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Jackson Grant

Mrs. Searcy
History of Vinings
Before Vinings was created, Native Creek and Cherokee Indians roamed the land.
They farmed the land, fished it, and also had many tribes in the area. Vinings was built
which started to take up land from the Natives. Eventually, the Natives were forced to
leave in 1838 by the government, which is part of the Trail of Tears. In this early time,
Vinings was called the Crossroads. A native North Carolinian named Hardy Pace came to
Crossroads (Vinings) in the early 1800s and bought land for a Ferry business called
Paces Ferry. Paces business was very successful because ferrying was one fast and
efficient way of travel people had at the time. Since Paces business was so popular and
helped with the economy of Crossroads (Vinings), the citys name was changed to Paces
in the late 1820s.
In the 1830s, the Western and Atlantic Railroads were being built. A man named
William H. Vining was the engineer for the railroad in the city of Paces. The government
was trying to build a bridge on Stillhouse Road with the help of Vining. The bridge was
finished and it was known as Vinings Bridge. This name of the bridge ended up being
associated with the RR Station so the station became known as Vinings Station.
Eventually, Paces became Vinings, which is the normal name today. In the 1930s,
Vinings became a fun place to live. It had an old city feel, which brought many people to
come and settle there. In 1960, Felix Cochran saved up money and opened up Vinings
Jubilee. This was a tiny village shopping center with stores and restaurants. The style of
Vinings Jubilee was built like Victorian era buildings, which made it stand out. As you

can see all 3.3 square miles Vinings, Georgia is full of history, but the advanced buildings
and structures make any residents and visitors happy.
This final project was a lot of fun. Last weekend, my dad and I drove down to
Vinings, Georgia to take photos. It was the perfect day to shoot because it was sunny and
warm outside. When we arrived in Vinings, we parked in Vinings Jubilee. There were
many people walking around outside, so we walked down the street and looked into the
shops. While we were walking, I took many pictures of signs next to the road. These
types of pictures were very difficult to take because the sun was in the background and it
was washing out the photo. After walking down the street, we came across the Pace
House. This house was the place where Hardy Pace lived. It is very old and worn down.
There were nice shadows and different textures on the wood that made the pictures at the
house very interesting. After taking many pictures of the Pace House, we walked around
even more shops until we came to Jimmy Johns. I took many pictures here that were very
cool and the pictures had many different angles. We ate and then left Jimmy Johns and
headed back to the car. We drove around Vinings and saw all of the old and new things
that were built. This trip was awesome because my parents used to live in Vinings when
they first moved to Georgia so my dad told me many stories about his life there. We got
to drive by the Kroger where my mom bought her first groceries by herself ever. We also
went to my parents first apartment.
This photography class has changed the way I take and view pictures. I learned
that pictures not only display actions, but they show feeling. Before this photography
class, I couldnt tell anyone one thing about a camera. Now after this semester I know
how a camera works and I know the different camera modes, P, AV, and TV. Not only do

I know about how to work my camera, I know camera techniques. The main techniques
that help me out that I have learned are rule of thirds, depth, cropping, and color. In fact,
I used all of these elements in this recent assignment. I love to use depth of field because
it forces the viewer to see what the photographer wants them to see. During this
assignment, I had many strengths and not many weaknesses. My strengths include
finding cool things to shoot and getting good lighting to shoot them in. These strengths
helped me get great photos that capture the essence of Vinings. Out of all of the
assignments, this city assignment was definitely one of the most fun ones. I got to go on
an adventure with my dad and he got to tell me about his past there. I learned a lot about
Vinings, photography, and the history of my family so I would definitely do this project



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