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To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Christopher Jensen and I am employed with Merced County Department of Mental Health
as the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Specialist. Part of my role as the Prevention Specialist is to
plan and implement youth development programs throughout the County of Merced. One of our biggest
projects is our annual Youth 2 Youth conference at which we train high school students to be leaders
for over 200 middle school students that participate in the conference. The high school students are
selected by their school to represent their school as a peer leader for the conference. For the past 3 years
Whitney Amber Derr has been selected by Merced High School as one of their leaders for Youth 2
Youth and what an outstanding leader she has been.

Part of my job as the Youth 2 Youth Coordinator is to select ten A-Team (Awesome Team) members
from a pool of 100 leaders that the high schools send to the conference. Whitney has been so great that
she has been a member of the A-Team for two of the three years she has been a leader. Being a member
of A-Team is a huge responsibility and requires a high level of leadership qualities such as selflessness,
cooperation, group facilitation of peers, and constant enthusiasm. Whitney has been selected as
A-Team due to her outstanding character. She is completely committed to not only her role but the
group and the process. She understands what it means to be a part of a team and that success or failure
usually depends on more than one persons ability to take care of just their own responsibilities. She is
timely, respectful, and humble. She doesnt just say the right thing, she does the right thing.

You know when Whitney is present because her personality can change the whole environment. Her
laughter is contagious, her smile is welcoming, and her actions are motivating. She is a compassionate
young woman that has a heart of gold and the leadership qualities that would benefit any organization
she is involved with.

It has been a great pleasure to have Whitney as part of our Youth 2 Youth conference leadership for the
past three years and it is a great honor to be asked to write this letter of recommendation for her

Should you need more information regarding Whitney please contact me at 209- 381- 6880 or by email

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Christopher N. Jensen
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Specialist/
Youth 2 Youth Coordinator
Merced County Department of Mental Health

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