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Wind Power

Sam, Savannah, Colton, & Alex

How it provides us energy:

A wind turbine for example, will convert the
kinetic energy of moving air into useable

How it is used:
Powers schools, businesses, homes, etc.


Wind turbine
Wind power plant
Wind energy- based sail technology, like
cars and personal vehicles

Environmental impacts:

Turbine noise
Death of birds and bats
Geographically limited to windy areas
Visually displeasing to some
Strong batteries required for off-grid systems

Widely accepted or nah?

It is accepted, and is seen in many places in
the United States.

Environmental and societal costs:

The fans are more prevelent in society, where
as fossil fuel production are more behind the

Good enough for common use?

Yes, but there are other economic factors
preventing the widespread use of wind power.

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