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Robert Hickson

15 March 2015
Saint Longinus, the Centurion (fl. circa 33 A.D.)
Saint Clemens Maria Hofbauer (d. 1820)

The Suffocation of a Managed Political-Ecclesiastical Glossary

It was almost three months after the raids of 11 September 2001 against the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon and yet the language of public discourse was still swollen and fevered.
On many fronts one could not easily block out the strident and intrusive sounds and shifting
images of alarm, mounting fear, and an obscurely expanding war for, we were incessantly told
America is Under Attack! Amidst such sensory intensity and fragmentation one who was more
recollected was simultaneously perceiving (with discouraging but disciplined attentiveness) the
destructive inflations and distortions of the public language. And that was largely the case also
within the strategic U.S. Special Operations Command even at the Joint Special Operations
University at Hurlbert Field, Florida where I was still then on the Faculty (until January of 2003).
Even after the 7 October 2001 reprisal strikes and the initial commando operations into
Afghanistan, it was difficult to sustain a calm and reflective discussion about those stunning
events, so as to discuss the deeper causes, and not just the perceived conditions, of what had just
happened. In those febrile days, now almost fifteen years ago, we were continually hearing of
the Global War on Terrorism, which was monosyllabically abbreviated as the GWOT. Even
when I initially asked such simple fundamental questions as: but how does one have a war
against a method [e.g., terrorism, psychological warfare, computer-network attack, or
political warfare POLWAR]?; and how will you know that you have won, or even that
you are actually losing?; and what are our specific War Aims and Peace Aims now, and who is
the Enemy? most of my military colleagues often enough (and with few exceptions) looked

at me askance. When I then asked, What, therefore, is now our Theater of War and what is the
likely high strategy of the Enemy against us at this point and overall to include their aim to
get us dispersed and centrifugally over-extended and drained and how do we know? my
colleagues (and even some of the very senior Generals) said: We'll just have to wait to see what
[Sec Def] Rumsfeld wants us to do.
With this short introductory background, it may be much clearer why, near the end of
2001, I decided to write a Strategic-Cultural Essay on the manipulation and abuse of language, to
include the matter (and interrelationship) of strategic (and tactical) deception and self-deception
also in ecclesiastical and theological language. Moreover, I had to write this open and
unclassified essay in veiled discourse (in places) because I had hoped to give it to a wider
audience domestically and abroad, to include some organizations in Switzerland and to some of
the Swiss military and strategic elites whom I knew who were then under strong and intimidating
pressures from the European Union. The European Union was trying to pressure Switzerland to
join that purported Union (as well as the United Nations) and thus to change its financial
currency, and even to permit a strategic network of water-pipelines to originate in, and further
traverse, Switzerland down to Spain and Portugal, as well as through Italy to Greece.
Since I have recently more fully written on Albert Jay Nock himself and especially on his
vivid understanding of the uses and abuses of Language and its deliberately deceptive as well as
carelessly negligent Manipulations to include the use of Impostor-Terms I thought it to
be of some likely worth now still to consider how Nock's illuminating insights were actually
applied in late 2001, and again slightly later, before the strategic and moral disaster of our
invasion of Iraq began more openly on 17 March 2003 almost exactly twelve years ago, and

also now after so much consequent disorder, and then yet even more injustice, has unmistakably
The reproduced essay below stands exactly as it was first freshly written and circulated in
early December of 2001:

3 December 2001
Dr. Robert Hickson
Professor of National Security and Strategic-Cultural Studies
Joint Special Operations University
U. S. Special Operations Command


Further Strategic Reflections on the Manipulation of Language

Contemporary Europeans, as well as his fellow Americans, have much to learn from the
earlier wisdom and eloquence of Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), who was a profoundly educated
man, well-formed in the Greco-Roman Classics and keenly attentive to the destructive inflations
and distortions of the public language. He resisted all subversions and perversions of discourse,
especially what he called our managed political glossary. 1 The charming and discerning Nock,
with a subtle irony of deliberate exaggeration, says, for example, the following:
It is notorious that a managed glossary is of the essence of politics,
like a managed currency [i.e., financial currency], and it is highly
probable that the debasement of language necessary to successful
political practice promotes far more varied and corrupting
immoralities than any other infection proceeding from that prolific

source [of corruption and infection!]. Thus terms like conservative,

progressive, radical, and reactionary, as they stand in the
managed glossary of politics, are made to mean whatever the
disreputable exigencies of the moment require them to mean.2

Furthermore, says the anti-Sophist Nock, in his unvarying detestation of humbug:

In instances where this progress [i.e., this linguistic movement from
one meaning to another deceptively vague and equivocal meaning]
has been deliberately managed, the case is different [especially in
view of the moral quality discernible in the terms passage from one
meaning to another]. The term then becomes what Jeremy Bentham
calls an IMPOSTOR-TERM, because it has thus purposefully been
converted into an instrument of deception, usually in the service of
some base and knavish design.3

To what extent is there a base and knavish design behind the current manipulations and
allurements, by politicians and journalists, to draw Switzerland into the European Union, and
now even into the United Nations, thereby compromising the independent, self-reliant Swiss
tradition of armed neutrality? Do the managing oligarchies of the European Union desire, for
example, to control certain pipelines going out of Switzerland, a managed network of water
pipelines carrying fresh water from the Alps and Alpine rivers down to areas with water
shortages? Does the European Unions new Nomenklatura or the Nomenklatura of the United
Nations, ultimately desire to compromise Switzerlands essential neutrality by getting it involved
in multi-national missions abroad which are both politicized and militarized, and thus presuppose









Therefore, should not the Swiss citizenry increasingly suspect that such a base and
knavish design and deceit will resort to equivocal obfuscating euphemisms, and a managed
political glossary that propagates insidious impostor-terms? And should not the citizens of
Switzerland not only suspect, but strive to detect, such manipulative strategic deception before it
is too late, and maybe even irreversible? New impostor-terms will be designed and insinuated
into the managed political glossary and its public language of propaganda and deceitful
perception management. Sophistry always strives to make the best seem the worst, and the
worst seem the best. It constitutes a counterfeit operation.
That is to say, the deliberately manipulated language becomes an intentional deception,
and functions like a counterfeit currency. It is true, for sure, that neither Nock nor I would
defend the overall utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, nor its seductive and pervasively
destructive consequences, which were applied in order to advance the 19 th-Century British
Empire. However, Benthams own perspicacious concept of impostor-terms is, in itself, very
sound and important, and is decisively counter-sophistic!

Nock himself, moreover, is an

indefatigably vigorous representative of the candid tradition of anti-sophistry, and is, therefore,
still important to us today. His acute intelligence and honest spirit are very much needed among
us, as a good leaven, also so that we may do the clearing work and clear our minds of cant.
Although Nock was writing primarily for an American audience in an essay originally
published in the October 1936 issue of Atlantic Monthly his insights are profound and
altogether timeless, as well as timely, especially in our own current overheated and bellicose
strategic context of a war against terrorism. Emergency measures are further militarizing
and altering our already pervasive and intrusive political culture into something even more

authoritarian, and more attentive to security than to liberty. For example, Nock says, and with
considerable contemporary relevance, I think, that
When we hear talk of men or policies as conservative, radical,
progressive, [democratic], or what not, the term really tells us
nothing, for ten to one it is used either ignorantly or with the intent to
deceive; and hence one can best clear and stabilize ones mind by
letting it go unheeded. It is notoriously characteristic of a childs
mentality to fix undue attention on the names of things [as in the
solvent and fragmenting philosophy of Nominalism!], and in firmly
declining to be caught and held by [mere] names one brings oneself
somewhat nearer the stature of maturity. By this [resistance and
discipline], moreover, one puts oneself in the way of doing something
to mature and moralize our civilization.4

(Some thirty-five years later Alexander Solzhenitsyn urged us to come out from under the
rubble and to refuse the lie, calling us to refuse to live within the lie. He asked us to resist
falsehood utterly and always, and not to allow ourselves to be suffocated by the lie, but to take
one step at a time out from under the rubble, away from the mephitic asphyxiation of
Even if our own increasingly de-sacralized (and frigid) civilization in the West is not
or not yet at the point of collapse, we may still sometimes feel, as did the blunt Nock himself
in the year 1936, that if it were so, it were no great loss. But, certainly, we may more fullheartedly agree that,
However much or little we may think our [present] civilization worth
saving, and however we may interpret its prospects of impending
dissolution, we may hardly hope that it can keep going indefinitely,
unless it breaks its bondage to its present [bogus] political ideas and
ideals [and thus, also, breaks through the deceptive managed
political glossary of impostor-terms!]. We must observe, too, that
it is held in this ignoble bondage largely, perhaps chiefly, by the
power of words; that is to say, by the managed glossary of politics.5

Our servility to the sophistry soon becomes a suffocation. Our vitality withers and dies
not just our demography, which is also waning and preparing the way for alien migrations
into the vacuum. Fed on so much untruth, which means the deprivation of reality, the mind itself
Then, further illuminating our understanding, Nock goes on to quote Edmund Burke, the
great British author of Reflections on the Revolution in France (who was so profoundly
discerning, even in the early 1790s, concerning the intrinsic principles of disorder at the heart of
the 18th-Century French Revolution); and thereby Nock acutely resumes his own anti-sophistic
argument and carries it to its conclusion. Both Burke and Nock impart true and unflinching
insights, in a fine combination, which should also be helpful for us today. Leading us into
Burkes deeply considered and cumulative opinion about politics and politicians, Nock writes, as
The main [and shabby!] business of a politician, as Edmund Burke
said, is still further to contract the narrowness of mens ideas, to
confirm inveterate prejudices, to inflame vulgar passions, and to abet
all sorts of popular absurdities; and a managed political glossary is
the most powerful implement that he applies to this BASE

Today we also know about the various new electronic instrumentalities of multi-media
manipulation, which further enhance the political capabilities for perception management and
the infliction of turpitude and deception. But, Nock would also have us consider the following
and further sobering fact, which becomes even more trenchant today in our own expanding

international context of economic recession, and especially within the United States itself and
our increasingly apparent bubble economy. Writing in 1936, and referring back to the terrible
1920s in Europe, especially Germany, Nock writes:
We hear a good deal about inflation at the moment [mid-1930s], and
inflation is indeed a formidable thing [as it had been during the 1920s
in Germany]. Our [American] people have no idea what it means,
and I, for one, distinctly do not care to be around when they find out
what it means, for I have seen it in action elsewhere, and have seen
enough. But dreadful as it is [i.e., this financial inflation], a far worse
form of inflation, the most destructive that politicians and journalists
can devise, is INFLATION OF THE PUBLIC MIND by pumping it
full of claptrap [an idiomatic colloquial American word, like
BUNCOMBE, which means, in essence, swollen diction and

These words constitute a very important, still pertinent, combination of insights, I believe.
Moreover, we may fittingly ask, since Nock was writing sixty-five years ago, what
indeed are the fuller implications of Nocks pre-World-War II analysis for us today, in our new
context of strife and the growing global war on terrorism, as we now so often hear it called?
For, we, too, now desire and hope to give true discernment and deep encouragement to our own
troubled citizenry; and we want to help restore and revive our manifestly demoralized and
increasingly disordered civilization in the West. Nock himself, like Solzhenitsyn, can still
bolster us for this challenge and mission. By way of concluding his essay, and also aiding us,
Nock writes the following:

The words [i.e., the intentional impostor-terms, and carelessly

vague superficialities, or ignorant equivocations] we have been
discussing [in this essay] are standard terms in the politicians

managed glossary [e.g., liberal, conservative, progressive, radical,

reactionary]. By [our] recognizing them as such, and resolutely
disregarding them, we should disarm the [squalid] politician and
journalist of much, perhaps most, of their power for evil, and thus
give our civilization one service of which it especially stands in need.8

(To what extent, we may ask, would Albert Jay Nock courageously comment on the politicians
managed glossary today, which has expanded to include variously unspecified accusations of
hate speech and racism, to include the promiscuously applied, and very intimidating,
allegation of anti-Semitism both in its stealthy or latent, as well as in its patent,
Now, after the recent shocking events of 11 September 2001 the covert commando
attack and strategic irregular warfare operation against the American Pentagon and World Trade
Center Twin Towers and thus Wall Street we are hearing many new, and often very selfrighteous discussions about American Patriotism or the New Nationalism. What, for example, is
the current meaning of Patriot or Patriotism? Especially in light of the new Patriot Act,
enacted by the U.S. Congress, how should we, honestly and reasonably, consider and resist
the pervasive disorder of swollen diction and multi-media perception management, which
are intensely and feverishly propagated in support of our now unmistakably protracted, if not
unending, global war on terrorism? But, what, specifically, are our war aims and peace aims?
What are the specific objectives and the measured, ordered means to these explicit ends? And,
do we not inordinately arouse in our citizens, and feverishly foment, intrinsically unfulfillable

In my view, this propagated illusion would seem to be the case, and its

dangerously permeating presence seems very clear, at least to anyone who is himself a nonUtopian man and an anti-Sophist, as well. This equivocal, political misuse of language, and
vague but febrile approach to American long-range strategy, is also likely to be self-sabotaging,
as well as certainly unsustainable, for my impatient country.
In the current context of our anger and of our proposed retribution, and of our renewed
patriotism and nationalism, it will not be an easy task for anyone to combat the seductive
sophistic subversion of language, especially in order to forestall its altogether foreseeable longrange public and private consequences, to include: the self-sabotaging falsification of actuality
and of the deeper truth of things, a deepening distortion which also will be intimately and
pervasively destructive of ourselves, and not just of our self-respect and honor and integrity. In
any event, our efforts to combat sophistry are very likely to provoke anger and bitterness, and
even the accusation from our sincere (but often deluded) fellow-citizens that we are being unpatriotic and disloyal, and even seditious. It will take much moral and intellectual and
physical courage to resist these intimidations and recriminations and hostile counter-actions
against us, as though we were subversive Fifth Columnists.
Furthermore, the modern, increasingly centralized, secular State rules its subjects, more
and more, by means of fear and intimidation and its suffocating petty regulations. However,
there may still be many reflective and honest citizens who do not, in good conscience, or do not
yet, consider it to be true that the modern, over-centralized, consolidated State is indeed rooted in
conquest and confiscation, and is likewise becoming more and more a kind of legalized
terrorism, or an intimidating regime of fear, in the recent words of Joe Sobran. Nor, perhaps,
do these reflective honest citizens even yet think that the States unjust usurpations are, in fact,

increasing, as well as becoming more and more deeply suffocating of the spiritual life of man
and sapping of his individual moral responsibility.

But, the evidence of our generalized

demoralization is increasing, even (or especially) among the prominent intelligentsia, as is to be

seen in their increasingly discouraged stupefaction and stultification, hence often their growing
passivity and paralysis, and servility to the latest intellectual fashion. Is this not so, not only in
America, but even in Europe? And now what?!
Moreover, there is a deeper truth and implication in the admittedly very dangerous thesis
that organized crime is protected crime. Such crime as in the very profitable drug-trade
is, for sure, often protected by political and financial elites, at home and abroad, who are, it
seems, increasingly unaccountable and deftly elusive in their money-laundering and taxevasion operations and such protected, evasive operations are certainly to be found not just
over there, far away in foreign areas, with their historically corrupted alien oligarchies and
traditions of statecraft and strategic intelligence and despotic civilizations! But, who in America,
for example, will courageously face our domestic and offshore criminal manipulations,
candidly and completely? Why is it so difficult, for example, for us to trace the financial
operations of certain terrorist and paramilitary networks, not just the financial networks of AlQaeda? Have not some of the Saudis, and others, too, including North and South Americans,
abundantly profited from the drug trade of Afghanistans Golden Crescent, really, no kidding?!
And to what extent were these profits from the arms-for-drugs trade also connected with the
dark history of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) and its multiple moneylaundering operations, not only within and through Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also even, as it


appears, through a place in Switzerland? How many billion dollars are still unaccounted for? Is
not forty-eight billion still the reliable estimate?
Follow the money! constitutes a wise imperative and good counsel, which is often very
illuminating of reality, even when, as is often the case, it turns out to uncover only a very sordid
part of reality, revealing the altogether flagitious, dishonest conduct of human nature, even at its
However, follow the language! may be an even wiser counsel for us, and even more
revelatory of human purposes and poignant deception and self-deceptions, showing our darker
propensities to deceive and manipulate others, and especially ourselves, in order to serve our
own pride, sensuality, and selfishness. As we all-too-well know, language is often employed to
conceal, as well as to reveal, reality. The abuse of language also conduces, unmistakably, to the
abuse of power, and likewise always leads, in the end, to the intimate breaking of trust a
dishonorable and perfidious act which also constitutes an innermost violation of the yearning and
vulnerable human heart. For, what human heart does not cherish and need the sustenance of
deep trust, intimate trust and trustworthiness?
Like Albert Jay Nock himself, who was also farsightedly writing about impostor-terms
and mendacious diplomacy, even back in early June 1919 and already clearly foreseeing the
deeply destructive outcome of the manipulative and vengeful Carthaginian Peace of the Treaty
of Versailles (28 June 1919), we, too, today, like him back in 1919 and afterwards, have seen an
inconceivably impudent recrudescence and brazen stiffening of financial imperialism.9 Is this
not so? And, is it not rather dangerous to examine this overworld and their managed cadres?
Indeed, to what extent have there been historical (and ongoing) connections between

revolutionary socialism and criminal capitalism, especially between democratic centralism and
financial imperialism?
Nock himself, while thoroughly despising the manipulations of publicly unaccountable
financial oligarchies, saw even then (1919) that the people are tired of the sterile intercourse
betwixt [the very deceitful] Governments at Versailles 10 and they are especially repelled by the
deceptive discourse of a publicly unaccountable host of squalid oligarchs (in the vivid words
of the Spanish-American philosopher, George Santayana). We, too, have seen analogous deceits
and manipulations by new international organizations and covenants and secret arrangements
and not just among the trans-national criminal syndicates wherein, for example, drugs
themselves constitute a kind of currency and an access to liquidity, as well as a subtle form of
power that is applied to the vulnerable by manipulating the debt bondage of encumbered
foreign nations! Nock, too, believed that open intercourse betwixt peoples in free economic
associations, and in honest free and voluntary associations, would do more for the peace of the
world than twenty centuries of clandestine conniving by the agents of financial imperialism.11
But, it is especially noteworthy that Nock was always even more attentive to, and emphatically
admonitory about, the deep moral dangers of the flatulent political thimbleriggers the
politicians and journalists i.e., the covert conniving of the sophists and all the agents of
linguistic inflation and manipulation.
While preserving our magnanimity and high-spirited detestation of humbug, we, too, like
Nock and Solzhenitsyn, must come out from under the rubble. We must come out from under
the rubble of asphyxiating untruths, or distorting (and seductive) half-truths, wherever they come


from. Even if we must take but one step at a time, and even if it will be dangerous and
frightening, we must do it.
With a plucky and cheerful perseverance and unfatigued intelligence and robustness, we
must clearly discern and adventurously resist all the continually updated versions of the new
Newspeak of our Managed Political Glossary and its array of Impostor-Terms. George
Orwell warned us about this ongoing phenomenon of manipulation and deception, and not only
in his novel, 1984, or in Animal Farm. He was always, like Nock, interested in Politics and the
English Language which is also the name of one of his famous essays and he was
attentive to the manipulation of all languages, as he also saw it practiced in Spain, for example,
during the Spanish Civil War.

Let us have the courage to be in the camp of Nock and

Solzhenitsyn and Orwell, among others, such as James Burnham, who also inspired much respect
and alerted Orwell himself.
Orwells British compatriot, Evelyn Waugh, saw things even more deeply, however, and
with a longer view of life and human civilization.

Waugh, also a convert from a deep

revolutionary disorder, even further understood the ancient and modern techniques of deceit and
of self-deception. Indeed, he knew well the intimate destruction of all power without grace.
For example, in his historical novel of late-third and early fourth-century A.D., entitled
Helena, Waugh very forcefully depicts and in very stark English the disordered Roman
Imperium and what he calls the foetid termitary of power. In Waughs well-crafted English
language, this is a very strong and intentionally repellant metaphor. As with the operation of the
insects called termites, so, too, such blind and compulsive power without grace subverts and
devours its own foundations. Consumed with pride, with deluded forms of hubris and human

manipulation, power with grace does not at first see, or not until it is tragically too late, that its
own foundations are being insidiously eaten away.
Under the conditions of modern technology, moreover, the expanded Managed Political
Glossary and its Impostor-Terms today can also resort to new methods of psychologically and
technically advanced perception management and multi-media manipulation, with the help
of such sub-specialties as psycho-neuro-linguistics, artificial-intelligence and its neural
networking, and human factors analysis, to enable a more specific and tailored targeting of
an individual mind.
Despite what the defenders of Political Myths and or the Noble Lie still alluring say,
truth matters. Truth indeed matters. Truth means not only reality unveiling itself to a knowing
mind, but the conformity of the mind to reality. When someone lies to another i.e., when
someone deliberately speaks falsehood or knowingly deceives another he is unjustly
depriving the other himself of his participation in reality. Such a privation is not communication,
despite what the news twisters, advertisers, or spin doctors would have us believe.
Sophistry always works a twofold corruption, corrupting our access to reality and corrupting our
communication of reality to another.
Truth is, moreover, the only real nourishment of the intellect, the only real sustenance of
the mind of man and his life in society. Without truth, all is enfeebled dissipated, enervated.
The lack of truth is like the lack of oxygen, but with a difference. When oxygen is removed from
the air, even slowly and gradually, most of us can detect the anomaly and even the attenuation
and the deprivation. But, it is more challenging and difficult and often more dangerous to
detect the absence of truth. More difficult and dangerous than to detect is to correct the absence

of truth. Yet, the mission is indispensable and must be indefatigable. It is also an inspiring
adventure, purgative of our sloth and cowardice, and unmistakably a call to heroic virtue,
especially today.
For, who is not even a little afraid (or even terrorized) today of being accused of (and
legally prosecuted for) hate speech or racism or anti-Semitism? The modern Tom
Wolfe, writing with his characteristic vividness and charming irony, even speaks of the new,
persecuting aseptic squads of goons and goonettes, who are zealous, psychological and
ideological deviation sniffers who further manipulate and abuse the language, while feverishly
pursuing their targeted victims, without mercy. Such an atmosphere conduces not only to a
pervasive intimidation and resentment, but also to a crippling and truly atrophying selfcensorship! The Managed Political (and Theological) Glossary and Impostor-Terms of the
new Deviation Sniffers are very dangerous indeed, as well as insidiously suffocating of the
mind and productive of servility. We must robustly resist this asphyxiating servitude, no matter
what. Let us flame out, not rust out! NO SLOTH!
Albert Jay Nock, A Little Conservative, an essay, originally written in 1936, from a
recently edited collection of his selected essays, entitled The State of the Union: Essays in Social
Criticism (ed. Charles H. Hamilton) (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund Press, 1991), p. 262 et passim
my emphasis added. The essay itself is to be found on pp. 256-268.
Ibid., pp. 266-267 my emphasis added. Hereafter, all emphasis underlined is added by
the author; emphasis in bold is from the original.
Ibid., p. 262.
Ibid., pp. 266-267.
Ibid., p. 267.

Ibid., pp. 267-269.


Ibid., p. 82 from Nocks essay, entitled An Exhausted Virtue (14 June 1919).


Ibid., p. 83.


Ibid., pp. 82 and 83.


2001 Robert D. Hickson

2015 Robert D. Hickson


Albert Jay Nock, A Little Conservative, an essay, originally written in 1936, from a recently edited collection of his
selected essays, entitled The State of the Union: Essays in Social Criticism (ed. Charles H. Hamilton) (Indianapolis:
Liberty Fund Press, 1991), p. 262 et passim my emphasis added. The essay itself is to be found on pp. 256-268.

Ibid., pp. 266-267 my emphasis added. Hereafter, all emphasis underlined is added by the author; emphasis in bold is
from the original.

Ibid., p. 262.

Ibid., pp. 266-267.

Ibid., p. 267.



Ibid., pp. 267-269.

Ibid., p. 82 from Nocks essay, entitled An Exhausted Virtue (14 June 1919).


Ibid., p. 83.


Ibid., pp. 82 and 83. N.B.: These Eleven ENDNOTES, which are Electronically KEYED to the Main Text of the
2001 Essay above (Pages 3-15) in Its Original Electronic Format, are now here Conveniently and Fittingly
Repeated on this Separate and Added Page, which will hence be Designated as Page 16 since Page 16 CANNOT
Be Electronically Added to the BOTTOM of this Page in the NEW Electronic Format.

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