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Treaty of Versailles Webquest
Directions: Using the websites provided, answer each of the following questions. You do not have to use
complete sentences, when applicable.
1. How many countries were represented at the Paris negotiations in January 1919?
2. What was President Woodrow Wilsons peace plan called?
Fourteen Points
3. Who were the Big Four?
Lloyd George, Orlando, Clemenceau, and Wilson

What were some of the losses suffered by Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
Lost colonies and large merchant vessels

5. What clause in particular left the Germans feeling like they were stabbed in the back? by the
They believed in rumors that the push for victory of their valiant troops on the Western
Front had been sabotaged by traitors and pacifists at home who had spread disaffection and
6. What percentage of German territory was taken away? What happened to all of Germanys colonies?
Germany lost about 13.5% of their territory.
7. Why did the Allies include the War Guilt Clause? What were the political consequences of this
They warned Germany to have full responsibility for all the damages.

8. How much in reparations was Germany forced to pay?

They had to pay 6,000 million dollars for all the damages.
9. Why did the French invade the Ruhr in 1923? What were the political consequences of this in
Economic collapse and social disorder. Many historians argue that invasion of the Ruhr.
10. What future German leader and former soldier (he did fight in World War I) was particularly upset by
the Treaty of Versailles?
Adolf Hitler, Germany surrender.
11. Who did he blame for Germanys defeat?
The Germans weakness
12. In what ways did Hitler break the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

When he took Germany out of League of Nations.

Processing: Answer the essential question using ACES.

Summary of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was harshly punished for the war. Adolf Hitler and the
NAZI party would use this to their advantage in their rise.
Is it fair to sat the Treaty of Versailles caused World War II? Why or why not?
It is fair to say that the Treaty of Versailles caused World War II because Germany was harshly punished
for the war. It says Germany out of the League of Nations. So it is fair to say that it caused war.

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