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dig in news

Gardening supplier
Burgan & Ball has
added two new tools
to its range - both ideal for tidying
vegetable beds and flower borders.
The Culti Rake (27.95) is a hybrid
rake and cultivator with the outer
tines in double strength steel
allows for a spot of quick weeding
as you rake. For more substantial
weeding try the new '!\feed Slice
(24.95), which lets you cut
th.rough weeds on both the
push and pull ofthe
tool along the
soil's surface.
8262, burgon


Plant more bulbs

There are more wonderful bulbs to plant 1n spring. Browse speciahst de Jagers

catalogue of summer-flowering butbs for a range ot favourites. such 'IS dahlias

and CC'lnna Illies. plus more unusual choices includ ing the bog orchid. Haber'UJria
radi.ata. and x HippetJstrel1a - a C(OSS between Hippeaslrum and Sptekelw - with

intensely red tlowers. Catalogue available via 01622 840229. dej


Yesterday, today and tomorrow

In 2015 the Buchanan family cerebrates 250 years of continuous
r&s1d&nce at Hodsock Pnory 1n Nottingham shire. The historic countr y
estate 1s known for its displays o f snowdrops. which can tie see" in
the garden's annual four week opening from 31 Janua1y to I Yarch.
ThrS year \viii see some four m 1H1on snowdrops 1n bloom . plant sales.
a campf ire in the glade and daily free his to(y talk s. plus the p lanting
o f a sestercentennial snowdrop lawn for future generation s to enjoy.
Tick ets can be pre booked online. Tel 01909 591204. k


A good, clean job

Th is gardener's '1p(On from designer and pattern

maker Palrick Thomson is made ot sturdy waxed

cotton '"'th slrong. herringbone cotton. wrap-around
straps. It features t wo large front pockets. C'I reinforced
pocket for your secateurs, as well as pockets for phone.

hvine and pencils. The apron is 70cm long and costs

200 from The Nevi Craf tsmen. London WI K GOG.

Tel 020 7148 3190.


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