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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC Art for Children

Unit Title & Big Idea: (Define the BIG IDEA?) What is the big idea that is being investigated in this lesson? How will
you connect the big ideas about art and artists work with the art making part of this lesson?

Grade Level/Class Periods

Required: 4th grade/6 class

The big idea investigated in this lesson is the idea of context and content. How those ideas are interchangeable with one
another and still have two different meanings. Students will be given the chance to change the content and context through
the use of appropriation. Students draw upon their prior knowledge and learn more about George Washington, Abraham
Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt. They will then choose one President and change up events in their lives. These events can
be seen as funny, silly, sad, or serious but they must be respectful. An example of this can be shown through the book
Battle Bunny.
Unit Overview/Summary: Why is this important to teach? What do you hope to accomplish?
Students will learn about the difference between content and context and how these ideas are
interchangeable. The student will change the context or content of a story about a President
through appropriation and transformation. Students will use the example of the book Battle
Bunny to get some ideas. Through changing the background and aspects the story the value of
the piece might also change. Students need to learn that little ideas can change the content and
context of the story. Students can change the background, foreground, and middle ground of the
story. Students learn about different artists that have use appropriation in their work. Some artists
change only little aspects and others change a lot. Our understanding of work is highly dependent
on its cultural context. I hope that my students will understand that art is an extremely important
aspect in their lives. So much art has been created throughout the years.

Childrens), posters, articles,
websites) and PREPARATION
REQUIRED- what materials,
tools, and resources do you need
for this class? What do you need
to practice and prepare for this
lesson? What did you learn from
creating your teaching exemplar?
-Battle Bunny by Jon Scieszka
and Mac Barnett
-Take the Road George
Washington by Judith St. George
-Abe Lincolns Hat by Martha
-Young Teddy Roosevelt by
Cheryl Harness
-Copies of the books that the

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

students choose
- Colored Pencils
-Lincoln Memorial Sculpture
-L.H.O.O.Q Mona Lisa
-Bicycle Wheel
-Show by Harpers Bazaar
-Marat David and Recreation
-Hiding in the City
Key Concepts (3-4)
What will students learn and KNOW about art and art making from this
List as facts about art and artists and works of art. What will they learn
from an art, art history, and art criticism discussion? What will they learn from
the art production part of the lesson? What key concepts from other core
subjects will they uncover?
Students will learn that the content and context of artwork can change
by just making little changes through the appropriation of the Mona Lisa.
Students will learn that there are different perspectives to artwork depending
on the way you look, where you are from, and when you were born. Student
will learn that little events in life can change an entire persons life through
creating their own version of the Presidents life. Student will take an artwork
through various artists and the artwork they have done. The students will focus
on artwork of Macel Duchamp, Liv Bolin, Jacques-Louis David, and a show
by Harper Bazaar.

Essential Questions (3-4) What questions guide the investigation in this

What will students discover and investigate both about art and art
making? What will you ask that will guide the purposeful exploration of
materials and ideas that will produce meaningful content to the creative
What is the difference between content and context and can that be changed
through artwork?
Why do you think artwork has changed through the different centuries?
What are variables that could effect the way a person understands a work of
What is your interpretation of this painting?

Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at

What learners will DO? List beginning with the student will
*(NOTE: Evidence of the objectives and concepts attained make up your assessment criteria below)

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Students will draw upon prior knowledge and learn more about the history of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt
Students will learn the difference between content and context
Student will learn how to change the content and context of a story/artwork
Students will create their own appropriation of a story about a President
Students will present their appropriations of a Presidents life to the class and an aspect of that Presidents life

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


National Core Art Standards

-Demonstrate respect for other personal opinions and ideas
-Revise and practice education goal-setting and selfassessment skills
-Identify and practice the skills used to compromise in a
variety of situations
-Standard #3
-Standard #5
-Standard #7
-Standard #11

Content Areas Integrated:

1. Visual Art
2. Social Studies

Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards)



-3a. Knowledge of continuity and change of Missouri and the

United States (SS3 1.10, 1.6)
-7. Knowledge of the use of tools of science inquiry (SS7,
1.10, 2.1, SS7, 1.8, 2.1)
-1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in
communicating ideas through network
-3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in
artwork created for various purposes

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that

connect the art form with the other identified subject area(s):
Content meaning, message, and or feeling impacted by an
Context set of circumstances that surround a particular
event, situation, etc.; when it was made, where, how, and
what purpose

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Background ones origin, education, experience; the ground

parts, in a scene, situated in the rear
Value a persons principles or standards of behavior, ones
judgment of what is important in life
Foreground part of the view that is nearest to the observer
Middle ground middle distance of painting or photograph
Appropriation use of pre-existing objects with little or no
transformation applied to them
Transformation a complete and major change

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order with TIME and MATERIALS

needed for each
1. Student will discuss their prior knowledge of the Presidents
2. The teacher will read Battle Bunny to the students and have
a discussion about the different aspects
3. Students will share examples if they have even seen
anything like Battle Bunny before
4. The class will have a discussion of content vs. context
5. Students will look and analyze different paintings and
6. The teacher will introduce the three different books about
7. The teacher will show there example of how he or she
changed a book
8. Each student will pick which book they would like to change

Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each)

1. Students will write down five to ten facts that they can
remember learning from the year before and the last
class about Presidents. After each student is done with
their list the class with have a discussion.
2. The teacher will read Battle Bunny to the class. The
teacher will ask students questions throughout.
3. After the teacher is done reading the book the
students will discuss the book more in-depth. The
students will also state examples that they have seen
that are related to Battle Bunny.
4. Students will state everything they know about content
and context. The students and teacher will come up
with their definitions to write on a poster.
5. The teacher will show the students Lincoln Memorial
Sculpture, L.H.O.O.Q Mona Lisa, Bicycle Wheel,
Fountain, and Show by Harpers Bazaar. The students
will be asked: Whats going on in this picture? What do
you see that makes you say that? What more can you
find? How do these paintings and objects relate to
content and context? The teacher will also give a brief
description of the artists.
6. The teacher will read the three books about the

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

9. Each student will take in-class time and out of class time to
change the book
10. After the students are done with the project the teacher
will assign them an aspect of a Presidents life to do an indepth study on
11. The students will discuss their appropriation of the story
and what they learned about the President.

Presidents. The students will have a discussion of what

7. The teacher will show the exemplar that she made.
She will tell the students why she chose to do what she
8. Each student will choose what book they want to
change. They will be given a copy of 5 to 7 pages of
the book. The students will choose which pages they
want to appropriate.
9. The teacher will give students in class time to work on
their project. If they do not finish it in class then they
will need to take time out of class to work on it. During
class students will be able to reflect and revise their
ideas with help from the teacher and their peers.
10.Each student will be assigned a time in the President
life to research. They will do an in-depth study and
make a PowerPoint.
11.Each student will present his or her appropriation to
the class. They will discuss what they did and why they
did it. Students will also report what they learned
about the Presidents.

What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon?

Students will draw upon their prior knowledge of any discussion they have had about content and context. Student will give as
many examples as they can. Student will also draw upon prior knowledge of the history of the President. Students will give
facts about the different Presidents.
What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
Describe, specifically, how you will allow the students to engage with the media, the concepts, and other objectives in a
playful manner before they are excepted to produce the final work. This section should accentuate how the PROCESS
informs the product

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

The students will come up with fun and silly ways to appropriate a book about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Teddy
Roosevelt. They appropriation must be respectful and follow all the guidelines given. Students will research other artists to get
examples of what they can do. Student will be shown the teachers example to understand exactly what they need to do.

How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?

Deeply describe how this lesson allows for students to solve problems, aesthetically as well as scholastically? What about this
lesson allows for divergent outcomes?
Students will analyze different paintings. They must answer questions such as Whats going on in this picture? What do you
see that makes you say that? What more can we find? Student also must think about the difference between content and
context. They will look at different paintings and discuss about their content and context.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?

What art talk questions can you engage your students in that will help them in reflecting not only on the product, but also
the product? What reflective practices can you think of that will help them in transitioning from start to stop?
Students will routinely get feedback from their teacher on the work that they are doing. Each student will team up with
another peer to bounce off ideas.
Questions to ask: What is going on in your picture? What more can you do? What kind of story are you trying to tell? Who is
your audience? Are you changing the content or the context?

How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
What opportunities will you allow your students to display, describe, or evidence their learning?

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

(Describe what student success looks like and what evidence you have that learning has taken place). You should include formative and summative
assessments. (See Beattie and Stewart/Walker texts)
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
What happens when revision is needed? How will you handle that in this situation?
Students will check in with your teacher through different stages in the art process. If the students need to revise they will
make their revision and then discuss those revisions with their teacher. Each student will have a chance to work with a peer to
bounce off ideas and make improves to their artwork.
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?

Presenting the work in a meaningful way. How will this be accomplished?

Students will present their version of Battle Bunny to the class. They will make a PowerPoint showing the different changes
they made and why they made them. Student will also present their in-depth study of the President. Halfway through the
process of their work the students will present their findings to the class to make sure that they are on track. This will also
show how the students work as grown.

How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?
How will you differentiate for your diverse classroom population? How will you keep students engaged? What will you do to challenge students who are
highly talented? What have you planned for those who finish early?
If a student is having trouble reading their book about the President they can listen to it through a recording. In order to keep
the students engaged you must give them tasks that they enjoy. That is why I am allowing them to pick which President they
want to study. Students can work in peers to help research their President on the internet. If a student finishes early then they
can ask for another President to do a in-depth study. Students can also create more pages in their book.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.
-The students are engaged
-The students tell me how much they love the assignment
-Each student tries his or her best
-I get good feedback from my students

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Everything you see is fileterd through a long history of fears, prejudices, desires, emotions, customs, and beliefs.
Thorough art, we can begin to understand those filters and learn to look more closely at the visual world. pg 16

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

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