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Hamken CAV Maintenance Facility and defeated, a superior Rach force in the Trax

Meeting Room 3
Local Time: 0315

The room filled with hushed discussion as he

continued. Unlike the Rach, WilPat will not be
on the receiving end of any Templar aggression.
I have just left a briefing in which our diplomatic
corps outlined the articles of a non-aggression
treaty between WilPat and the Templars. All
WilPat Identification Friend or Foe transceivers
have already been encoded with Templar IFF
codes, and the Templars are updating their
IFF systems as well. Next, I have some exciting
news for all of you lucky WilPat shareholders;
apparently the Templars want to buy you out. As
the room filled with excited cheers and whistles
Sampson stood quietly and ran his hand through
his hair - a nervous habit. He started to think an
early retirement from WilPat was looking good.
Major Dixon raised his hands and motioned
them to quiet down as he continued. Now
before everyone starts spending their ill-gotten
T-Reds, I have to tell you that the negotiations
are currently stalemated. Never fear though, as
our very own CFO William Dew is working with
Representatives from Vice Marshall Carpenters
office to get this deal closed. Now, this situation
will bring about changes. So, if anyone has a
situation or history that will prevent them from
working for the Templar, please convey your
concerns to your immediate CO. The room
echoed with hushed whispers as Major Dixon

Pilots and wizzos sporadically shuffled into the

poorly lit meeting room. Captain Sampson sat
in his chair watching each of them enter, and
he wondered what had made each of them
join up. He sarcastically chuckled to himself as
he thought back to his first day in the United
Federal Force. Was he the only kid that believed
the stupid recruiting slogan, or had the news of
the first Galaxy War helped him want to believe
it? See the galaxy, and become a hero!
After the war, Sampson left the UFF and went
independent. Hiring on with WilPat initially as
an Advisor/Instructor, he had been stationed
here on Sinpall for 5 years. Sampson watched
the last crew in his platoon shuffle in while
thinking to himself. There sure isnt a whole heck
of a lot of the galaxy to see on this middle of
nowhere planet, much less any action to make me
a hero. But, by that same token, its really not that
bad to be stationed at such a quiet post. Couple
more years of garrisoning this backwater base from
the occasional rogue pirate band, and I could retire
back home with a nice life.
Attention! echoed through the halls as the men
of 2nd Platoon, Baker Company 43rd Battalion
of WilPat Security Force Bravo snapped to
attention. A haggard looking, but steely eyed
Major briskly walked into the room and took
a position behind the podium. Tapping the
microphone to make sure it was live, Major Dixon
looked across the room as he spoke. At ease.
The room filled with the noise of men shuffling
as they relaxed, made there way to chairs, and
sat down. Major Dixon cleared his throat before
he spoke. I have some news here before we
get started. I just received a communication
that several hours ago Templar forces engaged,

Pressing a button on the podium, a slowly rotating

hologram of a CAV cockpit appeared above
everyone in the center of the room. As even you
people might actually remember, this morning
you turned in your CAVs for scheduled depot
level maintenance. As part of this maintenance,
your CAVs will receive Block 3 updates that will
implement dramatic improvements in various
mission and equipment systems throughout

Hamken CAV Farm

your CAV - specifically M25b Targeting and

Series 18.a3 ECM computers. Pointing to
specific locations inside the hologram cockpit,
Major Dixon continued. Block 3 updates will
replace targeting interface connections in these
four locations. Command and control interface
connections in these two locations and the
installation of three new weapon interface
control systems here, here, and here. With
Block 3 updates, you will finally be able to fully
utilize the P3N connections in your interfaces
harnesses. Major Dixon turned the hologram
off. Block 3 updates require level one transition
training. With the heightened security level we
are operating under, we will be using depot
replacement CAVs to conduct this training. This
will ensure that you will be ready for immediate
deployment when this upgrade is complete.
Major Dixon turned to leave as he said, Report
to your ready rooms. Dismissed!

Graphics on a flickering holo-screen illustrated

the exercise for the day as an audio track with a
synthetic female voice repeatedly droned on with
instructions. Exercise 163 is a strike exercise.
Your platoon will be screening the left flank of
the 2nd Armored Battalion. You must be in your
assigned assembly area by 0500. You will be
briefed with additional instructions once in your
assembly area. A list of the units, elements, and
equipment involved in this exercise has been
downloaded into your mission pad.

Captain Sampson closed his data-pad and

turned to Captain Franks as he spoke, About
damn time. This upgrade is long overdue.
Franks chuckled sarcastically as he replied, Hell,
at this rate, they might even install a place for
us to plug in our high-tech ZL thingies. After all,
they were invented only 10 years ago.

Captain Sampson walked over to his locker and

handed the key card to his wizzo Lieutenant
Beall. Sampson had been paired up with Beall
for the last year, ever since his previous wizzo,
Garrison, had retired. Garrison had been a nononsense, feet on the ground guy, who would
have been a perfect drill sergeant. In stark
contrast, Beall was an excitable kid made up of
equal parts nervous chatter and wild theories
and opinions about anything and everything. If
someone took the time to print it, Beall took the
time to believe it.

Ready Room 8
Local Time: 0400

Captain Reanko walked in and held a handful

of CAV power key cards over his head. Alright
gentleman, front and center, Ive got your
ride keys here. Reanko began tossing the key
cards as he called out the name of the CAV.
Sampson, Beall, you two are riding Dirty Dora
today. Reanko chuckled to himself. Biggs and
Schulman, Ive got the perfect CAV for you two
knuckleheads, Second Stringer. Franks and
Carrell, you get Embreago and Carter and I will
take the Angel Wing. Weve got some fancy new
equipment to get all intimate with, so lets look
sharp ladies.

Sampson rolled his eyes as he replied, Dont

remind me. You are supposed to be cheering
me up here, not depressing me. Anyway, I have
to swing back by my quarters. Tell Beall I will
catch up with him at the ready room.

Reading the back of the power key card, Beall

turned to Sampson. Cap we cant take this one
out; we need a different one. Im not kidding
here sir; we have to get another one from the
depot master.

Climbing into his battle suit Sampson paused

and thought. Oh great, it was going to be one
of those days. Pausing, and carefully choosing
words that would not encourage a reply or
comment, he answered in an exasperated tone,
If you have to, just trade keys with someone.
This is really nothing more than a quick ride
through the countryside.
Agitated, Beall pointed to the chassis number on
the key card. I cant Cap. This chassis number
is the death number. You remember, I told you
about the death number.
Exasperated, Sampson stopped getting dressed
as he replied to Beall, You have told me about
a lot of superstitious crap since we paired up,
and I am not going to make a fool of myself
by telling Reanko I need another CAV because
my wizzo says the chassis number is bad luck.
Anyway, if its chassis number is such bad luck,
why is the CAV still around after all these years?
So get ready, and stop wasting time.
Sounding sincerely frightened, Beall pointed
again at the chassis number on the back of the
card. Cap, you know thats not how it works. I
know its the death number 120050; we cant
take this one out. To be anywhere near or around
the number is sure death for us.
Taking an aggressive stance, Sampson spoke
slow and with emphasis. Beall, if you know
what is good for you, get suited up and in that
machine. Or, I will punch your death number.
You got that mister?
Looking down at the floor, Beall turned to face
his locker as he replied, Yes sir.
Sampson turned back to his locker as he
continued, Trust me Beall, I wont let anything
happen to you.


Spinner Road, in route to Forward Training

Assembly Area Red 11
Local Time: 0430
Captain Sampsons com crackled to life as Bealls
voice shattered the silence. Cap, those tanks
are drifting a little close to us, you want me to
shoo them away?

youre our section commander now. That armor

to our left is forming up on us and wants to know
what we are going to do. I have a drop ship and
two transport signatures in our area. We have a
total of twenty-four target tracks and four have
been identified. We have eight unknown target
tracks inbound. No IFF emissions.

Ill take care of it Beall. You get all the navigation

points downloaded yet?
Last one finishing up. Hey Cap, I have some
aircraft inbound that are not listed as part of this
Sampson punched up a screen and looked at the
target track. No idea Beall, probably another
exercise. Anyway, Im going to track south of
here and
The hypersonic flurry of gatling gauss rounds
tore into several tanks in the armor column,
destroying the lead tank and bringing the
column to a halt. Appearing to shoot wildly
into the air, the defensive fire computers of the
stricken tanks attempted to acquire their target.
Sampson looked up and caught a glimpse of
two Ghasts in the predawn night, as they pulled
up from their strafing run. All four Specters in
Sampsons section were already locking targets
as their automatic defensive AA fired several
Type 77h missiles skyward. The Specters salvos
made short work of one of the Ghasts while the
other turned away heavily damaged.
Suddenly the bright light of several massive
bomb explosions illuminated the predawn night.
Sampson and Beall watched in horror as a tank,
lifted by one of the explosions, landed on top
of Angel Wing and crushed its cockpit. Sampson
swung his CAV around and moved off the road
as Beall and the wizzos of Embreago and Second
Stringer simultaneously began jamming their
electronic signatures.
Breaking the eerie post blast silence, Bealls
excited voice filled Sampsons headset. Cap,

Beall, tell them to form up behind us and

provide ECM support. Also, get me on the
Company and Battalion communication Nets, I
cant bring them up.
Beall reacted instinctively in his electronic world
tapping and looked for a positive connection.
No luck Cap; we are alone here. I now also
show two recovery vehicles on their way, but


theres still no IFF response on those eight target

tracks. If they do not stand down or break away
in a few seconds, Im painting them hostile.

targets. Sampson maneuvered his three CAVs

on an intercept course with the eight targets.
The section communication net crackled with
Sampsons voice. Second Stringer, slow down.
You are closing too fast. Lets pull up behind that
ridge line. Each CAV took up a firing position.
Cap, I have an IFF on those eight inbound tracks,
and its not good. Four are Butcher CAVs, four
are Banshee tanks, and all are Malvernis. The
com link was silent only a few seconds before
Bealls excited voice continued. Cap, theyre
not backing down. Embreago is reporting that
the enemy has them painted with a target

Sampson turned the Specter CAV on an intercept

course with the unidentified CAVs and punched
up Sec-Net. Section, our communication is
blacked out at the moment. I consider this a
hostile situation and not an exercise. Weapons
are hot, I repeat hot. I am punching up formation
and target track information. Good hunting.
Sampson thought to himself. Crap, this is no
pirate raid, who the hell is attacking this useless

Sampson punched up Sec-Net, his voice sounded

dry but strong. Fire as targets bare.
Excitedly Beall called out. Cap, we got a big
problem here. I have signatures on several
infantry hidden in the river down there. They
are probably attempting to flank us.
Roger that, Sampson punched up Sec-Net.
Ok, lets slowly back up into our armor and see
if they take the bait. The three Specters began
slowly backing up towards the woods behind

Cap, that armored platoon has fallen in behind

us and popped their ECM pod bubble around
Following Sampsons previous instructions, the
tanks spread out and took up defensive positions
along a tree line facing in the direction of the

Cap, they blinked first. It looks like we have

two Butchers moving up after us.

Beall, Butchers and Specters are not a fun fight

when you have the Specters. We are going to
need some help here. Have you been able to
contact the Co or Batt Nets yet?

R3 gauss gatling into the canopy and center

torso of Second Stringer. Smoking, repair foam
began oozing out between the armor plates of
Second Stringer as it backed up deeper into the
woods. Both Embreago and Dirty Dora fired at
the Butcher. Before Dirty Doras missiles found
their mark, the Butcher rocked with explosions
and began falling backwards. The crippled
Butchers ejection pods popped, but it was too
late for the crew. They impacted with the trees
and disintegrated. Maybe lucks just on our side
today Sampson thought to himself.

No sir, they are black as night to me.

Before moving into the light cover of the trees,
the three Specters Chain-fired and emptied their
Shriek missile tubes onto two of the advancing
Butchers. Cap, looks like we got a lucky hit on
one. Its cooking-off, but little damage was done
to the other. By the way, I think they know were

As a second Butcher broke out of the tree line

and quickly put several rounds into Embreago,
Sampson finished his thought. Then again,
maybe not.

His tone of voice was both incredulous and

sarcastic as he replied, Beall, somehow I think
they already knew that.

Before either Dirty Dora or Embreago could

react, another Butcher advanced and fired
several rounds into the right kneecap of
Embreago. Finding their mark, the right knee
buckled, and the leg compressed, immobilizing
Embreago. A fourth Butcher advanced and fired
on Embreago. Sampson watched as Embreagos
crew punched out and miraculously cleared the
forest canopy.

Sampson punched up Sec-Net. Gentlemen, its

show time.
Second Stringer fired as the first Butcher broke
out of a tree line. One missile hit the left knee
and one hit the right shoulder causing little
damage to the Butcher. The Butcher quickly
returned fire and sent several rounds from its


Tower of Mason

Several holo-screens situated in the center of

his main office played the live feeds recorded
during the WilPat-Vesta operation. Sitting in two
large chairs that faced the holo-screens, Chief
Marshal Carpenter turned to Marshall Bryce as
he spoke, Yes, you did have a solution to the
stalemate. I do believe negotiations with WilPat
are indeed now concluded.

Floor 100
Templar Chief Marshal Carpenters
With a spectacular view of the entire southern
skyline of Viper, Chief Marshall Carpenters office
was the second largest office on the prestigious
100th floor. In charge of the Acquisitions and
Holdings department of the Templar banking
system, Chief Marshall Carpenter was easily one
of the most respected and powerful Knights in
the brotherhood.

When the recording stopped playing, both men

rose. Carpenter escorted Bryce to the office
door. Carpenter shook Bryces hand firmly as
he said, Thank you again Marshall. I really
appreciate the Malvernis touch. Oh, and please
give Margaret my regards will you.



Project Team
Patrick Haughton
Michael L. Hoehne
Ed Pugh
Matt Ragan
Kevin Litch Williams
Graphic Layout
David Y.G.T.B.F.K.M. Pugh
Bryan Stiltz
Contributing Authors
Thane Barnier
Christopher Carlson
Rob Davis
Patrick Haughton
Eric Kelley
Matt Ragan
Shaun Rice
Lanse Tryon
Tim Talin Collier
Chris Lewis
Neil Nowatzki
Roman Papsuev
Alyscia Clark
CAV, Infantry, and
Equipment Designs
James Burrell
Bobby Jackson
John Bear Ross
James Van Schaik
Neil Nowatzki

CAV Miniature C.A.D.

& Proto Type Work
John Bear Ross
Neil Nowatzki
Jon Walker and Talon Games
Joel Agee
Jeremy Barnhill
Steve Buck
Thane Barnier
Chris Carlson
Jim Graham
Jeff Hoffman
Keith Johnson
Keith Lauritzen
Don Lindsey
Jeff Logan
Shane Magill
Stephan Nagel
Jason Pape
Tim Peaslee
Tim Puryear
Shaun Rice
Cheryl Storm
Pete Storm
Craig Taylor
Bruce Windsor
Patrick Haughton
Gus Landt
Kit Pierce


Special Thanks To:

The Black Lightning Program
for introducing CAV into every
corner of the world.
The foremost and staunchest
group of fans a game could
ever ask for.
Community For creating
a place where we can all
have fun.

While last, but not the least, a

very special thanks to all of our
fans around the galaxy! See
you on the battlefield!
From Rob Davis to Michelle
Davis: Thanks for telling me
to go for it.
All artwork in all Reaper
Miniatures Incorporated products
and the images contained therein
are the exclusive copyright and
property of Reaper Miniatures
Incorporated. All intellectual
property contained herein was
created by the staff of Reaper
Miniatures Incorporated or as
work for hire.

Copyright Reaper
Miniatures, 2006. All rights

Table of Contents
IntraGalactic Survey
Galactic Map
Universal Intragalactic
Communication Command


Rach Empire


Other Galactic Organizations
Galaxy Wars
United Corporate Organized
Appendix A
Appendix B


Core Rules
The RAGE system
Declare, then Measure
Roll Dice in the Open
Give Data Card
Tokens and Lying Models
Time Scale and Model
Model Facing
Metric and Hexes
Materials Needed
Task Force Creation
Model Type
Model Role Designation
Movement Class
Weapon Systems

Attack Type & Number

of Weapons


Task Force Creation (Continued)

Type of Weapon
Name of the Weapon
The Section
Section Type
Primary Section Types
Secondary Section Types


A Galaxy At War
Faction Affiliation


The First Turn Of The Game

Battle Setup
Independent Factions
Deployment Zone
Creating a Draw Deck
Conducting Deployment


Game Turns After The First

Pre-Battle Action Phase
Initiative Phase
Action Phase
Types of Actions
Declaring Actions
Resolving Actions
End Phase



Moving Through or Between

Other Models and
Friendly Infantry

Base To Base Contact

Contact with Enemy
Based and Unbased
Leaving Base-to-Base



Gunship and Base-to-Base

Contact with Ground

Infantry Charge Bonus


Transporting Infantry
Hitching a Ride
Getting on a Transport


Getting Off a Transport


Using a Transport that is

Part of a Different

Taking Damage while

Transporting Infantry
Shooting from Inside
the Transport
Line Of Sight
Establishing Line of Sight
The Line of Sight Corridor
(Ground Level)
The Line of Sight Corridor
(Eye Level)
Eye Level and Base
Infantry and Gunship


Light Cover
Heavy Cover
Determining Cover Types 85
Ranged Attacks
Direct Fire and Indirect Fire
Ranged Attacks
Conducting Ranged
Declare Your Attacks and
Lost Ranged Attacks
Ranged Attacks While
Performing Movement 87
Determine Range
Point Blank Zone
No Fire Zone
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
Beyond Long Range


Ranged Attack Resolution

Determining When a Model
Can Conduct Defensive
Quantity of Defensive Fire
Defensive Fire Attacks and
Range Bands
Critical HIts


Salvo Strike Fire


Run N Gun


Close Combat
Close Combat Resolution


Target Lock




Repair Action
Lingering Damage
Critical Success


Regrouping Sections
Regroup Action


Specialty Actions


Appendix C: Special Abilities

Adjustable Munitions SA 103
Anti Gunship (AA) SA 103
Avenger/# SA
Assault SA
Blaster SA
Bulky SA
Chain-Fire Pod SA (CFP) 105
Counter-Battery SA
Dropship/# SA
Electronic Source Targeting
Engineer SA
Flamer SA
Gunport SA
Hauler SA
Hauler, Cruise SA
Increased Mobility SA 107
Infantry, Airborne SA 107
Infantry, Shock SA
Infantry, Jet Pack SA
Linked SA
Overdrive SA
Piercing/# SA
Pop-Up SA
Rat SA
Rugged SA
Shielding/# SA
Shredder/# SA
Smart SA
Soft SA
Specialist SA
Transport/# SA
Upgrade (Name) SA

Appendix D: Battlefield Assets

Use and Lose
Minefield, Air
Minefield, Ground
Minefield, Removal
Armored Nano-Barrier 110
Repair Module
Repair Module,
Satchel Charge
Appendix E: Battlefield Support
Battlefield Support Strikes
Use and Lose
Artillery Strike
Artillery Barrage
Artillery Bombardment 111
Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile,
Atomic WMD
MOAB - Massive Ordnance
Air Blast Bomb
Orbital Strike
Orbital Pinpoint Strike 113
Air Strike
Smoke Strike
Appendix F: Task Force
Bonuses Do Not Stack 114
Task Force Upgrade Scaled
/# Costs
Adjustable Munitions 114
Chain-Fire Pod (CFP)
Increased Transport
Infantry, Airborne
Infantry, Drop
Infantry, Shock Training116
Infantry, Jet Pack
Infantry, Weapon

Appendix F: Task Force

Upgrades (Continued)
FA 45 MG
AA-52 Direct Fire Missile
1a2 Automatic Grenade
AT-23 Direct Fire Missile
Improved Maintenance 117
Orbital Gunship Insertion117
Reactive Armor
Upgraded Weaponry
Appendix G: Faction


Fire and Fury Warfare
Hyrwyda Dyrnel Doctrine 118
Fanaticism Doctrine
Conscription Doctrine


Rach Empire
Children of the Storm
No-Mercy Close Combat


Superior Tactics Doctrine 120
Lightning Warfare Doctrine120
Elite Training Doctrine
Superior Equipment


Air Superiority Doctrine
Artillery Superiority


Spoils Of War Doctrine
Free-Form Organization


What CAV Is Not

Combat Assault Vehicle (CAV) first debuted

at Origins in 2000. It was a game for a new
generation and new millennium of war gamers.
CAV was created with Combined Arms futuristic
combat as the central theme the ability of a
player to command forces composed of infantry,
gunships, tanks, and especially giant mecha.
The game system was based on the principles
of player control, smooth play, and simplicity
where possible. The Damage Track engine was
created, the concept that most of a Models
game-related information would degrade as the
Model took damage.

CAV is not bogged down by endlessly complex

rules that have you counting every little point,
bullet, or bubble. While the game is simple, it
is not oversimplified. Tactics and smart play will
decide the outcome of the battle. Commanders
that can react quickly and effectively marshal
their resources will win.

What CAV Is
Its fast, fun, easy to learn, dynamic, futuristic,
high-tech warfare brought home to your dining
room table. CAV is about getting together with
your friends and spending an hour or two rolling
dice, pushing around some technologically
advanced war machinery, and maybe even
making sound effects as things get blown up.
Youll have hours of enjoyment trying to figure
out new ways to outfox your opponents. If you
already know how to play Warlord, youll find
that you already know the basics of playing

The Reaper Adventure Game

Engine (R.A.G.E.)
In preparation for Reapers return to the fantasy
miniature war game market with Warlord, we
took a closer look at the Damage Track system
and realized that there were a few refinements
that could be made. This led to a two-year
development process that resulted in the
Reaper Adventure Game Engine (R.A.G.E.); a
common game rule architecture and engine for
miniatures war games with Damage Track fully
incorporated as the central feature. Warlord was
released in the fall of 2004. It was time to take
these refinements and R.A.G.E. back to CAV. The
game where it all started would now get a new
look featuring fantastic new art, a refined rule
set, and have its fictional game universe updated
with the events of the past 4-5 years.

Returning CAV Veteran?

This book expands the CAV universe and advances
the time line to 2274. The UCOR war erupted
and the seeds of discord it planted bore a bitter
fruit, the Second Galaxy War. This book will give
you new glimpses into the politics of this era
and the factions struggling for dominance. You,
like the characters of the CAV Universe itself,
are old veterans of the free-wheeling years in
between the Galaxy Wars.

New to CAV?
If youre new to CAV, new to science fiction
war games, or even new to miniatures games
in general, we welcome you. Allow us to take a
moment to describe what CAV is and what CAV

and used by the IGS long before regular travel

between these systems was possible.
For over a hundred and fifty years, the IGS has
been providing these services and charting the
stars regardless of wars, recessions, or galactic
turmoil. Generating all of its revenue from tolls
collected by its jump buoys, they have become
the very backbone of the galaxy.
Interesting Facts & Figures on the IGS
Began as the Office of Charting and Survey, founded in 2127
Averages 250 new mining and colony operations charted each
The IGS regularly contracts private citizens, scientists,
adventurers, and explorers as part of an IGS auxiliary program
known as the Galactic Ranger Corps.
Maintains 397 public and private jump stations covering the
known galaxy with more being surveyed and built each year.
Current IGS Census estimates place the population of our
galactic quadrant at 760 billion.

Organization: IntraGalactic Survey

Headquarters: Eoan, Arveni, Avalorr

Expanded in power with the nationalization of the now

defunct Adonese private corporation formerly known as
Galactic Transport Services founded in 2154.

Anyone that travels outside of their home star

system knows about the IGS. The IGS provides
four major services to the galaxy. First, it travels
the universe seeking out new inhabitable
worlds, charting new star systems, and
surveying potential colony worlds. Second, it
builds, maintains, and patrols commercial jump
stations throughout the quadrant that remain
strictly neutral and available to all. Third, the
IGS maintains the network of Galactic Relative
Time (GRT) pulse buoys throughout the civilized
parts of the galaxy. Fourth, it charts, files, and
maintains mining claims that are universally

IGS pioneered the development and use of the Dynamic

Stream jump station.
The pride of the IGS cold navy, the Vanguard Class explorer
ships, are 917 meters long from its forward observation deck
to the back of its engine shrouds. These politically neutral
explorer vessels feature components from 3 major UCORs
(RMI, Borsig-Spline, and Hughes-Marietta) and 17 minor corps.
They can support their full crew of 2000 scientists, researchers,
technicians, explorers, and their families indefinitely, assuming
their hydroponics systems are fully functional (six months on
stored supplies alone). However, three years is the practical
limit for a single voyage. For defense, the Vanguard class ships
mount 32 defense turrets and a small flight deck with two
fighters and six shuttlecraft as well as docking ports for up to
4 additional small craft. Several modular components of the
Vanguards can be jettisoned and atmospherically dropped to
a planets surface to establish a community or primaforming
colony in the event of an emergency.

The IGS is the largest, most powerful, and

influential UCOR in the Galaxy. The star system
name and numbering system that allocates a
0 to Avalorr, 17 to Capella, 21 to Tor-Nor, 31
to Mohr, and 120 to Sol was created, codified,

The IGS maintains its neutrality in the current Galaxy War and
continues to conduct exploration operations in the Galactic
Frontier. By several treaties, the location of any military deserter
is to be transmitted to the proper authorities. However, it is
well known that the IGS doesnt actively look for deserters in
its own ranks, and if a deserter keeps a low profile, they are
effectively safe.

Galactic Rings

for the final hyperspace jump into a combat

theater. The constant patrolling and sweeping
of government cold naval forces ensure that
space around the various home worlds are free
of covertly built private jump stations or even
surveying ships seeking to establish a temporary
jump station.

Two circles appear on nearly every published

version of the known galaxy map. These circles
are known as the Galactic Rings and are a
descriptive concept that the IGS has used in
internal communications for about 30 years.
Any system that is very close to Avalorr, or
inside the area of the first circle, is called a
Core System. Any system that is inside the area
between the two circles is called an Inner Ring
System. A system that is outside the two circles,
but has a public jump station, is called an Outer
Ring System. Every unexplored, unmapped, or
undocumented star system is considered part of
the Galactic Frontier. A Galactic Frontier system
becomes an Outer Ring system as soon as a
jump gate has been established.

Jump Station Construction

Large vessels like the IGS Vanguard class explorer
ships carry the necessary equipment to conduct
more conventional hyperspace travel to far
systems and establish temporary jump points.
Due to the nature of the dynamic stream jump
system, jump routes cannot be established
between any random two points. A vessel that
seeks to establish a jump point must travel to
the place where a jump point is desired and
conduct extensive surveys of the surrounding
space-time fabric. This process can take months
or years. Even when successful, the surveys
might yield a jump point that is several score
and even sometimes hundreds of Astronomical
Units from the systems star. There are many
stars that are inaccessible from what appear
to be close stars. They may only be reached
by going through a farther star system because
no suitable jump station could be established.
Vanguard class ships are designed to stay out
in space for periods of 2-3 years, but the IGSES
Silver Spear set a record when it took 5 years
and 2 months to find and establish jump station
152 in the JC1602 system.

Jump Stations
Most of us are well familiar with the Primary
Lanes that provide our worlds with goods brought
from all over the civilized galaxy. Currently
there are 197 public jump stations that form the
Primary Lanes of the IGS Public Jump Network.
Each IGS Jump Station is a fortress of weaponry,
satellites, equipment, and patrol craft dedicated
to defending itself. Strict neutrality has kept
the IGS uninvolved with the two Galaxy Wars.
Stations accept transmitted tolls, assist with
jumps, monitor traffic, and relay information.
However, the IGS Public Jump Network is not
the only jump station network in the galaxy.

Private Jump Networks

Once a suitable jump station location is

established, the survey ship will deploy the jump
point satellites and equipment that allows the
heavy construction equipment and supply ships
to jump directly into the new location. Usually
the survey ship stays on station until jump station
construction is complete. Construction of a new
jump station is a process that will take several
more months and the temporary jump station
remains open throughout the process.

Private Jump Networks have been around for

a long time. However, since the Second Galaxy
War broke out, they have become a topic seen
regularly on the news networks. Each major
government and several of the UCORs maintain
a network of private jump stations. These jump
stations are masked and, due to the vigilance of
the owners, are very hard to find. It is through
the Private Jump Networks that war supplies and
reinforcements can be gathered in staging areas

Great UCOR war, this policy has actually helped

the UICC maintain its positive public image.
Security, reliability, and availability are the three
operating criteria of the UICC - in that order.
No other secular and independent organization
in known space places such a high standard on
personal integrity, honesty, and responsibility.
High personnel standards and state of the art
proprietary security systems ensure the protection
of any encrypted transmission sent across
the UICC network. Methodical maintenance
and regular contracting of mercenaries to
supplement their own security forces to defend
communications relay stations ensure reliability.
Each year, the UICC works with the IGS local
and galactic governments to establish new UICC
stations in even the most remote places of the
Organization: Universal Intragalactic
Communication Command
Headquarters: Tharsa, Haldor, Avalorr

Kept in the shadowy depths of the UICC, but

extremely well known by the public throughout
the galaxy, is the UICCs DIS (Department of
Information Security). The DIS force hunts
down, prosecutes - and in Rach, Adonese, and
Ritterlich space terminates with prejudice several thousand self-styled net pirates each
year. Independent systems have varied levels of
punishment authorization for the DIS. However,
few worlds are willing to suffer an information
blackout and will usually comply with requests
to extradite suspects for execution outside of
its own space. The Malvernis Empire, Terran
Federal Government, and Office of the First
Knight of the Templar Order all work with UICC
DIS to prosecute and punish net pirates, but
they do not give the DIS permission to operate
independently in areas under their control.

If you ever had to look anything up for

reference, wanted to watch a holovid, check
the news and local weather, find the jump
gate status in your system, or check the latest
classified advertisements, you were probably
using the UICC Net. The UICC maintains the
largest, most stable, most robust, and longest
reaching communications network in the known
galaxy. Though it is not a UCOR, it functions and
operates like one. Additionally, it is accorded
the same level of autonomy reserved to UCORs
by the various galactic governments. The UICC
specifically avoids official UCOR status since
it would require a government charter, and
this might be perceived as bias towards one
government. Additionally, since the end of the

Breeders are the workhorse energy source for
anything smaller than a starship or city and larger
than personal electronics. The smallest breeders
require an area roughly 30cm by 10cm by
10cm (not including the T-Gel cells). Such small
breeders provide barely more energy than some
HCC batteries, but lifespan is the advantage.
With even a mere fist sized T-Gel cell, a small
breeder can run for days. The largest breeders
are, of course, used in industrial or military
hardware like CAVs, large civilian transports, and
small atmospheric flying craft. T-Gel is inert, and
Breeders are considered very safe. Nevertheless,
it has been documented that, if a breeder is
severely damaged or ruptured mid-cycle, the
damage can result in a very large instantaneous
electrical discharge.

Without electrical power, the universe stops
functioning. There are multiple methods of
providing electrical energy to the masses, but
were going to focus on the primary three.

The principal of a breeder is fairly simple even

though, like fusion, the actual technology
involved is quite advanced. A breeder has two
storage tanks (called cells) that are attached. One
cell is empty, and the other cell is filled with T-Gel
(a substance primarily derived from Tyburinium
ore). For safety and handling purposes, T-Gel is
dyed a bright, almost phosphorescent blue and
scented with an additive that makes it stink.

Fusion systems provide starships, space stations,
urbmon cities, (Urban Monoliths, the vertical
super-cities common on heavily developed
worlds), and flodi cities (the floating super-cities
common to water worlds), with power. Fusion
systems are huge and extremely complex. At
its most basic level, a nuclear fusion system
takes light nuclei and combines them to create
energy. As an energy source, fusion has several
advantages since light nuclei are plentiful and
the end products of fusion are light stable nuclei
rather than heavy radioactive nuclei. While
the principle of fusion is simple, the actual
machinery and technologies involved are not.
Fusion systems are too cumbersome in terms
of size, cost, and maintenance for anything
less massive than a city or starship. For these
large power consumers, nothing less than fusion
power provides sufficient levels of energy to
meet demands.

The breeder requires an initial electrical charge,

provided by a battery, to start the chemical
process. Once begun, T-Gel is cycled through
the Breeder as it is converted to Z-Gel in a
process that creates electrical energy. Z-Gel is
then converted back into T-Gel and the process
continues. The energy created by the breeder
during this conversion process is used to provide
power to any attached devices.
Very little matter is actually lost during a
Breeders conversion cycle, but after roughly
20 cycles the T-Gel cell needs to be replaced.

Core Battlefield Technologies

Breeder cycle times vary based on the size of the

Breeder, but generally a cycle is about an hour
for small portable breeders and a day or more
for the larger Breeders. Recent advancements in
molecular refinement are helping to increase TGel conversion efficiency and dramatically boost
breeder output.

Bellar Joints
Chances are you use Bellar Joints every day,
even if you dont realize it. These frictionless,
computer controlled electromagnetic joints are
found in everything from cargo doors and wheels
to artificial limbs. While we may take them for
granted, the military certainly does not.

HCC Batteries
High Capacity Chemical (HCC) batteries vary in
size from nano applications to extremely large
space ship applications. They are rechargeable,
and we use them in nearly every personal
electronic device we own. Most personal
weapons use HCC batteries where needed.
Additionally, HCC batteries are used to initiate
breeder reactions and provide us with electrical
backup power in the event of a problem.
Depending on how quickly electrical energy is
being used, an HCC device can last an entire
day of regular usage or mere seconds of intense

If it were not for Bellar Joints, the massive war

machines known as CAV would not exist. With
the average CAV using over 1,400 Bellar Joints,
they have almost the same range of motion and
the dexterity of a humanoid body. Bellar Joints
give CAV speed and mobility unparalleled on the
diverse battlefields found throughout the galaxy.
Bellar Joints also give CAV the ability to rotate
shoulders and elbows to bring their weapons to
bear in the blink of an eye without imposing
any unnecessary G-forces on their crew.

When You Start Something, Finish It In Style!

Robotic Micro Engineers (RME)

Youve probably seen a vid-feed of a damaged
CAV covered in a foamy substance. That foam
is the lifeblood of a CAVs automated repair
system. It is used to transport the Robotic Micro
Engineers (RMEs), which are the incredibly
small nanobots that do the actual repairs, to the
damaged area of the CAV. Reserve tanks along
the CAVs internal skeleton ensure that all major
locations have instant access to RMEs, while
a network of hoses allow the wizzo to transfer
foam from tank to tank as needed in the field.

over a wide enough area, so that the projectiles

forward momentum will be stopped. Second, is
a solid flexible coating around each stand of the
weave that is composed of sub nano-particles
of silica and ceramic suspended in a gel. This
combination of soft and hard components
results in a material with unusual properties.
During normal handling, the gel coating is very
flexible. However, once a high-speed projectiles
impact with it, it transforms into a rigid armorlike material. These two properties give the VAPS
user an incredible level of protection against
kinetic attacks.

While the system is mostly automated and

knows which vital systems to repair first, the
wizzo can pull up a 3-D model of his CAV and
view the details of any damage. He can then give
specific directions to the RMEs or their cousins,
Electronic MicroEngineers, which are used to
repair internal damage to the CAVs electronics.

The gel used in VAPS has two additional, and

extremely important, properties as well. First,
there is the automatic seal created when pieces
of VAPS come into contact with each other. This
seal achieves instant protection from almost
every known biological attack and allows the
soldier to function for short times in most hostile
atmospheric worlds. The second benefit is due
to the fact that the non-conductivity of the gel
provides excellent protection against all types of
energy attacks by simply grounding or deflecting
the attack.

Infantry Protection
The mandates of survivability and functionality
have driven the latest technology of individual
infantry protection to a standard only dreamed
of during the first Galaxy War. Known as the
Valdak Armor Protection System (VAPS), VAPS
was developed by the SyRam Kendric Labs
division during the First Galaxy War. Widespread
deployment of VAPS into Terran military units
began in 2165 and as with any truly innovative
idea, reverse engineered copies soon found their
way into several large and small military forces
across the galaxy. Infringement lawsuits brought
by SyRam earned minor financial results and, by
2269, SyRam had completely stopped pursuing

VAPS achieves stealth and camouflage by the

smart color change of the suspended sub nanoparticles of silica and ceramic. These nanoparticles can accept commands to change color
and project a logical, passive illusion of the
soldiers surrounding environment. VAPS stealth
technology avoids electronic detection by not
emitting light or heat; they simply change their
external color.
Powered Infantry Battle Armor
A man in a suit of Powered Battle Armor is an
awe-inspiring sight. The average battle suit
stands roughly two and a half meters tall and
can weigh as much as 200 pounds depending
on its weapons and equipment load-out. Every
suit comes with atmosphere scrubbers to deal
with noxious atmospheres and its own internal

VAPS provide protection against several threats

by incorporating drastically different solutions
that overlay and support each other to form a
workable material that can be universally used.
Two components of VAPS provide excellent
kinetic protection. First, there are nano layers
of woven base material that dissipate and
absorb the energy of the impact and spread it

supply of oxygen for truly poisonous or lowoxygen environments. Bellar Joints throughout
the suit amplify the users own abilities and
allow for increased strength and movement.
Climbing and rappelling gear are built into most
suits and enable powered troopers to go almost
anywhere. The most common options seen on
Powered Armor is gyro-balanced weapon mounts
and integrated ammo bins which allow a single
soldier to use crew-served heavy weapons.
CAV and Vehicle Armor
The most effective armors are not single
component systems, but rather multi-component
armors that combine layers of dissimilar
materials. Multi-component armor systems are
designed to provide protection by controlling
the disintegration of the armor itself as it stops
the incoming attack.
The structure of modern CAV armor usually
includes an outer ceramic layer which acts to
blunt and wear down the projectile of a kinetic
attack or, with its amorphous structure reflect,
deflect, and resist energy based attacks. A
more flexible, yet stronger, layer of liquid steel
supports the armors ceramic layer and traps the
slowing pieces of a kinetic projectile or absorbs
the heat created from an energy attack. The
third layer is made up of woven fiber designed
to consume the remaining energy of a kinetic
attack as it catches any remaining pieces of a
kinetic attack. The forth layer consists of an antispalling layer designed to keep pieces of the
armor from breaking off and becoming internal
Immersive Fire Control Systems (IFC)
The IFC consists of a full-face helmet, a pair of
sensor gloves that can interpret the smallest of
hand movements and a score of cables that feed
from both helmet and gloves into the vehicles
fire control computer. While In Deep, the term
wizzos use to denote an active IFC, they are
completely cut off from the real world. For the
wizzo, the IFC generates a view of the computer-

generated battlefield. Sensors in the helmet

follow the wizzos head movements along all
3 axes, rotating his viewpoint and allowing
him to effortlessly track targets regardless of
what direction the CAVs torso and weapons
systems are pointed. Special gloves are used to
handle the multitude of tasks he has to perform
during combat. Tasks are completed by a series
of rapid and precise hand movements with
targeting tied to the primary hand and weapon
and communication controls made with the
off-hand. The wizzos gloves also enable him
to bring up a series of windows and simulated
control panels that give him full access to his
CAVs electronics and computer systems, as well
as its repair systems, without ever having to
deactivate the IFC.
Thaurix Patent Interface Harness
Weve all seen CAV pilots on the recruiting vids
looking dashing in their combat suits. Commonly
referred to as Nolads, the most common brand
of military-spec suits, CAV crew suits are part Gsuit, part environmental suit, and they provide
their wearer with resistance to inertial pull and
extreme cold and heat out of the box. Nanites
embedded in the collar and cuffs allow the suit
to form airtight seals with gloves, boots, and
a full-face helmet to add protection during
exposure to vacuum, neurotoxins, and all but
the highest levels of radiation. Finally, a builtin harness attaches to the wearers chair, using
an arrangement of straps and buckles, and
keeps him securely fastened during combat
While the cockpit provides the pilot with his
primary view of the battlefield, his helmets
visor is capable of providing video feeds from
all points around the CAV in either large,
line drawn overlays or in smaller, full-color
windows. In instances where the wizzo or
Defensive Fire Computer turns the CAVs torso
to deal with a target, the helmet automatically
displays the CAVs current vector. This allows
the pilot an uninterrupted view of where he is


going. Topographical information is available

at all times, and the ground directly in front of
the CAVs current path is displayed along the
bottom of the visor with potential trouble spots
such as boulders and holes highlighted. Sensors
in the helmet keep constant tab on the pilots
inner ear to help maintain the CAVs gyros and
monitor his pulse and other vitals. The wizzo is
alerted of any problems that may arise.

pedals also permit the pilot to turn the CAVs

torso if he chooses to override the wizzos
controls or the Defensive Fire Computer.
Gollinel Patent Interface Harness
In 2262 Borsig-Spline introduced the Scorpion
CAV, and with it, came a radical change in the
way a CAVs crew was housed. Most CAVs seat
their crew in single file, with the pilot in front
of the wizzo, but the Scorpions short height
required major changes to the cockpit in order
to retain the design teams original design and
profile. After half a dozen prototypes were
tested and scrapped, it was the design from a
junior engineer named Meirim Gollinel that
finally set production back on track. Instead
of seating the crew one in front of the other,
Gollinel took advantage of the Scorpions wide
body and placed the crew side by side. To reduce
as much height as possible, she replaced the
standard seats with specially designed frames
that the crewmembers actually straddle and sit
upon. This leaves them in an extremely forward
leaning position, which is much like that of any
modern-day magnabike.

Computers handle most of a CAVs normal

movement, but in combat, the pilot relies on
paired ergonomic joysticks and foot pedals to
give him total control. The joysticks are used to
control the CAVs legs that enable them to walk
forwards or backwards, step up or down, crouch,
and side step. Each joystick has a wide array
of triggers, buttons, and switches that allows
instant access to most data the pilot requires as
well as a back-up IFC system in case he needs to
take over for the wizzo.
The foot pedals magnetically latch onto the
pilots boots and control the CAVs feet which
allows for the same range of motion that the
human ankle employs to maintain balance. The

Wherever the
battlefield takes
you, the Scorpion
gets you there!


The pilot still relies on the same paired sticks

that all CAV pilots do to control their machines,
but finger buttons on the Scorpions sticks allow
for precision control of each individual leg
when required. Instead of the standard array of
buttons, gauges, and switches in front of him,
his controls are laid out to the outsides of his
sticks and along a center console underneath his
head. His foot clamps function slightly differently
as well. They allow him to make the Scorpion
crouch down, extend its legs to increase height,
or widen them out to maintain a steady stance.
On the wizzos side, things look pretty much the
same, although the backup control sticks are slid
out of the way which allows the wizzo the range
of hand motion required to accomplish his job.
The Scorpion had one last special requirement
that necessitated attention: its ejection system.
A standard ejection seat would have launched
the crew straight up into the CAVs massive
gauss cannon with dire consequences, so a new
system needed to be devised. Borsig-Splines
final solution was to eject the entire cockpit
area in a sled-type assembly. When the eject
command is given, rocket boosters launch the
entire center section of the Scorpions head
and separate it from the Fire 12 DFMs attached
to its sides and the rest of the body and drive
the sled to a safe distance away from the CAV.
While the unique seating positions require
special Nolad suits for Scorpion crews, the entire
Gollinel configuration has worked so well that
Borsig-Spline opted to utilize it in both their
Spider and Ogre CAVs as well.

Weapon Technologies
Energy Weapons
There are three basic energy types in use today
on the battlefield: laser bolt gun (LBG), the
particle bolt gun (PBG), and what is now being
officially referred to as the Psyro Plasma Gun

Laser bolt guns fire beams of energy focused at

a single point. Collecting charged particles into
a condenser, the LBG fires a small compressed
blast, or bolt, of the particles.
Particle bolt guns superheat subatomic
particles and then propel them downrange in a
supercharged blast of plasma. Most particle bolt
weapons can switch between neutral particle or
charged particle depending on whether or not
theyre being used in atmosphere (charged) or
vacuum (neutral).
Information concerning the performance of Psyro
Plasma Guns is not something UCORs or Galactic
Governments want to share and is undoubtedly
the focal point of new technology research.
What is commonly known is that they appear
to be a wide beam version of the Partial Bolt
Gun that creates a field of plasma splatter that
makes them very destructive against unarmored
or civilian targets.
Gauss Weapons
Gauss technology hasnt changed much in several
centuries other than refinements here or there. A
ballistically stable shape made of molecule-sized,
negatively charged, ferrous pellets suspended in
a ceramic material that makes up the bulk of
the round is propelled down a barrel via linear
magnetic acceleration. Hypersonic velocity
gauss slugs can easily puncture buildings and
armored vehicles. When fighting in cities, the
blast pressure of gauss weapons firing has been
known to shatter windows and blow over light
Rail and Gauss Guns
Generally speaking, a rail gun is used by a planet
or space station to launch payloads. Usually
a sled or conveyance is placed over, on, or in
between two or three long rails, and then a
payload is placed on the sled to be accelerated by
a magnetic pulse traveling down the rails. Gauss
technology uniformly accelerates the projectile
by pushing/pulling it via electromagnetic coils.
Basically, if it has a barrel around the projectile
its Gauss. If you can see the projectile its a
rail gun.

Propellant Weapons
Efficient in all environments, combustible
propellant is used in everything from pistols to
large artillery. Named after the engineer and
the lab that developed the first deployable
propellant system, the Harkon-Lucet Propellant
system (HLP) is todays battlefield standard.
The HLP system is a disposable magazine that
contains three components: a case-less projectile,
unmixed gel in two separate chambers, and a
battery. When the weapon is fired, a piston in
the magazine mixes the two-stage propellant.
Once mixed, an electrical current ignites the
mixture creating an explosive chemical reaction
that ejects the round. HLP weapons also do well
in the rate of fire category. Single barrel systems
are capable of maintaining rates of fire around
500-650 rounds per minute. Multiple rotary
barrel and multiple firing chamber systems can
reach rates of fire upwards of 5000 rounds per

Missile Systems
Modern day missile systems fall into three
general categories: direct, indirect, and cruise.
Direct-fire missiles, such as the systems found
on most CAVs, are small but deadly. They
sacrifice a large warhead in exchange for
speed and targeting capabilities. When a wizzo
gives the missile its launch order, he simply
designates the target and deploys the missile.
The missiles internal targeting system evaluates
terrain and other threats to determine the best
path to the target and the point where the target
is most vulnerable.
Indirect-fire missiles are much larger than their
direct-fire brothers and require constant control
by their wizzo to ensure an accurate on-target
delivery. Their size allows for multi-warhead
delivery systems to rain shrapnel and concussive
force down on everything in their blast radius.
Cruise missiles are easily the biggest threat facing
any force on the modern battlefield. Capable of
delivering a wide array of munitions including
atomic bombs, cruise missiles are a very high
priority target. Cruise missiles are capable of
sustained nap of the Earth flight and are agile
enough to take advantage of most terrain to
cover their approach. Their targeting systems are
on par with those of any CAV and allow them
to avoid enemy units until they have acquired
their target.

The Warlord
Superior Firepower
Superior Technology
Superior Price


Government: Adon Economic Community (AEC)
Star Systems
Home: Avalorr (0)
Major: Baten (1), Janoch (63), Mig (85),
Procyon (19), Sar (71), Suhail (30)
Total: 19
Census Estimate: 98 billion
Racial Composition: 97% Adonese,
1% Terran, 2% Other

Avalorr Prime is a garden world with two major

landmasses. Adon is far larger and lies mostly
in the northern and western hemispheres.
Ritter is mostly in the far southern and eastern
hemispheres. Avalorrs climate ranges from
temperate forest to desert and varies widely
between tropical jungle and frozen ice cap.
As the Prime world of a binary star system,
(Avalorr and Dantilorr), Avalorr Prime suffers
severe climate changes in 14-year cycles. Many
large coastal cities are huge arcologies that are
several kilometers tall and a few kilometers
wide at the base. The oldest cities on Avalorr
are located centrally on the continent as well
as in the mountains and highlands. These cities
have the luxury of being able to spread over
larger areas with no risk of cyclic flooding
when the ice caps melt, and they usually enjoy
cooler climates due to their higher elevations.
Modern science, architecture, and engineering
have rendered the earthquake and volcanic
activity of Avalorr more of a nuisance than a
threat though, during the years of Dantilorrs
proximity, they are still a hazard to be respected.

Amphibians and incredibly adaptive low

vegetation are common and very active during
the Years of Water. Mammals and resilient high
vegetation, such as trees, are more commonly
seen during the Years of Ice when the stars
are at their furthest points. Avalorr also sees
widely varying tidal action due to the interplay
of Avalorr Primes two small moons (Pendarr
and Lonarr). Non-Native visitors are often
surprised by the beauty and abundance of flora
and fauna present on a world with such extreme
climate and gravity. This is especially true in the
many Wildlife Refuges that dot the continent
and serve as living zoos or museums. Though
the Adonese people are renowned throughout
the Galaxy for their culture, dance, acrobatics,
martial arts, arts festivals, and achievements in
the tech and economic worlds, they tenaciously
maintain their more naturalistic and primal ties
to the world of their origin.
Excerpt from Eleanors Notes in Sydes
Guide to the Galaxy:
Just spend one week wandering the Okuran
Grand Reserve on foot during a winter. The
memories of the broad vistas and fragrance of


the wild blue frost blossoms will stay with you all
your life. Simply stand and observe the beauty
and power of a white seven-tined Okuran stag
in a snowfall with hot geysers behind causing
steam to drift by and bejewel your clothing
with ice crystals. Friends, Ive been to a lot of

worlds but it is in places like this that youll

experience firsthand the source of Adonese inner
tranquility, strength, and confidence - what they
call Tangenel. The Adonese have a saying, Only
the strongest roots grow the tallest trees.

The Adonese refer to themselves as, and in many

ways have a rightful claim to the title, Eldest
of the Sapient Races. Sometimes they refer to
themselves as Gwur Hona, or the first. They
were the first race to reach the stars (followed
closely by the Ritterlich) and the first race to
colonize a star system light years away from
their own. The Adonese were the first to observe
the Grand Harmonies of the major races such
as the planets of Avalorr Prime, Capella Prime,
Mohr Prime, and Sol Prime (Earth) which all
have stars directly over their northern pole axis.
The leading Grand Harmony theory is that this
allowed the races from those worlds to develop
global exploration far faster than on worlds
without a pole star which eventually led to their
prominence in the galaxy.

diplomatic actions have even produced a violent

backlash. The Terrans, in particular, seem to
resent being treated as an erring younger brother.
Economic prosperity, security, individual
freedom, and fine culture are hallmarks of
Adonese controlled space. For example, Adonese
martial training begins in the lower schools
during childhood. By the time a young Adonese
becomes an adult, he or she is usually proficient
in several forms of dance, unarmed martial arts,
traditional broadsword fencing, and gymnastics.
Education is not purely physical either. The
state schools ensure that a new citizen is fully
versed in both the cultural and military history
of his or her state as well as the basic needs of
modern education (math, technology, law, civic
duty, etc.). Adonese officers are drawn from the
finest military academies that integrate cutting
edge technologies with solid military doctrine.
Military academies, like the Universities, are
state-assisted meritocracies where only the best
and brightest do well. In addition, Adon has no
separation between civilian police, and the armed
forces and cities are well protected from internal
criminal threats and external attacks. This cultural
blending of the policeman and soldier roles has
created an entire army that is very proficient in
urban situations and - disturbingly - in restoring
social order after a successful NADO invasion.

Perhaps due to their self-perception as the

Eldest race, the Adonese have taken for
themselves the responsibility of maintaining
peace and safeguarding civilized governments.
They send diplomats to settle disputes all over
the quadrant. Though they did not discover
the Terrans, the AEC negotiated the terms of
the peace that ended the RachTerran war and
introduced the peoples of Earth to the other
Galactic Core cultures. Cynics are quick to point
out that the terms of any such settlements are
usually economically beneficial to the AEC
(the Vela Peace Accord included). Several such


The AEC (Adon Economic Community) is the

current government of the Adonese people.
For 250 years the democratic member states
of the Adon continent - Arveni (Arviniel),
Breonne (Breounnel), Hakir (Hakeerel),
Haldor (Haldourel), Heimdall (Hymdalanel),
Highlands (Ynadenn Uka), Kjord (Keeourdel),
Okura (Oukurel), Racheau (Rashoudel), Telluria
(Telureeanel), Vestonia (Vestouneeanel)- have
worked together to direct the future of their
people. Every 14 years, the executive power
of the AEC is passed to a new member state

by a vote. No member state can govern two

consecutive spans, though they may be elected
again after only one interval. The current
Chairstate is Breonne, elected a second time
after an interval period governed by their
political twin Racheau. Breonnes term ends in
2275. Experts predict that the ruling Freetrade
Conservative Party may be replaced by the more
militant Galactic Union Party headquartered in
Arveni, which has been gaining power since the
end of the first Galaxy War and has become a
dominate voice since the outbreak of the second.

The Adonese are considered the vanguard in all

matters of galactic high culture. Their open and
inclusive society allows them to pick and choose
the best from any race or people with which they
come in contact. Bredalee gwur Gorel is the term
in the Adonese language that best exemplifies
their view on most matters, Always the Best.
Visitors to Adonese worlds are often surprised
to find iconic elements and aspects of their own
culture expressed somewhere or somehow. For
instance, when the Terrans joined the galaxy,
their history was mercilessly picked through for
any interesting or new ideas. It was the same for
the Rach, Malvernis, Yedarians, etc. The Adonese
seem to consider the Galaxy and all life as being
there for them and for their own enjoyment.
This does, occasionally, cause friction. The other
races have been known to discount the Adonese
with phrases like theyre dancers, not fighters
or theyre too busy learning new ways to grow
flowers, but the Adonese consider such terms
compliments and expressions of envy. After all,
Adons military history speaks for itself. NADO
ensured galactic security long before anyone
else, and Adon did fight key battles and secure
key objectives to ensure a Coalition victory in
the first Galaxy War. The Ritterlich, Rach, and

Terrans have learned at great cost that when the

helpful Adonese hand makes a fist, it strikes hard.


1st L.R.R. (Rapid Deployment Division) is first

to fight, first to glory and takes great pride in
a distinguished service record crowned with
military victories.

The military arm of the AEC is the North Adon

Defense Organization, or NADO for short (even
though everybody still calls them the Adonese or
AEC). Each of the AEC member states and colony
worlds contribute military forces. Currently,
NADO admits to 21 full strength divisions.
However, based on past NADO history and current
trends in disinformation flow this is more than
likely a low number. The current Galaxy War has
resulted in many things, not the least of which
is that the major governments are masking their
military capabilities. Long gone are the innocent
years of the 40s when information was freely
available to all. Behind the pearly smiles and
angelic faces, the Adonese are here to win.
The AEC Security Quorum dictates overall
civilian policy. The Supreme Military Executive
answers directly to the Security Quorum and is
the highest-ranking military officer in the NADO.
The civilian Defense Ministry and military
Combined Forces Command control the various
Armies and Army Groups scattered throughout
the many theaters and AEC zones of control in
the Galaxy.

Torfel 55
Nickname(s): Double Trouble
Headquarters: Okura, Avalorr
AtUtaran Arana
Battle Honors:
Hades, Cesair, Lir,
Notes: The 55th
is not only a highly
decorated military
unit, it is also
something of a celebrity in the Adonese army.
Recently, a series of highly successful movies
have been made about Avar MaxGar, an ace
CAV Pilot and his WSO. MaxGars unit is the
55th. Due to the popularity of the show and
availability of mechandise, the bullethole
riddled yellow smiling face has been adopted
as the official unit patch. The shows theme,
The Gauss Lullabye has also been adopted as
the official unit march.

AEC Central Headquarters Westinhall, Breonne,
Adon, Avalorr

Torfel 72
Nickname(s): Stormwind
Okura, Avalorr
AtUtaran Omaro
Battle Honors: Hades,
Lir, Procyon
Notes: The warriors
of Stormwind have
earned a reputation
of dependability and ferocity under fire. When
the storm winds blow, the wise seek cover or
must face the consequences of their choice.

Legendary Units:
1st Leska Rannad Raniadel
Nickname(s): Red Spear
Headquarters: Breonne, Avalorr
AtUtaran Arnos
Battle Honors: Loki,
Hades, Medea, Lir,
Notes: The Red Spear
is one of the premier
military units in the
Adonese army. The

Government: Empire of Malvernis
Star Systems
Home: Capella Prime (17)
Major: Hydra (65), Syrma (165), Priam
Tania (108)
Total: 19
Census Estimate: 78 billion
Racial Composition: 88% Malvernian, 6%
Terran, 4% Adonese, 2% Other

Capella Prime, known as Malvernis (Onyx

Throne) to its natives, is a water world shrouded
in ever present clouds. What little land there is
rarely sees the light of the pair of nearby stars.
The twin yellow binary stars give off intense heat,
and the proximity of two red dwarf stars both
less than 1/6 of a light year away make arrivals
to Capella via the Jump Point very rough. As a
result of the intensity of the twin stars, there are
no ice caps on Malvernis, and the heat evaporates
the surface layer at an increased rate in midsummer creating violent storms. Visitors and
pilgrims to the heart of the Khardullan Religion
that wish to travel to make planet fall must plan
their arrival during low atmospheric volatility
to reduce the risk of crashing. The Khardullan
religion teaches that Capella was created as a
haven and fortress for the faithful. When one
considers the difficulties of simply reaching the
system, there may be some merit to this claim.
The population of Malvernix dwells in three
types of structures. First, are the Rockhomes
which are the most ancient cities of the
Malvernis. Alaghax, the capital city, is the oldest
Rockhome on Malvernix. Rockhomes dot the
leeward rock cliffs and surfaces of landmasses
to avoid being blasted by the wind and stormy

seas. The early inhabitants and ancestors of

modern Malvernis tunneled through solid rock
to create additional living spaces and Rockhomes
sprawl for thousands of kilometers. Second
are the Aquapoli; these are enormous floating
citadels that ride the seas like gargantuan
mechanical Siphonophora (jellyfish). The storms
of Malvernix require the tops of Aquapoli to be
designed as aerodynamically as possible. Giant
drive systems keep the Aquapoli on station
and sonic turrets protect them from the giant
aggressive sea life. The third type of Malvernian
dwellings are the ubiquitous Urbmons. These are
similar to the ones found everywhere except on
Malvernix. They are fully submerged, anchored
to solid rock, and are usually connected via
magtube highways to a parent Rockhome.
Perhaps the most unique feature of this water
world is the water itself. High in mineral
content, the black water of Malvernis is
undrinkable by most races in the galaxy. The
Malvernian physiology has evolved in such a
way that their bodies naturally filter out these
minerals along with other bodily wastes. These
minerals also produce large deposits of Onyx
along the ocean floor which are of a quality so
fine it is prized by artisans all across the galaxy.

Malvernis is a capitalistic theocracy. Tithes and

taxes are both used to support the organization
and needs of the Khardullan church and faithful.
All government officials are Khardullan and laws
are designed to promote and enforce religious
laws and doctrine. Punishments are harsher for
violators or criminals that are outside of the
Faith, and this double standard is both normal
and common. The governing body is the Dark
Brotherhood, an all male legislative council of
over 700 High Inquisitors. The Dark Brotherhood
sees to the religious and operational needs of
the Empire, establishing bureaus, quorums,
or missions as needed, as well as choosing or
dismissing officials to carry out their wishes.
Normal Inquisitors (sometimes called Low
Inquisitors), both male and female, serve in
roles as varied as tithe collection, religious police,
or military liaisons. Subservient to the Inquisitors
are the legions of Prelates of the various

Holy Orders that maintain the bureaucracy.

All Malvernians answer to the Grand Inquisitor,
the Empires supreme and absolute dictator.
The Grand Inquisitor is protected by the
dreaded Onyx Fist which is his Battalion-sized
military guard. He is served by the Brides of
Khardullis; they are his female servants, personal
bodyguards, and consorts. Additionally, both
groups serve as assassins or special envoys when
needed. The Grand Inquisitor has the ability to
propose or overturn any law or decision of the
Dark Brotherhood. Finally, though technically
no longer a member of the Clergy itself since he
is above it, he dictates Khardullan religion. To
the faithful, this is only logical since the Grand
Inquisitor rules with the favor and guidance
of the Creator until the return of the Prophet.
There is no doubt that the Grand Inquisitor
is the one who sits on the Onyx Throne until
The Creator sees fit to send another Prophet.

The origins of the worship of Khardullis began

in 1176 and are based on the teachings of
the Prophet Khardullis. Followers of Khardullis
identified themselves by carrying a crooked
staff. Marston the First, the first Grand Inquisitor,
established the office in 1262 and laid the
foundations for the theocracy that governs the
Empire today. Marston also commissioned the
Onyx Throne that stands as the very symbol of
Malvernis power today. For those unfamiliar
with Malvernian culture, it is easy to think
that there is nothing outside the Khardullan
religion. This could not be further from the
truth! The Malvernis live; work; fight; and
pursue intellectual, technological, and social
desires just like anyone else. The difference is

simply that the government and religion are

one and the same. An old Malvernian proverb
states, A tax to some is a tithe to others.
Relations between the Onyx Throne and the
other Core Culture Governments have not
always been smooth. Conflicts periodically erupt
between the Rach and Malvernis (especially near
Spica), and more recently between the Terrans
and Malvernis, even before the outbreak of
open hostilities.
Recently Terran terrorists were able to heavily
damage the Black Needle on Tania which is
Capellas primary Orbital Lift Elevator. This
event led to the execution of a formally declared
Holy War against the Terran infidels by the
Dark Brotherhood and the delivery of a formal
declaration of war.

Malvernian life centers around two things: the

betterment of the Empire and the worship of
Khardullis. The religion of Khardullis teaches
solidarity and community strength as the path
to enlightenment. The Inquisitors and Prelates
make sure that the faithful rigidly adhere to
the tenets of the church and complete the daily
requirements of their religion. Those not of the
Faith are treated as second class citizens, and the
Inquisitors watch them closely for signs of heresy.
The most radical difference (to non-Malvernians)
of Malvernian culture is the absence of the family
unit. The first Grand Inquisitor decreed that the
church would take over the rearing of children so
that, relieved of their parental responsibilities, the
faithful might devote more time to worshipping
the Creator and stewarding their community. The
Shining Sisterhood is a galaxy wide organization
that exists outside the jurisdiction of all save
the Grand Inquisitor and their own hierarchy.
The Sisterhood is tasked with maintaining
the hatcheries, nurseries, and education
centers (both secular and military) where the
leathery mammalian eggs are incubated and
Malvernian children are raised and educated.

forces. Most high-ranking civilian police

are female and members of the Sisterhood.
Most Malvernian communities of any size have
local chapters of the Shining Sisterhood. Larger
communities will have their own hatcheries,
while smaller worlds will send the eggs offworld to be cared for and educated. On nonMalvernian controlled worlds with smaller
populations, many Malvernians have readopted
the family unit, and the young are hatched and
raised naturally. The Church and the Sisterhood
frown upon this practice, as it puts these
Malvernians outside their sphere of control.
The Shining Sisterhood has produced an
indoctrination program geared toward nonMalvernian converts. This involves months of
hypnotherapy and somnolent indoctrination
into the Khardullian religion. The experience
of non-Malvernian converts is less intense,
but it often has a greater psychological effect
upon them. Still, there are converts who do not
respond to indoctrination and give up, leaving
the faith behind.

All female Malvernians have a religious duty to

provide fertilized eggs to the Hatcheries at least
twice during their lifecycle. The Sisterhood keeps
extensive records of these donations which are
as much practical as spiritual. Some females feel
it is their duty to perpetuate the species and thus
deliver eggs to the Hatcheries with alarming
regularity. The Sisterhood uses the aforementioned
records to ensure the stability of the gene pool.
The Shining Sisterhood has the option to
dispose of any fertilized eggs for any reason.
Genetic testing on all eggs ensures that no one
from the Dark Brotherhoods list of heretics is
allowed to slip their seed into the gene pool.
The Sisterhood also supervises all executions of
criminals and traitors as an extension of their
duty to purge flawed eggs and, therefore, has
a close working relationship with the police

role. Only the most faithful Khardullans are

allowed to serve in this targulla, and many
High Inquisitors have risen from their ranks.

The Grand Inquisitor guides the Military Forces

of the Empire. The Inquisitor is the supreme
high commander though he will appoint
Seraphim. The Seraphim Council governs
the actual progress of all military operations.
Each Targulla (Regiment) marches figuratively
(but sometimes literally) into battle with a
crooked staff (the symbol of the Khardullan
Religion) blessed by the hand of the Grand
Inquisitor himself. The regimental Targulla Hook
exemplifies the Malvernian soldier. He or she
marches into battle against the foes of Malvernis
with the blessings of the Grand Inquisitor, and
therefore the Prophet, and therefore The Creator.

77th Targulla
Nickname(s): Ice
Headquarters: Petard,
Priam (14)
Commander: Genarix
Karras Kothmore
Battle Honors: 34
Honors of the Faithful, 39
Orders of the Black Onyx
Fist, 74 Orders of the Red
Notes: Fast, decisive,
this unit is renowned for
its quick strike abilities.
Relying on the most
manueverable combat assets available, this
targulla can tie an enemy unit in knots before
sliding the noose closed and locking them in a
strangle hold.

Most Malvernian units also include a number

of Inquisitors. The Inquisitors spur the troops
onto greater glory for the good of Khardullis
and the Empire, watch the troops for acts of
heresy, and stamp out those whose loyalty
to the Onyx Throne may be called into
question. While most of these Inquisitors
also hold rank as officers, it is rare to see an
Inquisitor leading a unit above Company size.

Legendary Units:

165th Assault Targulla

1st Targulla

Nickname(s): Heavy Mag

Headquarters: Beltar,
Syrma (165)
Commander: High
Genarix Lorac Geng
Battle Honors: 28
Honors of the Faithful, 58
Orders of the Black Onyx
Fist, 96 Orders of the Red
Notes: Easily the heaviest
unit in the galaxy, the
Heavy Mag is comprised
primarily of heavy CAV
and main battle tanks. This unit is known for
its simple yet effective tactic of breaking the
enemy: sheer weight and brute force.

Nickname(s): High
Headquarters: Capella
Commander: High
Genarix Mangu Timar
Battle Honors: 35
Honors of the Faithful, 42
Orders of the Black Onyx
Fist, 96 Orders of the Red
Notes: The High Guard is
the prize of the Empires
army. Comprised of the
most experienced warriors
and the best equipment, it is suited for any

Government: Empire of The Rach
Star Systems
Home: Mohr (31)
Major: Aeneas (46)
Total: 22
Census Estimate: 91 billion
Racial Composition: 97% Rach, 3% Other

Mohr is orbited by twin moons, Vhas and

Mydean, whose gravitational pulls cause
frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
making Mohr a violent and temperamental
world. The huge equatorial jungles of Mohr
teem with predators, diseases, and plant life
hostile to everything. Mohr has no oceans but
many large, deep seas that ebb and surge with
the twin moons pull. High and jagged mountain
ranges separate the jungles from the vast deserts
that eventually transform to broad steppes. The
atmosphere of Mohr seethes and crackles with
electrical storms bathing large areas in truly
spectacular lightning discharges for a good
portion of the planetary year. It is from these very
storms that the Rach derive their creation story
in their primary religious text the Tharett-Ka or
Book of Omens. They see themselves as having
been created in the Progenitor Storm from

the stones, rivers, wind, and lightning of Mohr.

The single largest arable stretch of land is the
Monglash Steppes, on the northern continent,
which is home to most of Mohrs population.
The main economic centers are Sua-Khresh and
Mygar. The Kaharach resides in his palace in
Mygar on the northern continent; while the UCOR
Koda Works is headquartered in Sua-Khresh on
the less populous southern continent.
Excerpt from Eleanors Notes in Sydes
Guide to the Galaxy:
Visitors to Mohr should take the opportunity
to visit the Rach Imperial Museum. Within this
wing to the Kaharachs sprawling palace complex
are the collected racial works of Mohrs greatest
painters, poets, and sculptors. You will no doubt,
as I was, be moved to deep displays of emotion
by the beauty of traditional Rach art.


The Rach have a caste system of government

known as the Takrorah, meaning expansion
method. The first Emperor, or Kaharach, Konta,
laid the foundation for the Rach Empire that we
know today. All facets of life are regimented
by the caste system. This system dictates
daily activity within a given caste according
to an individuals growth, both physically and
mentally, from birth. There are six major castes,
each with an untold amount of sub castes and
careers. They are, in order of prestige: Imperial,
Warrior, Educator, Food Creator, Diplomat and
The Imperial Caste is the governing body of the
Rach with the Kaharach at its head. The Kaharach

The Rach descended from bipedal catlike beasts

of the Kor Mountains. A carnivorous pack
animal, they eventually hunted their homeland
dry of food sources and the great pack was
split by its Alphas and sent in four directions
to find more food sources and new lands for
the pack. These beasts quickly moved to the top
of the food chain with their outstanding ability
to adapt to even the harshest environments
within only a few generations. Eventually they
could be found everywhere on Mohr and
became the Tribes of the Rach we know today.
Conflict is a large part of Rach society, and
they have fought too many wars to count
over the centuries. Since before the time of
the first Kaharach, physical confrontation has
been a mainstay of their lives. Rach tribes
fought war after war attempting to fulfill the
prophecy of the Kaharach laid down by their
ancestors until, finally, one Rach united the
tribes by conquering them all, fulfilling the
prophecy of Kaharach. His name was Konta of
the Dakan tribe and his legacy lives on through

dictates law and is advised by councilors from

each Tribe. Originally the Rach were divided
into a thousand tribes, but the early days of the
Season of Storms took their toll and dramatically
reduced the actual number of tribes. Today
there are officially 612 tribes and, while
reduced in numbers, it still equates to a large
number of councilors attending the Imperial
Council. With all of the tribes nominating
a member of the Diplomat caste as their
representatives, debates in the Imperial Council
are often lengthy and may become heated or
occasionally violent because the councilors
often disagree on the best courses of action.
The Kaharach has the final say over all matters.

the actions and deeds of the current Kaharach.

Over the next several centuries the Rach
flourished under the Kaharachs. Advances in
science, medicine, and culture allowed the Rach
to live longer and more peaceful lives to the point
that some began to believe they were becoming
dull and losing their warrior spirit. To reverse
this trend, the 42nd Kaharach, Yonga, set aside
one thousand tracts of land encompassing all the
varied terrain types of Mohr and decreed that
no less than ten percent of the Rach should be
at war at all times. One hundred of the thousand
tribes were called to the Tobach Rik, or Fields
of Glory, where they were given an opponent,
a date, a battlefield, and told they had one year
to prepare for battle. Thus began The Season of
Storms. Countless thousands of Rach perished
over the next decade as all of the thousand tribes
took their turns and were blooded in battle.
The 51st Kaharach, Gharl the Evenhanded
deemed that tribes need not send their entire
population and should instead send a tenth
composed of their finest warriors as determined
by martial contests within each tribe. This


ensured that no tribe would perish if they didnt

fare well. Gharl also expanded the Season of
Storms to be fought until only one tribe stood
victorious. The winning tribe of the Season of
Storms is declared the Ongban (the Talon of the
Empire) and given a share of the taxes and tribute

paid by the other ninety-nine fighting tribes

that year. The winning of the title Ongban is
the highest honor that can be achieved in the
Rach culture. This drives the Rach to keep their
bodies, or temples of war, amazing examples
of fitness and strength.

At the conclusion of the years battles, a great

festival is held lasting almost a month. During
this time, one hundred of the greatest warriors
from that years fighting tribes, fifty male and
fifty female, enter into the temple of Keteesa at
dusk and spend the night hunting each other
in total darkness. The Rachs acute senses of
hearing and smell allow them to find a member
of the opposite sex and mate. At dawn, the
warriors leave the temple often not knowing
who their nights mate was. The children
produced from these unions are referred to as
war-born and are held in high esteem by their
tribes throughout their lives. This ceremony aids
in keeping the gene pool of each tribe from
stagnating and also ensures the genetics of the
greatest warriors thrive. Not all Rach children
come into the galaxy in this way, however.

the Imperial Caste unless they first came from

the Warrior Caste.
A visitor to Mohr will find the cities much
different from cities elsewhere. The severe
weather conditions of Mohr keep the Rach from
building the enormous, soaring buildings found
so commonly on other worlds. Rach cities tend
to sprawl for many dozens of kilometers in
every direction with no more than three to four
story buildings being typical. Rach architecture
runs toward the utilitarian as opposed to the
aesthetic. A common building material is a
volcanic hardened, clay-like material that is
formed into slabs or bricks and extremely
resistant to Mohrs harsh environment. NonRach are well-served by purchasing a filter-mask
before leaving the spaceport as dust storms are
frequent, and this fine, ochre colored sand tends
to accumulate in even the smallest opening.
Crime on the Rach home world is practically
unknown, as the Rach consider any crime an

The Rach hold no cultural taboo against crossing

castes; there is only guilt and peer pressure
brought on by approving/disapproving parents
or friends. In any instances of caste crossing,
the Rach performs the Lahva Brai ritual, or
the Passing Ordeal, to renounce their former
castes privileges and responsibilities and take
on the ones of their new caste. Once done,
acceptance into the new caste is dependent on
the individual Rachs own merits. It is all but
impossible to renounce into the Warrior Caste,
but it has been done. This usually involves a great
deal of fighting, duels, bloodshed, and injuries.
Membership in the Imperial caste is based on
bloodlines, thus an Imperial can pass out of the
Imperial caste at will, but only the Emperor, who
must be present at the Lahva Brai, may accept
someone into the Imperial Caste. No Emperor,
in over 4000 years, has accepted anyone into


offense against the Emperor and, therefore,

treasonous. The Rach judicial system is harsh and
draconian by most of the galaxies standards,
and the sentence of death is commonplace.
When or if the death sentence is imposed,
the criminal is often given the opportunity
to take their own life thereby salvaging
their honor and wiping the stain of their
transgression from their family, tribe, and caste.
The Dakan Kharl unit is infamous in the pop

culture of the Rach due to an interesting quirk

of the entertainment industry. Whenever an
evil Rach character is needed, it will invariably
carry the markings and blood red uniform of
the Dakan Kharl. Whenever a noble Rach is
required, the Kharlong black and silver uniform
is used along with the flying Kharl emblem. The
most famous Dakan Kharl villain is Tchaikoan
Korakh. He is the brutal and cunning archnemesis of the hero, Avar MaxGar.

The size of the Rach military fluctuates depending

on the Emperors needs. During times of peace,
approximately a tenth of the population is
devoted to the Imperial Army. A time of war
can see these numbers jump to as much as a
quarter or even a third of the population in
uniform as was seen during the last Galaxy War.

The Ong Moguk Rann

Legendary Units
The Kharlong
The Kharlong is the
Kaharachs personal
bodyguard and oversees
the security of the Imperial
Palace. The force is primarily
composed of former Ong
Bak winners who pledge
themselves to the protection
of the Emperor. Since they
have resided in the palace,
an insurgency has not taken
place. They are primarily
composed of specialty
infantry, armored, and CAV units along with
their support.

The Moguk tribe has

produced exemplary warriors
since their first win during
the Season of Storms. Since
then, they have produced
the Ong Ban 34 times. They
hold a competition each
year to accept more tribe
members and they are the
only tribe which allows other
tribes members to join. The
bulk of their tribe is made of
warriors, and their record in
the Season of Storms reflects this.
Dakan Kharl
The Dakan Kharl is the
Imperial bloodline tribe.
This tribe enjoys 21 wins
during the Season of Storms
and possesses the unique
distinction of maintaining
seven Bokh comprised of
tribe members, which is three
Bokh more than any other
tribe. Their infantry members
are feared even amongst the
Rach themselves for their
brutality and bloodlust.


Government: The Ritterlich Confederacy
Star Systems
Home: Avalorr (0) (Official), Neuritter
(189) (Unofficial)
Major: Crater (35), Neuritter (aka Cygni)
(189), Gladatores (29), Rigel (32)
Total: 18
Census Estimate: 90 billion
Racial Composition: 96% Ritterlich, 2%
Adonese, 1% Terran, 1% Other

Avalorrs second continent, Ritter, is comprised

of four states with each offering a unique
destination for travelers. Schwarzenwald offers
the largest forests on the planet which are home
to some of the best hunting in the galaxy. In
Nebensee, your evenings can be spent in
comfort at any number of ocean-side resorts,
enjoying the best seafood Ritter has to offer,

while passing the days exploring ancient desert

ruins or nearby jungle wildlife. Weisburg offers
varying terrain for the seasoned traveler, as its
southern deserts give way to jungle rain forests
and forested mountain ranges before reaching
Ritters northern shores. Dornheims prairies
and rolling hills provide a relaxing alternative to
the commotion of everyday life and is a popular
getaway for the Ritterlich themselves.

Ritterlich is led by the Chancellor of the

Confederacy, an office currently held by
Margrave Commodore Ulan Albresch, who
rose to popularity after the First Galaxy War.
Selected by popular election every eight years,
it is the Chancellors duty to oversee the day-to-

day operations of the government and ensure

that all of the vast holdings of the Confederacy
are working together smoothly. His actions are
supervised by Parliament, whose members
are elected every four years to represent
their native states both on and off planet.

The warrior-king Klaus Goetter said, Ritterlich

is a people, not a place, and scholars have
been debating what he meant ever since. Most

believe that it is the warrior spirit that lives

within a Ritterlich citizen, regardless of location,
that spawned the statement.


The Ritterlich Confederacy was originally formed

from four member states: Dornheim, Nebensee,
Schwarzenwald, and Weisburg, which split the
Ritterlich continent of the planet Avalorr.
In 443, King Goetter of Dornheim formed
an alliance with the two main tribes from
Schwarzenwald and swept the continent with an
unstoppable might. The Great Peace of King of
Kings Goetter lasted for five hundred years, but

Travelers should first be aware of the Ritterlich

dining customs. The Ritterlich are carnivores
and, for the most part, prefer their meals raw.
Most traditional restaurants maintain their own
livestock pens on the grounds to provide their
patrons with a fresh meal. Being carnivores,
they rarely eat grains, breads, and vegetables,
so when choosing a dining establishment, the
wise tourist will look for menus featuring nonRitterlich entrees as well. This is not to say
that all Ritterlich dishes should be avoided! In
fact, when cooked to normal Terran standards,
the Razorhorn flank steak is a delicacy that no
one should miss. Be sure, however, to politely
refuse the blood-wine if your waiter suggests it.
Animal blood is a staple of the Ritterlich diet
and they enjoy it as most races do alcoholic
beverages. The smell is usually too much for
the average Adonese or Terran and it requires
an incredible amount of intestinal fortitude to
dine among the Ritterlich. Those who choose
to dine in a traditional establishment will
most likely find a group gathered around a
table, making polite conversation, and simply
enjoying a glass of blood. The Ritterlichs slow
metabolism requires them to eat full meals
only once every few days, and the protein
provided in a goblet or two of blood is more
than enough to sustain them between meals.
Depending on the quality of the establishment you
patronize, you might find yourself lucky enough
to rub elbows with royalty. While Ritterlich hasnt
had a King of Kings for twelve hundred years,

divisions inside the kingdom eventually eroded

the power of the throne and the kingdom fell
into chaos. In 897, Graustein was sacked by a
faction army from Weisburg, and the king, then
King of Kings Neimechech, was beheaded. Oden
Blackthorne, war leader and charismatic warrior
of the Weisburg army, claimed the throne.
Today, the Confederacy is run by Chancellor
William M. Albrecht.

it still has many families that can trace their

ancestry back to the nobles of that time. These
families comprise the Aristocracy that forms
Ritterlichs upper crust in society, government,
and the military. A man could be the richest
businessman, the highest-ranking officer, or the
biggest movie star in the galaxy, but without
a title, he would not be anything in Ritterlich.
Roughly one in ten Ritterlich can count themselves
among the Aristocracy, with the majority of them
being in the Gentry. These men and women
can trace their familial lines back to nobility in
ancient Ritterlich but have not received a title of
their own. The Gentry would still be considered
upper class by most societies, but on Ritterlich,
they find themselves on the outside looking
in. Thus, they are always searching for ways to
prove themselves worthy of entitlement. Military
service is the most common means of earning
a title, although service to the Confederacy
through other disciplines is possible too.
A factor in the perceived coldness of Ritterlich is
their Empathic abilities, which allow them to sense
another beings mood and intent, regardless of
race or species. It is this empathy that has forced
the Ritterlich to take on such a cool demeanor in
public, lest they broadcast their personal feelings
to every other Ritterlich in sight. This often leads
foreigners to the false opinion that all Ritterlich
are cold and heartless, when in reality they are
simply preventing their countrymen from being
inundated by countless waves of emotions.


Ritterlich claims to have the best hunting in the

galaxy, and weve been hard pressed to prove
them wrong. Their empathic sense gives the
hunter a connection with his prey that no other
race can manage. In order for their empathy to
work, the Ritterlich have to actually be able to
see the individual theyre attempting to read.
The ancient tradition of Blooding, which involves

the Ritterlich actually consuming another

individuals blood, heightens the awareness
to a point where the hunter can track his prey
through their bond even when miles separate
the two. On most hunts, as part of the Blooding,
a hunters first shot will actually be aimed to
only wound the animal. The individual hunter
will then part from his hunting party and track
down his prey alone in order to better savor its
final emotions.

Noble Ranks
Prince honorary only, as the Chancellor is an
elected official
Margrave exists only off Avalorr
Gentry (descended from a titled family,
but no title of their own)

The Ritterlich are perhaps the most patriotic of

the known races. A full eighty percent of the
Confederacys population has served at least
a two-year term in one of the armed forces,
even though service is required by nothing
more strict than societys approval. Most of
these people serve a few years in the enlisted
ranks and then move on to common life. But, a
select few will work their way through the many
military academies found throughout Ritterlich
space and join the commissioned ranks.
In Ritterlich culture, only one station in life is
held in higher regard than being among the ranks
of the Aristocracy, and that is being an officer
in the military. With rank, comes entitlement,
so when a Training Lieutenant or Midshipman

receives his commission to Lieutenant, he also

receives the title of Esquire for his service to the
Confederacy. As one moves up the ranks of the
military during his career, he also moves up the
ranks of the Aristocracy ensuring that his social
station is always equal to his military station.
Naturally, Ritterlich military academies are
flooded every year with applications. The
application committees narrow the applicants
down to the top echelon, and the first physical
years of war college weed out even more. Those
who graduate ten years later are some of the
best trained and educated leaders in existence.
There is an alternate way into the ranks of the
military select; there is a small loophole that


tradition has kept open since medieval times.

Any individual with enough money to field and
maintain his own company is granted full rank
in the Ritterlich military in accordance with the
size of the unit he commands. Luckily for the
Ritterlich, the cost of buying and supplying a
modern-day military unit is so astronomical
that less than a score have bothered to
do so in the past century. Those who did
mostly mustered infantry divisions, earning
themselves the rank of Lieutenant or Captain.
The Second Galaxy War has caused a drastic
increase in the number of men and women
seeking to purchase commissions. Many First
Galaxy War veterans made good money while
serving with mercenary companies like Kolditz
and General Drake after the war. Now theyre
using that money to buy their way into the
officers corps, rather than waiting to be recalled
to active duty in the enlisted ranks.

Legendary Units

1st Nebunzee Abdeilusch

Nickname(s): Huntsmen, The Way is Forward
Headquarters: Classified
Commander: SdahlGruklein-Liche, Kaavine
Battle Honors: Eagle
Assault Badge, Ruby
Star, Silver Dagger
Notes: The Huntsmen
are hand chosen
from a pool of
volunteers taken
from other Groups
in the Confederacy.
After additional
training, they earn
the right to wear the crowned skull badge.The
soldiers of this unit specialize in pinpoint strike
missions deep behind enemy lines as well as
psychological warfare operations. Many of
them became Kolditz mercs after the 1st war
and have now returned.
2nd Grauzdeine Abdeilusch

1st Schvarzenvaalt Abdeilusch

Nickname(s): Protectors of Honor
Madaius fos Yaamarin
Battle Honors: Golden
Eagle, Blood Eagle,
Silver Dagger
Notes: The 1st
Schvarzenvaalt is a
unit that became
especially famous
among its foes during
the Galaxy War.
Several major surrenders (including many
of the defeated Alliance troops at Procyon)
were handled by the 1st. Their honorable
treatment of defeated earned them high
praise in the civilian world and laurels for the
Ritterlich government - solidifying the Ritterlich
reputation as warrior professionals.

Nickname(s): The Watchers, Eyes of the Just

Headquarters: Classified
Vaarnern fos Krell
Battle Honors: Golden
Eagle, Blood Eagle,
Platinum Star
Notes: The Watchers
are famous for heavily
mechanized CAV and
tank operations. They
also have the distinction of being one of the
last units to evacuate from Avalorr prior to
the Adonese occupation. It was their heroic
sacrifice that allowed the last refugee ships to
leave orbit.



Government: Grand Temple of the Eternal

Star Systems
Home: Tor-Nor (21)
Major: Carina (22), Ceti (149), Merak (49),
Pelles (80)
Total: 23
Census Estimate: 115 billion*
Racial Composition: 52% Adonese, 34%
Terran, 12% Ritterlich, 1% Malvernian, 1%
* Templar census estimates only deal with
the actual populations of Templar controlled
worlds, not necessarily of adherents to the
edicts of the Temple of the Chronicle

The similarities between Tor-Nor and Avalorr

are striking and bear testament to the ancient
origins of the Holy Order of the Knights of the
Temple. Adonese elements abound, serving
more as a foundation upon which the Templars
own cultural has evolved. The Templars fully
embrace the marvels of the modern world which
only wealth and economic prosperity can buy,
and their cities wear these modern amenities
as a testament to the strength of the Templar
nation. The capital city of Viper is a strange mix
of structures from different cultures throughout
the galaxy. The Tower of Mason, the Templar
capital building, is a mammoth tower of polished
marble, clearly based on Adonese architecture,
yet combining elements of Terran engineering.
Around the building is a massive wall of marblesheathed, reinforced concrete, complete with
point defense turrets and ramparts, which is
distinctly Ritterlich in origin.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Tower of

Mason is the garden of heroes. This arboretum
is filled with lush vegetation and statues
representing First Knights, heroic warriors, and
influential politicians. Each statue is crafted
from material, and by artisans, native to the
honorees home world.
Excerpt from Eleanors Notes in Sydes
Guide to the Galaxy:
One of the most intriguing of these statues is
that of Knight 1st Rank Gorghen Klaux, who
was a rare Malvernian member of the Templars.
Klaux sacrificed himself while protecting First
Knight Vax Spiro from an assassination attempt
by members of the dreaded Onyx Fist at the
end of the first Galaxy War. The statue is carved
of Capellan onyx and is set in a pool of black
water imported from Capella Prime. Upon the
pool float three different kinds of water orchids,
native to equatorial Tor-Nor, which are said to
represent the three ranks of knighthood.


Current First Knight Vax Spiro was installed in

2252. The First Knight has final say in all matters
of state, though the Council of Lords advises him.
This group of 20 advisers Is made up of Knights
1st Rank from all aspects of the Templar nation.
Though the First Knight does not have dominion
over matters of religion, he does exert a great
deal of influence. It is worth noting that the

current High Chaplain, Clorus Terhur, is a vocal

dissenter to many of Vax Spiros expansionistic
policies, and the two are often at odds. As of
late, this disagreement has spilled over into the
Council of Lords, though no one has dared to
challenge First Knight Spiros policy, no doubt
because of its effectiveness in bringing stability
to the region.

The Templars originated on Adon over two

thousand years ago. The first leader of the
Knights of the Temple was a man named
Mason. He and his knights were charged with
protecting the Chroniclers as they traveled
across Avalorr. Though the Chroniclers faded
into obscurity, the Knights Templar stood ever
ready to answer a call for help from the weak
and oppressed. They required no payment
for their aid, for they subsisted instead on the
generous donations of wealthy patrons who
held their honor and sacrifice in high esteem.

IGS representatives as they explored the outer

reaches of the galaxy. Through the IGS, the
Templars purchased the two worlds in the TorNor system in 2248. Nearby worlds and colonies
gladly tithed and swore fealty to the First Knight
of the Templars in exchange for their protection.
The Templars constantly answer calls for help
from oppressed worlds across the galaxy. This
practice sometimes put them at odds with
their banking clientele. True to the tenets of
their religion, they almost always chose to do
what was right rather than what was profitable.
Though they have never overtly used their
economic power to hinder another nation,
the Templars leveraged their power to steadily
expand their influence throughout the galaxy.

With the coming of the space age, the Templars

took their mission of protection to the stars,
protecting travelers from the pirates who prowled
the jump lanes. The Templars were recognized as
the most trustworthy organization in the galaxy,
and many people began to put themselves
and their wealth under the protection of the
Knights. The Templar Bank has grown into the
most trusted banking institution in the galaxy. It
serves both commoner and galactic empire alike.

Citing what he sees as the corruption of many

of the other major galactic powers and the need
for peace, First Knight Vax Spiro has enacted a
policy of preemptive action. The Templars have
moved against a number of worlds, absorbing
most without conflict, and bringing them under
the Templars banner. Vax Spiro has justified
his actions as being the only way to protect
the Templar nation and its heritage, along with
bringing a new era of stability to the galaxy.

As Templars became a common sight around

the galaxy, they soon began to attract members
of other races. The Order continued to grow
and soon was charged with the protection of


What makes the Templar Nation unique is that

all citizens are Knights of the Order. At the age of
14, all those who wish to pursue citizenship and
knighthood are assigned a sponsor and given
the rank of Squire. These mentors are usually
family friends or relatives not in their immediate
family. These Squires learn how the Knights
contribute to their society and the requirements
of citizenship and social responsibility.

Should the Squire be deemed worthy and

willing, at age 18 he is presented to the regional
Knight Governor for the Ceremony of Inception.
The young person undergoes a long, elaborate
ceremony that dates back to the times of ancient
Avalorr. This ceremony has changed very little
over the centuries and culminates with the
knighting of the candidate, who then swears the
Oath of Fealty to the First Knight and is presented
with the sword with which he was knighted.
The new Knight is given the title of Sir and is
considered a Knight 3rd Rank. Over time, a
knight may be recommended for promotion.
Such a recommendation must come from a
Knight of the 1st rank. Recommendation for
promotion of a Knight 2nd Rank to 1st Rank
must come from three separate Knights of the
1st Rank. Upon achieving the 1st Rank, the
Knight is now awarded the title of Lord Knight.
Not all Squires become Knights. These folks are
given the title of Esquire and, though they are
free to participate in most aspects of Templar
society, are unable to hold elected office on
anything but a local level, vote in national
elections, or serve in the military except for local
militia units.

The First Knight is the Supreme Commander of all

the Templar forces. Beneath him are the Knight
Archons, his chief military planners; followed
by the Knight Marshals, who are in charge of
the various Divisions of Templar forces; and so
on down the chain of command. Conserving
material and controlling expenditures is a primary
concern for field commanders and a byproduct
of the Templars interest in intergalactic banking.
This is one reason the Templars have historically
been one of the largest employers of mercenary

units. Because of these relationships, as the

great nations began to recall reservists, many
Mercenary units opted to join the Templars rather
than watch their units break apart and scatter to
their former nations. Currently the Templars are
rumored to have 16 Divisions under arms, but it
is hard to measure accurately with the addition
of mercenary units into their fold. This also does
not count recently acquired members of the
Hughes-Marietta Security Forces.


Warmaster Tournament Gets a New Home

Through the centuries, the Templar Warmaster

Tournament has been held at locations
throughout the galaxy. Today it has a permanent
home on the planet Predator in the Tor-Nor
system. Predators abandoned cities and varied
terrain have proven to be an excellent location.

spearhead of every
major Templar offensive
in the last century and
is the unit that Vax Spiro
commanded before
assuming the mantel of
the First Knight.

The two planets in the Tor-Nor system, Predator

and Viper, were originally developed and
colonized by ASTA, a small UCOR chartered
by the Terrans. The atmospheres of both
planets were stabilized simultaneously, and
their settlement began in 2218. By 2239 an
alarming rate of unexplainable deaths were
occurring throughout the original settlers of
Predator. Several investigations led to the
discovery of large Black Mercury deposits in the
upper mantle regions of the inner planet. Only
hazardous when ingested in large quantities, the
Black Mercury in Predator had become present
in all levels of the planets food chain. Predator
was completely abandoned by its inhabitants,
and the disaster sent ASTA into bankruptcy. All
ASTA assets were purchased from the IGS by the
Templars in 2241.

2nd Regiment of Mason

The Warmaster tournament is the premier

showcase for fighting forces throughout the
galaxy, and it is often used by Mercenary units
to increase their stock amongst prospective
employers. Current war clouds have put this
tournament at risk, the Templars have voiced their
commitment to keep the Warmaster functioning,
but there are sure to be significant changes.

1st Knight Protectors Regiment

Legendary Units
1st Regiment of Mason
Nickname(s): Hammer of the Temple
Headquarters: Viper, Tor-Nor
Commander: Knight Archon Terence Lorthar
Battle Honors: Regimental Star of Pelles, True
Cross of the Knight, Regimental Star of Tor-Nor,
Regimental Gold Cross, Order of the Cross
History: The Hammers have formed the

Nickname(s): Shield of the Temple

Headquarters: Pelles, Pelles
Commander: Knight Archon Wallace Timure
Battle Honors: True Cross of the Knight,
Regimental Star of Tor-Nor, Regimental Gold
Cross, Order of the Cross
History: The Shield of the Temple is no mere
garrison unit; this
regiment is sent in to
stop enemy advances
and turn back the most
ferocious of attacks.
It is they who
successfully repelled
the Rach Empire during
the Second Spica War.

Nickname(s): Guardians of the Order

Headquarters: Viper, Tor-Nor
Commander: Knight Archon Celeste Kivar
Battle Honors: True Cross of the Knight,
Regimental Gold Cross, and Order of the Cross
History: This unit is charged with the
protection of Templar ambassadors and
the safety of visiting
dignitaries from other
nations. This unit
also supplies the First
Knights personal
bodyguard, a heavy
unit of battalion size
made up entirely of
promising elite Knights
of the 2nd Rank.



Government: United Terran Federation
Star Systems
Home: Sol (120)
Major: Acrux (165), Alpha Centauri (149),
Cursa (2) El Dorado (130), JB89D (8) Lacerta
Total: 18
Census Estimate: 99 billion
Racial Composition: 98% Terran, 1%
Adonese, 1% Other

The Terran home world, Earth, suffered a horrible

plasma bombing during the Terrans war with
the Rach a hundred years ago. The tenacity
of the Terrans and the love they have for their
home world have served to practically erase the
scars caused by the bombing, and once again,
Earth stands as an example of natural beauty in
our Galaxy.
As the Terrans rebuilt their cities and monuments,
they looked to the past for inspiration as they did
for their new style of government. Many of their
newly rebuilt cities reflect a style of architecture
referred to by them as Romanesque. This
style is typified by many large columns soaring
majestically upward at the entrance of buildings
combined with an abundant use of Terran white
marble as the exterior covering. Thats not to
say that the entire planet was leveled however.
Many centuries-old buildings and monuments
still adorn Earths cities. Earths capital city,
Rome, was the site of the final battle between
the Terrans and the invading Rach and was all
but turned to rubble during the fighting. As a
result, it has been almost completely rebuilt to
its splendor of centuries ago when it was the
capital of one of Earths most powerful empires.

A visitor to Earth will find the streets of its major

cities clean and easy to navigate. The use of mass
transit and the closing of many areas to vehicle
traffic make a walking tour a truly enjoyable
experience. Terran National Police are friendly
and courteous but have little sense of humor
or tolerance when it comes to violating Terran
law. A visitor would be well served by reading a
primer on local and Federal law before making
their trip to Earth. Earths scenic vistas are not
to be missed either. From its large oceans, to
continent spanning mountain ranges and
deserts, any visitor will find remarkable beauty
in the landscape.
Excerpt from Eleanors Notes in
Sydes Guide to the Galaxy:
One of the most striking things the Terrans
have built in the last century is the enormous
monument just outside Rome dedicated to
its Legios Alpha or First Legion. All Terran
soldiers that have fallen in battle since the Rach
war have their names inscribed at this site and
are considered forever members of Terras First
Federal Legion.


Terran Supreme Councilor William Breckenridge

was elected in 2260. Breckenridge gained
fame during the Imperial Wars of 2221-2229
as a CAV pilot in the Terran 43rd Legion. After
his service, he returned home and was easily
elected to the Plebeian Council, the lower of
the two representative houses of the Terran
government. After several years of sterling
service, Breckenridge was elected to Primus of the
Plebeian Council and not long after to Supreme
Councilor. All Terran Supreme Councilors are
elected by popular vote from current members
of the Plebeian Council, and no Terran may
serve as a national official without having
served a term of service in the Federal Forces or
Civil Service. The Terrans firmly believe that no
one truly values their citizenship without having

sacrificed and earned the rights associated with it.

Unable to come to terms, early in their history,

with their secular and religious positions on life
and government, the Terrans suffered through
what they call the Era of Strife. This era
occurred about two hundred and fifty years ago
and brought their planet to the edge of global
war several times. Divided into nation states,
the nations of Earth waged war between each
other in a vein attempt to impose their will and
beliefs on each other.

The next two centuries witnessed great

accomplishments as the emerging nations of
the world once more turned their gaze toward
the stars. Creating a joint venture organization,
the nations of the planet formed the Terran
Exploration and Research Administration. (TERA)
TERA was a politically independent organization
dedicated to rebuilding the permanent space
station that once orbited Earth. It succeeded
tremendously. TERA also was able to establish
research colonies under both of Earths major
oceans, on its moon, and on Mars, the fourth
planet in their system.

One of the largest nations, the United States

of America, was savagely attacked and drawn
into a protracted war with the nations of the
connected continent to their south. With little
support from the United Nations, the primary
planet peacekeeping organization, the U.S.
found its resources stretched to the limit. U.N.
conflicts with the U.S. led to the U.S. withdrawal
from the U.N., and without the resources of the
U.S., the U.N. quickly became ineffectual. Its
death knell was sounded by a terrorist attack
that destroyed its headquarters and no effort
was ever made to reconvene.

The Senate is the other house of the Terran

legislature, and the Consul, or president of
the Senate, wields great political influence.
Senators are elected or appointed by each
member state depending on their preference.
The Supreme Councilor is advised by a cabinet
of advisors called the Consistory made up of
experts in their individual field, be it science,
education or transportation. Lastly, the judiciary
branch, or the World Court, decides matters
of constitutionality and is enabled to overturn
the decisions of a lower member state court or

Utilizing primitive propulsion and cryofreezing

technology, TERA was able to establish colonies
on Alpha Centauri, Dorado, JOC 45, and later
on, Cestus and Vela. They were soon to learn
they were not alone in the galaxy.
In 2176, an alien race attacked the small Terran
colony on Vela. It was the Rach, one of the most
militaristic and aggressive races in the galaxy,
that made this attack. The Terrans couldnt know
the Rach already had a small military outpost


on Vela. Rather than negotiate or warn the

colonists, the Rach assumed the Terran colonists
were from an upstart UCOR and destroyed all
the structures and killed every colonist.
Word of the attack soon reached Earth, and the
nations involved in the destroyed colony declared
war on the unknown attackers. The production
capacity of all the involved parties quickly turned
to building space warships. Troops were mustered
by the thousands and pressed quickly into service.
The First Terran Fleet engaged the Rach patrols
in the Vela system, and only through incredible
bravery on the Terrans part, were they able
to claim victory. The cost in life was high,
however, and several starships looted and
towed the wreckage of the Rach ships back to
Earth to be studied and reverse engineered.
New weapons and ships were ready by the time
the Rach fought their way to Earth in 2181.
Upon entering the Earth star system, the Rach
immediately unleashed their fury on a planet
that was ill prepared to repel such an attack. The
plasma bombardment of Earth caused massive
storms that killed millions, as the Rach targeted
military and industrial areas. The Terrans
defended their home world with equal fury
and pushed the Rach out of the system after
eleven bloody days of fighting climaxing around
the seven hills of the ancient city of Rome.

Terran military into the fighting force it is

today and carry the war back to the Rach. At
the Battle of Orion the Terrans engaged and
destroyed a large Rach fleet but again suffered
heavy losses. As the technology between the
Terrans and the Rach began to balance out,
the war brought rising casualties to each side.
After the Battle of Orion, the AEC stepped in and
began the slow process of negotiating a peace to
the bloodbath the war had become. The Terrans
had shown themselves to be adaptable and a
more than capable foe for the Rach. The Terrans
agreed to most of the terms of the treaty but flatly
refused to join the AEC. They had developed,
by this time, a deep-seated and well-earned
distrust of non-Terrans that continues to this day.

The horrors wrought on Earth gave rise to the

current form of government, as the largest
nations banded together to combine their
efforts to forestall their seemingly impending
extinction. The new central government annexed
the smaller nations willingly or dissolved them
by force. Their first act was to reorganize the

What makes the Terrans unique in our galaxy

is their adaptability and tenacity. The Terrans
believe that no being is predestined and all may
rise above the station of their birth through hard

work and sacrifice. Terrans repeatedly prove

this and its not uncommon for citizens to be
born into poverty and later become immensely
wealthy or powerful.


To become a citizen of the Terran Federation is

an honor bestowed only on those who earn it.
Upon reaching adulthood, a Terran may opt to
enlist in either the military or governmental civil
service for a period of not less than two years.

Upon successful completion of this service, the

person is considered to have earned their right
to participate in the government by voting and
is then a citizen.

The Terran military, headquartered near the rebuilt

city of Dallas, Texas, is divided into Legions
and Fleets with its overall commander being
the Terran Supreme Councilor. Beneath him
are the individual branch commanders of the
wet navy, the ground forces, and the space
navy. Terran law dictates that no fewer than one
hundred Legions will be maintained at fighting
strength along with their support and transport
assets. As the First Legion is purely memorial, the
actual fighting Legions are the Second through
the One Hundred and First. The Second through
Ninth Legions are headquartered on Earth
permanently as a sort of Praetorian Guard as
well as where the newest Terran soldiers learn
their craft before being assigned to the line
Legions. Each member state of the Terran
Federation also maintains reserve Legions that
can be pressed into service in time of need. This
gives the Terran military a total fighting strength
of almost three hundred legions.

for the Legions desperate defense of Alpha

Centauri in 2223 during the Imperial Wars.

Legendary Units
42nd Legion
Nickname(s): The
Balhousie Castle, Perth,
Scotland, Earth, Sol
Commander: Consular
General Gordon Wallace
Honors: Fourteen silver
battle stars, nine platinum
assault stars, Order of the
Wounded Lion and Order
of the Eagle awarded

43rd Legion
Nickname(s): The
White Knights
Headquarters: Fort
Shukov, Landing City,
Asimov, Alpha Centauri
Commander: Consular
General Aleksandra
Shura Fedorov
Honors: Sixteen silver
battle stars, ten platinum
assault stars. Three time
winner of the Order of
the Eagle for actions on
Setanta, Alpha Centauri,
and Aeneas.
101st Legion
Nickname(s): The Silver
Headquarters: Fort
Leonidas, Sparta, Greece,
Earth, Sol
Commander: Consular
General Gregor Mittman
Honors: Twelve silver
battle stars, eleven
platinum assault stars.
Only Legion ever awarded
the Order of the Wolf as
a whole for their assault
on Setanta during the first
Galaxy War.


During the post-Galaxy War years,

life as a mercenary was hard, but
very profitable. That all changed
during the UCOR Wars, when,
in April of 2274, the Templars
declared that any mercenary
force working for a UCOR was an
extension of that UCOR and thus, an
extension of the UCORs sponsoring
government. The Templars further
decreed that the parent government
was responsible for any and all
damages inflicted by a mercenary
force under their direct or indirect
employment. If a mercenary
unit or UCOR failed to pay for
its own damages, the Templars
would hold the government itself
responsible for the rebuilding
costs and freeze the Templar Bank
accounts of the parties involved.
This left mercenary commanders
worrying about their futures, as
they quickly realized that a few
stray shots on the battlefield
could cost them their contract
payments or worse. The Office
of Galactic Services liability
insurance premiums skyrocketed
overnight, and the cost of being
bonded steadily increased over
the following months, until dozens
of smaller units could no longer
maintain acceptable profit margins
and began to fold. Even the
largest of mercenary companies

felt the affects as their budgets

tightened, and they found the
lists of available sub-contractors
ever shortening.


Yellow Jackets

Steel Dragons


When the Second Galaxy War

broke out, life as a mercenary
became almost impossible.
With war declared against the
Malvernis Empire, the Terrans
recalled all of their reservist
mercenaries to active military
duty. The Slayers (51st Legion),
Yellow Jackets (72nd Legion),
and the Steel Dragons (86th
Legion) were all combined into
the 1st Fulminarius (Regimental
Task Force). As the Terrans used
their newly acquired forces to
success again and again, the
other governments began to
recall their reservists as well. The
Black Cobras were absorbed into
NADOs 2nd RADD, and the Red
Spades become the Templars
1st Knights Guard Regiment.
In perhaps the most surprising
event of the nationalization
movement, and what can only be
seen as proof of the regard that
all Ritterlich place upon serving
their homelands military, Kolditz
voluntarily reformed itself into
the Ritterlich 1st Kolditz Brigade
Group. It should be noted that
Kolditz was one of the most
successful cold war era mercenary

companies and had made many a

Galaxy War veteran wealthy. Most
of those men and women chose
to use that wealth to purchase
field commissions in the Ritterlich
military rather than being recalled
from reserve status and having to
serve at their previous rank and
For the most part, only a few
mercenary commands managed to
survive the nationalistic recall and
maintain their independence. The
Blade stationed in Kaitos (2) and
General Drake stationed in Setanta
(9) each took contracts with
independent worlds that sought
protection from Malvernian and
Templar expansionism. MercNet
maintained the status quo and
continues to offer security contracts
for the highest bidder, while The
Steel Griffins took a lucrative contract
with IGS guarding their many
survey teams now that Templar
forces are engaged in the war.
Others did not fare as well though,
and The Furies became the first of
the Class A companies to liquefy
its assets and disband. Consisting
of a diverse staff recruited from
all of the major races, The Furies
commander had to watch what
he had once considered his units
greatest strength become its
Achilles Heel, as his men were
recalled to their respective service
branches. The Polar Bears were
the next of the large companies

Red Spades


Polar Bear



to call it quits and dissolved in

June of 2274 selling the units
assets, including its cruiser,
The North Star, to the Terrans.
Several groups of investors and
self-made entrepreneurs saw the
recent death of the mercenary
unit as a chance to make a quick
buck and profit off of the chaos
that was enveloping the galaxy.
All were short lived and disastrous
attempts, as the realities of doing
business as a mercenary in the
current market place made
themselves quite clear and costly.
New CAVs and vehicles were nonexistent as UCORs sent everything
off of their assembly lines straight
to the frontlines. Trained personnel
were a rarity since anyone with
any real combat experience had
either been recalled or signed on
with an established mercenary unit
who had holes of their own to fill.
The few startups that managed
to work past these huge hurdles
found themselves in a marketplace
that did not want them. The Big
11 UCORs no longer had need of
mercenaries; they could simply call
on military units if needed. Smaller
UCORs opted to rely on their own
internal forces rather than hire
unproven amateurs to protect
their holdings. The few units that
actually found a foothold did so
by signing on with larger units
as reserves and training cadres.

The turmoil caused by the Second Galaxy War
hasnt been detrimental to everyone. The past
few months have seen increased reports of
pirate and scavenger activity as far core ward
as Tarpur.
The Rock Rovers
have been especially
aggressive and even
went so far as to
recently engage a
team that was
performing clean
up actions after
a battle on Regor
IIs second moon.
While the salvage
the Rovers swept
Rock Rovers
Their CAVs and armor made short work of the
Hughes-Marietta security force attached to the
recovery team and the pirates made off with an
estimated 125 million T-Reds worth of spoils,
not to mention all of the H-M salvage vehicles.
In a twist of events that may never be accurately
told, the infamous pirate band known as the
Sir Hawkins Social Society has a new leader.
The new leader, Sir Patrick Haughton, has a
firm grasp of the reigns of command and the
absence of Mr. Hawkins has, in no small way,
confirmed Sir Haughtons claim to the position.
A recent press release from the pirate band of Sir
Haughtons Social Society quoted Sir Haughton
as claiming his group was a band of yachting
enthusiasts and not pirates. Widely covered

by the media, authorities were not amused by

the statement.
Rumors abound in
security communities
that Richard Worley
and his Black Rose
planning something
big involving one
of the major star
shipyards in the near

Black Rose

Not every big company is a UCOR. There are
several massive corporations that have never
been granted (in some cases even requested)
a UCOR charter. UCOR charters are expensive,
usually equal to 20 years of the expected income
tax revenue of the UCOR personnel that will
now becomes citizens of the new UCOR. Most
corporations simply dont consider a charter
worth the effort.
Labor Unions
There are several major unions in the galaxy.
They are very powerful and can get the attention
of just about any corporation. Several unions
hire and maintain large security forces of their
Free Traders
The free traders travel the galaxy buying low
and selling high. Sometimes they organize
themselves into trade cartels and move goods


in convoys, other times they simply use fast

ships to deliver small and highly valuable cargo.
Pirates prey on the free traders and in desperate
times many free traders become pirates. Some
free traders are notorious for smuggling illegal
goods for criminal organizations or simply
to make a profit. It is a shady industry full of
colorful characters.

Slipsiders and Starsiders


Starsiders are those rare beings that are not

bound to a single world and travel the galaxy
like free gypsies finding work or adventure
wherever they can find it. Many Starsiders find
work as free traders, salvagers, breakers, hired
muscle, or mercenaries.

In any urban development, the area where the

less fortunate, homeless and derelict reside and
try to scratch out a living is called the Slipside
from the term slipped through the cracks.
Slipsiders can be found throughout the galaxy
and are the backbone of the black market on
every habitable world.

Breakers are found in just about every settled

star system in the galaxy. Breaker communities
(sometimes called Hives) can usually be found
in asteroid belts or orbiting a key planet in the
form of an impromptu space station created
from the hulks of derelict space craft. Breakers
take old ships and cut them up for scrap,
converting old and useless ships into money for
themselves and the derelict ships owners. Some
of the more affluent hives find clients and travel
to the derelict ship, performing breaker duties
far away from their home hive, which can also
include cleaning out any alien life forms that
have taken up residence in the hulk.

This is really a catch-all term for the various
forms of hostile alien life that can be found in
the galaxy. Not all bugs are actually insectoid,
not all are hive-like, and not all are stupid.
However, there is one thing that all of the lifeforms classed as bugs have in common - they
are hostile. There is a great deal of variety in
the bugs that deep spacers encounter. The I.G.S.
has recorded first contact with both silicone and
ammonia based entities, quasi sentient cloud
creatures, energy based life forms (including a
few rare plasma based life forms), and of course
the myriad other carbon based organisms that
we are so familiar with (other anthropomorphs,
some barely bipedal, a few cephalopodic, and
billions of microbiotic life forms). There has even
been some data gathered that supports a few
theories of primitive forms of radiopanspermia
(life spores pushed along by the force of radiated
energy) at the fringes of our frontier. Its a great
big universe out there and not everything you
meet is willing to discuss matters calmly. When
in doubt, the stereotypical Terran first reaction
of shoot first! may not be so wrong after all.
Its better to be tried in a court of law than eaten
for dinner by a hive of carnivorous bugs.

Salvagers travel the space lanes looking for
abandoned (or depending on the moral code
of the salvager group, mostly abandoned)
space ships to loot. Salvager teams cut-up and
take any and all valuables from the ship. They
usually concentrate on small but valuable key
components that have good resale value on the
black market. During wars, the salvagers arrive
on battlefields in force to scavenge from what
remains. Some salvagers move with the breaker
communities but for the most part, the two are


Vela Wars (2176-2183)

Cygnus System War (2210 2213)

This was the war that introduced the Terrans to

the rest of the galaxy. It resulted in the death,
by plasma bombardment, of no less than 20%
of the population of the planet Earth. This
war also witnessed the complete destruction
of an entire Rach space squadron via the
largest nuclear torpedo launch in the history
of galactic warfare. This war began when the
Terrans colonized a world that the Rach had
already claimed. Unaware of any alien race
in the galaxy, much less proper colonization
etiquette, the Terrans provoked the Rach. The
Rach, in turn, took it upon themselves to punish
these upstart squatters. The Terrans responded,
quickly reverse engineered Rach technology, and
took the fight back to the Rach. After the Battle
of Orion, the AEC stepped in and negotiated a
peace agreement. It should also be noted that
only the Terrans call this a war, the Rach refer to
it merely as the Vela Incident.

This unusual war lasted three years and was

fought, not by galactic governments, but rather
between the Ritterlich UCOR KDM and the
Terran UCOR Mitso-Ta. The one lasting and
unique event of this war was the debut, by KDM
of the first CAV.

Spica Wars (2201-2210)

In the Spica War, we once again see the
Rach Empire involved in a dispute with their
neighbors regarding the ownership of a few
choice star systems. This time, the opponent
is the Malvernis Empire. After a few stunning
initial victories, the Rach were poised to sweep
all of the contested worlds when the Malvernis
counterattack landed. The Onyx Fist would
strike so hard that for the space of three months,
the Rach home world of Mohr was under the
threat of actual invasion. Gallant defenses and
stunning reversals ended the crisis, and the war
settled into protracted battle for various worlds.
After nine years, the AEC helped negotiate the
Treaty of Regor.

Second Spica War (2214-2217)

Without any real enforcement of the Treaty of
Regor it was quickly deemed worthless. The
Rach and the Malvernis were soon up to their
old tricks in the same part of space. This time,
however, the Malvernis Empire had spent four
years building up its presence in the culture
and religious tapestry of Spica. When the Rach
occupied Spica and declared the Regor treaty
void, they discovered a sea of hostile religious
fanatics and Khardullian converts that made the
occupation much more costly than anticipated.
The Templars joined with Malvernis. After three
years of war, the occupation was broken and
independence was restored to Spica.
The Imperial Wars (2221-2229)
In 2221, the Terrans assaulted a handful of
worlds in a surprise invasion that was brilliantly
orchestrated and carried out with nearly flawless
precision. Millions of Terran troops swarmed the
Ritterlich and Rach forces defending the systems
of Setanta (9), Tula (Tu-190) (20), Saruma (L-45F) (27), and Aeneas (46). By the time the Rach
and Ritterlich armies could react effectively, the
Terrans had already dug in. The war ground on
for eight years with the Terrans never budging.
Finally the AEC negotiated a treaty where all
sides would remove themselves from these
worlds, establishing a buffer zone.


Boreas Accord Wars (2232-2236)

In 2232, the AEC and the Ritterlich Confederacy
went to war. This conflict spread throughout
many sectors and even caught up the Malvernis
Empire in its tendrils. The Boreas Accord War is
actually more famous for what stopped it rather
than what started it. In 2235, the Psyros were
discovered in the Hades (8) system. In two days,
at the Battle of Maibaum, a Psyro hive wrought
such destruction in that sector of space that the
combatants agreed to a cease-fire and met to
make a plan to deal with the new threat. By the
fourth day, severe losses compelled the forces
to evacuate the entire system when the Psyros
simply vanished without a trace. Within months,
the cease-fire grew into the Boreas Peace Accord,
and diplomats finally settled the matter.
Pictor-UCOR War (2242-2247)
The second UCOR war would find KDM, KODA
Works, and Mark IV involved in scattered
skirmishes throughout all settled space. There
was never any period of intense military conflict,

so the best way to describe this war would be

an age of high piracy. The warring UCORs issued
Letters of Marque authorizing attacks on enemy
UCOR vessels in neutral space, guarantees of
purchase for any captured star ships and military
forces, as well as ransom for captured corporate
executives. It took the AEC five years, a massive
effort by their space navy, and a powerful trade
embargo to finally bring the pirates and their
patron UCORs to the peace table.
First Galaxy War (2254-2263)
It all started with Vax Spiro, who incidentally
is still the First Knight of the Templar Order. He
started this war with the forcible annexation of a
pair of star systems (one from Malvernis and one
from the Adonese) that didnt really belong to
the Templars to begin with. While the diplomats
were still arguing the point, the Templars annexed
two more systems (one from SyRaM, a Terran
UCOR and the other an independent). About
this time, some deteriorating relations with the
Ritterlich led to a Coalition being formed by


the Ritterlich, Adonese, and Malvernian armed

forces (The RAM Coalition). The Templars were
doing quite well against three-versus-one odds
for a long time. However, eventually things
started going poorly. It was at that point that the
Rach Empire stepped in with the Templars, and
the war changed again. Everything was going
well for the Alliance (Templar and Rach) until
the Battle of Procyon. There, the RAM Coalition
destroyed hundreds of starships and nearly
destroyed the lift capabilities of the Templar
forces. For reasons still not fully understood,
after Procyon, the Terrans joined the Alliance,
and the Templars were back in the fight. For
nine years, the war raged until all sides were
exhausted. In 2163, the Templars agreed to
negotiate a peace with the Adonese. Their allies
accepted the terms of the agreement, and the
galaxy entered an uneasy peace dominated
by pirates and freelance mercenary forces
soldiers not yet ready to return to civilian life.
The UCOR War (2272-2274)
In 2272, there were two major mercenary
hotspots in the galaxy. Politically speaking, they
were primarily independent worlds with no
particular national ties. Local thugs, petty kings,
dictators, and gangs all struggled for control
on these planets colonized by the Adonese,
Ritterlich, and Malvernis long ago (with younger
colonies of Rach and, of course, Terrans). The
first hotspot was in the Di triple star systems Di
(101), Di Lith (102), Di Sar (103). The second
was along the Vesta (153), JJA (154), Kaus (146)
jump fan.
These six star systems are major producers of
several key elements required by industries
throughout the galaxy. Tyburinum (used in the
manufacture of T-Gel), Kaliarum (used in the
manufacture of active-stealth technologies),
Maorion (used in the manufacture of bellar
joints), and Tantalum (used in the manufacture
of extremely efficient circuitry used in all modern

After the First Galaxy War, these worlds fell

into violent, but fairly low intensity civil wars,
and mercenary battlefields covered these six
systems. The combatants on these worlds each
struggled for control of their planetary mining
and refining facilities, since control of these
facilities was of paramount importance to their
largest customers and suppliers of military
hardware, the UCORs.
Those that have studied the start of this
conflict point to rumors that started circulating
approximately six months prior to the start of
the UCOR War pertaining to a merger between
Hughes-Marietta and SyRaM. This rumor, if
proved true, would have created the galaxys
first super UCOR that would be larger and more
powerful than any government or UCOR in the
galaxy. Reacting to this rumor, other UCORs
began marshalling their resources in preparation
for an economic war against the HughesMarietta-SyRam juggernaut. Several factors,
including paranoia and panic, raced across these
six-systems causing the actual intervention of
the UCORs.
Mercenaries were hired by several UCORs to
take control of any and every facility that could
be reached quickly in these six systems and they
attacked with orders to squash local militaries
and security forces. If necessary, they were to
eliminate the competition. Hughes-Marietta,
unfortunately, stood to lose the most in these
regions, as they were the single largest supplier
of goods and materials in both of these sectors
of space.
The largest mistake, and most disturbing event,
was that the galactic governments did not step
in and stop this war when they had the chance.
Presented with several opportunities to end
hostilities, they were too preoccupied with their
own problems and chose to ignore the alarms,
as no one believed a Second Galaxy War was
really possible. Grinding inevitably on, the
UCOR War never really ended; it just exploded
into something much worse.


One of the problems about a new and young war

is that we are not in possession of all the facts
that have led to this era of strife. Most historians
will no doubt look at this war and label it simply
a continuation of the first Galaxy War. In some
ways these historians will be correct, since old
foes squared off once again in an attempt to
settle old scores and set things right. In any
case, the victor writes history, and at this time
we have no victor. The best we can do is quickly
review the events and leave it to you to watch
the news vidcasts each night.

Setting the stage for this war was the outright

purchase of Hughes-Marietta by the Templars.
The loss of assets, sales, distribution, and several
key battles during the UCOR War had driven
the value of Hughes through the floor. Hughes
appeared to be going to the breakers, and no
merger or reorganization would save them in the
11th hour. That is, until the Templars stepped
in, and in a daring financial coup, picked up
all assets of the collapsing UCOR. Initially,
executives from Hughes-Marietta were used to
run the UCOR, but quickly the UCOR evolved
into a successful symbol of Templar organization
and management culminating in the 2273 public



debut of Viper, a wholly owned, recharged, and

aggressive Templar UCOR.
The first war-triggering event that everyone
will agree on occurred when the Templars, as
a galactic government, officially stepped into
the UCOR war claiming to stop attacks being
conducted against Templar citizens and Templar
property throughout the galaxy.
This Templar move fooled few, but all watched
as they blatantly seized the star systems of the Di
and Vesta jump fans for themselves. Infuriated
by the arrogance of the Templars, the galactic
governments, in a completely uncoordinated
assault, moved forces into the area in a vain
attempt to engage and force the Templars to
back down and restore the independence of the
occupied star systems. One by one, the Templars
decimated the hastily organized forces thrown
against them. First to fall was Malvernis, when a

large Templar fleet discovered and attacked their

assembly and staging area near the star system
Z11 (84). Next were the Rach, who without
negotiation or permission attempted to establish
several forward operation bases in the Trax
(79) star system. Once there, the Rach became
embroiled with the sizable local forces. So when
the Templars moved in, they simply squeezed
the Rach out. On the heels of the Rach defeat,
the AEC attempted to move in and seize several
Viper installations across all of the star systems
claiming that they were AEC property leased to
Hughes-Marietta. While there is actually some
truth to the AEC claims, Templar military forces
choose to eject them and turn the matter over
to corporate to sort out. The Templars were
fighting the entire galaxy and winning! This
was big news, and as it swept across the galaxy,
popular Templar support sprang up everywhere.
It was during this time that events spiraled into
the oblivion of complete galactic war.

Got A Problem?
Well Solve It!


Beginning with the first formal declaration of total

war being issued by the Malvernis Government
against Earth, the course to war was now set.
The Malvernis declaration of war was in
retaliation for a series of religiously motivated
attacks and massacres suffered upon its citizens
by the MPS, a xenophobic Terran extremists
organization led by Malfis Ilqa Cindrem. Unable
and unwilling to pursue the MPS, the Terran
United Federal Government openly provided
support to the MPS and other organizations
it deemed were covered under the Roubar
Law. The Roubar law, from the name of the
conservative Senior Councilor who promoted it,
makes it mandatory to support any organization
that advances the culture, ideals, and goals of
the human race in the galaxy. As Terran and
Malvernis diplomats sat down to resolve the
matter, the Black Needle, the primary orbital lift
on Tania in Capella, was targeted by the MPS,
and this was the last straw.
Within weeks of the Malvernis declaration of
war, diplomatic relations between Ritterlich
and Adon reduced to unabated open hostility
throughout the galaxy. Blamed on a series of
mishandled diplomatic communications, the
proud Ritterlich broke all communications with
Adon and moved against Adonese installations
across the galaxy. While formal declarations of
war have not yet been exchanged, these ancient
rivals have overlooked such formalities in the
past and apparently consider this situation to be
a full war.
The Rach did not sit idly by during the chaos
erupting in the galaxy and have used the
Malvernis-Terrain war to seize several star
systems lost during the Spica Wars. Declaring

their occupation to be one designed to protect

the Rach citizens of the star systems from outside
aggression, the Rach have declared they would
return control of the star systems to Malvernis
at the conclusion of their war with the Terrans.
Malvernis has since delivered a declaration of
war to the Rach.
At the present time, hostilities across the galaxy
are escalating at an alarming rate. You cannot
tune into a vidcast without seeing the calls
for enlistment or the fiery rhetoric of patriots
espousing the virtues of their cause. Currently,
the IGS is still guaranteeing the safety of the
public jump lanes and major home worlds are,
for the most part, safe havens for their citizens.
However, in a galaxy at war, is any place truly
In closing, I will leave you with a quote of First
Knight Vax Spiro excerpted from a speech before
the Templar Grand Assembly:
This Galaxy War has broken out with such
elemental violence, and with all sides resorting
to all means for leading or misleading public
opinion, that no time was ever made available
for reflection and consideration. I have no
doubt that in this conflict we call the Second
Galaxy War, the victor will never be asked if
they told the truth. But it is Truth! Yes truth, the
cornerstone I stand on before you, allows me to
address the inequities between the governments
that wage war and the citizens that suffer war.
Now, more than at any other time in our history,
the Templars are actively seeking to become an
effective instrument for peace and make the
peace of the galaxy our primary and utmost


As the UCOR WAR grinds into the Second Galaxy

War, the glory days of the UCOR are coming
to pass. Many people, and with good cause,
blame the Second Galaxy War on the UCORs.
This blame centers on the reality that UCORs
were the primary employers of the mercenaries
that waged war across a galaxy attempting to
create a lasting peace from the ashes of the First
Galaxy War. It is also widely believed that in
the years that followed the First Galaxy War the
skyrocketing growth in piracy and lawlessness
throughout the galaxy was due in large part
to the unchecked actions of negligent, power
hungry UCORs. Regardless of who is to blame,
UCORs acting as powerful quasi-national entities
and wielding the powers and rights of a galactic-

In 2124 Doctor Adrienn Borsig, a doctor of both

medicine as well as engineering, founded Borsig
Incorporated in Breonne on Avalorr. In the early
days the company concentrated on optics for
precision medical equipment. Borsig was the
inventor of the Gargoyle 600-W Optic Cylinder,
a patent was awarded in 2036 and the Optic
Cylinder is still in use today.
Over the years Dr. Borsig continued to develop
new products including industrial and military

based government have no doubt pushed the

patience of the galaxy to the breaking point.
Today, one thing is now very certain: the UCORs
in the future will be kept on a much tighter
leash by their parent governments than they
were before. Some experts are speculating this
is temporary, and that once this new Galaxy War
is over the UCORs will be back to their old tricks.
Only time will tell.
Regardless of your political leaning on this
topic, we present here a quick overview of the
major UCORs providing military hardware in
the current conflict. Each UCOR is unique with
different corporate attitudes and environments.

optics. Another company that proved to be

significant to the future of Borsig-Spline was
Spline Flow Optics, a major developer of
computer systems and networks. In 2179 Dr.
Borsig purchased a 75% interest in Spline Flow
and merged the two companies together to
form Borsig-Spline Optics. The new company
focused on high-end optics and high-speed
computer technologies that incorporated optical
technologies. The company was granted its
UCOR Charter by the Adonese government in
2187 and by that time had already branched out
into targeting and weapons electronic systems.
Lucrative contracts with the Adonese government
would lead Borsig-Spline down a road of
military hardware that would culminate in 2253
with the dedication of a modern CAV Factory
in Westinhall. By 2266, when the company
changed its name for the last time to Borsig-


Spline Equipment (BSE) the company was one

of the galaxys top makers of optics, computers,
jump buoys, communications equipment, jump
station technologies, military hardware, and

especially CAVs. BSE owns or is involved with

over 400 manufacturing facilities throughout
the galaxy and employs millions of workers.

During the POD Conflict between the state of

Breonne and the Ritterlich Confederacy, the
demand for the DH 2000 increased. By 2096
the Johnsons youngest brother, Robert Junior,
brought his business, sales, and financial skills
to the family partnership. For the next two
decades Johnson Brothers continued to grow
under Roberts skilled leadership.

At a small factory in Breonne in 2083, two of

the four sons of the famous Engineer Robert
Johnson, Fredrick and Alfred, established a
partnership, the Johnson Brothers, for the
manufacture of towed and man-portable
weapons. Five years later their oldest brother,
Henry, joined them and within the year the DH
2000 hand-held infantry weapon system (direct
ancestor to the ubiquitous G-11) was unveiled.

By 2121, the Johnson Brothers were the premier

makers of weapons (both civilian and military)
in the state of Breonne. It was in 2121 that the
Johnson Brothers facility was purchased by the
state and renamed Royal Military Industry. In
2198, RMI was returned to the private sector
along with a UCOR charter. RMI aggressively
expanded into other military hardware fields
and met with critical acclaim and success. RMI is
one of the largest military UCORs in the galaxy.

Stone and is used in personal rites of passage

for young Malvernian males prior to joining the
Khardullite church

Forsten Scenna founded Mark IV in 2025. The

name of the company was a tribute to his home
world, Capella IV, otherwise known as Capella
Prime, or Malvernix to its natives. Mark is a
Khardullian word meaning a Carved Ritual

In spite of the religious overtones in the name

and logo, Scenna had a mind more closely
aligned with money than with the teachings
of Khardullis. The Grand Inquisitor and Scenna
privately clashed many times and if the company
had not been successful, there might have been
more dire consequences. However, Mark IV


was not just successful, it was, and is, extremely

successful. The Grand Inquisitor, not wanting
to potentially damage a good thing enacted
a separation of the church and the company.
This was a proto-UCOR and many consider it to
be the first instance of such a thing in galactic
history. Mark IV made, sold, and resold anything
it could get its hands on. If it made money, Mark
IV would dabble in it. If it made a lot of money,
Mark IV would jump in with both feet.

These days, Mark IV is much closer to the Onyx

Throne than it was during its early years. Tood
Baanta, the current CEO, is much less likely to
do things to upset the Grand Inquisitor. There is
no doubting the loyalty of Mark IV, the majority
of the UCORs sales are to the Malvernian
Government and well over two-thirds of the
company is staffed by Malvernians. There are
64 Mark IV factories in Malvernian space and
they hold Khardullite ceremonies prior to the
start of each workday.

However, these initial designs were refined over

time to produce several descendants that are
much more famous.

Until recently, Grundor House was the

newcomer to the UCOR scene. First formed in
2227 as a spin-off from Mark IV the main focus
of the company was to develop, extract, and
transport resources from colony worlds to the
factories and facilities that needed them. The
company officially began in the small home in
the Grundor Rockhome on Capella Prime where
the first investors and officers met. From these
fairly humble beginnings Grundor House has
grown into a powerful galactic UCOR. For 40
years, resources were the field in which Grundor
House excelled.
Beginning roughly 25 years ago, Grundor House
began to dabble in other products to support,
protect, and better satisfy the demands of its
customer base. The first such product line was
a series of unsuccessful escort star fighters.

Grundor House really came to the galactic

forefront in 2263, the last year of the first
Galaxy War, with the unveiling of the Assassin.
The Assassin is a CAV that appeared to be all
but an exact copy of the 2260 Koda Works
Dictator. As a unique promotion that in no doubt
boosted sales several Mercenary companies that
were known to be involved with operations
against other mercenary companies that fielded
Dictators received free Assassins and a media
crew to record the battles.
Grundor House has a reputation for recklessness
that continues to this day: the UCOR war
was in large part a result of Grundor Houses
overreaction. Perhaps if the Grand Inquisitor
had not been a member of the UCORs board
of directors it would be less unpredictable, but
then it wouldnt be the explosive UCOR that
weve come to know and love.


Koda Works traces its beginnings back to

Kangs Workshop in the little town of Katch.
Kang originally produced weapons for the
leaders and officers of the Dakan Kharl tribe
during the Season of Storms. In time, orders
grew beyond his ability to produce alone.
Kangs workshop grew as partners were added,
first Okanza then Diensh. In 2178, controlling
interest in Kang Okanza Diensh was purchased
by Anghkur Guntan, a merchant of the Guntan
Tribe. However, rather than force drastic
changes, Anghkur simply changed the name to
Raan Koda or Koda Workshop and helped
the company expand their customer and client

Established as a UCOR in 2184, Koda Works is one

of the largest UCORs in the galaxy and without a
doubt, one of the most famous. Completely and
totally loyal to the Rach Empire, this UCOR is
the sole manufacturer of military hardware used
by the imperial forces of Mohr. From clothing,
boots, knives, guns, and battle armor to vehicles,
gunships, CAVs, dropships, starships, and jump
stations, Koda Works provides the empire with
a total warfare package.

By 2182, Raan Koda was an exclusive supplier

to the Dakan, Guntan, and Moguk tribes. Within
20 years, Raan Koda supplied nearly all of the
tribes with their hardware. Today Koda Works
manufactures and supplies everything from
dining ware to starships to customers across the

Few would dispute that the dream has indeed

become true. The core philosophy of KDM is that
the clients success is the companys success.
One of the most basic advantages that KDM
provided to its clients was a single solutions
package, similar to the Koda Works model. The
KDM edge was in its personalized customer
service, tweaking solutions to the needs of a
particular customer. Few can instinctively know
what a customer wants like a Ritterlich. Other
UCORs are cheaper, but few can match KDMs
dedication to client satisfaction. Even during the
height of the cold war years between the Galaxy

In 2011, the small manufacturing company of

Kruger and Dalton incorporated. KDM, under
Dalton, set out with a dream to be the finest
manufacturer of starships in the galaxy.

Wars, it was not especially unusual to find

KDM representatives working with mercenary
company owner-operators, or with the UICC
and IGS on their long missions.
KDM has not always known a peaceful business
environment. As a leader in CAV production,
armaments, starships, breeders, and logistical
planning, KDM is often involved in disputes
and small actions. It has even been involved in

a few major conflicts. KDM defeated the MitsoTa UCOR in the Cygnus System War, creating
a situation that would indirectly lead to the
Terran Imperial Wars. KDM was also involved
in the Pictor UCOR war, the precursor to the
more recent UCOR War. In the current galactic
conflict, as per the KDM UCOR charter, the full
industrial might of KDM has voluntarily returned
to Ritterlich control.

Taubern, and Vilhems fos Grausch brought with

them all of the contacts, friendships, and favors
that they had gathered as KDM employees. This
allowed NTG to bid and gain contracts that other
companies could not. In fact, with the exception
of KDM itself, there are few companies in the
Ritterlich Confederacy that have as intimate a
relationship with the Ritterlich High Command
as the one NTG enjoys.

NTG is the youngest UCOR to be recognized

as a major manufacturer in the galaxy. NTG
was organized as a UCOR in 2272 and quietly
unveiled its line of CAVs, power armor, gunships,
and military vehicles. NTG only exists to create
military hardware and has not yet expanded
into any civilian markets. Ritterlich equipment
has always had a reputation for function over
NTGs beginnings are chaotic. Several KDM
executives, frustrated with the decisions of the
parent UCOR, resigned and started their own
company with their own personal wealth. The
three senior partners, Klaus Naresch, Viktor

Regardless of its beginnings, if the company

did not make excellent equipment, it would
not have been a successful venture. Battlefield
commanders during the opening months of the
Second Galaxy War have discovered that the
large, some say ugly war machines of NTG are
just as effective as anything the Ritterlich have
ever fielded. Some experts credit Haaz Vilhems
fos Grausch, a retired SdahlGruklein of the 2nd
Schvarzenvaalt, with NTGs grasp of the needs
of the modern battlefield. An old, distinguished,
and highly decorated veteran of several wars,
Grausch personally tests and gives final approval
to all new prototypes before they are sent to
Ritterlich High Command for further evaluation.
NTG makes equipment that soldiers can rely on
and the future of this UCOR seems assured.


high end robotics. In 2196, Hughes purchased

majority interest in Adanenn Mariytes company
Mariyte Aulenel (Marietta Optics) and the new
company of Hughes-Marietta was born.
In 2189 a Terran electromachinist named Walter
Scott Hughes set out to see the universe. Running
out of money while exploring Adon, he started
a business in Racheau building and selling
computer systems. Soon his computers had
become famous. Instead of folding the company
when his cash reserves were replenished
and continue his travels, Hughes stayed in
Racheau and began to redesign and alter key
components to increase the performance of his
products. Great success came quickly with the
Star series of central processors. The Star II was
unique enough that one is still on display at
the technology museum in Sevres. Lacking the
funds to hire employees in the early years of
his company, Hughes built and relied heavily
on robotics. This same tinkering spirit would
led Hughes down a road that had his company
expanding into the breeder market, optics, and

In 2203, Hughes-Marietta was awarded a

contract to create the IT network for all new
AEC installations for a period of 10 years. The
wealth and contacts formed in this time would
skyrocketed Hughes company to the elite of
large corporations and ultimately led to a UCOR
The stellar rise of H-M came to a crashing halt
in the UCOR war. In the unfortunate position of
having to fight in both theaters, Hughes took a
financial and literal beating. Rescue came in the
form of the Templar Bank, which purchased and
forgave many of the UCORs debts in exchange
for voting stock. The office of the First Knight now
owns controlling interest in Hughes-Marietta.
In 2273, the UCOR relocated to the Tor-Nor
system and its UCOR charter was reaffirmed by
the Templar government.
Prepare to be blown away...


Templars. They point to facts like the focus of the

corporation was the development, rebuilding,
overhauling, updating, and altering HughesMarietta hardware.
As a UCOR, Viper only appeared on the galactic
stage in the last few months of 2273. The new
boss of Hughes-Marietta, Vax Spiro, ordered
its executives to help Viper establish itself as a
As a corporation Viper has been around for
decades. Viper was an experiment by the Templar
leaders in native military hardware production.
Viper was, in many ways, a Hughes-Marietta
clone even before the UCOR war.
It is wildly speculated by conspiracy theorists
that Vax Spiro got involved in the UCOR war
simply to acquire Hughes-Marietta for the

Viper presently has very few clients outside of

Templar space. Only a few mercenary companies,
usually those that came to the Warmaster events,
have ever seen Viper equipment. While it is too
early to tell if Viper equipment will prove as
battle worthy as Hughes-Marietta equipment,
Viper is proving to be a highly competitive

Not all Terrans reacted to the Vela Wars with

the same xenophobic hatred of aliens that
has become commonplace on Earth. Doctor
Ichizaemon Morimura of Hokkaido University
in Japan (Sapporo campus) was one of the lead
engineers involved in the reverse engineering
that took place on captured Rach ships.
Even before the AEC appeared to negotiate a
peace, Dr. Morimura speculated that there must
be less aggressive aliens in the universe. As an
outspoken public figure, he gained a lot of press
and media attention. Needless to say, his view
was somewhat unpopular with the then brand-


new United Terran government that was putting

maximum effort behind demonizing aliens as a
whole to drive up recruitment numbers for the
new federal armed forces.
When the Adonese appeared, Morimuras view
seemed to have been vindicated. Dr. Morimura
was part of the original diplomatic team that
met with the Adonese on their ship. After
the diplomacy was concluded, Dr. Morimura
spent months with the Adonese envoys. He
discovered many things, including a list of
several technological innovations common on
Earth that had not yet been widely distributed
in the galaxy at large. With the AECs help,

In 2076 a Terran entrepreneur named Thomas

Duscott incorporated his moderately successful
engineering and robotics company. The new
entity was named Systmes Robotiques
et Machines or SyRaM. The company was
dedicated to the idea that any product could
be created from concept, to mass production,
to sales and distribution with automated
systems. While the company was successful,
it did not make significant profits until the
management staff began a process to purchase
smaller companies that could augment SyRaMs
already widespread network. SyRaM was

Dr. Morimuras family business, Morimura

Electronics, was introduced to the galaxy. The
company changed its name, adopting MitsoTa (named for Morimuras children, Mitsuko
and Takara) as its operating identity. Within a
few years, the sale and distribution of various
Mitso-Ta gadgets had created a fortune for Dr.
Morimura and his Adonese investors.
In 2203, Mitso-Ta became the first Terran UCOR.
For 70 years the Morimura family has led MitsoTa down its own course in the galaxy. All this
came to a crashing halt with the UCOR war.
The Terran government has cracked down on its
wayward corporate children.

wanting to create itself as a major corporation

with everything anyone could ask for, from
concept to distribution and from bottom to top
level production capabilities. During this era of
rapid growth, SyRaM codified its I3 Process
(Intelligence, Integration, and Impact) and
published the Manufacturers Manual. Now in
its 3rd edition, the book is considered standard
reference material for any major corporation or
UCOR executive. SyRaM also helped create and
establish IPREX, a galactic partnership of major
independent agencies in 60 major markets.
There has never been a doubt that the company
started by Thomas Duscott is fully Terran and
dedicated to Terran ideals and goals. However,
ethno-centrism aside, SyRaM is well respected
in the galaxy in its own right and has earned
over 200 awards from trade organizations,
professional organizations, and the media. The
only black mark on its illustrious career is its
suspected involvement in the starting of the
UCOR war.


Time and Space from Sydes

Guide to the Galaxy

GRT Value


Adonese Word

Every few months we get netmail from our fans

and subscribers asking for a primer article with
information about the galaxy in which we live.
We decided that this edition would cover some
basics, and we will elaborate on more material
as needed.

1 second
1 minute
1 hour
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 year

baseline unit
100 seconds
100 minutes
10 hours
10 days
10 weeks
10 months


Ever wonder, forget, or get confused on exactly
how that GRT button or feature on your
wrist chronograph, or PED (Personal Electronic
Device), actually works? For us non-deep space
travelers, every once in a while, we need the grits
(the Terran spacer slang for GRT) spelled out. We
figured that we should take a few paragraphs to
explain it in depth, even if nobody ever uses
it except bankers, computers, or the cold navy
sailors and ground soldiers deployed deep.
Regardless of which world youre on, a second is
pretty much a second no matter which mineral
your race or culture uses as its measure. Luckily,
most everyone in the galaxy, and certainly
everyone with any kind of political and cultural
clout, either used Cesium or Rubidium in their
past, so it wasnt very difficult to get everyone
on the same standardized isotope. In Adonese,
the word for second is Ailnostel. Remember
from your Adonese language classes in school
that when youre talking about time in context,
you can usually drop the nostel suffix.


GRT Month Names

The following list features the standardized
names for the GRT months in Adonese. For those
of you that have studied Adonese, you know
that these words are completely different from
the names of the months of the Adon calendar.
These words are reserved for the months of
the GRT system and are commonly used by all.
Literally, they translate to first month second
month and so on.

Month Number


Terran Edition Sydes Guide Reference Point

The current year in GRT is tracked from the

Kyntafel Supernova, the first well documented
supernova recorded by ancient Adonese

Time Buoys
Theres a saying deep spacers use, Civilization
and Time Buoys no longer function in all the
same places. The IGS maintains a vast network
of pulsing Time Buoys that work in conjunction
with the Jump Stations. These Time Buoys are
synchronized with each other, and the network
is maintained continually. When a ship enters
normal space after a jump, one of the first things
it does is sync up with normal space-time.
The various powerful governments maintain
their own Time Buoys in their own space, but
civilians usually have no access to their coded
transmissions and rely on the IGS.
Confused yet? Like we mentioned before,
hardly anybody except bankers, deep spacers,
and soldiers use the GRT system. All dates and
references in this book are provided in local
time and year references and are counted by
your local time system.

Terran Standard Local 2274,
January 01, 00:00:00
Galactic Relative
1764, Kouprydel 22, 1:21:17

Use Only Genuine

KDM Parts



Malvernis and the Religion of Khardullis

Religion has been called the opiate of the masses,
and never has this been a truer statement than
when discussing the Malvernian obsession with
the Khardullite religion. Nowhere in the known
galaxy will you find a more devout people, pious
in their beliefs, and inflexible to all who differ in
viewpoint, than those who worship Khardullis. Their
pursuit of religious perfection is engrained into the
Malvernians very being from their hatching, and
the education they receive in their formative years
creates a devotion which is nearly unbreakable.
Touched by the Hand of Khardullis
Devoted Khardullists describe the euphoric
feeling they get from performing the rituals of the
Church as the Touch of Khardullis. The more
complicated the ritual performed, the greater the
endorphin release, and the greater the euphoria
which results. Whenever a Malvernian begins to
feel the stresses of everyday life, a quick prayer
to Khardullis for mercy can provide a subtle lift to
bolster their spirits and carry them on through their
day. Likewise, warriors of the Faith commonly pray
before battle. They ask that their God heighten their
reflexes and clear their minds. Scientific studies
have proven that this is more than just a delusion.
The worship of Khardullis and the rites practiced
by the Khardullian church have the effect of
inducing a natural euphoria upon the worshipper.
Scientists say that centuries of social engineering
have led to a psychosomatic response to these
rites which causes the brain to release endorphins,
adrenalines, and other hormones which produce
this sense of euphoria. The Malvernians decry this
as rubbish and heresy set to destroy the Church
and the Empire. The Dark Brotherhood has reacted
viciously to such reports, and this argument adds
fuel to the ever-smoldering fires of the Crusade.
The Lost
Sadly, there are also Malvernians who never feel
the Touch of Khardullis. Most Malvernians respond
with cynical anger; if Khardullis has rejected them,
then they will reject him. This is what leads to the


uncommon non-Khardullist Malvernian. Many feel

rejection or fear and self-loathing. Most will take the
course of hiding their inadequacy and believe that
they have somehow offended Khardullis or have
been deemed unworthy. These can prove to be the
most devoted zealots, as they are fanatic in their
desire to redeem themselves and prove themselves
worthy of Khardullis touch. Most unfortunate
individuals go through the motions in a neverending quest to achieve that state of euphoria that
eludes them. While many of the clergy look with
pity on these unfortunates, the Inquisitors are less
forgiving and are often loath to fully trust those
who Khardullis has deemed unworthy to touch.
(Editors Note: It is also worth noting that on many
outlying worlds, or worlds not heavily populated
with Malvernians, no Shining Sisterhood hatcheries
are present. This means that Malvernians are
deprived of the education and indoctrination
which produces the psychosomatic response. While
many are still devoted Khardullians, the Touch
of Khardullis is a totally alien concept to them).
Religion is so central to the Malvernians that an
attack upon the Empire is an attack upon the
Grand Inquisitor and, thus, upon Khardullis. For
this reason, the Malvernians are always quick to
declare holy war, or Muhktahk, against any and all
who would belittle their way of life and their god.
There is also an ambiguous passage in the writings
of Khardullis often interpreted to mean that it is the
duty of all Malvernians to convert as many souls as
possible by whatever means. Some Grand Inquisitors
have determined this to indicate that they should
forcefully convert whole worlds to their god, and,
thus, the history of Crusades. This attitude has often
brought the Dark Brotherhood into direct conflict
with the Templars, who view the forced conversions
and indoctrination of Malvernian and alien alike, to
be an unconscionable affront to personal liberty.
Templar Religion
Though the Templars are not a theocracy, like the
Malvernian Empire, their religion is central to the
way they live their lives. The Templars religion

is different in that they do not worship a deity.

Instead, they follow the tenets set down to them
by the First Knight, Mason, so many centuries
ago. The tenets are all about living the right way,
pursuing a life of service and charity, and basically
just being a good person. The Tenets say that a
person is measured by their good deeds, and they
should take pride in their accomplishments and
good actions. Because of this pride, many outsiders
view the Templars as braggarts with large egos, but
it is just their way of showing the lengths to which
they go to live a good life in the service of their
Nation and others.
The Tenets are organized as the Eight Points
of the Templar Cross. They are:
1. The Highest Goal and purpose in life is to live a
life free of regrets and be remembered as a good
person. Not all will achieve this goal, but it is the
attempt that is worthy.
2. The Greatest Goals in the life of a good person
are Loyalty, Love, Sacrifice, and Liberty.
3. The Duty of a good person is to learn, think,
grow, adapt, and ever become better than the
creature you were the day before.
4. It is also the Duty of a good person to assist
others in achieving their own personal growth.
A good person is both teacher and student, and
he or she is quick to show gratitude as well as
generosity to those who require it. Children always
require knowledge, generosity, and gratitude.
5. After careful thought, a good person makes
plans, pushes forward with those plans, is
persistent with those plans, and achieves those
plans. Regardless of what they might be.
6. A good person is a power in the universe
that affects change for the betterment of many.
Affecting change is not to win or lose but to
improve and make better.

do not judge people, though all people must be

held responsible for their actions and suffer the
consequences of their actions.
Knights of the Holy Orders are the teachers and the
spiritual advisers to the Knights of the Temple. The
lowest members of the Ordained are the Knight
Chaplains, who are charged with leading evening
meditations and maintain the chapels scattered
across the galaxy. Overseeing a group of Chaplains
are the Knight Vicars, who must be of at least 2nd
Rank. Above them are the Knight Prelates, who are
Knights of the 1st Rank. Some small worlds have
but a single Knight Prelate, while larger systems,
such as Tor-Nor and Pelles, have as many as three
Knight Prelates. At the top of the hierarchy, is the
Arch Knight Prelate, who is elected by the other
Knight Prelates to serve a term of 5 years and is a
member of the Council of Lords.
The Knight Chaplains are quick to explain that
the Tenets of the Temple are compatible with
most faiths in the galaxy. There are many Knights
who practice their native religions as well as their
devotion to the Tenets. There is even a sect of
Khardullians, obviously primarily Malvernians,
within the Templars. This is amazing to some, given
the outspoken criticism of First Knight, Vax Spiro,
against the Malvernian Empire and what he terms
their oppressive theocracy. The Malvernians are,
by nature, quick to jump to defend any affront
to their religion and their way of life. They have,
at numerous times throughout their history, been
known to convert worlds to their religion by force.
It is such expansionism in the name of religion that
the Templars oppose with great conviction. While
true that the Templars force no one to follow their
religion, it is worth noting that unless a member of
the knighthood also swears to follow the Tenets of
the Temple, they are unable to fully participate in
certain aspects of Templar citizenship.

7. A good person is always vigilant against

ignorance, chaos, and selfish desire. Discord,
oppression, and tyranny are the enemies of all life.
8. A good person does not judge another person.
However, discernment is necessarily for life and
society. Judge actions as being good or evil,


Taking its name from the 30-foot tall war

machines that walk the battlefields of the
galaxy, CAV is a game of combined arms in a
sci-fi setting.
The year is 2274, and the fragile peace the
galaxy has known for the last 11 years has been
shattered. The second Galaxy War has begun,
and every galactic government is looking out for
number one.
The first Galaxy War raged across known space
for 9 years with two great alliances hammering
each other to the edge of total collapse. Unable
to set aside their differences and work toward a
lasting peace, the Governments have rearmed,
poised to again plunge the galaxy into war.

Fueled by a decade of clandestine wars and

secret agendas, the racial, religious, and
nationalistic governments across the galaxy have
begun grabbing resources. United Corporate
Organized Republics (UCOR), Mercenaries, and
Corporations have been nationalized and folded
into vast war machines capable of intergalactic
domination and destruction.
Past the point of no return, it is now the time
of reckoning for the galaxy, and if you hope to
survive this conflict you must choose a side.
In this part of the rules, we will cover:
Game Overview
Playing a Game of CAV

Imagine a game without defined borders.

Imagine a game where you can move where
you want to and choose your own fate. This
type of game does exist and is called a tabletop
wargame. In CAV you will be able to design
and construct the size of your force and choose
what assets your force will contain. CAV allows
you to not only design the types of battles you
fight, but also to choose exactly how you fight
each battle. Every battle in CAV is a different
experience, as players bring their own unique
personality, army, and tactics to the game.

The RAGE system

There are a few good habits to develop when

playing CAV that help everyone enjoy the
hobby and reduce arguments. The following

good habits are not rules; they are commonly

accepted miniatures game courtesies.

RAGE stands for Reaper Adventure Game

Engine. RAGE is a single master system of game
mechanics and rules used to play tabletop
wargames. RAGE is a master system because
you can simply learn one basic set of game
mechanics and rules yet play many games in
several different game-world settings.


Declare, then Measure

Time Scale and Model Scale

Tape measures are used during play in CAV,

but you should not measure until after your
Models Actions have been declared out loud.
Other games may encourage pre-measurement,
but, unless the scenario rules or your opponent
states that it is ok, assume it is not in CAV. If, after
you declare your action, you discover that you
dont have enough Range/Movement/Distance
to complete your declared action, make the
best of it but do not change your declared

CAV uses N-Scale (1/160) for Models, buildings,

and battlefields. A game Turn represents
approximately 4 seconds of real time.

CAV Models come with bases to help provide
strength and add to its visual presence on the
tabletop battlefield. Bases assist players when
measuring range, movement, and conducting
Close Combat. However, they are not strictly
integral to game play. If a Model lacks a base,
conduct all measurement from the center of the
Model (when looking down at it from above). If
attempting Close Combat with or against a Model
without a base, base contact is determined
by bringing any point of the Model without
a base into contact with any flat side of the
base belonging to the target Model. Whenever
possible, measurements are conducted from
center of base to center of base. Some Models
have pieces that prevent the movement of
models into actual contact. When this occurs,
make sure your opponent knows what your
intention is concerning base contact, and simply
move the models as close as possible.

Roll Dice in the Open

Roll your dice where all the players can see the
results, rather than hidden behind terrain or out
of sight.

Give Data Card Information

When your opponent asks you for a piece of
information that is printed on one of your Data
Cards (such as Defensive Value) give a truthful
answer so that they can decide how to conduct
their actions.

Tokens and Lying Models Down

Model Facing

CAV uses Tokens to mark several important events

or pieces of information that occur during play.
One such piece of information is when a Model
is killed. Typically, it is preferable to remove
the Model and replace it with a token because
it leaves less clutter. A penny works great for a
token! Some players prefer to use an old broken
Model, cut up and glued to a hex base, since it
creates a very cool visual effect. However, some
players prefer to lay the killed Model over
on its side or back to represent the fallen body.
Either one is acceptable if it is agreed upon by
all players.

The flat base side closest to the front of the

Model is considered to be the Models Front
Facing. For a Model without a base, the front of
the Model is considered to be the Models Front

Metric and Hexes

CAV measurements are listed in inches. However,
for purposes of play, conversion is simple if you
choose to use a metric measurement device or
a hex map and substitute centimeters or hexes
for inches. While the conversion may not be
precise, it is more than sufficient for play.


Materials Needed
Ten-sided dice (D10)
Six-sided dice (D6) (For damage tracking
purposes only)
Eight-sided dice (D8) (For damage tracking
purposes only)
Various CAV Miniatures (Models)
Measuring devices (flexible tape measures
are best)
A deck of standard playing cards
Pennies, beads, or other small items to use
as tokens.

The group of Models under a players control

is called a Task Force. A players Task Force
represents a group of armed forces participating
in a battle during the Second Galaxy War. Several
types of battles can occur as opposing Task Forces
struggle for control of the galaxy. Anything from
the capture of strategic objectives to simply a
chance meeting engagement is possible. A Task
Force is made up of smaller units called Sections.
Sections are made up of the individual Models

in your force. Organizational rules govern how

to assemble Sections and form your Task Force.

Before you can put together your Task Force, you

and your opponents have to agree on a Game
Size. The Game Size is the maximum amount
of points you can spend on Models, options,
and upgrades. Players are allowed to spend less

than or equal to the Game Size maximum, but

never over it. It is recommended that games be
limited from 2,000 to 4,000 points total on the
tabletop until players become familiar with the
rules and the play of the game.



this part of the rules, we will cover:

The Game Size
The Data Card
The Section
A Galaxy At War

Before we discuss how to assemble the Sections

of your Task Force, you need to know what
a Model is capable of, so you can determine
the strengths and weaknesses a Model brings
to your Task Force. All information concerning
a Model is shown on the Models Data Card
and each Model has its own unique Data Card.
By understanding and learning the Data Card
of a particular Model, you will understand the
capabilities of that Model and, in turn, deploy
and use the Model to its utmost potential on the

1) Name
The Model designation.

2) Affiliation
Affiliation represents which galactic Faction may
field this Model. Most Models will have Open
listed as their affiliation. This means that any
Faction may field it. If a Faction is listed, only a
Task Force of that Faction can field this Model.

3) Points
This shows how many points this Model will
cost a player to be part of their Task Force.
Remember, players are allowed to spend less
than or equal to the Game Size maximum, but
never over it.

4) Model Type
Model type represents what exactly the Model
The Four Model Types are:
The first Model Type is the CAV or Combat
Assault Vehicle. CAV are the power base of
the 23rd century battlefield. Towering above
their opponents, they carry tremendous armor,
firepower, and are far more agile. They are the
culmination of centuries of warfare.
Gunships provide close air support and fast
striking power. Advances in open shaft drive,
ducted-fan, and other vertical take-off and
landing technologies allow a Gunship to be

close at hand while retaining the ability to

move quickly as the battle evolves. For Gunships
present on the battlefield, this maneuverability
has come at the expense of other capabilities
such as supersonic flight and the easy transition
from atmospheric to orbital altitudes.
Terrans refer to the Infantry as The Queen
of Battle. This is a reference to the role of
the most powerful piece in a game of chess.
Infantry, while seemingly fragile compared
with CAVs, are nevertheless the heart and soul
of any true military operation. Infantry take
objectives and keep those objectives from falling
back into enemy hands. Infantry are relatively
inexpensive to equip and field but are lethal in
numbers. Only a foolish commander discounts
the devastatingly real threat that infantry still
present on the battlefields of the 23rd century.
In CAV, an Infantry Model always refers to a
single base with at least three, and up to five,
individual infantry figures glued to it. For ease of
recognition during play, we suggest that players
affix four infantry figures to a standard base
to represent combat troops and three infantry
figures to a standard base to represent specialized
Infantry like Engineers and FiST. Five infantry
figures should be reserved for advanced Models
such as Infantry that have gained Experience
(mainly for campaign play).
Vehicles are everywhere. Vehicles serve in
multiple roles ranging from armored personnel
carriers, to tanks, to supply transportation.
While the CAVs often get more media attention,
the Vehicles of an army are its mechanical

5) Model Role Designation

As part of a Task Force, each Model has a role
to play in helping win the battle. To represent
this, and make Task Force creation easier, each
Model in CAV has a Model Role designation.
The Model Role will tell you what the Model is
designed to do and determine in which Section
Types the Model may be included. Some Models
have been assigned dual roles because they
can be used in more than one fashion. These
Models will have both Model Roles with a slash
between them (e.g. Attack/Fire Support).

The Five Model Roles are:

Fire Support
The workhorse of the battlefield, an Attack
Model is sent forward to strike an enemy.
Fire Support
An attacker cannot be everywhere at once,
and it takes time to move across a battlefield
when reacting to the enemy. A Fire Support
Model helps keep an aggressive enemy at bay,
since they are able to rain fire down all over a
battlefield from a stationary position.
Recon Models are not meant to go straight up
the middle, towards the enemy, like an Attack
Model would. Instead, they use their abilities
to work through and around enemy strengths.
Exposing and exploiting enemy weaknesses are
their specialties.


Infantry may be the key to taking and holding
the battlefield, but they still need to get there
first. Transport Models are essential to getting
your infantry close to the objective or quickly
out of harms way.
Support units make up the vital backbone of
any force. Allowing the combatants to take the
battle to the enemy, the support units continue
to keep the supplies flowing and the forces ready
for action.

6) Movement Class
The Movement Class (MClass) of a Model
determines how well it will negotiate terrain
and obstacles on the battlefield. The Movement
Classes are: Foot, Tracked, Wheeled, Air, Hover,
and Walker.

or modify values present on the Models Data

Card when certain conditions are met. Each SA
is different. Specific instructions on its use and
purpose can be found in Appendix C.

8) DT
Damage Track (DT) is a representation of how
much Damage the Model may sustain before
it is destroyed or rendered non-functional.
Damage Tracks also determine the Models
current abilities. As the Model takes Damage,
effectiveness will actually degrade. A Model
starts the game undamaged at DT 0. When it
receives Damage, its new stats correspond to
its damaged condition. When performing any
Action, use the value listed on the Models
current DT line. A Models current DT is equal
to how many points of Damage it currently has.
When the Model receives more Damage than it
has DTs, the Model is destroyed.

7) SA
Special Abilities (SA) represent abilities,
equipment, or actions a Model may possess
that make it unique in the game. These Special
Abilities will either be a new type of action not
already represented on the Models Data Card,


12) TC
Targeting Computer (TC) represents the Models
ability to electronically target other Models.
Targeting computers are used on Models that
have special functions. The higher the TC, the
more likely these functions are to succeed.

Example: Jimmy has a Model with

4 Damage Tracks (0 through 3). In a
single turn, the Model takes 3 points
of Damage. During Jimmys following
Action Phase, he wants to move and
shoot with his Model. He would use the
values listed for moving and shooting
under DT 3, since his Model now has
3 points of Damage. Once Jimmys
Model takes 1 more point of Damage
(assuming it is not repaired first,) it is
destroyed and removed from play.

13) Rpr
Repair (Rpr) value represents how good a Model
is at repairing itself when conducting a Repair
Action. The higher the number, the more likely
a Repair Action will succeed.

14) DV
Defense Value (DV) represents how hard it is
to inflict Damage to a Model. The higher the
DV, the harder it is for a Model to be damaged
during combat. To inflict Damage, an Attack Roll
must equal or exceed a Models DV.

15) Weapon Systems

Weapon Systems are used to conduct Ranged
Attacks against opponents.

9) Mov
Movement Value (Mov) is how far, in inches,
a Model may move during a single Movement
Action. The terrain a Model moves through may
affect the final distance a Model will move.

10) Exp
Expertise (Exp) represents how well trained a
Model is and how well it can accomplish certain
special tasks. The higher a Models Exp, the
more likely it is to succeed.

11) CCV
Close Combat Value (CCV) is how well a Model
fights the enemy at extremely short range. Close
Combat in CAV is not hand-to-hand combat
but rather the attempt to outmaneuver and
outshoot an opponent in close quarters. The
higher a Models CCV, the more likely it is to
inflict Damage during Close Combat.

15a) Attack Type & Number of

The weapons Attack Type determines how a
weapon can be used. It will either be a Direct
Attack (DA) or an Indirect Attack (IA). A DA
weapon can only be fired when a Model has Line
of Sight (LOS) to an opponent. An IA weapon
can be fired at an opponent, even without LOS.
The number after the x represents how many
of these weapons a Model has. For example, if
a Data Card read x2 that would mean that it
has 2 of these weapons, each of which can be
fired separately at different targets.


15b) Rng

15d) Type of Weapon

Range (Rng) determines how far a weapon can

shoot effectively. Range is broken down and
measured with Range Bands. The amount listed
here is the amount, in inches, for each Range

These are abbreviations of the type of weapon

this Weapon System is. It has no in game effect,
however it allows you to get a better feel for the
model, as each type of weapon shares similar

15c) RAV
Ranged Attack Value (RAV) represents a weapons
ability to inflict Damage on an opponent. Several
factors can determine the RAV of a Model.
Hard-hitting rounds, explosive munitions, smart
munitions, or advanced targeting systems are all
factors that affect a Models RAV. Whatever the
reason, the higher this value is, the more likely a
weapon is to inflict Damage upon an opponent
when conducting a Ranged Attack.

The abbreviations stand for:

GC Gauss Cannon
GRC Gauss Rotary Cannon
GGC Gatling Gauss Cannon
PBG Particle Bolt Gun
LBG Laser Bolt Gun
DFM Direct Fire Missile
IFM Indirect Fire Missile
MG Machine Gun
FL Flamer
FAS Field Artillery System

15e) Name of the Weapon

This section also has no in-game relevance, it
just gives you the name of the weapon.


In CAV, the Section is the basic unit of play and

organization, and is made up of different types
of Models depending on the Sections Type. The
Sections Type determines what Model Types
and Model Roles may be present in the Section.
A Task Force is made up of one or more Primary
Sections and a variable number of Secondary

An Armor Section is made up of the following

4-6 CAV and/or Vehicle Models.
At least 3 of the models must be the
Model Role of Attack.
The balance may be the Model Role of
Recon or Fire Support.

Section Type
The first thing that must be determined when
creating a Section in CAV is to decide which
Section Type is to be built. The Section Type
chosen will dictate the type and number of
Models that may be fielded in a given Section.
Primary and Secondary are the two categories
of Section Types. A Task Force cannot have
more Secondary Sections than it has Primary
Primary Sections are:
Mechanized Infantry
Secondary Sections are:
Fire Support

Primary Section Types

Armor Section
The Armor Section is the most basic unit in
CAV. It is typically where all the firepower and
ability to sustain damage are concentrated. An
Armor Section must begin play with a minimum
of four Models and a maximum of 6 Models.
These Models must be CAVs and/or Vehicles.

Mechanized Infantry Section

The Mechanized Infantry are the primary
Infantry force used in the Second Galaxy War.
The 23rd century battlefield relies heavily
on firepower, maneuverability, and speed.
Mechanized Infantry Sections rarely fill their
Transports to maximum capacity which makes
room for extra ammunition, equipment, and
wounded. A Mechanized Infantry Section is
made up of the following elements:
4-8 Infantry Models with the Model Role
of Attack.
Transport Models of any Model Type
sufficient to carry all the Infantry Models,
but no more than one Transport per
Infantry Model.
Models with the Bulky SA count as two
Models when determining both Section
size and transport capacity.


Specialist Section
Specialist Sections are the catch-all. Models in
the Specialist Section may perform any odd
duties or roles that may be needed to complete
a mission. Specialist Sections may begin play
with as few as one and as many as four Models
of any Model Type and Model Role. All Models
in a Task Force with the Specialist SA must be
part of this Section. If Infantry Models are
taken, then transports may also be taken for
them. These Transports do not count against the
Section Model limit, but Transports taken cannot
exceed the number of Infantry Model stands. A
Task Force may only field one Specialist Section.
A Specialist Section is made up of the following
1-4 Models of any Model Type and
Model Role.
Transport Models of any Model Type
sufficient to carry all the Infantry Models,
but no more than one Transport per
Infantry Model.
Models with the Bulky SA count as two
Models when determining both Section
size and transport capacity.

Rifle Section
Rifle Sections are the footslogging infantry.
Referred to as grunts, noigung, kharuk, and
other affectionate terms throughout the Galaxy,
the Rifle Sections are the classic image of the
infantry soldier. Rifle Sections may be slow, but
they are capable of devastating firepower once
they arrive. A Rifle Infantry Section is made up
of the following elements:
6-10 Infantry Models with the Model
Role of Attack.
Secondary Section Types
Models with the Bulky SA count as two
Models when determining Section size.
Fire Support Section
A Fire Support Section provides close, indirect
fire capability on the battlefield. Fire Support
Sections are different from true artillery, which
is represented by Strike Assets. A Fire Support
Section is made up of the following elements:
4-6 CAV and/or Vehicle Models
At least 3 of the models must have the
Model Role of Fire Support.
The balance may have the Model Role of
Recon or Attack.


4-6 Infantry Models.

At least 4 of the models must have the
Model Role of Fire Support. The balance
may have the Model Role of Recon or
Transport Models of any Model Type
sufficient to carry all the Infantry Models,
but no more than one Transport per
Infantry Model.
Models with the Bulky SA count as two
Models when determining both Section
size and transport capacity.

A Flight Section provides close air support for
ground forces. A Flight Section is made up of
the following elements:
2 Gunship Models of any Model Role.
If both of the Gunships in the Section
have the Model Role of Recon, then the
Flight Section also gains the abilities of
a Recon Section during the Deployment
Recon Section
Recon Sections are the sneakers and peekers of
the ground forces. They are often given the duty
of arriving first and retreating last. They are also
usually tasked with flanking and penetration
missions around or behind enemy lines. A Recon
Section is made up of the following elements:
4-6 CAV and/or Vehicle Models with the
Model Role of Recon.

Mortar Section
A Mortar Section is the Infantry way of reaching
out to touch someone. A Mortar Section is made
up of the following elements:

Transport Section
Transport Sections are available to move units
not normally equipped with their own Transports
like a Rifle Section.
4-6 Models with the Model Role of


From Appendix C -Special Abilities

(SA) that concern:
Task Force Creation

Specialist SA
A Model with the Specialist SA may only be
fielded in the Specialist Section of a Task Force.

In the months preceding the start of war, it

became clear that the goals of the major and
minor galactic powers had become too different
to amicably support continued friendly relations.
Major media outlets suggested that Ritterlich and
Adon were at each others throats, old wounds
between the Terrans and the Rach had reopened,
and the Malvernis and Templar religions had
entered aggressive expansionist stages making
them intolerable to the other governments and
their citizens. Independent reports from nonMedia sources, like the Mercenary community,
confirmed a decline in relationships between
former allies. The Governments said nothing,
suggesting that diplomatic solutions were still
in process. Cynics observed that almost all
the various governments were in economic
decline and needed access to cheap resources
primarily available on worlds that had become
independent in the intervening years since
the First Galaxy War. Within weeks, alliances
had collapsed. Today, galactic member states
that were former allies are now independent,
fighting for control of their own territories and
expanding into other sectors to secure buffer
zones and resources. In the Second Galaxy War,
planetary resources and military or political
objectives are far more important than any sense
of duty or responsibility to so called friendly
nations. At this time, both the Grand Coalition
and the Alliance of the first Galaxy War are
nothing more than memories.

Models and Faction Doctrines that are available

to you.

The Six Largest Galactic Military Forces are:


Faction Doctrines
Players fielding a Task Force that consists entirely
of Models that all have the same Government
Faction Affiliation (UCOR doesnt matter) on
their Data Cards may choose one of that factions
Faction Doctrines for their Task Force. Faction
Doctrines may be found in Appendix E.
Open Market Models
The end of the First Galaxy War instantly created
vast stockpiles of modern weapons across the
galaxy. In an attempt to avoid reductions and
cutbacks, the Corporations offered Mercenaries
and security forces across the galaxy deep
discounts and lucrative terms of purchase. This
allowed them to expand in an unprecedented
As the Second Galaxy War quickly heats up
and Factions are activating old units, modern,
ready to roll, equipment is in short supply.
Compounding this situation is the fact that most
of the weapons or inventories a faction currently
uses were probably made by a UCOR that is now
aligned with a potential enemy.

Faction Affiliation
Six galactic empires, each with its own view and
goals, are fighting in the Second Galaxy War.
Your Task Force is just a part of one of these
vast armed forces. The Faction you play is an
important choice, as it will determine both the

Some factions have chosen to refit and upgrade

certain weapon platforms to fill gaps in specific
mission requirements important to their
military planners. Others are simply pressing
older equipment into service as they retool
and reconstitute a new manufacturing base
for modern weapon platforms. These CAVs,
Vehicles, and Gunships are called Open Market
Models. Open Market Models are available for
use by any faction.
Open Market Models, when fielded in a pure
Faction Affiliation Task Force, are treated as
Models of that Faction for purposes of Faction
Special Abilities. If a Task Force is constructed
solely of Open Market Models, it is an
Independent Faction.

Independent Factions
Players may also choose to field a Task Force
that is not aligned with any major faction. Such
a force is considered an Independent Task
Force. The Independent Task Forces represent
independent soldiers, mercenaries, pirates, local
planetary defense forces, corporate security
troops, etc.
Independent Task Forces are composed of only
Models with the Open Market designation on
their Data Card. Independent Task Forces have
the advantage of flexibility by not being limited
to the Models of one Faction. Independent Task
Forces have the disadvantage of not being able
to employ any of the major factions Doctrines.

The modern battlefield can be described

as organized chaos in motion. Despite that
appearance, there exists a highly evolved system
of maneuver, engagement, and exploitation.
The ability to outmaneuver your opponent and
bring decisive forces to bear has always been
the key to victory. In CAV, this factor is just as

The first turn in a CAV game consists of the six

phases listed below. All subsequent turns consist
of the last three phases: Initiative, Action and

Battle Setup
Deployment Zone
Pre-Battle Action Phase
Initiative Phase
Action Phase
End Phase

In this part of the rules, we will cover:

The First Turn of the Game
Game Turns after the First Turn

Battle Setup
To play a game of CAV, you first need a place
in which to play it. Since the earliest days of
the hobby, war games have been played on just
about any available surface, from kitchen and
dining room tables to dedicated game tables
in the den. Players take miniature versions of
buildings, trees, hills, rivers, and more and place
them on the battlefield to simulate the effects
of terrain when they are playing. For CAVs
purposes, we suggest scattering terrain pieces to

represent urban ruins, walls, vegetation, forests,

bracken, and hills or rivers in a manner suitable
to the scenario being played. We suggest that a
good CAV play area is either a 4 by 6 rectangle
for most games, or a 4 by 4 square surface for
smaller games of 2000 points or less. Players
should always discuss and agree upon terrain
and cover types before play begins.

Deployment Zone
After the battlefield has been set up, players
determine their Deployment Zone (DZ). The DZ
is the area in which players will place their Task
Forces at the start of the game. Deployment
Zones will often be determined by scenario rules.
If a scenario lacks a defined DZ, the default DZ
is the width of the table and up to 6 from the
table edge.



4 Feet



Building 2A

Building 4A

Building 3A


A Draw Deck is formed using a simple deck of

playing cards. Each player is assigned a suit,
and one card from each players suit is put
into the Draw Deck for every Section they have
in their Task Force. After each player has put
the appropriate number of their assigned suit
cards into the deck, shuffle the cards. Once the
cards have been shuffled, it is a simple matter
of turning over the top card to see who gets to
go. During the course of the game, it is often
helpful for each of the players to keep a card of
their suit nearby as a reminder of the suit that
belongs to them.
Bonus Cards
Some Scenarios, events, or Special Abilities (SA)
will grant the option of adding extra or bonus
cards to the Draw Deck. Each time Players
form the Draw Deck for either Deployment or
Initiative, players with Bonus Cards may choose
whether or not to include some or all of their
Bonus Cards in the Draw Deck.

Conducting Deployment


Building 11"

Creating a Draw Deck


Building 4B

Building 2B


Building 3B


After you have assembled and shuffled the

Draw Deck, flip the top card over. The player
whose suit is drawn must now place one of their
Sections within the Deployment Zone. After
placing the Section into the Deployment Zone,
the next card in the Draw Deck is flipped over,
and the process is repeated until every Section
is deployed.

Recon Sections in the Deployment Phase




Factory Complex - 6 Scenario Points - 4 Elimination Points

Each side has five (5) turns
Building 1 - 12 Diameter
Building 2 A & B - 4 X 5 Objective B & C - 4 Diameter
Building 3 A & B - 4 X 4 Objective A - 6 Diameter
Building 4 A & B - 4 X 10 Deployment Zone- 6 X 48

During the Deployment Phase, players that

have Recon Sections in their Task Force have the
ability to Bury a card of the suit assigned to their
Task Force. Burying a card is a simple matter of
taking the card that was just flipped over and
putting it face down on the bottom of the Draw
Deck. Players may Bury drawn cards only once
for each Recon Section in their Task Force. This
ability only allows players to bury their own
cards, not the cards of other players.


Delayed Deployment
Certain scenarios, Section types, or SAs will
involve delaying deployment of some or all
of your Sections at the beginning of the game.
In these cases, Sections or Models that are not
Deployed add no cards to the Deployment Deck.
They also do not add cards to the Initiative Deck
until the Turn they enter the board. Sections
that delay deployment are placed on the board
according to the instructions of the scenario or by
the instructions of the Section type or SA. In the
absence of delayed deployment instructions, the
Section or Models deploy inside the Deployment
Model States
Model States, or effects that normally require
an Action during play, may be considered
performed at the time of initial deployment
unless otherwise described in the Scenario
notes. For example, Infantry may deploy either
Mounted in their Transports or Dismounted with
their Transports nearby.

Pre-Battle Action Phase

Some Models may take actions before anyone
else in the Task Force. This extra Action might
represent the result of good reconnaissance,
extraordinary abilities, equipment, or just plain
good luck.
Create a Draw Deck, shuffle it, and draw a card.
The player whose suit is drawn may conduct
Pre-Battle Actions with any and all Models that
may do so. Players conduct all of the Pre-Battle
Actions they are entitled to, at once, when their
card is drawn. In a game with more than two
players, continue to draw cards until all players
have had a chance to conduct their Pre-Battle
Recon Models
Models that are the Model Role Recon may
make a single Movement Action during the PreBattle Action Phase.

Action Phase

Initiative Phase
Action Phase
End Phase

Initiative Phase
To keep a game from being a hectic, confusing
mess, games have a system for determining who
goes first or next. In CAV this is called Initiative,
and the Initiative of each player is determined by
the draw of cards from the Draw Deck. Initiative
is an important element of the game and will
dictate the ebb and flow of the battle. Create
a Draw Deck as described in the Deployment

After you have assembled and shuffled the

Draw Deck, flip the top card over. The player
whose suit is drawn must now Activate one of
the players Sections. Players may not choose
to Activate a Section that has already been
Activated this Turn. To Activate a Section again,
a player must wait until the following Turn. If a
player has already Activated all of the players
Sections, simply ignore any extra cards as they
are flipped over. Once all Sections have been
Activated for this Turn, proceed to the End


Taking Action
Once a Section has been Activated, its Models
can conduct a move, attack other Models, or
conduct any Action they are allowed to take.
Each Model in an Activated Section may perform
two Actions.

twice in the same turn. You can execute the

same Repeatable Action twice during your turn.
You may perform your Actions in any order you

The combinations of Actions you use can

be very important to achieving a victory.
As an example: A Section of four Specters
need to keep moving and still provide
devastating Fire Support. To do this, the
first Specter would use the Action Target
Lock and, with its Chain-Fire Pod, ensure
attacking fire was as deadly as possible.
For its second Action, it would use its
Movement to keep advancing. The
remaining three Specters would each
conduct a Ranged Attack Action to tap
into the Chain-Fire and follow it up with
a Movement Action.

To help you keep track of which Sections have

already been Activated during this turn, place
tokens next to the Models of previously Activated
Sections. You can also flip over the Data Cards of
Sections that have already been Activated.

Types of Actions
In CAV there are three types of Actions: NonRepeatable Actions, Repeatable Actions, and
Free Actions. Each type is fairly self-explanatory.
Sometimes a Model may not want to do
anything at all, or it may want to perform only
one Action. If this is the case, the extra Action
is lost and may not be saved or transferred to
other Models.
An Activated Model may perform up to two
Actions in a turn. Non-Repeatable Actions are
just that, a Model can only use them once during
the Models turn. You can execute two different
Non-Repeatable Actions in the same turn. You
cannot execute the same Non-Repeatable Action
Non-Repeatable Actions:
Ranged Attack
Standard Ranged Attack
Run N Gun (Uses both Actions)
Salvo Strike Fire
Close Combat
Target Lock
Repeatable Actions:

Free Actions
Sometimes in the course of reading a description
of an Ability, you may run across Actions that
are referred to as Free Actions. These are Actions
that may be taken by Models without using
either of the two Actions you are allowed to take
when Activated. Unless the Actions description
states otherwise, Free Actions resolve instantly.
Each Free Actions description will give you
instructions on how to resolve it.

Declaring Actions
The first step in performing an Action is to tell
your opponent what Action the Model is going
to attempt. This is called Declaring an Action.
Once you have Declared your Actions, you may


begin to Resolve them as allowed by the rules.

You are not allowed to premeasure any Distances
on the board until you have Declared an Action.
If you have Declared an Action and cannot
perform it as Declared because you do not
have enough Range, Movement, or are unable
to fully complete it as desired, you must still
perform the Action to the best of your ability.
In the worst case, you will forfeit the Action you
declared. Once a player has begun resolving a
Declared Action they cannot stop and change
their Declaration.
Order of Performing Actions
CAV, like other R.A.G.E. games, is fairly freeform
in the sense that you have a wide choice of
Actions to choose from, and there is no set order
in which a players must perform their Actions.
Some of their Models may perform a Repeatable
Action and then a Non-Repeatable Action, and
then the rest of the Section may perform NonRepeatable Actions and then a Repeatable
Action. Any combination of Actions is valid, and
each Model may perform Actions irrespective of
the other Models in its Section.
Declaring and Conducting NonRepeatable Actions
There is one very important rule about
performing Non-Repeatable Actions. When
conducting a Non-Repeatable Action of any
type, all Models in the Active Section that are
conducting the same type of Non-Repeatable
Action must perform it at the same time. That
means all Models in the Active Section that are
conducting the same type of Non-Repeatable
Action must Declare that they will be performing
it BEFORE any of them may begin Resolving it.
Different Types of Ranged Attacks
A Model may conduct only one type of Ranged
Attack Action in a single turn. All Ranged Attack
Actions, regardless of type, must be declared
and resolved at the same time.

Example: Todd has an Armor Section

with two CAV and two Vehicles in it. If
he wanted one of his CAV to perform
a Ranged Combat Attack Action, any
other Models in the Section that he also
wanted to perform a Ranged Combat
Attack Action must do so at the same
time. He would Declare all of the Models
that are performing a Ranged Combat
Action before beginning to resolve any
of the Ranged Attacks.

Conducting a Specialty Action

A Specialty Action is a unique Non-Repeatable
Action made by a Model. An example of a
Specialty Action would be a Model with the
FiST SA calling in an airstrike. When a Specialty
Action is called for, the instructions to resolve it,
if any, will be included in the text.

Resolving Actions
Once you have Declared a Models Action, find
out if the Models Action is successful. How you
determine success depends on the Action you
There are 4 ways an Action may be
Automatic Success
10 Or Better Roll (10+ Roll)
Target Value Or Better Roll (TV+ Roll)
Opposed Roll
are taking.
Automatic Success
With some things there is just no chance of
failure. No die roll is required by this type of
Action; they merely succeed.


10 or better roll (10+ Roll)

A 10 or better roll (10+) requires players to roll
a D10 and add an appropriate (Exp or Rpr) stat
from the Models Data Card. If this 10+ Roll
is greater than or equal to a 10, the Action is
Target Value or better (TV+ Roll)
A Target Value or better (TV+ Roll) occurs when
an Action directly affects another Model, either
an enemy or a friendly one, caught at the wrong
place at the wrong time. TV+ Rolls require a
player to roll a D10, add an applicable stat from
their own Models Data Card, and meet or beat
a stat on the Data Card of the Target Model.
Opposed Roll
Opposed Rolls require both the player controlling
the acting Model and the player controlling
the Model acted upon to roll a d10 and add
applicable stats from their Models own Data
Cards. The player with the highest result is the
winner. In the case of ties, the Model taking the
Action wins.
Auto 10
The Auto 10 rule represents that there is always
a chance to succeed, even if it is a small one. If
a player rolls a natural 10 (the D10 has the 10
side facing up), the Action is considered to be
a success regardless of what number the player
was required to roll in order to meet or beat
the target. Sometimes rolling an Auto 10 will
give the Action better results! Rolling a 1 does
not indicate an automatic failure. Concerning
Ranged Attacks, the Auto 10 die roll does not
apply beyond Long Range.

End Phase
After every Section on the battlefield has been
Activated once during a game turn, it is time to
wrap up the loose ends and prepare for a new
Turn. This part of a Turn is called the End Phase.
To end a Turn, the players must quickly review
the progress of the game, determine if the battle
is to continue, and adjust the Initiative Deck as
Special Rules
Any Special Rules or effects awaiting the End
Phase now take effect. Players establish if any
Scenario Objectives have been met that trigger
other events or possibly even end the game.
Victory or Continue
Players determine if one of the Sides has won
the battle or scenario.
If The Game Ends
If the conditions for ending the game have been
met, then determine the winner of the game.
Review the victory conditions of the game or
scenario and calculate any victory points.
If the Game Continues
If it is determined that the conditions for
ending the game have not been met a new Turn
Prepare the Initiative Phase and Remove Cards

Remove one Initiative Card of the corresponding

suit from the Initiative Deck for each Section
that was completely eliminated from play by
destruction or Regrouping during the Turn.
Also remove any extra Initiative Cards for each
destroyed Model that possessed a SA that
granted an extra Initiative Card. Begin the next



So youve brought your army to the battlefield,

now its time to move across, engage, and
dispatch the enemy force that opposes you.

The distance a Model may move is the Movement

Value (Mov) listed on the Models Data Card.
Different types of Terrain (such as hills, trees,
or water) may adversely affect the distance a
Model may move during a Movement Action.
Sometimes other things, like buildings or
other Models, may slow down or impede your

this part of the rules we will cover:

Base-to-Base Contact
Transporting Infantry

Models Facing. A Model may freely turn to face

any direction while conducting a Movement

Movement Action
To move, a player declares that one of their
Activated Models is performing a Movement
Action. A Movement Action is a Repeatable
Action. The Model performing the Movement
Action may now move from zero to a number
of inches equal to the current Movement Value
(Mov) shown on the Models Data Card.
Measuring Movement
To avoid moving too far, or worse, shorting you
some vital movement distance, all measurements
should be measured from the same point on
the Model each time, usually the center of the
Facing is the way a Model is oriented on the
tabletop battlefield, i.e. which side the front of
the Model is turned to face. In some situations
how a Model may react will depend upon the


Imagine what you might encounter as you

walked from the north side of your hometown
to the south side. Fields, streets, cars, walls,
buildings, hills, and rivers would all be types of
Terrain you might encounter. Terrain is a term to
describe obstacles that compose your tabletop


Terrain Modifiers
As a Model moves across the battlefield, certain types of Terrain may modify a Models Mov
by speeding up or slowing down the Model while the Model negotiates the terrain. Terrain
Modifiers apply when a Model enters that particular type of Terrain (or negotiates a listed
obstacle). Terrain Modifiers stop when a Model exits that particular type of Terrain. When
crossing Terrain, if any part of the Models base touches another type of Terrain, the Model must
use the Terrain Modifier value for the least favorable Terrain Type being traversed.
To compute the cost in movement to negotiate a specific type of Terrain, multiply the type of
movement by the Terrain Modifier listed below.
Models Move Class (MClass)
Tracked Wheeled
Road Bonus
Open Terrain
Rough Terrain
Light Woods
Heavy Woods
Marsh, Swamp, Shallow Water
Under Water
Vertical Obstacles, Field Works
Urban Debris
N/A = Impassable to Models with this MClass





may a Models base overlap another Models

base. In the event a Model does not have a base,
the gap between the un-based Model and any
other Model or obstruction must be the width
of the un-based Model plus on either side.
There are two exceptions to this rule:

Models with MClass Air do not act as an Model
or obstruction for purposes of blocking another
Models movement. Any Model may move
through any Model with this MClass as long as
it does not end its Movement overlapping the
Models base.

Friendly Infantry

Moving Through or Between

Other Models and Obstructions
Generally a Model can only move next to or
between Models and objects where the base
of the moving Model physically fits. At no time

Friendly Infantry Models do not block another

Models movement. A Model may move through
friendly Infantry as long as it does not end its
movement overlapping the Infantrys base.


Base-to-Base Contact (B2B) indicates that two

Models are touching each other. Only Models
in B2B can conduct a Close Combat Action.
Opposing Models in B2B do not have to conduct
a Close Combat Action simply because they are
in B2B. Models moving into B2B contact and
not conducting a Close Combat Action must
declare they are not conducting a Close Combat
Action. Models in B2B and not involved in a
Close Combat Action may conduct a Ranged

Contact with Enemy Models

Any B2B with an enemy Model immediately
ends a Models Movement Action. This rule is
ignored if the opposing Model involved in the
B2B is a Model with MClass Air.

valid B2B. A Model without a base is considered

to be in valid B2B with a Model mounted on a
base when any part of the unbased Model is
in contact with any flat side of the base of the
target Model. Two unbased Models are in valid
B2B when in contact with each other.

Leaving Base-to-Base Contact

A Model already in B2B with an enemy Model
may declare a Movement Action to leave B2B.
A Model may not leave B2B during the same
Activation that it has conducted a Close Combat

Gunship and Base-to-Base

Contact with ground Models
Gunship do not operate on the same vertical
level as ground Models, therefore, they are never
considered to be in B2B with any Model unless
a special rule or situation states otherwise.

Infantry Charge Bonus

Based and Unbased Models

For Models mounted on a base, valid B2B is
very simple to determine. Valid B2B has been
achieved when the two Models involved have flat
base sides touching. Corner only contact is not

Infantry gain 2 of Straight-Line Movement

(Mov) when conducting a Movement Action
if this additional Movement will bring them
into B2B with an enemy Model. If the Charge
Bonus does not allow the Infantry to come into
B2B with an enemy Model, then the charging
Infantry is moved back to where it was before
the Charge Bonus was applied. Infantry may only
gain a Charge Bonus once in a single Activation.
Straight-Line Movement means that any bonus
Move gained by the Charge must be in a straight
line with no Facing changes or turns allowed.
Terrain modifiers still apply. The Charge attempt
must be Declared when Movement is Declared
and prior to any measurement.


Using a Transport that is Part of

a Different Section

Infantry are slow when compared against

the speeds that Vehicles or Gunships are able
to attain. To solve this problem on the fluid
battlefields of the 23rd century, equipment and
training has been developed to get soldiers into
and out of transports very quickly. In CAV, the
Mount/Dismount Action governs this type of

A Transport does not have to be part of the same

Section to transport Models.

Getting Off a Transport

Infantry Models perform a Mount/Dismount
Action to get into or out of a Transport. A Mount/
Dismount Action is a Repeatable Action.
Dismounting Infantry are placed anywhere
within B2B with the Transport. If no space is
available for dismounting Infantry to be in B2B
with the Transport, the dismount is cancelled
and the Action lost.
Infantry Models may dismount directly into B2B
with an enemy Model.

Taking Damage while

Transporting Infantry
Anytime a Transport takes Critical Hit Damage,
any Infantry Models it is currently transporting
takes a single point of Damage. A destroyed
Transport also destroys any Infantry it was

Hitching a Ride
The easiest way for Infantry to get somewhere
faster is to get a ride inside a Transport. While
they are inside, the Transport simply moves to
wherever they need to be. Once the Transport
gets there, they jump out and take the fight to
the enemy.

Shooting from Inside the

While Transports are good at getting Infantry
where they need to go, Infantry generally cannot
perform any Ranged Attack Actions inside the
Transport unless a SA special rule or situation
states otherwise.

Getting on a Transport
Infantry Models perform a Mount/Dismount
Action to get into or out of a Transport they
are in B2B with. A Mount/Dismount Action is
a Repeatable Action. The Transport must have
available Transport Space for the Infantry


Bulky SA
A Model with the Bulky SA counts as being two
Models for the purpose of Transport. The Bulky
SA also affects what type of Sections the Model
may be a part of and how many may be a part
of that Section.
Dropship/# SA
The Model is capable of carrying CAV, Gunship,
& Vehicle Models. The indicated number is the
amount of Transport Space the Model has to
carry Models. A Dropship may only carry Models
equivalent to its Transport Space. Dropships
may also be used to carry Infantry Models. Four
Infantry Models count as one Model. Infantry
Models with the Bulky SA count as two Infantry
Models for this purpose.
Gunport SA
If a Transport has the Gunport SA and is
transporting Infantry, one of the Infantry Models
inside may conduct a single Direct Ranged Attack.
Infantry loaded into a Transport that belongs
to a different Section can only conduct this SA
during the Action Phase of the Transport.
Hauler SA
A Model with the Hauler SA is a Logistics
Transport. Haulers are by default empty if
purchased for use in regular games of CAV. Empty
Haulers function as if they had the Transport/3
and the Gunport SA.
Hauler, Cruise SA
A Model with the Hauler Cruise SA is a Cruise
Missile Transport truck. Cruise Haulers are by
default empty if purchased for use in a regular
game of CAV. Empty Cruise Haulers function as
if they had the Transport/2 and the Gunport SA.
Optionally, a Cruise Hauler Model may add any
single Cruise Missile Strike as an Upgrade Asset.
The point cost of the Strike is added to the cost of
the Model. When a Cruise Missile Strike is added
to the Model, the Model loses the Transport/2

and Gunport SA. The Cruise Hauler may now be

used as the point of deployment for the Cruise
Missile Strike instead of the Deployment Zone
table edge.
Increased Mobility SA
A Model with the Increased Mobility SA treats
the following Terrain as Open Terrain:
Rough Terrain
Vertical Obstacles
Field Works
Urban Debris
Infantry, Airborne SA
An Infantry Model with the Infantry, Airborne
SA may leave any Transport at any point during
either its own Action Phase or the Transports
Action Phase. This SA allows the Infantry Models
to dismount, or jump, anywhere along the
movement path of the Transport. The Mount/
Dismount Action of Infantry with the Airborne
SA is a Free Action and does not cost an Action
Point to conduct.
Infantry, Shock SA
The Mount/Dismount Action of Infantry with
the Infantry, Shock SA is a Free Action and does
not cost an Action Point to conduct.
Infantry, Jet Pack SA
An Infantry Model with the Infantry, Jet Pack
SA uses the MClass of Air to conduct movement
around the battlefield and also adds +2 to the
Models Mov.
Transport/# SA
A Model with the Transport SA is the fastest way
to move Infantry Models around the battlefield.
The indicated number is the amount of Transport
Space the Model has to carry Infantry Models.
A Transport may only carry Infantry Models
equivalent to its Transport Space. Infantry
Models with the Bulky SA count as being two
Models for Transport Space purposes.


A battlefield is an extremely cluttered place.

Walls, towers, destroyed equipment, structures,
terrain, and fortifications all add up to make
the job of seeing the enemy that much harder.
In playing CAV you will need to be able to
understand how the battlefield affects what you
can and cannot see and, in turn, what you can
and cannot shoot.

LOS is very important in CAV. The successful

completion of several Actions in CAV requires you
to be able to see your opponent. Unfortunately
for you, most times there will be intervening
Models or terrain that will be between you and
your opponent. In this section, we will discuss
how to determine LOS to your opponent, and
the effects of any intervening Models. Checking
for LOS is only required if there is a chance that
something might be blocking a Models LOS

Establishing Line of Sight (LOS)

To have a valid LOS from your Model to your
opponents Model, you must create a LOS
Corridor that is wide between the two
Models. To construct this Corridor you first draw
a line between the two Models and then add
1/8 to each side of the line. If there is anything
within the Corridor, such as another models
base or a building edge, there is no LOS.
There are two ways you can check for LOS. If
either way establishes a valid LOS, then you
have LOS to the target


this part of the rules, we will cover:

Line of Sight
Infantry & Gunship

The Line of Sight Corridor

(Ground Level)
With this option, the line is drawn at ground
level from the center of your Model to any part
of the target Models base. If there is anything
within the Corridor, such as another model or
building edge, there is no LOS. Therefore, your
Model may not conduct a ranged attack or do
anything else that requires LOS.

The Line of Sight Corridor (Eye

With this option, the line is drawn at eye level
from the center of your Model to any part of the
target Models upper area. If there is anything
within the Corridor, such as another model or
building edge, there is no LOS. Therefore, your
Model may not conduct a ranged attack or do
anything else that requires LOS.
Eye Level is considered to be the top of the
models head or cockpit. This is more of a visual
rather than mechanical way of establishing LOS.
In the event players disagree as to where the
head of a model is, consult your Tournament
Organizer or roll a die.


Eye Level and Base Height

Eye Level assumes that no modifications or
buildups have been made to a Models base. In
the event a Models base has been altered, the
location of the Models Eye Level is changed
to reflect where Eye Level would have been
had the Models base never been modified.

As an Example: A Model on a base that

has had a high rock ledge added
would have its Eye Level lowered .

Always remember the golden

rule for Line of Sight (LOS):
If it can see you, you can see it!

Two Model types are special when it comes to

blocking Line of Sight. The first Model type,
Infantry, is fairly well spread out when moving
and hardly impedes modern weaponry or
targeting systems. The second Model type on
the tabletop battlefield, a Gunship in Flight (a
Gunship is always considered to be In Flight),
is considered to be in a stationary place for only
a brief moment in time. Even when a Gunship

is stationary, it will move slightly as it hovers in

position. Infantry and Gunship Models do not
block Line of Sight for anything except Models
of the same Model Type. In other words, Infantry
only block LOS for other Infantry, regardless of
what they are shooting at, and Gunship only
block the LOS of other Gunships regardless of
what they are shooting at.


Cover is a function of surrounding terrain and

should not be confused with LOS. The benefit of
being in cover, or the detriment of shooting at a
Model in cover, is that the Ranged Attack suffers
penalties. There are two types of Cover: Light
Cover and Heavy Cover.

Determining Cover Types

Before play begins, players should determine
which terrain pieces on their battlefield provide
cover and whether it is Light Cover or Heavy

Appropriate Use

Light Cover
Light Cover includes light and medium woods,
rough terrain, and unarmored structures. Ranged
Attacks against a Model in Light Cover suffer a
Light Cover Penalty (-1).

Heavy Cover
Heavy Cover includes heavy woods and armored
structures. Ranged Attacks against a Model in
Heavy Cover suffer a Heavy Cover Penalty (-2).

Pop-Up SA
As a Specialty Action, a Model with the Pop-Up
SA may rise up to fire and then immediately drop
back down. This Pop-Up ability is usually used
from defensive positions to deny an enemy Direct
Fire Ranged Attack by denying the enemy a LOS
Corridor. To represent this, a Model with this SA
would make its Eye Level LOS Corridor check at
a point 1 above the actual model cockpit. This

Cover Penalties apply only if the direction of the

Ranged Attack is such that the Cover would help
the defender. The direction of the Ranged Attack
is the LOS Corridor used to establish LOS.
For a Model to gain the benefit of Cover, the
Cover must obscure at least 25% of the Models
In the event players disagree as to whether
Cover applies to the situation, consult your
Tournament Organizer or roll a die.

means that the ability to immediately drop back

down may prevent a Model from conducting a
Defensive Fire due to lack of LOS.
Rat SA
Models with the Rat SA treat No Cover as
Light Cover and Light Cover as if it were Heavy


Your opponent has fallen into your trap, and it is now time to start shooting and send him back
home crying.

this part of the rules, we will cover:

Ranged Attacks
Determining Range
Ranged Attack Situation
Ranged Attack Resolution

In CAV, Ranged Attacks are conducted by a player

at the Section level. Once you have activated
a Section you can choose to conduct a Ranged
Attack with some, all, or none of the Models in
the Section.

Direct Fire and Indirect Fire

Ranged Attacks
In CAV, there are two basic ways to shoot at
your enemy. You can shoot straight at a target
your Model has LOS to with a Direct Fire Attack
(DA), or you can shoot up and over an obstacle
so your shot will come down on someone you
cannot see with an Indirect Fire Attack (IA).
When Activated, a Model may choose to fire all
of their DA Weapon Systems or fire all of their
IA Weapon Systems, but an individual Model
cannot fire both a DA and an IA Weapon System
during a single Activation. Different Models in
the same Section may choose to fire different
types of attacks.

Defensive Fire
Defensive Fire Attack Resolution
Critical Hits
Salvo Strike Fire
Run n Gun

Conducting Ranged Attacks

Whether DA or IA, all Ranged Attacks are

conducted using a simple process. To begin,
Declare all Models that will conduct a Ranged
Attack. Next, determine any Situation Modifiers
that might apply. After that, Resolve the Ranged
Attacks. If a target is destroyed, remove it from

Declare Your Attacks and

Before you begin resolving your Ranged Attacks,
you must first let your opponent know: a) which
of your Models are shooting, b) what weapons
they are using to shoot, and c) which Models you
are shooting at. This is referred to as Declaring
Targets. You must declare all targets for the
Active Section before you can begin to resolve
any Ranged Attacks for that Section.


Lost Ranged Attacks

If a Model is destroyed and removed from
play before all Ranged Attacks that have
been Declared against it have been resolved,
unresolved Ranged Attacks are lost. Those
Ranged Attacks cannot be redirected against
new targets.

Ranged Attacks While

Performing Movement
A Model may perform both a Movement and
a Ranged Attack simultaneously in CAV. To do
this the active player must declare both the
Movement Action and the intended Ranged
Attack Action at the same time. The Ranged
Attack may be conducted at any point along the
movement path.

When performing the Ranged Attack at any

point other than the beginning or the end of the
Movement, mark where the Model will end its
Movement and actually place the Model where
it will be when the Ranged Attack is conducted.
Once both the Ranged Attack and any Defensive
Fire attacks are resolved, move the Model to the
end of its Movement.
If the active Model has taken any Damage
from a Defensive Fire, it must now take into
consideration its newly lowered Mov. Rather
than completing the anticipated movement, the
Model will simply move in the same direction
as planned and end its Movement when it runs
out of Mov. If the newly lowered Mov is lower
than the distance it has already moved this
Activation, it simply does not move any further
this Activation. This maneuver costs both Actions
for the conducting Model.

The chance that something might occur that

will cause the Ranged Attack to do less damage
than expected or intended increases the farther
any Ranged Attack has to travel to its intended
target. The modern battlefield is full of Ranged
Attack hazards intended to foil attackers.
Electronic counter measures, electronic targeting
misinformation, chaff, thermal smoke, electronic
ghosts, flares, IFF, and network hacking are some
of the things working against you as you conduct
a Ranged Attack.
Range Bands are used to represent these hazards
on the CAV battlefield. Each Range Band
between a Model and a target will add penalties
to any Ranged Attack. Each weapon listed on
a Models Data Card has a Range Value (Rng).
The number shown for the weapons Rng is the
distance (in inches) for each Range Band.

DA weapons have:
Point Blank Zone
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
Beyond Long Range

weapons have:
No Fire Zone
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
Beyond Long Range

Point Blank Zone

DA weapons are most effective at extremely
close ranges. The first 12 for DA weapons is the
Point Blank Zone. DA weapons fired at targets
within this zone add +1 to their Attack Rolls.
Weapon Systems with Rng less than 12 still
receive this bonus regardless of Range Band.


By the very nature of their design, IA weapons

are not functional at extremely close ranges.
The first 12 for IA weapons is the No Fire Zone.
IA weapons cannot conduct a Ranged Attack
against targets inside their No Fire Zone.

of (-2) per Range Band past the Long Range

Band. Certain Actions, such as Defensive Fire,
may not be conducted Beyond Long Range.
Additionally, the Auto 10 die roll does not apply
beyond Long Range.

Short Range






Medium Range





The first Range Band a weapon can fire inside

and conduct a Ranged Attack against a target is
the Short Range Band. No penalties are taken
for firing inside a weapon Short Range Band.




No Fire Zone


The second Range Band a weapon can fire inside

and conduct a Ranged Attack against a target
is the Medium Range Band. Ranged Attacks
conducted inside the Medium Range Band
suffer the Medium Range Penalty of (-2).
Ranged Attack Situation Modifiers

Long Range

-2 For each Range Band past the Short Range

-1 Target in Light Cover
-2 Target in Heavy Cover
+ Each Weapon used in a Salvo Fire Strike
- Each Weapon fired in a Run N Gun Action
+ Piercing/# SA versus Models without the Soft
+ Shredder/# SA versus Models with the Soft SA
+ TC Attacker in the AOE of a Model that has
activated the Target Lock SA
- TC Defender in the AOE of a Model that has
activated the ECM SA

At the outside of a weapons ability to shoot

effectively is the Long Range Band. Ranged
Attacks conducted inside the Long Range Band
suffer the Long Range Penalty of (-4).

Beyond Long Range

Most weapons have the ability to shoot much
farther than their Long Range, but targeting
accuracy and kinetic damage dramatically drop
to a point that makes any attack all but useless.
Any Ranged Attack conducted past the Long
Range Band is considered Beyond Long Range
and will suffer the Beyond Long Range Penalty
A DA weapon has a Rng of 18,
Its Range Bands would be:
Point Blank Zone 0-12
Short 0-18
Medium (-2) 18.01-36
Long (-4) 36.01-54
Beyond Long Range (-2 per each 18)

A IA weapon has a Rng of 18,

Its Range Bands would be:
Safety No Fire Zone 0-12
Short 12.01-18
Medium (-2) 18.01-36
Long (-4) 36.01-54
Beyond Long Range (-2 per each 18)


Resolving Ranged Attacks is a multi-step process.

The following are the steps required to resolve
a Ranged Attack. The player who controls the
Model(s) conducting the Ranged Attack is the
attacker, and the player that controls the target

Model(s) is the defender. Ranged Attacks and

Defensive Fire are considered simultaneous, and
all damage takes affect after all Ranged Attacks
and Defensive Fire have been resolved.

Ranged Attack Resolution

1) Attacker Declares all Ranged Attacks and checks LOS for any DAs.
2) Attacker chooses which of the Ranged Attacks to resolve first. Once Ranged Attack resolution
against a target has begun, all Ranged Attacks against a particular target are resolved before
proceeding to the next target.
3) Determine which, if any, Situation Modifiers apply to the Ranged Attack.
4) Locate the attacking Weapons RAV on the Models Data Card. For each weapon being fired, a
separate roll must be made. Roll a D10 and add the Weapons RAV as well as add or subtract
any Situation Modifiers to the Ranged Attack D10 roll. The result of this formula is called the
Attack Roll. If a Natural 10 is rolled when making an Attack Roll, the attack is considered a
Critical Hit, and the possible addition of extra damage to the defender may occur.
5) Compare the Attack Roll result to the defending Models DV. If the result is equal to or greater
than the defending Models DV, a point of Damage has been dealt to the defenders Model.
If a target is destroyed before all Ranged Attacks declared against it have been resolved, the
unresolved Ranged Attacks are ignored and cannot be reassigned to other targets.
6) After all Ranged Attacks against the defenders Model have been resolved, the defender marks
any Damage inflicted with a D6, or other marker, next to the Model.

Repeat this process from Step 2 until all of

the defenders targeted Models have had the
Declared Ranged Attacks against them resolved.
Once all of the attackers Ranged Attacks have

been resolved, the defender conducts any

Defensive Fire they are eligible for. All damage
takes affect after all Ranged Attacks and
Defensive Fire have been resolved.

Models in CAV dont sit idly by while they are

under attack. Whenever possible, they give as
good, if not better, than they get. When a Model
is the target of a Ranged Attack, it checks to see if
it is eligible to shoot back at an attacking Model.

Defensive Fire is a Free Action, and is performed

anytime a defending Model subjected to Ranged
Attack is eligible to conduct it.


Determining When a Model Can attacker, the defender can only choose one target
to conduct the Defensive Fire attack against and
Conduct Defensive Fire
Any defending Model attacked by an enemy DA
or IA may check to see if they are eligible to
conduct a Defensive Fire attack. Only a Model
that has both LOS to an attacking Model and a
DA weapon can actually conduct Defensive Fire.
Unless allowed by a specific SA, IA weapons
cannot be used in Defensive Fire. Defending
Models conducting a Defensive Fire can only do
so against enemy Models that attacked them.
Defensive Fire is conducted immediately after
the attacks that initiated it are resolved.

Quantity of Defensive Fire

No matter how many Defensive Fire attacks a
defending Model might be eligible to conduct
against the Models in the Section of an activated

use only one weapon in the Defensive Fire attack

against the target. A defending Model is eligible
to conduct one Defensive Fire against one target
of each activated enemy Section during the
course of a complete game turn.

Defensive Fire Attacks and

Range Bands
No Defensive Fire of any type can be conducted
beyond Long Range.
If the target of the IA Defensive Fire attack is
inside the Close Range Band of the weapon,
the IA Defensive Fire attack for that weapon
automatically fails.

Defensive Fire Attack Resolution

1) The defender Declares all of his Defensive Fire attacks and checks the LOS for DAs. If the
defender does not have LOS to a target Model, it may not conduct a Defensive Fire against it.
2) The defender chooses which of the Models that is being targeted by Defensive Fire they want
to resolve the Defensive Fire attack against first. Once Defensive Fire resolution against a target
has begun, all Defensive Fire attacks against a particular target are resolved before proceeding
to the next target.
3) Determine which, if any, Situation Modifiers apply to the Defensive Fire attack.
4) Locate the attacking Weapons RAV on the Models Data Card. For the weapon being fired,
roll a D10 and add the Weapons RAV as well as add or subtract any Situation Modifiers to
the Ranged Attack D10 roll. The result of this formula is called the Attack Roll. If a Natural 10
is rolled when making an Attack Roll, the attack is considered a Critical Hit and the possible
addition of extra damage to the defender may occur.
5) Compare the Defensive Fire Attack Roll result to the defending Models DV. If the result is equal
to or greater than the defending Models DV, a point of Damage has been dealt to the defender.
If a target is destroyed before all Defensive Fire declared against it have been resolved, the
unresolved Defensive Fire Attacks are ignored and cannot be reassigned to other targets.
6) After all Defensive Fire Ranged Attacks against the defenders Model have been resolved, the
defender marks any Damage inflicted with a D6, or other marker, next to the Model.


Repeat this process from Step 2 until all of

the defenders targeted Models have had the
Defensive Fire attacks against them resolved.

All damage takes affect after all Ranged Attacks

and Defensive Fire have been resolved.

Anytime you roll a natural or Auto 10 on any

Attack Roll, you have a chance of doing extra
Damage. To see what, if any, extra damage
you might have inflicted, you need to roll a
second new Attack Roll. Add the same Situation
Modifiers to this roll as you did in the original
Attack Roll. Next, subtract the target Models
DV from the result of your second Attack Roll. If
the difference is a positive number, the amount
of the difference is the additional points of
Damage you have inflicted on the target Model.
If the difference is equal to zero or a negative

number, then no additional points of Damage

have been inflicted.

Take that for your time n trouble is a phrase

often heard over Tactical Section Communication
Nets throughout the galaxy. Hearing this in your
headset means only one thing, someone has
locked the fire of ranged weapons together and
made a single massive attack.

Piercing/#) will be used for this attack. All other

weapons will simply add +1 to the attack.

Please note that to certain circumstances it is

possible that a weapon will have no chance in
inflict extra Damage, as the Attack Roll required
the player to roll more than a 10. The Auto 10
rule does not apply to Critical Hit Attack Rolls,
as you must have a positive result to achieve
additional Critical Hit damage.

In a Salvo Strike, no weapon can be used if the

target is Beyond Long Range.
All Situational Modifiers for the Ranged Attack
are added only once into a Salvo Strike Fire
Action Ranged Attack, and they are not added or
subtracted for each same-type Weapon System
used in the attack.

Against a single target, in an attempt to have

a better chance of inflicting damage on that
target, a Model with multiple Weapon Systems
that have the same type of Ranged Attack Type
(DA or IA) may fire them all in unison in a single
Salvo Strike Fire Action.

A Salvo Strike Fire Action cannot be used for a

Defensive Fire attack.

A player executing a Salvo Strike Fire Action

makes a single Attack Roll for the entire attack
and not a separate Attack Roll for each weapon.
A player chooses which Weapon System will
be the primary one used in this attack. The
primary Weapon Systems RAV and SAs (such as

A Salvo Strike Fire Action uses the shortest Rng

of all the Weapon Systems used in the attack.


As an Example: An Assassin is firing a Salvo Strike at a hard target model that is 40 away.
The Assassin has two Gauss cannons with a RAV 1, Piercing/4, Rng 24 and one DFM with
RAV 2, Rng 32. The Salvo Strike would use the Gauss cannon to be the primary weapon
used in this attack. The Range Band would be 24, as this is the shortest Rng of all the
Weapon Systems used in the attack. The final RAV would be 1+4 for the first weapon and
+1 to that for the second Gauss cannon and +1 for the DFM and 2 for the target being
in the second Range Band, for a total RAV of +5. This +5 is added to the single Attack
Roll and, if successful, will cause a single point of damage. If a Critical Hit occurs, only one
die is rolled.

Sometimes you really need to get where youre

going fast, but you still need to lay down fire.
The Run NGun Action is similar to the Ranged
Attack While Moving; however, you are able to
perform two Movement Actions and a Ranged
Combat Action by using both Actions. The penalty

for performing a Run NGun is 2 of Movement

from the Models Mov stat on the Data Card
and a -1 Ranged Situational Modifier for each
Weapon System used in the Run NGun.

Adjustable Munitions SA
A Weapon System with this SA may variate
slightly the RAV and AOE of an attack. The
player has two choices:

Anti Gunship (AA) SA

A Weapon System with the AA SA may be used
when attacking fire from a Model with the
Model Type of Gunship falls within 6 inches of
the defending Model with the AA SA weapon.
If the attack has an AOE, the center of the AOE
must be within 6 inches of the defending Model
with the AA SA weapon, after computing any
Drift. Only Weapon Systems with the AA SA
may be fired defensively in this manner.


Trade a - 1 RAV penalty for an

additional 1 to the AOE of the attack
up to a maximum of 2 steps. The Model
cannot lower your RAV below 0.


Trade a - 1 AOE penalty for an

additional +1 to the RAV of the attack
up to a maximum of 2 steps. The Model
cannot lower your AOE below 0.

If the AOE is lowered to 0, then the attack only

needs to touch any part of the target Models

A Model with an AA SA weapon may conduct

Defensive Fire regardless of whether or not
the attacking enemy Model has inflicted any
damage on any defending Model.
If the model with the AA SA is the target of the
attack they do not get multiple Defensive Fire


A Weapon System with this SA does not target
and attack a single Model as in a normal Ranged
Attack. Instead, it targets and attacks all Models
inside the Area Of Effect (AOE) of its attack. The
size of an AOE is listed as a number in the SA.
The number is the radius of the AOE measured
outward from the target point. AOE/2 would
target and attack all friendly and enemy Models
that have at least the center of their model
base area within the circular 2 radius (or 4
AOE Target Point Roll
You have double-checked your GPS location, the
target GPS coordinates have been confirmed,
and the computer has a valid firing solution.
Its time to let the attack fly. A Weapon System
with the AOE SA must check to make sure that
the attack hits the intended Target Point. To do
this, the controlling player makes a 10+ Roll by
adding the Models TC to a D10 die roll. If the
sum is less than 10 the attack will Drift.
AOE Drift Roll
When an attack with the AOE SA fails to hit the
originally intended Target Point, it still comes
down somewhere. To determine where an
attack that Drifts comes down, simply roll a ten
sided die (D10). This is called the Drift Roll. This
one roll will indicate a random direction and a
random distance from the original Target Point

to the new Target Point. The shape of the visible

surface of the ten-sided die determines the
direction of Drift. The narrow point of the top
facet indicates the direction. The number visible
indicates the number of inches that the attack
drifts away from the target point.
AOE and Range Bands
For Ranged Attacks with the AOE/# SA, Range
Band penalties are not applied to an Attack
Roll. Instead Range Band penalties are applied
to both the AOE Target Point Roll and the AOE
Drift Roll. This makes it both harder to hit the
target point and increases the drift of an attack
that misses its target point. For the AOE Target
Point Roll any range band penalty is subtracted
from the roll. For the AOE Drift Roll any range
band penalty is added to the number of inches
the attack drifts away from the target point.
Assault SA
A Model with the Assault SA reduces the
Situation Modifier penalty caused by the Model
conducting a Run N Gun Action by up to 2
points. The Assault SA does not provide a bonus
to a Models Attack Roll but only reduces the
penalty for the Run N Gun Action.
Blaster SA
The DA Weapon System with the Blaster SA has
an improved chance to land a Critical Hit. If the
attack hits, and the Attack Roll is a natural 9
or 10, the attack is automatically considered a
Critical Hit. Roll for Critical Hit Damage. Blaster
does not stack with any other SA unless it
specifically states that it stacks with Blaster.
Chain-Fire Pod SA (CFP)
A Model with the CFP SA has the ability to
coordinate the AOE attacks of friendly Models.
The Range (Rng) of the CFP is 24 and suffers
Range Band penalties as normal attacks. To do
this, the Model first must declare and conduct a
Target Lock Action against the target. Next, the


Model with the CFP makes its Target Point Roll

(adding their Target Lock bonus) and resolves,
if required, any AOE Drift Roll. Once this is
completed, any Activated Model within 6 of
the CFA model may choose to use the Target
Point determined above for their AOE attacks.

attack a single Model as in a normal Ranged

Attack. Instead, it targets and attacks all Models
inside the Area Of Effect of this attack. The
Flamer AOE is a 2 wide rectangle starting at
the edge of the Models base and stretching out
to the end of the weapons Long Range Band.

This effect expires when the model ends its

Activation. Only Models that have not already
attempted to make their Target Point Roll may
Chain-In and use this Target Point. The Model
that determined the Target Point may also fire
at the Target Point. Models without the CFP SA
may Chain-In and use the Target Point.

A Model with FRS has several additional Fire
Resolution Systems linked together on board.
This allows the Model to deliver a more precise
AOE attack. When a Model with the FRS/# SA fails
its Target Point Roll, the model receives a minus
to the Drift Roll equal to the numeric value of
the SA. FRS/2 would subtract 2 inches from the
Drift Roll. Any sum less than zero results in the
attack hitting the original Target Point.

Counter-Battery SA
A Model may not conduct Defensive Fire with
an Indirect Attack weapon. The exception to this
rule is Models with the Weapon System CounterBattery SA. Weapons with the Counter-Battery
SA may conduct Indirect Attack Defensive Fire
with one of their IA weapons instead of normal
Defensive Fire.
The Counter-Battery SA may be used when
attacking IA fire falls within 6 inches of the
defending Model with the Counter-Battery SA.
If the attacking IA has an AOE, the center of the
AOE must be within 6 inches of the defending
Model with the Counter-Battery SA, after
computing any Drift.
A Model with the Weapon System CounterBattery SA may conduct IA Defensive Fire
regardless of whether or not the attacking
enemy Model has inflicted any damage on any
defending Model.
Remember, if the target of the IA Defensive Fire
attack is inside the No Fire Zone, the IA Defensive
Fire attack for that weapon automatically fails.
Flamer SA
Flamethrowers are a unique weapon type. A
Weapon System with this SA does not target and

Linked SA
A Weapon System with the Linked SA may reroll any missed Attack Roll once. The re-rolled
Attack Roll can be from either conducting a
Ranged Attack or conducting Defensive Fire.
The Linked SA does not grant the ability to roll
twice and keep the preferred result. The Linked
SA does not grant the ability to re-roll a Critical
Hit die roll.

For example, a Model with two DA

Weapon Systems with the Linked SA could
re-roll each Weapon Systems Direct Attack

NRF stands for No Rear Fire. A Weapon System
with the NRF SA may not conduct a Ranged
Attack or Defensive Fire attack against any target
inside the Models rear 180-degree arc. The line
for this arc runs from left to right through the
center of the Models base.


Overdrive SA
A Weapon System with this SA gains the option
to inflict one additional point of damage when
a successful Ranged Attack has been made. The
player must declare the use of an Overdrive
SA shot before resolving it. If the attack is
successful, the defender takes an additional
point of damage, and the attacker takes a
point of damage. If the attack is unsuccessful,
the attacker still takes a point of damage. A
Model with multiple weapons with this SA may
Overdrive each attack. Due to onboard safety
protocols, this SA cannot be used if the damage
received by using this SA would destroy the
Model. The Overdrive SA cannot be used in any
Defensive Fire.
Piercing/# SA
A Weapon System with this SA gains a Situational
Modifier equal to the numeric value of the SA.
Piercing/2 would add a +2 to the Attack Roll
against all Models that do not have the Soft

Shielding/# SA
Models with the Shielding/# SA are less affected
by Critical Hits. A Critical Hit does less points of
extra damage to a Model equal to the numeric
value of the Shielding/# SA. The Shielding/#
SA does not affect the normal damage inflicted
by any attack and reduces only Critical Hit
Shredder/# SA
A Weapon System with this SA gains a Situational
Modifier that is equal to the numeric value of the
SA. Shredder/2 would add a +2 to the Attack
Roll against all Models that have the Soft SA.
Smart SA
Munitions with the built-in ability to choose,
track, and guide themselves to a target are
called Smart Weapons. Weapon Systems with
the Smart SA reduce from 2 to -1 the Situation
Modifier penalties of Range Bands.
Soft SA
The Model is considered a Soft Target for all
rules and effects.


Whether dug-in, shot up, or in need of some friends to help carry the day, you have the tools at
hand to lead your Task Force to victory!

this part of the rules, we will cover:

Close Combat
Close Combat Resolution
Target Lock

So the enemy is over there and dug into that

ruined building. Shooting and bombing them is
just not working because they have too much
cover. Its time for a Close Combat assault! Close
Combat assault is not hand-to-hand combat,
but rather the attempt to outmaneuver and
outshoot your opponent in close quarters.
Factories, trenches, and city fighting scenarios
will see extensive use of Close Combat assault.
To perform a Close Combat Action against an

Regrouping Sections
Specialty Actions

enemy Model, an attacking Model must be in

B2B with the defender.
Close Combat Situation Modifiers
+1 to the Attackers Attack Roll for every Supporting
Attack Model involved in the Close Combat
+/# Avenger/# SA versus Infantry in Close Combat
+4 Satchel Charge versus Non-Infantry

Resolving Close Combat Attacks is a multi-step

process. Below are the steps required to resolve
a Close Combat Attack. The player who controls
the Model(s) conducting the Close Combat
Attack is the attacker, and the player that
controls the target Model(s) is the defender. A
Close Combat Attack and Defense is considered
simultaneous, and all damage takes affect after
the Close Combat has been resolved.
Repeat from step 3 until either the defending


Close Combat Resolution

1) The Attacker Declares all Close Combat Attacks.
2) The Attacker chooses which of the Close Combat Attacks he wants to resolve first. For Close
Combats that involve more than one attacking Model, choose one of the attacking Models to
be the Primary Attacker. All other attacking Models are called Supporting Attackers. Only roll
once using the Primary Attackers CCV and DV for calculating Close Combat results. So choose
a Model that gives you the best numbers.
3) Determine which, if any, Situation Modifiers apply to the Close Combat Attack. ATTACKER:
Locate the attacking Models CCV on the Models Data Card. Roll a D10 and add the Models
CCV and add or subtract any Situation Modifiers to the attack D10 roll. The result of this
formula is a called the Attack Roll. If an Auto 10 is rolled when making an Attack Roll, the
attack is considered a Critical Hit, and the possible addition of extra damage to the defender
may occur.
4) Compare the Attack Roll result to the defending Models DV. If the result is equal to or greater
than the defending Models DV, a point of Damage has been dealt to the defender. DEFENDER:
Locate the defending Models CCV on the Models Data Card. Roll a D10 and add the Models
CCV to the attack D10 die roll. The result of this formula is called the Attack Roll. If an Auto 10
is rolled when making an Attack Roll, the attack is considered a Critical Hit, and the possible
addition of extra damage to the attacker may occur.
5) Compare the Attack Roll result to the Primary attacking Models DV. If the result is equal to
or greater than the Primary attacking Models DV, a point of Damage has been dealt to the
Primary Attacker.
6) Apply all damage.
Model is destroyed, or all of the attacking Models
are destroyed. A different Primary Attacker may

be chosen each time. Close Combats last until

one side or the other is destroyed.

Avenger/# SA
Models with the Avenger SA are specifically
equipped to attack Infantry in Close Combat.

b) When a Model with the Avenger SA is the

defender in a Close Combat Attack where
any Attacker is an Infantry Model.

The Avenger SA can only be used:

The Model with the Avenger SA receives a

Situational Modifier, equal to the numeric value
of the SA, to its Attack Roll. If the Model with
the Avenger SA is only a Supporting Attacker, or
there are no Infantry Models attacking it, NO
bonus is given. Avenger/2 would add a +2 to
the Attack Roll against all Infantry Models.

a) When a Model with the Avenger SA is the

Primary Attacker against a defender that is
an Infantry Model.


The Model spends an action to Target Lock

an enemy Model and adds a Target Lock bonus
equal to its TC to all of its Attack Rolls versus
that model. If the attack is an AOE attack, the

bonuses are instead added to AOE Target Point

roll. Multiple Target Lock bonuses (such as
multiple EST bubbles) do not stack.

The Model spends an action Jamming the

enemy and adds a Jamming Bonus against
Ranged Attacks, equal to its TC to its DV.
Jamming lasts until the Models next Activation.

If the attack is an AOE attack, the bonuses

are subtracted from the AOE Target Point roll.
Multiple Jamming bonuses (such as multiple
ECM pod bubbles) do not stack.

A Model with the ECM SA conducts a Jamming
Action to add a Jamming bonus against Ranged
Attacks, equal to its TC, to the DV of all friendly
Models within the AOE. The AOE lasts until the
models next Activation. The number value of
the Models TC is also the radius of the AOE
measured outward from the center of the Model
with this SA. A TC of 2 would affect the DV of
all friendly Models in a circular area with a 2
radius (or 4 diameter). If the attack is an AOE
attack, the bonuses are instead subtracted from
the AOE Target Point roll. Multiple Jamming
Bonuses do not stack. For a Model to benefit
from this SA, it must be within the AOE when it
is attacked.

Models within an AOE, and the AOE lasts until

the models next Activation. The number value
of the Models TC is also the radius of the AOE
measured outward from the center of the Model
with this SA. A TC of 2 would affect the Attack
Rolls of all friendly Models in a circular area
with a 2 radius (or 4 diameter). If the attack
is an AOE attack, the bonuses are instead added
to the AOE Target Point roll. Multiple Target Lock
Bonuses do not stack. For a Model to benefit
from this SA, it must be within the AOE when
it attacks.

Electronic Source Targeting (EST) SA

A Model with the EST SA that conducts a Target
Lock Action will add its Target Lock bonus equal
to its TC to all of its Attack Rolls versus any
model. It will also add this bonus to all friendly


So, you just got issued this brand new Emperor

CAV, and now it has a big smoking hole in it.
Better get some repairs going. All types of Models
in CAV have the ability to remove Damage from
themselves. This might entail microscopic repair
nanites for a huge CAV or maybe a buddy with
a first aid kit.

Repair Action
A Repair Action requires a 10+ Roll. The Model
conducting the Repair Action simply rolls a D10
and adds its Repair (RpR) to it. If the modified
result is 10 or better, a point of Damage is

Lingering Damage
While field repairs are better than no repairs,
the Model will still not be as good as new.
Repair Actions cannot repair a Model back to
the undamaged state of Damage Track 0. Once
a Model has been damaged, it will always have
at least one point of damage for the rest of the
battle. This is why Models that do not have at
least 3 Damage Tracks do not have the ability
to Repair (Rpr). Models without a Repair value
may not perform a Repair Action.

Critical Success
On the roll of a Natural 10, the Repair Action
removes an additional point of damage.
Lingering Damage may still not be removed.

Rugged SA
When a Model with the Rugged SA conducts a
successful Repair Action it is always considered to
be a Critical Success, and an additional point of

Damage for a total of 2 DTs is repaired. Rolling

a Natural 10 provides no further benefit to
Models with the Rugged SA. Lingering Damage
may still not be removed.

During a battle, Sections can take casualties to a

point that will make them ineffective for the rest
of the battle. By performing a Regroup Action,
players can take two Sections that have suffered
heavy casualties and make one stronger Section
out of them.

Regroup Action

To perform a Regroup Action, both Sections must

have fewer Models in them than the maximum
allowed for their Section. The Active Section
may only regroup with a Section that has not
already been Activated during this Turn.


All Models in the Active Section perform a

simultaneous Regroup Action, and both Sections
are combined into one Section. If the Sections
being combined contain vastly different Model
Types and Model Roles, the Section will become
a Specialist Section. While prohibited by Task
Force Creation rules, a player may field more
than one Specialist Section in their Task Force

when this Regroup Action has formed them.

Any extra Models that will not fit into the
newly formed Section are removed from play
immediately, and your opponent(s) receive
points for the removed Models as if they had
been Destroyed. Once the new Section has been
formed, Models from the unactivated Section
have one remaining Action.

A Specialty Action is a Action that allows a Model

to perform Special Actions granted to them by
an SA, Model type, or purchased upgrade.

Engineer SA
A Model with the Engineer SA may use Battlefield
Assets that require this SA. Engineers may also
conduct any required scenario Specialty Action
such as clear roads or blow a bridge. Scenario
Specialty Actions are usually resolved by making
a 10+ Roll.
FiST stands for Fire Support Team. An Infantry
Model with the FiST SA may call in Strikes from
the Task Forces Strike Pool using a Specialty

Example: A Model with the Engineer SA

may use a Specialty Action in an attempt
to remove a minefield.

Upgrade (Name) SA
This Model comes with an Upgrade or Asset
as standard equipment. The Upgrade or Asset
cannot be purchased a second time. If the gained
Upgrade or Asset is normally a single use item
(such as a Battlefield Asset), Models with this SA
have unlimited uses of that particular Upgrade
or Asset.


This concludes the basic core rules section of

the CAV rulebook. At this time, we would like
to take a moment to thank you for supporting
our company by purchasing and reading this
book. All of us involved with the creation and
development of CAV and the Reaper Adventure
Game Engine (R.A.G.E.) hope it lives up to
your expectations, but, alas, as with all games
there can be questions. To help you answer
any questions you have please check the CAV
discussion boards located on our website www. or the errata and update pages
located at fan community website:

No web access? Never fear, mail

your questions to:
Reaper Miniatures
Attention: CAV Questions
P.O. Box 293175
Lewisville, Texas 75029-3175
Please format your questions so that they can be
answered by a single yes or no. Please allow 4-6
weeks for a written reply.



Special Abilities help define and highlight the

differences between similar Models in CAV. Some
Special Abilities improve Model performance
while other Special Abilities limit the abilities
of a Model to better reflect the design of the

Adjustable Munitions SA
A Weapon System with this SA may variate
slightly the RAV and AOE of an attack. The
player has two choices:
1) Trade a - 1 RAV penalty for an
additional 1 to the AOE of the attack
up to a maximum of 2 steps. The model cannot
lower your RAV below 0.
2) Trade a - 1 AOE penalty for an
additional +1 to the RAV of the attack
up to a maximum of 2 steps. The model cannot
lower your AOE below 0.
If the AOE is lowered to 0, then the attack only
needs to touch any part of the target Models

Anti Gunship (AA) SA

A Weapon System with the AA SA may be used
when attacking fire from a Model with the
Model Type of Gunship falls within 6 inches of
the defending Model with the AA SA weapon.
If the attack has an AOE, the center of the AOE
must be within 6 inches of the defending Model
with the AA SA weapon, after computing any
Drift. Only Weapon Systems with the AA SA
may be fired defensively in this manner.

A Model with an AA SA weapon may conduct

Defensive Fire regardless of whether or not
the attacking enemy Model has inflicted any
damage on any defending Model.
If the model with the AA SA is the target of the
attack they do not get multiple Defensive Fire

Avenger/# SA
Models with the Avenger SA are specifically
equipped to attack Infantry in Close Combat.
The Avenger SA can only be used:
a) When a Model with the Avenger SA is the
Primary Attacker against a defender that is an
Infantry Model.
b) When a Model with the Avenger SA is the
defender in a Close Combat Attack where any
Attacker is an Infantry Model.
The Model with the Avenger SA receives a
Situational Modifier, equal to the numeric value
of the SA, to its Attack Roll. If the Model with
the Avenger SA is only a Supporting Attacker, or
there are no Infantry Models attacking it, NO
bonus is given. Avenger/2 would add a +2 to
the Attack Roll against all Infantry Models.

A Weapon System with this SA does not target
and attack a single Model as in a normal
Ranged Attack, but instead targets and attacks
all Models inside the Area Of Effect (AOE) of its
attack. The size of an AOE is listed as a number
in the SA. The number is the radius of the AOE
measured outward from the target point. AOE/2


would target and attack all friendly and enemy

Models that have at least the center of their
model base area within the circular 2 radius
(or 4 diameter).
AOE Target Point Roll
You have double-checked your GPS location,
the target GPS coordinates have been confirmed
and the computer has a valid firing solution.
Its time to let the attack fly. A Weapon System
with the AOE SA must check to make sure that
the attack hits the intended Target Point. To do
this, the controlling player makes a 10+ Roll by
adding the Models TC to a D10 die roll. If the
sum is less than 10 the attack will Drift.

drifts away from the target point.

AOE and Range Bands
For Ranged Attacks with the AOE/# SA, Range
Band penalties are not applied to an Attack
Roll. Instead Range Band penalties are applied
to both the AOE Target Point Roll and the AOE
Drift Roll. This makes it both harder to hit the
target point and increases the drift of an attack
that misses its target point. For the AOE Target
Point Roll any range band penalty is subtracted
from the roll. For the AOE Drift Roll any range
band penalty is added to the number of inches
the attack drifts away from the target point.

AOE Drift Roll

When an attack with the AOE SA fails to hit the
originally intended Target Point, it still comes
down somewhere. To determine where an
attack that Drifts comes down, simply roll a ten
sided die (D10). This is called the Drift Roll. This
one roll will indicate a random direction and a
random distance from the original Target Point
to the new Target Point. The shape of the visible
surface of the ten-sided die determines the
direction of Drift. The narrow point of the top
facet indicates the direction. The number visible
indicates the number of inches that the attack

Assault SA
A Model with the Assault SA reduces the
Situation Modifier penalty caused by the Model
conducting a Run N Gun Action by up to 2
points. The Assault SA does not provide a bonus
to a Models Attack Roll but only reduces the
penalty for the Run N Gun Action.

Blaster SA
The DA Weapon System with the Blaster SA has
an improved chance to land a Critical Hit. If the
attack hits, and the Attack Roll is a natural 9


or 10, the attack is automatically considered a

Critical Hit. Roll for Critical Hit Damage. Blaster
does not stack with any other SA unless it
specifically states that it stacks with Blaster.

Bulky SA
A Model with the Bulky SA counts as being two
Models for the purpose of Transport. The Bulky
SA also affects what type of Sections the Model
may be a part of and how many may be a part
of that Section.

Chain-Fire Pod SA (CFP)

A Model with the CFP SA has the ability to
coordinate the AOE attacks of friendly Models.
The Range (Rng) of the CFP is 24. To do this the
Model first must declare and conduct a Target
Lock Action against the target. Next the Model
with the CFP makes its Target Point Roll (adding
its Target Lock bonus) and resolves, if required,
any AOE Drift Roll. Once this is completed, any
Activated Model within 6 may choose to use
the Target Point determined above for their
AOE attacks.
This effect expires when the model ends its
Activation. Only Models that have not already
attempted to make their Target Point Roll may
Chain-In and use this Target Point. The Model
that determined the Target Point may also fire
at the Target Point. Models without the CFP SA
may Chain-In and use the Target Point.

Counter-Battery SA
A Model may not conduct Defensive Fire with
an Indirect Attack weapon. The exception to this
rule is Models with the Weapon System CounterBattery SA. Weapons with the Counter-Battery
SA may conduct Indirect Attack Defensive Fire
with one of their IA weapons instead of normal
Defensive Fire.
The Counter-Battery SA may be used when
attacking IA fire falls within 6 inches of the

defending Model with the Counter-Battery SA.

If the attacking IA has an AOE, the center of the
AOE must be within 6 inches of the defending
Model with the Counter-Battery SA, after
computing any Drift.
A Model with the Weapon System CounterBattery SA may conduct IA Defensive Fire
regardless of whether or not the attacking
enemy Model has inflicted any damage on any
defending Model.
Remember, if the target of the IA Defensive Fire
attack is inside the No Fire Zone, the IA Defensive
Fire attack for that weapon automatically fails.

Dropship/# SA
The Model is capable of carrying CAV, Gunship,
& Vehicle Models. The indicated number is the
amount of Transport Space the Model has to
carry Models. A Dropship may not have more
Models inside of it than it has Transport Space.
Dropships may also be used to carry Infantry
Models. Four Infantry Models count as one
Model. Infantry Models with the Bulky SA count
as being two Infantry Models for this purpose.

A Model with the ECM SA conducts a Jamming
Action to add a Jamming bonus against Ranged
Attacks, equal to its TC, to the DV of all friendly
Models within the AOE, and the AOE lasts until
the models next Activation. The number value
of the Models TC is also the radius of the AOE
measured outward from the center of the Model
with this SA. A TC of 2 would affect the DV of
all friendly Models in a circular area with a 2
radius (or 4 diameter). If the attack is an AOE
attack, the bonuses are instead subtracted from
the AOE Target Point roll. Multiple Jamming
Bonuses do not stack. For a Model to benefit
from this SA, it must be within the AOE when it
is attacked.


Electronic Source Targeting (EST) SA

A Model with the EST SA that conducts a Target

Lock Action will not only add its Target Lock
bonus equal to its TC to all of its Attack Rolls
versus any model, it will also add this bonus to
all friendly Models within an AOE. The AOE lasts
until the models next Activation. The number
value of the Models TC is also the radius of the
AOE measured outward from the center of the
Model with this SA. A TC of 2 would affect the
Attack Rolls of all friendly Models in a circular
area with a 2 radius (or 4 diameter). If the
attack is an AOE attack, the bonuses are instead
added to AOE Target Point roll. Multiple Target
Lock Bonuses do not stack.

Engineer SA
A Model with the Engineer SA may use Battlefield
Assets that require this SA. Engineers may also
conduct any required scenario Specialty Action
such as clear roads or blow a bridge. Scenario
Specialty Actions are usually resolved by making
a 10+ Roll.

FiST stands for Fire Support Team. An Infantry
Model with the FiST SA may call in Strikes from
the Task Forces Strike Pool using a Specialty

Flamer SA
Flamethrowers are a unique weapon type. A
Weapon System with this SA does not target and
attack a single Model as in a normal Ranged
Attack, but instead targets, and attacks, all
Models inside the Area Of Effect of this attack.
The Flamer AOE is a 2 wide rectangle starting at
the edge of the Models base and stretching out
to the end of the weapons Long Range Band.


A Model with FRS has several additional Fire
Resolution Systems linked together on board.
This allows the Model to deliver a more precise
AOE attack. When a Model with the FRS/# SA fails
its Target Point Roll the model receives a minus
to the Drift Roll equal to the numeric value of
the SA. FRS/2 would subtract 2 inches from the
Drift Roll. Any sum less than zero results in the
attack hitting the original Target Point.

Gunport SA
If a Transport has the Gunport SA and is
transporting Infantry, one of the Infantry Models
inside may conduct a single Direct Ranged Attack.
Infantry loaded into a Transport that belong to a
different Section can only conduct this SA during
the Action Phase of the Transport.

Hauler SA
A Model with the Hauler SA is a Logistics
Transport. Haulers are by default empty if
purchased for use in regular games of CAV. Empty
Haulers function as if they had the Transport/3
and the Gunport SA.

Hauler, Cruise SA
A Model with the Hauler Cruise SA is a Cruise
Missile Transport truck. Cruise Haulers are by
default empty if purchased for use in a regular
game of CAV. Empty Cruise Haulers function as
if they had the Transport/2 and the Gunport SA.
Optionally, a Cruise Hauler Model may add any
single Cruise Missile Strike as an Upgrade Asset.
The point cost of the Strike is added to the cost of
the Model. When a Cruise Missile Strike is added
to the Model, the Model loses the Transport/2
and Gunport SA. The Cruise Hauler may now be
used as the point of deployment for the Cruise
Missile Strike instead of the Deployment Zone
table edge.

Increased Mobility SA
A Model with the Increased Mobility SA treats
the following Terrain as Open Terrain:
Rough Terrain
Vertical Obstacles
Field Works
Urban Debris

Infantry, Airborne SA
An Infantry Model with the Infantry, Airborne
SA may leave any Transport at any point during
either its own Action Phase or the Transports
Action Phase. This SA allows the Infantry Models
to dismount, or jump, anywhere along the
movement path of the Transport. The Mount/
Dismount Action of Infantry with the Airborne
SA is a Free Action and does not cost an Action
Point to conduct.

Infantry, Shock SA
The Mount/Dismount Action of Infantry, with
the Infantry Shock SA is a Free Action and does
not cost an Action Point to conduct.

Infantry, Jet Pack SA

An Infantry Model with the Infantry, Jet Pack
SA uses the MClass of Air to conduct movement
around the battlefield and also adds +2 to the
Models Mov.

For example, a Model with two DA

Weapon Systems with the Linked SA
could re-roll each Weapon Systems
Direct Attack once.

NRF stands for No Rear Fire. A Weapon System
with the NRF SA may not conduct a Ranged
Attack or Defensive Fire attack against any target
inside the Models rear 180-degree arc. The line
for this arc runs from left to right through the
center of the Models base.

Overdrive SA
A Weapon System with this SA gains the option
to inflict one additional point of damage when
a successful Ranged Attack has been made. The
player must declare the use of an Overdrive SA
shot before resolving it. If the attack is successful
the defender takes an additional point of damage
and the attacker takes a point of damage. If the
attack is unsuccessful the attacker still takes a
point of damage. A Model with multiple weapons
with this SA may Overdrive each attack. Due to
onboard safety protocols this SA cannot be used
if the damage received by using this SA would
destroy the Model. The Overdrive SA cannot be
used in any Defensive Fire.

Piercing/# SA
Linked SA
A Weapon System with the Linked SA may reroll any missed Attack Roll once. The re-rolled
Attack Roll can be from either conducting a
Ranged Attack or when conducting Defensive
Fire. The Linked SA does not grant the ability
to roll twice and keep the preferred result. The
Linked SA does not grant the ability to re-roll a
Critical Hit die roll.

A Weapon System with this SA gains a Situational

Modifier equal to the numeric value of the SA.
Piercing/2 would add a +2, to the Attack Roll
against all Models that do not have the Soft

Pop-Up SA
As a Specialty Action a Model with the Pop-Up
SA may rise up to fire and then immediately drop
back down. This Pop-Up ability is usually used
from defensive positions to deny an enemy Direct


Fire Ranged Attack by denying the enemy a LOS

Corridor. To represent this a Model with this SA
would make its Eye Level LOS Corridor check at
a point 1 above the actual model cockpit. This
means that the ability to immediately drop back
down may prevent a Model from conducting a
Defensive Fire due to lack of LOS.

Rat SA
Models with the Rat SA treat No Cover as
Light Cover and Light Cover as if it were Heavy

Rugged SA
When a Model with the Rugged SA conducts a
successful Repair Action it is always considered
to be a Critical Success and an additional point
of Damage for a total of 2 DTs is repaired. Rolling
a Natural 10 provides no further benefit to
Models with the Rugged SA. Lingering Damage
may still not be removed.

Shielding/# SA
Models with the Shielding/# SA are less affected
by Critical Hits. A Critical Hit does less points of
extra damage to a Model equal to the numeric
value of the Shielding/# SA. The Shielding/#
SA does not affect the normal damage inflicted
by any attack and reduces only Critical Hit

Shredder/# SA
A Weapon System with this SA gains a Situational
Modifier, equal to the numeric value of the SA.
Shredder/2 would add a +2, to the Attack Roll
against all Models that have the Soft SA.

Smart SA
Munitions with the built-in ability to choose,
track, and guide themselves to a target are
called Smart Weapons. Weapon Systems with
the Smart SA reduce from 2 to -1 the Situation
Modifier penalties of Range Bands.


Soft SA

The Model is considered a Soft Target for all

rules and effects.

Specialist SA
A Model with the Specialist SA may only be
fielded in the Specialist Section of a Task Force.

Transport/# SA
A Model with the Transport SA is the fastest way
to move Infantry Models around the battlefield.
The indicated number is the amount of Transport
Space the Model has to carry Infantry Models.
A Transport may not have more Infantry Models
inside of it than it has Transport Space. Infantry
Models with the Bulky SA count as being two
Models for Transport Space purposes.

Upgrade (Name) SA
This Model comes with an Upgrade or Asset
as standard equipment. The Upgrade or Asset
cannot be purchased a second time. If the
gained Upgrade or Asset is normally a single use
item (such as a Battlefield Asset), Models with
this SA have unlimited uses of that particular
Upgrade or Asset.

Battlefield Assets help you as a commander to

define your battlefield and help you force the
enemy to fight on your terms. The following
Battlefield Assets may be purchased by any Task
Force. Note that some Battlefield Assets require
the use of a Model with the Engineer SA to
deploy, use, or construct.

Use and Lose

If the Model uses an Asset that requires a roll,
there is a chance for failure. Should the Asset
fail, it is still used up.

Modern minefields are self-redistributing. When
a mine detonates, the software of the other
nearby mines will cause them to redeploy in
order to help plug the gap. However, eventually
enough mines are detonated that movement
through the minefield is effectively risk free.
To represent this, a minefield has a limited
duration based on the number of times it has
been breached. Place a six-sided die (D6) on
the template with the 1 facing up/visible. Every
time that the minefield is breached by a Model
it attacks increase the die. When the die reads 6,
remove the minefield from the battlefield.
Players may deploy a Minefield either during
the Deployment Phase or during their turn.
When a minefield is deployed during the
Deployment Phase it can be placed anywhere
on the battlefield, but not within 24 of an
enemy Deployment Zone or within 12 of any
enemy Model.

When a Minefield is deployed during a players

turn it is done at the beginning of a turn by
adding an Initiative Card to the Initiative Deck.
Instead of Activating a Section they simply
deploy the Minefield anywhere on the table but
not within 12 of any enemy Model.
Important note! Minefields have NO friends.
Any Model coming into B2B contact with a
minefield will be attacked.

Minefield, Air
Point Cost: 50 per minefield
Range: B2B
Resolution: 1D10+6 versus DV
Effect: The controlling player may set down a 3
radius (6 diameter) circle template anywhere.
The Air Minefield is active immediately. If a
Gunship comes into contact with Air Minefield,
it suffers an Attack Roll versus its current DV. Air
Minefields are capable of Critical Hit Damage.

Minefield, Ground
Point Cost: 75 per minefield
Range: B2B
Resolution: 1D10+6 versus DV
Effect: The controlling player may set down a 3
radius (6 diameter) circle template anywhere.
The Minefield is active immediately. If any
Models other than a Gunship come into contact
with the Minefield, it suffers an Attack Roll
versus its current DV. Minefields are capable of
Critical Hit Damage.


Minefield, Removal

Repair Module

Point Cost: No Cost

Range: B2B
Resolution: 10+ Roll adding the Models Exp
Effect: A Model with the Engineer SA may attempt
to disable, destroy, and remove minefields. To
do this the Model with the Engineer SA must
move into B2B with the minefield. Before the
minefield makes its attack the engineering
Model will attempt to remove it by making a
successful 10+ Roll adding Exp to the die roll.
If the 10+ Roll is successful, the minefield is
immediately removed from play. If the 10+ Roll
is unsuccessful, the engineering Model suffers an
Attack Roll from the minefield versus its current
DV. Minefield removal is a free action. And will
occur anytime a Model with the Engineer SA
comes into B2B contact with a minefield.

Point Cost: 25
Range: B2B
Resolution: Automatic Success
Effect: This Battlefield Asset may be used once
each turn. As a Specialty Action, a Model with
the Engineer SA may Repair a single point of
Damage to any non-Infantry Model that is in
B2B. Lingering Damage may not be removed
with a Repair Module. This Battlefield Asset is
never used up and may be used once each

Armored Nano-Barrier
Point Cost: 50
Range: B2B
Resolution: Automatic Success
Effect: A Model with the Engineer SA may set
down a 2 to 3 long wall that is to 1 tall
with one end of it in B2B with the Engineer. This
wall functions as Heavy Cover. This Battlefield
Asset is never used up and may be used once
each turn.

Un-Armored Nano-Barrier
Point Cost: 25
Range: B2B
Resolution: Automatic Success
Effect: A Model with the Engineer SA may set
down a 2 to 3 long wall that is to 1 tall
with one end of it in B2B with the Engineer. This
wall functions as Light Cover. This Battlefield
Asset is never used up and may be used once
each turn.


Repair Module, Advanced

Point Cost: 50
Range: B2B
Resolution: Automatic Success
Effect: This Battlefield Asset is never used up
and may be used once each turn. As a Specialty
Action, a Model with the Engineer SA may:
Repair two points of Damage from a nonInfantry Model in B2B, but not remove Lingering
Repair a single point of Lingering Damage from
a non-Infantry Model in B2B. The engineer may
only perform this option if there is no other
Damage on the Model.

Satchel Charge
Point Cost: 20 per Satchel Charge
Range: B2B
Resolution: Added Bonus Damage
Effect: Satchels are purchased for an Infantry
Section rather than any single Infantry Model.
All Satchels purchased for use in a Section
should be marked or noted with tokens or cards.
Whenever an Infantry Model from that Section
is the Primary Attacker in a Close Combat Attack,
and the defender is a Non-Infantry Model, it
may choose to use a Satchel Charge to gain a
+4 bonus to its Attack Roll. This bonus also
applies to Critical Hit Rolls.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy,

but Battlefield Support Strikes can help you take
care of problems on the battlefield as well as help
the enemy see things your way. The following
Strikes may be purchased by any Task Force.
Only Models in your Task Force with the FiST SA
may call in Strikes for your Task Force. Purchased
Strikes go into your Task Force Strike Pool and
may be called by any Model in your Task Force
with the FiST SA using a Specialty Action. All
stated Support Strike ranges are measured from
the center of the FiST Model that has called it in.
Support Strikes do not have Range Bands. The
FiST Model must have LOS to the target point.

Battlefield Support Strikes Limit

No Task Force may have more than 20% of its
total points invested in Strikes. Therefore in a
game where each player brings 2000 points, no
player may have more than 400 points invested
in Strikes.

Use and Lose

If the Model uses an Asset that requires a roll,
there is a chance for failure. Should the Asset
fail, it is still used up.

Artillery Strike
Point Cost: 50 per attack
Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: 48
AOE: 3
Effect: Determine a Target Point and this attack
automatically Drifts. Roll for Drift as normal but
subtract 2 from the Drift Distance. Distance
cannot be reduced below 0. All Models in the
AOE suffer an attack.

Artillery Barrage
Point Cost: 100 per attack
Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: 48
AOE: 5
Effect: Determine a Target Point and this attack
automatically Drifts. Roll for Drift as normal but
subtract 2 from the Drift Distance. Distance
cannot be reduced below 0. All Models in the
AOE suffer an attack.

Artillery Bombardment
Point Cost: 150 per attack
Resolution: 1D10+6 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: 48
AOE: 5
Effect: Determine a Target Point and this attack
automatically Drifts. Roll for Drift as normal but
subtract 4 from the Drift Distance. Distance
cannot be reduced below 0. All Models in the
AOE suffer an attack.

Cruise Missile
Point Cost: 50 per attack
Resolution: 1D10+6 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: N/A
Effect: When this Strike is called in, place a Cruise
Missile Model on your own sides Deployment
Zone table edge. The Cruise Missile immediately
receives 2 Movement Actions. When the Cruise
Missile comes into B2B with an enemy Model it
will make an Attack Roll versus the target Models
DV as a Free Action and is removed from play.
If the roll is successful, the target Model suffers
two points of Damage. Cruise Missiles may be
targeted by other Models, and therefore may be
destroyed if enough Damage is inflicted upon
them. Cruise Missiles remain on the board until
they find a target or are destroyed.


In turns after the first the Cruise missile activates

when the FIST Model that called it is activated.
When activated the Cruise Missile gets 2
Movement Actions and may again use these 2
Movement Actions to attempt B2B contact with
an enemy Model.

In turns after the first the Cruise missile activates

when the FIST Model that called it is activated.
When activated the Cruise Missile gets 2
Movement Actions and may again use these
2 Movement Actions to move to the desired
Detonation Point.

Cruise Missile, Atomic WMD

MOAB - Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb

Point Cost: 600 per attack

Resolution: 1D10+6 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: N/A
AOE 12 (No Drift Roll)
Effect: When this Strike is called in, place a Cruise
Missile Model on your own sides Deployment
Zone table edge. The Cruise Missile immediately
receives 2 Movement Actions. Once moved to the
desired target detonation point the controlling
player detonates the WMD using a Free Action
and it is removed from play. All Models in the
Area of Effect suffer an attack. Make an Attack
Roll versus the target Models DV. If the roll is
successful, the Target Model suffers a point of
damage. If the target Model has the Soft SA,
and suffers any damage it is removed from
play. Cruise Missiles may be targeted by other
Models, and therefore may be destroyed if
enough Damage is inflicted upon them. Cruise
Missiles remain on the board until they find
a target or are destroyed.

Point Cost: 300 per attack

Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: N/A
AOE 6 (No Drift Roll)
Effect: When this Strike is called in the impact
and detonation will cause all structures including
fortifications to be damaged or destroyed.
Models inside a structure that is destroyed
instantly take one point of damage. In addition
to this all Models in the Area of Effect, including
those in destroyed structures, suffer an attack.
Make an Attack Roll versus the target Models
DV. If the roll is successful, the Target Model
suffers a point of damage. If the target Model
has the Soft SA, the attack does one additional
point of damage. Models inside a structure that
is not destroyed do not suffer the attack.


Orbital Strike

Air Strike

Points Cost: 150 per attack

Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV for Attack Roll
Range: 48
AOE: 4 (No Drift Roll)
Effect: All successful attacks in the AOE inflict 1
point of Damage.

Point Cost: 50 per attack

Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV
Range: 48
Effect: Creates a 2 wide 12 long straight line
AOE. All successful attacks in the AOE inflict 1
point of Damage.

Orbital Pinpoint Strike

Smoke Strike

Points Cost: 100 per attack

Resolution: 1D10+4 versus DV
Range: 48 (No Drift Roll)
Effect: If Strike is successful, target Model suffers
3 Attack Rolls. Each successful Attack Roll inflicts
1 point of damage.

Point Cost: 10 per attack

Resolution: Automatic Success
Range: 48
Effect: Creates a 2 wide, 12 long, 3 tall
straight line AOE that blocks all LOS for one full


Soldiers are experts in their field and, as with

any highly trained and intelligent individual
given machines, they will play and tinker with
them. Making modifications to issued military
hardware is an ancient and time-honored
tradition and the 23rd century is no exception.
A Model may purchase any Upgrade that is
listed as being available for that Model type.
Upgrades cost points. The cost of the Upgrade
is added to the total point value of the Model
that purchases the Upgrade. If the Upgraded
Model is destroyed it is worth any victory points
equal to its total point value at the beginning of
play, including all Upgrades. Upgrades cannot
be purchased for Battlefield Support Strikes or
Battlefield Assets.
An Upgrade that affects a weapon must be
purchased for each one of the same type
Weapon System.
As an example: To Upgrade the Dictator
60s Gkw 12y Gauss Cannons with
Upgraded Weaponry (+1 RAV) would
require the purchase of two Upgraded
Weaponry Upgrades for a total of 40
Points per DT.

Bonuses Do Not Stack

Bonuses gained by Upgrades do not stack. This
means that if two upgrades grant a bonus to the
same thing, use the higher of the two instead of
adding them together.


Task Force Upgrade Scaled Costs

Unless noted, all upgrades cost a variable
amount of points based on the number of
damage tracks the Model possesses. The points
listed are per DT the Model possesses, including
the zero DT.

/# Costs
The costs of installing or upgrading can get
expensive, but, depending on the mission at
hand, could be more than worth it. Computations
of Upgrade costs are easy. If you want to purchase
a /# upgrade for a Model or Weapon System,
you purchase each level individually up to the
desired level. You cannot increase a /# beyond
the limits listed for the Upgrade. A Model or
Weapon System with an /#SA may be upgraded
to the maximum level listed.

As an example: the cost of Avenger/3 for a

Model that does not have the Avenger/#
SA would cost 3 Points per damage
track. 1 Point per DT for Avenger/1 plus
1 Point per DT for Avenger/2 plus 1 Point
per DT for Avenger/3.

Adjustable Munitions
Availability: Any Weapon System with an AOE
Point Cost: 50 Points
Effect: Grants the Weapon System the benefits
of the Adjustable Munitions SA.



Availability: Models with a CCV

Point Cost:
Avenger/1 = 1 Point - Per DT
Avenger/2 = 1 Point - Per DT
Avenger/3 = 1 Point - Per DT
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Avenger/# SA.

Availability: Any Model with a weapon that has

the AOE SA
Point Cost:
FRS/1 = 20 Points
FRS/2 = 20 Points
FRS/3 = 20 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
FRS/# SA. A Weapon System that already has
the FRS SA may be upgraded to a maximum of

Chain-Fire Pod (CFP)

Availability: Any Model
Point Cost: 50 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the CFP

Availability: Any Model
Point Cost: 40 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the ECM
Pod SA.

Availability: Any Model
Point Cost: 40 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the EST

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 20 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Engineer SA.

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 10 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the FiST

Increased Transport Capacity

Availability: Models with Transport/# SA
Point Cost: 10 Points
Effect: A Models Transport capacity is increased
by 1 space and the Models Mov is reduced by

Infantry, Airborne Training

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 40 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Infantry, Airborne SA.

Infantry, Drop
Availability: Any Infantry stand with the Airborne
Point Cost: 25 per stand in a Section. All stands
must be upgraded.
Effect: Grants the abilities detailed below:
There are times when its important to drop
Infantry behind enemy lines, and a Hedgehog is
a bit too noticeable. Drop Infantry jump out of
highflying spacecraft in the upper atmosphere
(or what would be the upper atmosphere in the
case of planetoids without atmosphere). They
then use a variety of devices (such as singleuse jetpacks) to slow their descent once closer
to the ground (or aid their descent in the case


of low or zero gravity planetoids). Once on the

ground, they move in on their Objective, often
times before the enemy is even aware of their
Models with the Drop Infantry Upgrade do not
initially deploy with the Task Force during the
Deployment Phase. At the beginning of any
game Turn, a player with a Drop Infantry Section
in their Task Force may add one Initiative Card
to the Initiative Deck for each Drop Infantry
Section. When one of their Initiative Cards is
turned over, they may choose to Activate the
Drop Infantry Section. When Activating the Drop
Infantry Section, the controlling player simply
places the Models anywhere on the table but
not within 12 of any enemy Model. If there
is no available location on the tabletop for the
Drop Infantry to deploy, deployment is delayed
until the following turn.

Infantry, Shock Training

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 20 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Infantry, Shock SA.

Infantry, Weapon Upgrades

Infantry may replace a single equipped weapon

with a single weapon listed below.

FA 45 MG
Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 5 Points - Per DT

AA-52 Direct Fire Missile Pack

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 15 Points - Per DT

1a2 Automatic Grenade Launcher

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 5 Points - Per DT

Infantry, Jet Pack Training

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 15 Points
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Infantry, Jet Pack SA.


AT-23 Direct Fire Missile Pack

Availability: Infantry only
Point Cost: 15 Points - Per DT

Improved Maintenance


Availability: All except Infantry

Point Cost: 10 Points - Per DT
Effect: +1 Mov.

Availability: All
Point Cost: 5 Points Per DT
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Rugged SA.

Orbital Gunship Insertion

Availability: Flight Section
Point Cost: 50 Points
Effect: Before the Deployment Phase players
may set aside all Gunship Model Sections with
this upgrade. When a player wishes to deploy
Models with this upgrade they do so by adding
an Initiative Card to the Initiative Deck for each
Section at the beginning of the turn. Instead
of Activating a Section they simply deploy the
Gunship Section anywhere on the table, but not
within 12 of any enemy Model.

Availability: Only a Weapon System with Piercing
Point Cost:
Piercing/1 = Unavailable
Piercing /2 = 10 Points - Per DT
Piercing /3 = 10 Points - Per DT
Effect: Increases the Weapon System benefits
of the Piercing/# SA. Weapon Systems with the
Piercing/# SA may be upgraded to a maximum
of Piercing /3.

Reactive Armor
Availability: All
Point Cost: 25 Points Per DT
Effect: +1 DV.

Availability: All except Infantry
Point Cost:
Shielding/1 = 5 Points - Per DT
Shielding/2 = 5 Points - Per DT
Shielding/3 = 5 Points - Per DT
Effect: Grants the Model the benefits of the
Shielding/# SA. A Weapon System that already
has the Shielding/# SA may be upgraded to a
maximum of Shielding/3.

Availability: Only a Weapon System with
Shredder SA
Point Cost:
Shredder/1 = Unavailable
Shredder /2 = 10 Points - Per DT
Shredder /3 = 10 Points - Per DT
Effect: Increases the Weapon System benefits of
the Shredder/# SA. Weapon Systems with the
Shredder/# SA may be upgraded to a maximum
of Shredder /3.

Upgraded Weaponry
Availability: Any Weapon System
Point Cost: 20 Points - Per DT
Effect: +1 RAV to the Weapon System.


Each Faction in CAV brings its unique combat

prowess to the battlefield. Some Factions have
multiple Doctrines to choose from. A player
may choose only one of the available Faction
Doctrines to use during the game. The Faction

Doctrine must be chosen and declared to all

opponents before deploying any of the Models
in a Task Force. When a Faction Doctrine is
chosen, ALL elements of the Faction Doctrine
must be applied to the entire Task Force.

Fire and Fury Warfare Doctrine

Hyrwyda Dyrnel Doctrine

Aggressive Electronic Warfare

All Models with the ECM Pod SA or the Electronic
Source Targeting (EST) SA receive a larger AOE.
This larger AOE is equal (in inches) to the Models
current TC multiplied by 2.

Adaptive Camouflage
All Infantry Models Receive Rat SA.

Fanaticism Doctrine
Hammer of Khardullis (HoK)
When pushed into a corner, or worked up into
a frenzy from the heat of battle, followers of
Khardullis have been known to make the ultimate
sacrifice. In a HoK attack, a non-Infantry Model
sacrifices itself (is removed from play) in a last
ditch attack that may inflict massive damage
against a target. When performing a HoK the
attacking Model fires all of its DA Weapon
Systems in unison in a variation of the Salvo
Strike Fire Action.


Martial Arts
All Infantry Models receive +2 to their CCV
versus other Infantry Models. This bonus will
stack with the Avenger/# SA.

A player executing a HoK attack makes a number

of Attack Rolls equal to the number of weapons
used in the attack. The player chooses which
Weapon System will be the primary one used in
this attack. The primary Weapon Systems RAV
and SAs (such as Piercing/#) will be used for this
attack. All other weapons will add +1 to these
In a HoK attack, no weapon can be used if the
target is Beyond Long Range.

All Situational Modifiers for the Ranged Attack

are added only once into the HoK attack and
they are not added or subtracted for each sametype Weapon System used in the attack.
A HoK attack cannot be used for a Defensive
Fire attack.
In a HoK attack, use the shortest Rng of all the
Weapon Systems used in the attack.

Conscription Doctrine
Civilian Militia
Each Rifle and/or Mechanized Infantry Section
may receive 1 free Rifle Team Infantry stand.
The inclusion of this free stand is optional.
Optional upgrades and transport must be
purchased normally. This extra stand is added
to the Section and may bring it over the Section
maximum limit of stands.

As an Example: An Assassin is performing a HoK attack against a hard target model

that is 40 away. The Assassin has two Gauss cannons with a RAV 1, Piercing/4, Rng
24 and one DFM with RAV 2, Rng 32. The HoK attack will use the Gauss cannon to
be the primary weapon used in this attack. The Range Band would be 24, as this is
the shortest Rng of all the Weapon Systems used in the attack. The final RAV for each
attack would be 1+4 for the first weapon and +1 to that for the second Gauss cannon
and +1 for the DFM and 2 for the target being in the second Range Band, for a total
RAV of +5 for each attack. This +5 is added to each of the three Attack Rolls and each
successful attack will cause a single point of damage. If multiple Critical Hits occur, only
one die is rolled for each one. After all attacks are resolved the Assassin is removed from

Children of the Storm Doctrine

No-Mercy Close Combat Doctrine

Storm Strike
Non-Infantry Models firing a DA Ranged Attack
at a target inside the Point Blank Zone receive
the Blaster SA for these attacks.

A Infantry Models do an additional point of
damage in Close Combat. When attacking, the
Model must be the Primary Attacker in the Close
Combat to gain the extra damage.

Built For Speed
Non-Infantry Models DVs are reduced by 1.
However, their Mov is increased by 2.


Superior Tactics Doctrine

Lightning Warfare Doctrine

Hunters Edge
Once per turn, you may bury the initiative card
that was just turned over.

Rascher Streik
All Non-Infantry Models gain the Assault SA

Elite Training Doctrine

Superior Equipment Doctrine

Bonds of Knighthood
The following Section Types have their minimum
number of Models reduced by one: Armor, Fire
Support, Flight, and Recon.

Cutting Edge (pimped out rides)

You receive free Upgrade points that can be
spent on non-Infantry Models. The amount
of free Upgrade points is equal to ten percent
(10%) of your Force size.

Air Superiority Doctrine

Artillery Superiority Doctrine

Dedicated Air Support

You receive one free Air Strike per game turn for
each full 2,000 points of a players Task Force
size (Min1). All normal rules apply. If not used
by the end of the turn, it is lost.

Dedicated Artillery Support

You receive one free Artillery Strike per game
turn for each full 2,000 points of a players Task
Force size (Min1). All normal rules apply. If not
used by the end of the turn, it is lost.



Air Power
You may take up to two Secondary Flight Sections
per Primary Section.

All Infantry Models receive the FiST SA.

Spoils Of War Doctrine

Free-Form Organization Doctrine

Pressed Into Service

Up to 25% of your Force size may be used
to purchase Faction Specific Models of any

You may have any number of Specialist Sections
in your Force. However, you can have only one
Specialist Section with less than 4 Models.


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