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English 2


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1. In your own words, what are human rights?

2. According to the video, what are human rights?

3. According to the United Nations, how many human rights are there?


Who is the first man given credit for granting human rights? ________________

5. After America, which was the next country to grant rights? ________________
6. The Roman term Natural Law was changed to what other term? ________________
7. Who is the person from India who helped champion human rights? ________________
8. How many people died between World War 1 and World War 2? ________________
9. In what year was the United Nations formed? ________________
10. In what year was The Universal Declaration of Human Rights founded? ________________
11. How many children die of starvation every day? ________________
12. Approximately how many adults are unable to read? ________________
13. How many people are slaves today? ________________
14. After viewing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, write the three that you believe are
most important and include a brief explanation for your selection.
1st _______________ - Reason:________________________________________________________
2nd _______________ - Reason:_______________________________________________________
3rd _______________ - Reason:________________________________________________________
15. According to the Genocidal Acts of the Twentieth Century, how many total people have been

16. Reflections:

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