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English 2


Pencey Prep Brochure project

Since 1888 we have been molding boys into splendid, clear-thinking young men. Strictly for the birds.

Today you will begin creating a brochure for Holdens school, Pencey Prep. As we have already
noticed, Holdens opinion of Pencey Preparatory School in Agerstown, Pennsylvania, is less than
positive. Your objective is to create a brochure for Pencey that Holden would approve of,
featuring pictures and narrative that align with Holdens perception of the school.
Your brochure should contain the following:
Introduction Paragraph, stating the purpose and reputation of the school
Faculty Paragraph describing the faculty
Student Life Paragraph describing the student body and life at Pency.
Academics and Extracurricular Paragraph describing the academic and extracurricular
Images and Graphics Photos or drawings to complement your writing
Student Testimonials Use Stradlater and Ackley as two of the THREE required
testimonials. You may make up the name and testimonial for the third student.
Feel free to imitate Holdens voice, within reason. Id like to post your brochures, but I cant do
that if theyre laced with swear words.
Points Possible: 55 points
Due Date: Friday, May 2nd (7th Period)
Monday, May 5th (6th Period)
(YOU must print and have a hard copy. Please do not ask me to print for youit wont happen.)

Welcome to Pency!

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