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Day at the Diocesan (Continued)

Observation March 30th - 12:30pm - 3:30pm (Entry 11)

The last part of today was a tour of the building and its different
parts, and each of their functions. Each floor has different purposes,
and each hallway on each floor has its own reason for being there. For
example the second floor is based on education. It handles all the
Catholic schools in the diocese, and an other relevant information to
them, such as financial, rules and regulations, hiring staff, etc. Father
Winslow presides on the third floor, where he does all the jobs I
described in earlier journals.
One other thing that he does do is an electronic bible study
video. Along with an entire film and editing crew, and some specialists
on the matter, they record and discuss each and every chapter of the
bible, and give detailed history and reason behind each story and its
importance. Normally they crank out about one book of the bible a
year because to record and go into detail about all aspects of the book,
it takes some time. It is recorded near Carowinds in a studio about
once a week, and he has been doing it since about 2003.
All in all I had a great time at the diocese and learned more than
I expected I would. I had no idea what the purpose of the building even
was until then and I am glad I had the opportunity to accompany him
during his day.

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