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Dont Trust Wolves

Conner Strutner
It was a crisp sunny day in the Deep Dark Forest. Suddenly I heard footsteps so I
searched for source but then I realized they were my footsteps. Then I heard
more footsteps and I was pretty sure they werent mine so I searched and I saw a
little girl, walked over to her and
she blurted, Hi Im Little Red Riding Hood.
Hey the names Wolf, Bob Wolf, I said trying to act happy.
Where are you going? I asked.
To grandmothers house Im taking her this basket of goods, she said pointing
down the road.
So I said we should race to grannies house.
That sounds great, she said excitedly.
So I took off determined to beat her. I saw a small yellow house and I thought it
Reds grannies house, but when I opened the door it was a weird old lady. She
screamed but I hurried and ate her. Then I ran to another small yellow house I
looked through the window to make sure it was the right house, and it finally was.
I looked in and she was knitting some weird sock pants thing. Oh yeah did I
mention she is not a very good knitter. So anyway here I am watching grannie
knit who knows what. Then I got bored jumped through her window and ate her
before I even hit the ground. I hurried to put her clothes on and just as I did I
heard footsteps at the door. It was Little Red she came in talked to me and said,
Hello granny
Hello dear, I said in my highest voice.
She walked over to the bed and just as she did I grabbed her and swallowed her
whole. But then just as I finished gobbling her down, the woodchoppers ran in
and said,
Aha I had a feeling youd be here you dirty wolf.
So then before I even knew what happened the woodchoppers hit me on the
head with their axes. I woke up the next day feeling empty, and then I realized
they cut me open and took granny and Little Red out of my stomach. I
remembered that day for the rest of my miserable life.

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