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Seven Segment Display Lab

Hunter Schmidt, Michael Heng and Justice Davis

Goal: The goal of this lab was to wire and program a seven segment display
with an Arduino microcontroller in order to count to 15 in hexadecimal.
Procedure: We began with a basic setup to wire the Arduino to a USB male
connection to get data and power. Then we wired the seven segment display
to digital output ports. Initially we had to determine which port went to each
segment. Then, we created a switch case to set the proper segments to fire
for each number. Because the display is common cathode, we had to turn off
segments by setting the output to HIGH and turn on segments by sending a
LOW value. By creating a for loop that incremented by one, and putting the
switch case function in the loop, we could increment the display easily.
Problems Encountered: We had to determine the ports that went to each
segment. We also had trouble manually programming the led output for
every switch case.


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