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Hirundo rustica

This bird is between 17 and 19 cm in length.

has a wingspan of between 32 and 34.5 cm and weighs
between 16 and 22 grams.
The preferred habitat of the common tern is open with low
vegetation such as pastures, meadows and farmland,
preferably with water nearby field. This prevents swallow
dense areas, steep or very urbanized vegetation.
The diet consists of insects such as ants, etc.
It is estimated that approximately 200 million common
swallows fly each year from Eurasia to Africa.
This type of bird breeding along the northern hemisphere.

The spring migration is extremely noticeable everywhere. The

first arrivals are produced in southern Iberia during the month
of February.
with small sse geolocators been able to trace the route of
migration of these birds.
The Barn Swallow winters in Tropical and Southern Africa. In
Europe have made massive banding and as a result thereof,
the winter quarters of breeding in Britain, Germany, France,
etc. are well known.
The autumn passage of swallows is very pronounced in the
Iberian Peninsula and the same happens in the north and
northwest Africa.

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