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UNIT 5 QUACK Vocabulary: Sentence Activities

NAME______________________________________________________________ BLOCK____
I. Reading Context Clues: A. Read each sentence slowly and aloud. Use the context clues in each
sentence to help you determine the meaning of each italicized word. B. Underline the 3 context clues in
each sentence that help you determine the vocabulary word meanings. C. Write your own sentence
underneath each sentence below.
1. The whistleblower stuck with his assertion that the money intended for charity was in fact going back
to the bosss bank account.

2. While laughing scornfully at Ariel, Urusla shot her a contemptuous look of jealousy just before stealing
her beautiful voice.

3. After realizing that hed accidentally hurt his Moms feeling by canceling their plans to go the movies,
Austin felt contrite.

4. Beef jerky is created by dessicating the moisture out of what was once a big, juicy steak.

5. Instead of only allowing one kind of project to be completed, Ms. Smith gave a diverse list of possible
projects for students to complete.

6. Treating ebola is still an enigma, as scientists are still trying to determine which vaccine blend works
best at fighting the disease.

7. After school, my brother practices on his drum set from three in the afternoon to eight in the evening;
the incessant noise coming from his room drives the whole family crazy.

8. In the Maze Runner, the protagonists struggle to escape an enormous labyrinth to save themselves
and their friends from destruction.

9. Dills loquacious chatter about his incredible reading abilities annoyed Jem because Dill seemed to be
touting a skill Scout had mastered long ago.

10. Once I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I was not lucid because I kept on asking when I had to go back
to school, even though I had the operation over the summer.

11. Those Publix commercials with happy families all coming together to celebrate significant holidays
leave me maudlin and teary-eyed, no matter how many times I see them.

II. Writing Context Clues: A. Write a synonym for the below word. B. Write an original sentence for
each vocabulary word. Use context clues so that someone unfamiliar with the vocabulary word can figure
it out from your sentence.
12. Farcical: Synonym___________________________
13. Mellifluous: Synonym___________________________
14. prevaricated: (Use the past tense) : Synonym___________________________
15. primordial: Synonym___________________________
16. provincial: Synonym___________________________
17. repudiated: (Use the past tense) : Synonym___________________________
18. superficial: Synonym___________________________
19. vibrant: Synonym___________________________
20. virulent: Synonym___________________________
21. Name 5 things that are desiccated.

22. Name a movie character that is farcical and explain why. Use the internet if needed,
24. Do you think its easy to live with an incessant talker? Explain.
25. What have you done in the last year that you feel contrite about?

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