal

And you probably WOULD think they were perfectly normal if you realized that you were doing

You must actually learn to see your bllnd spots, and actually CHANGE HOW YOU THINK,

A good place to start Is by getting feedback from tough, loving friends and mentors about areas
that you wouldn't normally ask about

Ask others to be honest wlth you and tell you about your weaknesses
After a month, ask them again, and get an update
Continue to get honest, critical feedback from others if you want to continue to improve over

"By getting good tough loving critical feedback from friends and people who don't think
you're that cool, you'll get alot insight. I can't tell you how valuable this is. Ask some
people who know you. You know I think i'm pretty great. But how great do you think you
are? When someone tells you you're kinda bastard... It sticks with you.


2:20 [1] {2} - perceptual gaps (upto blindspot demonstrations)

7:03 [4] {2} - perceptual gaps (after the demonstrations)
Track 2/7 [2] {3} - self-deception

Perceptual Gaps
As humans, we have several "self deception systems built in to our minds, bodies,
and emotions

Where the nerve bundles connect to the back of each eye, we have "blind spots"
We're not aware of these spots because our minds compensate for them, and
because each eye covers the bllnd spot of the other

We also have *blind spots" when it comes to all other senses as well
[Demonstrate blind spot and unseen shape]
There are *holes* in our other senses, just like the "holes" in our visual field
In addition to blind spots, there are also events that are outside the RANGE of our
"perceptual equipment"

There are movements too fast or too subtle to see or feel, sounds that are too high or
low to hear, and scents that are too faint to smell

"I'm showing you this, because there is alot of things like this in your life. Gaps in your
own perceptions; Programming that you have, that only you know about. You're the only
one that can detect it. And when you do detect it, you need to sit down, just like I did and
draw the shape so you can say wow there it is. I recommend keeping a journal. When
these things come up, when you get a shadow issue, write it down, talk about it; think
about it... work on it. Go to work on it. Make it better, improve it. By spotting these

things and taking them out of that place where they''re not aware of them, you
then have power over them"
Just like there are gaps or holes in our perception, there are gaps or holes in our thinking, our
memory, our mental associations, and our abilities

The problem is that many people not only don't perceive these gaps or Iimitations, they swear
that they don't exist

We humans often have memories that aren't true, feel sensations in our bodies that came from
our imaginations, and assign meaning to things that are completely off-base

Self deception has a very Important purpose: It keeps us sane and functioning... In a very
complex world

There's just too much going on for your brain to deal wlth all of the information, so it uses
various tools to selectively distort and deceive you... in order to make thlngs effcient and effective

But olten we deceive ourselves in ways that are NOT useful ... in ways that actually wind up
holding us back and harming us

We make up stories to justify our inability to succeed, we assign responsibility for our lives to
others, and we become mental victims to imaginary oppressors

The process of self deception is very difficult to detect, because it is not only "transparent" and
happening all the time, but it also erases its own tracks

To become aware of your own negative self deception patterns, you must pay careful attention;
attend to it on an ongoing basis

2:40 - 3:17 Negative self-deception habits intro [7] {2}

Doing something and not being aware that you're doing it leads to the perception that it's not
happening, you're not doing it, and if you did do it, you didn't mean to do it so it's not your fault

If you're getting a "secondary payoff" from this particular habit pattern, then the chances that
you will both keep doing it and keep repressing it are strong

The place to start is these "major" areas of self deception that are habitual, recurring, and more

One might be making an excuse for not starting a conversation with a woman you'd like to talk

Another might be not cleaning up and preparing yourself to meet women before you leave the
house because you're probably not going to meet any women anyway

Another might be not improving an area of your Iife because it SHOULDNT matter to the type of
woman you want to meet anyway ... and you don't want a woman that cares about that thing
because it would mean she's shallow

3:17 [1] the adaptation movie example

5:18 [1] {2} - idealizing women (as self-deception)
One recurring theme with men is their pattern of idealizing women, projecting positive qualities onto
them that they repress in themselves, deceiving themselves about her flaws, then becoming
emotionally involved with a woman and using her to fill in holes in their own character

Of course, the women always wind up being more imperfect than the man could have Imagined, the
image that the man had turns out to be completely inaccurate, and he ultimately winds up hurting
himself badly (and often the woman as well)

Part of this recurring theme is the part of us as men that want to rescue women who are in trouble,
are damaged, or are broken

Unfortunately, trying to rescue a woman who you've idealized before hand is almost certainly a losing

You must first become brutally honest with yourself, then learn to see women more accurately, and
then choose your relationships carefully based on a more mature foundation of knowledge and

Track 2/8 - [4] {4} Avoidance and self-medication

We humans are incredibly good at avoiding even the THOUGHT of things that we don't want to

When we do have to face things that make us uncomfortable, we can go to great lengths to
"tune out" and "numb" ourselves so we don't feel their effects

One way we deal with issues we don't want to confront is called "Self Medicating"
We self medicate with:
- Food
- Sex
- Fantasy
- Sympathy from Others
- Gullt from Others
- Attention from Others
- Excuses
- Complaining
- Dissociation from responsibility (interesting concept)
- Avoidance

The reality is that it's usually easier to deal with the actual issue than it is to deal with the
negative psychological, emotional, and physical patterns that we use to avold it

Deal with the underlying issue, and be aware when you're medicating yourself
Track 2/9 - [3] {4} addiction
Addiction is the Shadow side of habit

Here are a few commonly known and uncommonly known addictions...

Addiction To Struggle
Addiction To Ideal
Addiction To Projection
Addiction To Story
Addiction To Self Image
Physical Addiction (to a substance, physical pleasure)
Emotional Addiction (to love, or the desire for love... missing someone)
Psychological Addiction (to a thought, ideal, image... CONTENT)

"Being addicted to your struggle gives you an excuse for why you never get anything
done... always doing things"
1:24 - [4] {4} [The] difference between imagined [feeling] and actual feeling
I'm fascinated by the concept of the difference between the way you THINK you should feel
when something happens and the WAY you feel about something when the event ACTUALLY

Have you ever made yourself sick by worrying about a future event, only to experience it and
wind up saying "That wasn't bad at all"?

Have you ever had something great happen in your life that you've waited years for it to happen
... only to be disappointed when it was real?

Have you ever watched someone make a mistake or lose, and you felt GOOD about it ... you
enjoyed watching them in pain?

Have you ever watched someone win a great prize, receive a great gift, or win a competition ...
but you hated it and them?

It's important not to get too attached to the idea of how something is going to feel when it
happens, because it doesn't usually feel the way you think it will feel

Knowing this allows you to act with more restraint, purpose, and wisdom
Ignoring this reality and not reminding yourself of it constantly will only lead you to continue
chaslng after imaginary good feelings that will probably never materialize... or worse, worrying
about bad things that will happen in a future that ruin that future before it arrives

Track 2/10 - [4] {4} think big ("realistic" and pragmatic thinking)
Men often use the labels "realistic" and "pragmatic" to describe a mode of thinking that I'H label
as "negative"

People who succeed in life to the greatest degree typically have "unrealistic" and "overly
optimistic" thinking patterns

People who are depressed and suicidal typically have the "most accurate" perceptions and
outlooks on reality

If you want to succeed with women, it's time to get away from trying to be overly "realistic" and

Think big and you'll be more likely to achieve

2:12 - Hubris [and humility] [1] {3}
There is a story In Greek mythology about a man who created wings for his san Icarus, then
watched his son die as a result.

Icarus's father constructed two pairs of wings - one for himself, and one for Icarus - from
leathers and wax thread. They needed the wings to escape from a prison where they were being

Overcome with the understandable confidence that must have come from being able to fly,
Icarus Ignored his father's specific and strict instructions, and he flew too close to the sun. The
sun melted the wax thread that held hs wings together, and he fell to his death. Ths
combination of overconfidence, bllndness caused by success, and unconsciously ignoring
important feedback and available information is called HUBRIS.

HUBRIS: Pride, presumptuousness, arrogance. The kind of overconfidence that leads to a fall;
A blind faith in oneself that leads to ignoring important feedback or available information, and
unknowingly walking right into and causing massive failure.

I've found that hubris is a leading cause of fallure for men in the datlng world. Many men believe
that they are too smart to seek the help of, and learn from a guy who's less intelligent than them
(but who's also more successful with women)...

...Many men believe that the concepts we're talking about here don't apply to them,
becauseeventually they'll meet the ideal woman and she'll see no need for this stuff... instead
choosing to spontaneously fall in love. Many men believe that they don't need to actually
PRACTICE and PREPARE before using the things they're learning because they think that
"understanding something" is the same as being able to "execute something" perfectly

Don't buy this line of thinking. Put aside your pride. Put aside your overconfidence.
Put aside your hubris. Every time you prepire to improve, approach your skills as a beginner.
Open your mind, and try to see new things. Become curious. Ask stupid questions

Learn to see the clues that hubris is staring within you. Teach the concept to others around you,
and ask close friends to let you know when you're getting out of control. Create a system for
yourself of centering, reevaluating, and resetting your inner systems when you suspect that you
might be becoming overconfident in an unhealthy way

The folly of hubris is typically difficult for a person to see in themselves. ... but easy for everyone
else around them to see clearly. Hubris leads not only to failure, but also to ridicule both
BEFORE, and AFTER failure. It leads to people wanting you to fall, and hating you for success.
Find that "sweet spot" between neutral and conkient that lea& to consistent improvement, and
then do whatever you have to in order to stay there

Track 3/1 [4] {5}

1:58 - [1] {2} - blind self-indulgent humility
The opposite of Hubris is what I call Blind Self-indulgent Humility
Blind Self-indulgent Humility: The habitual, neurotic wm ulsion to give others control, avoid all
confrontation, avoid upsetting others and take all negative communications and events personally

Blind Self-Indulgent Humility:

- Stems from a weak self-image or distorted belief system
- Allows the person to feel superior to others while damaging themselves

Symptoms that you might have too much of it:

You avoid all conflict, or approach sensitive situations by apologizing
You think that you're responsible for everything that goes wrong, and you accept responsibility
publicly before even considering things

You secretly feel better than others when you're humble, and you harbor negativity to people
who are confident and strong

Visual of the "sweet spot" between Hubris and Blind Self-Indulgent Humility
Track 3/2 [3] {3} - getting it in your head
Too many guys (myself Included) want to learn everythlng Instead of DOING to learn
When they have challenges gettlng started, they default to LEARN MORE before dolng - whlch
Is often a way of "creatively avolding"

They think "I have to work through everything in my mind before I can act"
Ways of learning:
Knowledge - books, seminars
Training - Mentor
Experience - doing, testing
In most situations you have enough knowledge to go and apply some of it in order to learn from
actual experience

If you only rely on the "Informational" way of learning, you'll limit your success by probably 95%
A good model: Plan-Do-Study-Act

"It's important to be aware of this, sometimes you have to cut yourself off from learning
more. You have to go... wait I gotta stop what I'm doing. Learning can be creative
avoidance. Don't use learning as a way of creatively avoiding"

"Plan what you're gonna do. Then do it. Go do it. Then study what you did. Then act on
what you learned. Then make a new plan. And its a circle. Plan do study act plan do study
act plan do...


Track 3/3 [2] {5} - [The] psychology of the wussy

The Wussy Is the ultimate archetype or personiflcation of the combination of traits that add up to a
man that women don't feel attraction for

The word is a combination of the words "wimp" and "pussy"

A Wussy has a combinatlon of low self esteem and a feeling of not deserving success
The irony of being a Wussy:
You can try your hardest, focus all of your energy, and do everything in your power to make a woman
like you ... but all of your effort actually works against you, and instead makes a woman feel repelled
by you

The Wussy tries his hardest to be sweet, nice, understanding, and accommodating ...

but in the end

all he has to show for it is another woman he loves who isn't talking to him

Here are some of the elements that combine to create a Wussy. Avoid them...

Seeking Approval Or Validation

"Approval Seeking" or "Seeklng Validatlon" basically comes down to the approval seeker trying to
accomplish the following:

Get others to like, approve of, and validate them, their actions and their behaviors
Do what others want or would want them to do
Please others and make others happy
Not have anyone become mad, upset, or disappointed with them
Not cause conflict, anger, or fear in others
Not experience any negative emotions themselves

2:30 [3] {2} - the victim

A victim is someone who feels that others are in control of their lives and destinies
A victim takes the positlon "Others are hurting me, and I can't do anything about it"
Victims tend to use their unfortunate situations to get pity and attention from others
Victims tend to not take personal responsibility for their own lives and situations
Victims often use unfortunate past events to attempt to make others feel bad for them
Victims often dramatize their stories in order to maximize the attention and pity that they get
Victims tend not to notice that their attitude does not bring healthy, successful people closer to
them... that, rather, it drives them and keeps them away

3:56 [2] {2} - the nice guy

The *Nice Guy" Is someone who believes that he should go out of his way to always be sweet,
nice, generous, and understanding ... no matter what the circurnstances

Nice guys don't draw boundaries, they don't stand up for themselves, and they don't say "no"
very often

Usually Nlce Guys harbor a secret belief: That they're better than everyone else because
they're so "nice"

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth ... when you're befng nice in order to get
somethlng back, you're being manipulative

Secondary Payoffs of Being a "Nice Guy":

Get to feel better than other guys
Get to do things you feel "owed" for
Get that selfish good feeling of doing "nice things"
Track 3/4 [2] {2} - types of wusses | the [yeah but] she's different wussy
I have watched one man after another screw up their chances with attractive women - and
screw up their long-term relationships with attractive women - because they just refused to
integrate the "Don't Be A Wussy" mindset

These were sharp, intelligent guys... in many cases they were men who were very good with
women ... but they always found ways to convince themselves that the particular woman they
were dealing with was DIFFERENT

I can't help but confront my guy friends when I see them potentially screwing up their chances
with a girl (or a girlfriend, or even a wife)... and they always give me that same shoulder shrug
with the "Yea, you're probably right" look

There's usually some comment about "this girl is really special' or "I think that this one is
different"... and It always ends up Ihe same way

When you let your Inner Wussbag out to roam freely, only bad things will happen
Don't say l didn't warn you about this one
1:39 [3] {2} - the "I want her to like me for me" wussy
Many guys I know (some that have been good friends for many years) will argue with me tooth
and nail about my concepts

The basic argument is that they don't like the idea that they need to "learn" my "techniques" in
order to meet a woman

They typically have an idealistic fantasy of meeting a woman who just falls for them and loves
them for who they are... without them having to actually DO anything

Most of these guys go months and months without dates. which isn't at all surprising
The common ending to this story is that they meet a girl that they think is all kinds of fun... and
she realizes after not too long that she's dealing with a Wussy who wants lo kiss her ass and be
Mr.Super Nice Guy... and she hits the road or makes his life hell

2:49 [2] {2} - there's this one special girl wussy

If there's one question I get so often that I wish I had a Tazer Stun Gun to use on guys who ask
it... it's the 'There's this one special girl, and I have GOT to have her ... how do I get her?"

What's funny is that I often get emails that start with "I've been using these techniques to meet
and date some amazing women ... right now I'm dating two models and a lifeguard ..." and then
they drop the bomb ... "But there's this ONE SPECIAL GIRL that I really want ... and I have to
have her"

The only thing that this obsession says about you is that you're secretly a WORLD-CLASS

If you really like a girl, fine ... but don't get obsessed with her - it's a Wussy move
3:52 [5] - evicting the inner wussy

Center Yourself
Stand up straight, balancing perfectly on your splne

Three deep breaths, slowly taking control of your body and life
Relax your shoulders, stomach, Jaw, and forehead as you exhale each tlme
Look up and to the center, open and notice the edges of your peripheral vislon
Inhale slowly, and notice both the feeling of air rushing into your nose, and your stomach expanding
and contracting at the same tlme
Pay attention to your vision, the air rushing into your nose, and your stomach moving at the same

... maintain that attentlon to quiet your mind

As you exhale, release emotional tension, anxiety, pressure, and ill feellngs toward yourself or others

In your imagination, open up your chest and your heart, allow that opening to envelop everything and
everyone around you

Track 3/5 [4] {3} - getting leverage

In any situation there is a place where you can use LEVERAGE to get magnified results
The keys to using leverage effectively are to always look for it, understand it, and have the balls
to use it when necessary

Tony Robbins has done a lot of work on this topic ... and I recommend that you read his books
To get started, try this:
- List 10 things that you REALLY don't like doing, then make a deal with a friend that you're going
to do one of those things If you don't accommplish a certain task by a certain time
- Think of somethlng you have wanted for a long time, then commit to buylng it or getting it for
yourself if you put in an hour a day at something for one hundred days in a row

Tell five people that are close to you that you're going to do something, and if you don't
accomplish it you're going to give each of them a hundred dollars in cash - so they make sure and
ask you

Hire a personal coach to keep you accountable. Send your coach a list of the things you want to
accomplish, then break each up into smaller tasks and have your coach ask you for personal

Have regular meetings with your coach, and have your coach ask you point-blank questions
about whether or not you're keeping your word

Spend some time thinking about what NATURALLY motivates you (both positively and
negatively) and then use those things as tools to get leverage on yourself

One more way to get MASSIVE leverage on yourself is to understand and use what is called
"Logical Levels"...

Track 3/6 [3] {2} - Logical levels

Gregory Bateson and later Robert Dilts and others have discussed the concept of "Logical
Levels" or "Logical Types"

The basic concept is that there are different levels of context and meaning in brain structure and
perceptual systems, and if you can put these levels into a useful and meaningful structure, you
can accomplish amazing things for yourself and others

Understanding ~knowledge/experience~
Each of the "higher" levels acts as a context around all levels below it
Changing something at a higher level automatically changes all the levels below it
Changing something at a lower level can change a higher level, but doesn't always
The importance of adressing all the levels... unless you do that, it causes you to feel
something's missing in your life
3:11 [4] {3} - example of working with logical levels

Examples Of Working With Logical Levels

Let's take three levels as an example... Identlty, Skills, and Situations
For our example, let's say that we have a man who Is forty years old, recently divorced, and has
been out of the "dating game' for twenty years

He has decided that It's time to get back into the game, meet some women, and get some dates
If he were to work on "Situations" he might spend time trying to figure out where he should GO
to meet women

If he were to work on "Skills" he might spend time every day starting conversations wlth women
so he could become comfortable introducing hirnself

If he were to work on "Identity " he might spend time hanging around guys who were natually
good at rneeting women and doung exercises to cultivate a strong self Image of a man who has
so many women around him that he doesn't have tlme for them all

If he could only choose one, which one would be the best place to focus his energy and why?

"ALL levels need attention" ~The model here is just a usefull map in knowing what to
adress, and how to prioritize them one to the other~
"Because Ithink that if you don't adress all the different levels in your life, you're going
to wind up having something missing"
****5:12 on reality****
Track 3/7...8...9...10...11 [5] - Johari Window
Track 3/12 [2] - Focusing on the level that will give you the most results
Most people are interested in getting instant results - we humans are wired to value results right
now - not later

This leads most people to focus on the very lowest levels most of the time
Most men focus on situatlons then techniques
It's very rare to find a guy who's even Interested In skills and understanding ... never mind
higher levels like Reality, Identity, Beliefs

If you only focus on situations and techniques, but you keep the self image and bellef
system of a guy who doesn't deserve or have success with women, what do you think is
going to happen?

If the higher levels affect all of the levels below them; then where do you think you should focus
most of your energy?

1:19 - [2] {3} focusing on the higher levels (reading the slide)
Reality - Describe your outlook on yourself and your reality. Do you see your reality as a place
where you are in control? In your reality do things go your way? How would you change the way
you view reality if you could?

Identity - Do you see yourself as a man who deserves success with women? Do you see
yourself as a guy that women naturally want to be around? If you could change how you see
yourself, how would you change it?

Beliefs - Do you believe that it's natural and easy to meet and attract women? Do you believe
that women want to be around you? Do you believe that you're the very best choice a woman can
make? If you could install some new beliefs in your mind that would increase your success with
women and dating, what would they be?

Values - Do you have a clear set of values in your life that you live by? Do you value your time
and yourself and accept no disrespect or wasting of your time? What do you need to make more
important in your life, and what do you need to make less important?

Understanding - Do you understand exactly how and why women become and stay attracted
to men? Do you know the step-by-step process of how a man and woman go from first eye
contact all the way to the bedroom? If there was one area that you should get a better education
and understanding of, what would it be?

2:37 - [5] {3} focusing on the higher levels (explanation)

Exercise: Comparing The Beliefs Of Success And

Your beliefs and self-image determine your success level with women
If you don't believe you can, your belief will be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Compare the beliefs of success and failure
Track 4/1 - [4] {4} self-programming
It has only been the last hundred or so years that evolutlon has become conscious of itself
I consider evolution to be possibly the greatest discovery of all time
If you have evolved to the point in your life where you embrace the idea of taklng control of your
own evolution, then you must become an expert in prograrnrnlng and reprogramming yourself
- Affirmations
- Self Talk
- Visualization
- Written and Rewritten Goals
- Reference Group
- Reading
- Audlo/Video Education
- Conscious Attention to Levels

"Something I do when something I want doesn't go well or a situation doesn't work out...
and it's important... is I stop. And I replay it in my mind and go ok let's fix that. Lemme
visualize it going right and the things i'm going to do the next time.


Track 4/2 - [4] {3} mastering your emotional life

Most people are controlled by their emotional responses and their emotional responses to
anticipated events and anticipated emotional responses

As you can imagine, when you begin allowing your life to be a constant game of anticipating
emotional responses, worrying about avoiding the situations that caused the response, and
dealing with the emotions that you feel in response to your anticipation, it can create quite a
tangled mess

Many men allow themselves to live lives of quiet desperation, constantly imagining horrible
situations to avoid, then playing mental games to avoid feeling the emotions they are triggering
inside themselves by imagining bad situations and emotions!

If you want to have lasting success with women and dating, it is vital that you master your

1:27 - [3] {3} various emotional types

Consider the following different types of emotions for this section:

Positive Ernotions
Negative Emotions
Emotions about past events - "Reflection Emotions"
Emotions about present events - "Response Emotions"
Emotions about future events - "Anticipatlon Emotions"
Emotions about yourself
Emotlons about others
Emotions about relatlonship between yourself and others
Emotions about relatlonshlps between others that don't involve you
Emotional anchors... same emotional response every time you think about It
Emotions responding to generalized concepts and judgments
Emotional prejudice... responding to an idea or thought, not the thlng
2:53 - [2] {3} do we choose how we feel?
5:30 - [2] a 1-10 scale of emotional control
Track 4/3 - [3] {2} cultivating the pause
Track 4/4 - [3] {5} emotional reframing

"Being annoyed is great. You know why? Because it shows you a shadow issue! This is
one of those moments when you go... wow I got an insight about myself! "
Track 4/6 - [2] {3} objectifying your demons
Track 4/7 - [2] {2} shifting locus of control
Track 4/8 - [1] {1} encouraging independence in others
Track 4/9 - [1] {1} weapons of influence

Track 5/1 - [3] {2} instant gratification | 0-1:30 reading slides....

2:24 - [3] {3} a new context for life
Track 5/2 - [2] {3} shifting time-frames
2:55 - [2] [3] desig time/run time
Track 5/3 - [5] {3} what we want

What We Want
We always want this:

Without having to do this:

Instant Gratification

Delay Gratification

The reality is that each column is essentially the same thing. Investment is work is preparation is
risk is planning is delaying gratification. Return is reward is performance is security is action is
instant gratification. Once you begin to see the world through from the "invest first" paradigm your results tend to increase dramatically over time

Think of the places in your life where you want the return without having to do the
Track 5/4 - [3] cognitive dissonance
Track 5/5 - [2] path or purpose
Track 5/6 - [8] {6} - 5/11... BIG questions

"So think about those for a minute. I hope you wrote some of them down. Pick out the
one right now, close your eyes; pick out the one in your mind right now that was the one
that really stood out for you, like "ah that's the one that I really need to, I need to go one
way or other on. I'm on the wrong direction; I need to go the right direction. Or you know
what I just never even thought about it. But I can tell that if I just do that one, it'll make a
big difference for me" "
Track 6/4 - [1] {1} - 5/11... Center of the universe misconception
2:10 [1] {3} - Women aren't the center of the universe either

"Attractive women do have the power, and they know it. But it's because we
unknowingly give it away to them. The reality of the situation is rather shocking, but
obvious when you take the time to think about it. A real man, one that has his life together
in every way is far more rare and desirable than an attractive woman. How many men
have you known that were total package, meaning that they had all aspects of their lifes
handled, from being in control of their emotions, to keeping themselves healthy, to
knowing how to dress and groom themselves, to being great communicators, leaders and
interesting conversationalist, and how many physically attractive women have you

known? Most people have known only a handfull of real men who had their lifes totally
together, but they've met hundreds or thousands of attractive women. Ask 10 attractive
women about this and they'll tell you that beatifull women are everywhere, but a real man
is very rare, desirable and in high demand. It's often uncomfortable and daunting to even
consider changing a key belief and perspective like this and entertain the idea that you
could have been wrong all your life. But once you stop looking and treating attractive
women as if they were rare and valuable and more important yourself, and you instead
realize that they key is in yourself; it has all kinds of magical effects. It starts to break
habit-patterns of thought and behaviour that put women in control of you. It helps you
realize that attractive women are desperately seeking and competing for something, and
you can be that something. It causes you to take responsibility for your thoughts,
emotions and results (that you're getting in the world) and it causes you to open your
mind to the idea that there is a way for you to cultivate the skill and ability to make
women feel attraction for you.


Track 6/5 -- 2:41 - [4] bad beliefs

Track 6/6 - [1] {3} real man
Track 6/7 - [2] attractive women vs. real men

"Well imagine what it must be like for one of those attractive women who only meet a
guy who really has his life together... every couple of years. Imagine what that must be


Track 6/8 - [1] {1} time travel

2:44 - [1] {1} does this picture require interpretation?

"Women don't require much time to interpret logically whether or not you're a real man
who has your act together, and whether to feel attraction. Does that make sense? Do you
get that? This is the male version. What we're talking about here (in this program) is other
side of the coin"
4:57 - [2] {4}

"That's the first kinda game, that's the universal game broken down to the simplest; to its
fundamental, stripped bare"
"These are the 2 stories, the timeless stories, summed up. Now... most... are the first
one... 99% of all the stories you're gonna hear [...] is number. What i'm gonna suggest is
that, that doesn't feel very powerfull when you're a man and you've been doing that.
You're pursing, you're striving, you're trying to get something you lack. That
communicates that you don't have what you need, you're not the center of the universe"

"[story] number 2: that's what we're trying to do her" "Now i'm not suggesting that: she
pursue you -> you run away... I'm not saying this is the best way. I'm just saying that if
you can understand this second one, if you can get a feel for it, you can start to
experience it in your real life, you know what it feels like, you get the feeling of it... It'll
change everything for you!


Track 6/9 - [1] {3} status & weakness

"The topic that I feel is the center, the quitissential, the crux of this whole thing. If there
were one thing that you could just get at a deep level, its gonna be this section right
**1:56 - pleasing yourself, no need for women (glover)**
4:31 - [1] {2} the secret of creating and maintaining attraction: status
Track 6/10 - [1] {3} status & weakness
*3:55 [4] quote from the improv book on the status realization*
Track 6/10 - [4] impact of status

"What I would like to suggest is that everything that you do, everything you say, every
little gesture, every movement... all of it... conveys status... And that there's a subtle
motive behind even the most innocous or innocent gesture, thought, concept... all of it!


"Everything will change. The way you see interactions will completely change. You
start realizing that when you communicate with people and you start writing letter back
and forth, you can hear when someone is trying to give you the 'i'm higher status than
you' view. You can feel it, and you can tell what they want"

"If your status... If the gap gets too far... two people can't really relate to each other. "
1:34 - [1] {2} status and attraction
Track 6/11 - [1] - quote from some book
Track 7/1 [1] {2} -Status, leadership, dominance
1:00 7/1 [1] {2} - Are you unconciously high status or low status
1:32 - Where does status come from?

Coz security is the foundation of a high-status attitude. And yesterday, in the last
sections, that's what we were doing, we were uprooting alot of those insecurities...
we working on them. Coz when you uproot those, and you eliminate the insecurities,
you build-up your self-image, self-esteem, your value to yourself as a man, the
quality of life... you naturally start to become higher status in your mind
7/2 [2] {2} - Are you unconciously high status or low status

"It's actually a great

strategy when you're learning this stuff and improving yourself as a

man; is to find a bunch guys who are real high-status guys and hang around with them.
It's much better to be the lower-status guy hanging out with the really high status guy,
than it is to be a high-status than it is to be high-status guy hanging around a bunch of
guys who are low-status"
3:16 [1] {2} -

"Most of these are unconcious"

"This is a list of the things that the losers on the show TheApprentice do"
4:25 [1] {1} - Communicating high-status
7/3 [4] {2} - Two approaches to status
1:26 [3] {2} - moving toward high status and away from low status

"Identifying with high status... when you y'know walk in a social situation you're like
[...] in interactions with women; you just do the high-status thing, coz you identify with
it. It's just a part of what you're doing. It's just a part of what you're doing, its part of who
you are.[]...and she does something, and you feel that twinge [...] I don't wanna piss her
off, in your mind you 'that's the low-status thing to do, you gotta be kidding, that's not
They know that when they're hanging out with people and the high-status people [are]
over here, they know they are not one of them. They notice they feel uncomfortable, and
the high-status people are hanging out and being cool and talking 'oh that's ... it'd get
kinda weird and' coz they identify with low status
I went to my first school dances [...] and didn't really have that many friends, and I wasn't
one of the cool kids... and I remember being at the dance, standing up against the wall,
just watching, hoping that something would happen for me. And I can remember the
distinct feeling of all the kids dancing [...] and I just was not part of that group. It was
really clear that there was a huge barrier that I could not figure out how to overcome.

Back then it was... it semeed like it was very traumatic. [...] when I think back now I ,
what I realize is that I identified myself with low status. Unconciously that's who I was.
And I disidentified myself with high-status. I could not even imagine myself in those
7/4 [2] {2} - status ranges

"Now everything i'm gonna share with you is a generality. When I say "always" "never"
that's not what I mean... It means it's a principle. There are sometimes when I screw up in
life, i do something stupid, and as soon as I do, or make someone's life hard because of
my screw up... y'know what I just say "I am sorry, I screwed up, I'll do whatever it takes
to fix it""

"Like I said if you get too far above somebody [...] there's too much of a discrepancy.
That can be a problem too, they just can't identify with the person. Your status is so much
higher than a woman... let's say you're dealing with a woman who doesn't have very high
self-esteem; your status is too much higher; you're going to blow her out, you're gonna
[...] freak her out a little too much. Wanna maintain that healthy comfortable distance...
the zone, the flow...


1:30 [1] {1} - the reccuring theme

6:08 [1] {1} - the ultimate mistake
7/5 [1] {2} - stay on your course
1:20 [1] {3} - a principle to guide all your actions and communications

"There's a way to say anything and still not communicate lower status. You can still say
anything you want. There's a way to do it without communicating lower status. "~It's
not the opener, it's how you deliver it ~
1:20 [1] {3} - a principle to guide all your actions and communications
2:04 [2] {3} - The prime directive

"If there's one thing you drill into your mind from this whole program, from everything
you've ever heard or learned from me; this is it, the prime directive. Never communicate
lower status, never communicate lower status"
Go back to everything you've ever done wrong; everything [...] ever screwed something
up; there it is... violated the prime directive
7/6 [1] {3} - masculine and feminine polarity
0:55 [2] {5} - David Deida and Ken Wilbur on the masculine and feminine energy

"We talked about being on your path or purpose. When you're on your path, you're on
your purpose... it manifest itself to a woman as strong masculine presence, masculine
energy. That's a masculine energy thing. And since the polarities kinda arch and attract
each other; when you communicate that strong masculine presence, it will create the
reciprocal energy from the woman, the attraction will be created"
If women distract you, get you off track, take you off-base, freak you out; then that's
about you, that's about your life. That's a mirror for you, that's a lesson; it's something for
you to learn. Your relationship to life is your relationship to feminine energy
4:10 - [4] Yin Yang sign
7/7 [1] {3} - feminine assestment
7/8 [1] - masculine context
7/9 [1] {2} - myers-briggs type indicator

"It's been one of the most usefull things that i've ever learned in my life PERIOD bar
none! It's something that I use everyday. I use it alot in bussiness, I use it in interpersonal
relationships, I use it in family, and yes I even use it when interacting with women"

~This also happens to automatically come out of "living an interesting life" if you
build one, you're a "walking DHV", and a lot of the proper subcommunication arises
automatically. Louis & Copeland cover it best in their mastery product under the "be
building a life you love" section ~

"I've come to believe, thru studying this for years, using it to interact with people, for
years, and myself... and reading alot of books about evolutionary biology, psychology
and alot of the tests that they've done about people, that most of this is genetic. I think
that most of this 'personality-type' stuff is... you're born with. I really belive that. And I
don't think that it changes much over time"
1:32 [4] {2} - the four pairs

"There's some books you should read, and the one I recommend the most is 'the art
of speed-reading people' by Tieger"
7/10 [2] {2} - the temperaments

" [introverts] Sometimes they don't look very happy. Introverted people are used to
growing up with people saying to them "what's wrong?" all the time. Coz they're just
sitting there in their head thinking about things. They're way in their head"
8/1 [2] - using personality types
8/2 [2] {2} - metaprograms
Some of my favorite metapograms

~Figuring out people

- Michael G. Hall; Bob Bodenhaimer~

Most people (i've found) move away from what they don't want. They don't move toward
what they want. It's a strategy that's not likely to get you what you want in your life.
When you're constanly moving away from - what does that suggest? External locus of
control; toward, when you're moving toward what you want, that suggests an internal
locus of control

"If you understand what someone is, if you understand your own, you will have alot
more success communicating and interacting with other people"
2:32 [2] {2} - two unconcious approaches

"We're gonna talk a little bit about female psychology now... we're gonna shift gears.
You'll notice that we started with the bigger contexts and now we're kinda narrowing it
down. We're aiming toward eventually arriving at practical step-by-step techniques, and
in the middle of these things, we're gonna talk about female psychology"

"Woman's gotta figure out if you get it. [...] if you've got that masculine energy thing
handled [...] women want sex too. "
3:40 [1] {1} - the female psyche
8/3 [1] {1} - sexual currency
8/4 [1] {1} - counteracting sexual currency

"The quickest way to achieve this, is to communicate that you have more value and a
higher status, than the woman you're communicating with"

~This also happens to automatically come out of "living an interesting life" if you
build one, you're a "walking DHV", and a lot of the proper subcommunication arises
automatically. ~
1:09 - [2] {2} the difference between what she wants and what she wants when she's with
3:43 - [] {} the secret formula to devauling yourself instantly

8/5 [1] {2} - The timeless common themes of male frustrations

" Review these often [...]Ok... learn to recognize these things as they start to happen, so
you go ''uh! I'm doing it again. This is one of those ones we all do as guys"
2:40 [1] {1} - Why she stays and why she goes
The reason i'm dividing them up [is] because I want you to realize that... women will
spend time with you, because they want to be around you. They like the experience that
they're getting. They feel good! And [if] they don't wanna be around you [its] because
they don't like the experience they're getting, they don't feel good, they don't enjoy it, its
not helping them. It doesn't have anything to do with how you feel about them
5:02 - [2] {4} The theory of scarce and abundant choices
Stop for a minute right now. Close your eyes. Think about what you're feeling like, your
decision-making process. How it is for you when you have one option, or you're trying to
get an option. Think about how you feel when you're making a choice based on that. Now
think about making a choice based on the idea that you have infite options, too many...
you don't have time for all of them. How do you make that choice? Just get how it feels
inside. Feel it in your gut.
8/6 [1] {2} - choice
1:28 [1] {1} - Friendship, the ultimate "friend"
2:27 [1] {1} - the difference between friends and just friends
8/7 [1] {4} - attractive female friends

"I'm about to reveal to you an elusive-obvious strategy that most men have never
considered, or if they have considered, they have never put into action. It could possibly
be the highest leverage thing you can do. The most effective strategy in the world
possibly, for meeting a conssistent, steady supply of attractive women with very little
risk, very little rejection, very high chance of success"

"I know guys [...] who date alot of attractive women, and guess what? They never go out
on the street, approach women, they never go get women's phone numbers, they don't
deal with this issue of 'is she or isn't she single'. It's not part of their model at all. And yet
they're consistently with one after another amazingly hot beatifull women. Guess what?
They have attractive interesting female friends who they are just friends with. Attractive,
social women, they hang out with other attractive, social women. Alot of times they're the
hub in the network. And what most guys do when they meet an attractive woman, what
they're thinking is 'how do I get her? How do I get her?' And they're missing all this stuff
she's talking about going out, having fun with her friend and parties that she throws and
this and that and the other thing, they're missing it entirely"
8/8 [3] {4} - make friends with atleast 3 attractive women
If you don't already have this going on, you need to do this immediatelly! This is the
number one strategy when you [...] finish listening to this program. This is it, do it
2:37 [7] {2} - the structure of friendship
You ever notice that some people who make friends with anyone and they make friends
with all these people that you go 'wow, how did they ever made friends with that person?'
Well they just walked into a relationshiop thinking 'i'm just gonna make friends with this
person'. And they deal at a different level; they talk to people in a different way.
Start thinking about friendship; Do a little analysis on it. Consider it. Think about the
structure. Make some female friends. See what it's like.
8/9 [1] {1} - encouraging independance revisited
1:20 [1] {3} - things that create that inner-bond
8/10 [3] - playfull antagonism
8/11 [8] {3} - make friends with guys who are masterzs
2:30 [2] {3} - the common denominators of disaster

"You gotta understand these things, you gotta automate, you gotta get them to the point
where they are unconcious competent" ~Concious Evolution~
8/12 [2] {2} - attraction and honest signals
3:36 [4] {2} - honest signals list

"Posture's unconcious... Especially when you see a woman you're interested in; last thing
you're thinking about is your posture" ~step 1 of fidentia's method~
Centerdness is also mentioned later on as a "honest signal"
8/13 [1] {2} - telltale giveaways
0:48 [1] {1} - instant ewws
8/14...9/2 [2] {2} - inaffective approaches

" Outside we had an interesting conversation about David X and somebody was saying
'well you know he kind of goes against what you said. He feels ok about complimenting
women' it was an interesting discussion. I don't have a problem complimenting women.
But i'll tell ya... I don't give them a compliment so I can get approval from them. A
woman can tell when you're trying to give her approval in order to get it back. Or
whether you're [...] giving a compliment coz you just feel like saying it. Don't try to get
approval by giving it"
1:33 [1] {1} - is she or isn't she [single]
It doesn't interest me at my current level of development, maybe sometime in the future :)
9/3 [1] - comedy mailbag
9/4 [1] - social skills / attraction continuum
Aiigh... we gonna talk about becoming more interesting in this section, which I believe is
very important.
Quit trying to change women and learn magic techniques; Make yourself attractive first.

" Remember I said anything... too much of anything becomes its opposite. There is this
optimal kinda place to live in. And it's kinda right maybe a little past smooth. Not quite to
slick and definetely not to cheesy. Just think about that for a second [the continuum].
Where are you right now? Where should you be, where would you like to be? "
1:07 [1] {1} - sexual ornamentation
1:11 [7] {3} - the five foundations of success
9/5 [1] {2} - communication and meta-communication

"So communication (surface level) and then there's meta-communication (more complex
levels of communication. I want you to become aware of it. "
Master the simple levels before moving to the complex levels [1] {2}
1:22 [1] {3} - the story of content
2:04 [1] {3} - four levels of communication
3:08 [1] {4} - comments on content
9/6 0:25 [1] {1} - being distracted with content

"Only after you become unconciously competent can you go back to 'ok now I can just
kinda get back to the conversation and enjoy it!' Now that you know what's going on a
deeper level"

"You'll find that if you go out with some of the guys that [are] really good at
approaching women; they have certain themes, certain things they use everytime to start a
conversation. I have several of them myself. But it's not the content, ok... it's the idea
around it. They can take out the thing they said and plug in it, rather like it, and get the
same result. They can make things up on the spot. You make something up right on the
spot, new... brand new. No one's ever heard before... but because it's based on something
you know, you know it's gonna work. Most guys are trying to think of something original
and creative to say for every woman... 'can't say something canned... i need something
creative... blah blah' and then she's gone... Or when they walk up and they say it, she's
nervous... coz they don't understand what's going on the deeper level [...] They're
distracted by the content. They're distracted by their own... the content they are trying to
make up.


2:50 [1] {1} Become a master of content. "You need to master it, don't let it master

"If you are not a master of content. If you're distracted by it. Then you're gonna be
focusing on the content. 'oh that's interesting... oh really you're interested in that. Me too'
you don't know what's going on. When you master content, you understand how to use it,
how it works, how its distracting, then you can be the one who uses it for distracting
instead of having it used on you. And i'm not saying use it to distract or manipulate. I'm
saying use it to distract, because we're all distracted by it at all times. Atleast you can be
entertained by it.


9/7 [1] {1} - reverse rapport [usefull only for the flirting stage]

9/8 [1] {1} - is she saying it for you or for herself?

9/9 ... 10/1 [0] {0} - Tari interview...
**9/11 - mindsets & relationship building [5] **
10/2...11/6 [9] - AMBER!!!!!
11/7... 11/10 [9] - justification on Amber; mastery & practices; on mastery; on
purpose finding;
11/11 [3] - discussion, congruence...
What congruence comes from... aligning your identity, values, path, self-image...
11/12 [2] - and eye contact...
Actually about questions of the type content...
Can I bust her balls when I first meet her? Should I wait till later? How long should I wait
to kiss her? If you're asking any of these what I'l call 'content' questions. I would say that
you probably need to work on the deeper levels first. Spend more time on the deeper
levels. Spend more time working towards amstery and those things will take care of
themselves eventually.
** [7] ** 0:53... The mastery pyramid - visual on above** [7] **
[The mastery pyramid] Now this would be a good generalised way of thinking about...
how much time, effort, energy you shoud be putting into each one.
11/13 [3] - hit it and quit it
12/1 [10] - proper use of techniques
12/2 [10] - experience
12/3 [9] - on purpose and its fluctuations

"Remember I showed y'know the hero's path [...] that these things happen kinda
predictably? In life there's a universal drama that plays itself out in different levels, in
different scales. I don't know the answer, but all I know is that... it's really interesting to
me how the tough things happen when everything seems to be going well. And I think
that the idea of being attached to the ideal of 'i'm gonna get my life to the point where
everything's gonna be handled and than nothing will be able to touch me, nothing will be

able to hurt me; I think that that's a type of... self-hypnosis, idealization and hubris that
will create a huge Achilles's heel. That something's gonna come up and WACK! And then
you're really gonna be taken out. And I think that if you, if you structure your life a little
more realistically... and you realize that y'know life is going to happen. If you know a lot
of people, some of them are gonna get sick, some of them are gonna die. You can't time
that stuff. You can't know when its gonna happen.


12/4...12/5 [10!!!] - The gap and ideals

"Dan [Sullivan] shares a concept [...] he call it the gap. What he says is that... humans...
we have ideal-making minds. We create ideals, that's what we do all the time, we're
thinking of doing something, our mind creates an ideal about what that's gonna be like,
how it's gonna feel [...] the problem with an ideal is that it can never be real. You can
never actually have an ideal come true; that it's not reality. The metaphor that he uses is
the horizon. The horizon is not a thing, it's an ideal. You can never arrive at the horizon.
If you look at it, and you see the horizon line, i'm gonna go over there. You get there and
you go 'it's still there'. Now ideals are usefull for some things. They allow us to imagine
something that we would like to achieve. Make steps toward it. Organize things so that
you can achieve them. The problem comes in when you become too attached to the ideal,
when the ideal becomes too important. And especially when you kinda fall victim to the
thing he calls the gap [...]"

"Dan did a program with them called 'pure genius' and I highly recommend it"
12/6 [7] {4} - Add five things

"If you sat down and you spent two hours, uninterrupted, focused, in front of your
computer with your keyboard [...] and you just said... what are some of the things I can
do to be an incredible wingman for somebody? At the end of the two hours you would be
sitting there going 'whoever these guys are that I make friends with; they are the luckiest
guys that like have run around on the face of the earth. And you can add so much value to
their lifes" ~ THIS is an AMAZING concept for getting ANYTHING anything from "how do I
become a great friend to female friends" or "how do I become a social hub everyone looks to for social

12/7 [8] {4} - Incorporate the following

If you just start thinking about structuring your life a bit differently, what you find is
that... in a day you will meet... every day you will meet 2 or 3 interesting women
12/8...12/9 [2] {2} - Get at least one professional...

"I think would be get atleast once in your life, just so you know what's going on with it,
if you haven't had them. I personally think its good idea to get most of these regularily"
12/10 [1] {2} - Getting laid

"I talked about the evolution that guys go thru, and most guys eventually get to a point
when they do start learning how to be succesfull with women. Just like anything else.
When you get quantity handled, quality starts becoming a more important issue. And you
start reazling the quality isn't available to everyone. Things that are desirable, of highquality are in high-demand and they're typically alot more rare than the readily available
version. So y'know getting laid is fine. But think about improving yourself to the point
when a really a fantastic woman shows up in your life, you'll know what to do to be able
to keep her around.


12/11 [1] {5} - Attraction-centric model

"This is going to be a little bit of a summary. It's kinda just a new view that i've been
taking to really clearly separate the two paradigms. I call it the attraction-centric model"
12/12 [1] {5} - Attraction-centric model
13/01 [1] {1} - Juxtaposition
13/02 [1] {1} - The 'all women are one big organism' fallacy

"I already tried that on a girl, and she didn't like it, therefore all girls must not like it,
therefore it's a stupid idea and it wouldn't work"
"Remember human minds generalize, they generalize things very quickly. Something
happens, triggers a chain of events, you go 'oh that's how it that works'. Happens 3 or 4
times, it might as well become a law of the universe for most people.


"If you're learning stuff from people [...] they know what they're doing [...] its probably
worth trying things more times than you normally would. And maybe if they don't work
now, try them again in six months. And if they don't work in six months, try them in a
year. If it doesn't happen in a year, maybe a year and a half or two years"

"There's something that I do that has brought a tremendous amount of value in my life
[...] and that is: when something doesn't make sense to me, when it doesn't add up. It just
didn't fit together, I try to make a little mental note... and I think about it, I go 'Ok why
did that happen? What's going on there? I need to plug that one in and look for the
answer' [...] and sometimes it literally takes years for me to figure something out."

3:14 [1] {2} emotional vs. logical thinking

Communicate with women on an emotiona level... because: they are women! ~Cameron
Teoni's attributes: emotional projection~... "Whereas if you communicate with their
emotions and their bodies; now you'll be communicating with them on a level that the
ywill understand. They will be able to receive those signals"
13/03... 13/04 [1] {1} - Risk, probability and expectancy
Get that book on risk rather... :)
13/05 [1] {1} - Always be mentally prepared to meet women
It's a very important mindset to have. Because if you're not always ready, 99% of
the time you're not gonna be ready
2:07 [3] {1} - Overcoming self-conciousness of going out alone

~ a VERYgood explanation of "nobody cares"~

" What I love in Hollywood: nobody wants to go to a club before 11, coz its not cool.
But if you get there at 11, there are a hundred people outside that have to wait 2 hours to
get in. If you go at 9:30, nobody's there, and all the women start walking in alone, y'know
with their friends, they look good. They're totally open to meeting anyone coz they
haven't had a bunch of drunk guys drooling on them. Anyway go out early, go out at 9:30,
nine maybe"

"[on the going out alone excercise] I have done this a couple of times, personally... just
to get over this issue myself""
"OK we're gonna start talking about... in the next sections... we're going start talking
about techniques and communications. "
13/06 [1] {1} - Sexual Communication
2:26 [1] {1} - 4 steps of sexual communication

"This is kinda the universal process that happens. This is the meta-process, this is the
big-picture that is always going on behind the scenes. You might not be able to see some
of these things happening sometimes, because they are happening on a subtle level.

They're happening sometimes with just eye-contact. Or a conversation will be happening

with y'know 7 or 8 people and 2 of them will connecting, and these things will be
happening subtly. And they'll bee playing off their conversation with body-language. "
Mystery, Marie, Rick H
17/04 [10] {4} - The little biology thing
I love that word, the little biology thing. What does it do when you think about it?
What happens to your... that anxiety and that automatic response, when you go 'oh
its my little biology thing doing its thing'. What happens? Changes the way you
think about it, objectifies it automatically. So it's a little anchor, its a little mental
construct to put around it. The little biology thing... ok? So don't let your little
biology things take you off. Little biology thing...
17/05 [4] {3} - Don't change your approach because of one failure
17/06 [1] {1} - Reverse emperor's new clothes
_________________the missing slide_______________
I guarantee you that if you put ten men in a room, that if there is a woman in there you
consider to be a 10, there will be somebody in there that doesn't consider her to be more
than a 6 or a 7.
Here's the point: If you're acting like a woman is a 10, then you're probably going to
think, say, and do alot of stupid unproductive things. If you let it affect you internally,
you're probably gonna make her nervous and uncomfortable. Practice what I call the
reverse emperor's new clothes. This is the process not seeing the beatifull exterrior that is
right in front of you. When you can not see the new clothes you'll act more normal and
you'll make her feel far more comfortable

~ Or in that David Deida, AuthenticManProject-like paradigm where you are looking

at the feminine beauty of a goddess INSIDE, and not the make-up masked creature on the
outside the exterrior. ~
2:22 [6] {2} - You can't get there from here
17/07 [2] {2} - The first few minutes

"In 99% of the first ten minutes, it's not about you; it's about her... her stuff. Remember
she's projecting at the same time, she's got her shadow"

"One of the things that really amazed me several years ago, when I started going on alot
first dates with women for like cofee, tea, that kinda thing. The more kinda confident I
became, and the more I started to understand what was happening and started to see these
dynamics... as I was putting it all together in my mind. [...] when I could see the matrix...
I would sit down for a cup of cofee with a woman and I would see a lot of times they
were like shaking. You notice a little hint. Or they're a little nervous. [...] and as soon as I
realized that I went 'omg she's nervous! It's a completely different game here. This is not
what I thought it was at all!' y'know coz unconciously i would always imagine it as 'she is
totally confident, she knows she owns me... she's just sitting there going -when is gonna
screw up so I can walk off---' When you get your game together, when you understand
what's happening, women become nervous often. "
17/08 [8] {8} - Principles for approaching women (key beliefs)
2:50... 17/09 [0] {0} - Starting conversations with women (opinion openers)
17/10 [7] - Analyses of movies
19/1... 19/6 [9] - Eric, Hypnotica, Rasputin
19/6 - Perssistance
20/10...20/12 [10] {8} - Final thoughts

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