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Education Down The Drain

Jesus M. Saenz
University of Texas at El Paso
RWS 1302
March 3, 2015
Rebekah Grado


For many years, many states in the United States have used standardized testing in the
public school system to show where you stand in terms of your education and sometimes this can
cost you a grade level or they will give you a break and let you pass to the next grade. But should
the question that put on the readers of this paper is, Should a test determine whether you pass to
the next level of education, or should it really be determined by grades? or Is it fair to the
teacher to be limited to their teachings to what the states requires them to teach for the test?.
Will the answer to those questions is no, the test shouldnt determine where we stand as a student
nor among our peers, test like these dont get students ready for college.
Many politicians in couple of years have been trying to fix
our education system with little to no success, and each state has
added a standardize test that every student has to take to see where
they stand in their class and to determine whether or not they will
advance to the next grade level. Texas for example it was called,
TAKS and now the new test that has replace TAKS is called,
THE STAR each is fairly similar, but the STAR is harder than TAKS. In my own opinion I
have to stand against the tests simply because I fell a victim to the penalty of the tests, which was
that I did not advance to the next grade because it wasnt good enough and that isnt right for me
or anyone who that got the same result as I did.
I do not blame any teachers for this because will they were doing their jobs and did what
they had to do to make sure I succeeded, but the point of the matters is that teacher are limited to
teach what the state wants them to teach for the test and what they are required to teach isnt the
right amount of information that should be taught, its all in pieces more than altogether.


Many states havent shown any resistance towards the laws since the tests have been
signed into law until now, a couple of weeks ago the state of New Mexico has begun a strike
against the tests that the state requires them to do because they have had it with the tests.
According to the article by Russell Contreras, The standardized tests have been a big debate
throughout the country including New Mexico and many teachers and parents believe that
the test stresses out the students more than the other tests before it. People are starting to see the
downfall of the tests and many know that it means well but its never going to be fully
represented greatly and its just going to make students stress more to the point of no success and
more failures. Standardized testing is never going to be the resolution to students current and
future success, so why continue the test?



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