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1. What are the most important events in the section you read?
The most important events in the section I read were probably
- when Telemachus finds out that his father might still be alive (pg. 9)
- when Odysseus sails out from Calypsos island (pg. 57)
- when Odysseus recalls his cyclops adventure with King Alcinoos (pg. 95)
2. What is the main conflict in the section? Is it internal or external?
The main conflict is that Odysseus is trying to find a way home. It is mainly

external because people can see his problem, but he sails alone by himself.
3. Who is most affected by the conflict?
Odysseus is obviously most affected by this conflict because he is the person
who is trying to figure out how to get home. Next would probably be hsi wife,
4. Is there a resolution of the conflict in this section? Explain.
There is no resolution yet, because it is only the first half of the book.

5. Based on the plot so far, what predicitons can be made about characters and events in
the story?
I predict that Odysseus will find his way home, but he is a cheater because he
cheats on his wife mulitiple times which is gross and pathetic.

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