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Palmeiro continues to strongly deny ever having used steroids intentionally, tel

ling The Baltimore Sun in June 2006, "Yes sir, that's what happened. It's not a
story; it's the reality of what happened", and "I said what I said before Congre
ss because I meant every word of it."[23] Palmeiro passed a polygraph test in wh
ich he was not asked if he ever used steroids, but in which he did state that he
unknowingly ingested them via a B12 injection.[21][24] A 2005 New York Times ar
ticle expressed one writer's belief that Palmeiro's story could perhaps be the t
In December 2007, Palmeiro was included in the Mitchell Report in which it was a
lleged that he used performance-enhancing drugs during his career. The report di
d not provide any new evidence and only recapped allegations made by Jos Canseco,
Palmeiro's appearance before Congress, and his subsequent failed drug test. The
report also details a conversation Larry Bigbie alleges he had with Palmeiro wh
ere he claims "Palmeiro asked him about his source of steroids and human growth
hormone (the source was Kirk Radomski) and how the substances made him feel." Bi
gbie also stated that "Palmeiro denied in those conversations that he had ever u
sed performance enhancing substances himself."[26]
On December 20, 2007, Palmeiro was also named in Jason Grimsley's unsealed affid
avit as a user of amphetamines prior to their being banned by MLB.

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