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Oscar Menjivar

Professor Azeem
English 114 B
5 May 2015
Since English 114A, I have noticed great improvement in my writing and my reading.
My reading usually always depends on whether or not I find interest in the book; however, I do
still always annotate readings so I have something to refer to in discussions and readings. This
also helped me to rely and use more sources. Between the two, my writing is something that has
improved significantly greater. This semester, I was extremely fond of every prompt making the
writing easy since I was very engaged for all the assignments. Most of the assignments left a lot
of freedom to the writer, which gave me a lot of room for creativity. This can be seen in my
titles, which is a small detail, but I believe have attracted readers. This semester creativity in my
writing is what helped me improve in English.
In my essay the, What Personal Space? the prompt is very broad question of How
do you think technology has changed peoples concept of personal space? leaves the

reader with a great amount of room to work with. I approached this essay with a lot of sources
that I believed touched on sharing information through technology and supported my thesis of,
Personal Space is gradually becoming a thing of the past and almost nonexistent, as it is
becoming easier for websites to share information or gather information on people. I argued that
personal space was a thing of the past, and supported it with a wide array of sources spanning
form social media to the NSA.

A paper that shows more of my creativity and analytic improvement was, The Coffee
Trap in which I had to thoroughly analyze a space and give an explanation for why we think the
space is how it is. I choose Starbucks and came up with this title which attracted everyone that I
asked to read. It also gave everyone a good expectation for what was to follow.

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