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105 Abenida Miraflores

Tiburon, CA 94920
To tesla headquarters
3500 creek road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Dear Tesla,
Hello my name is Riley Hardiman. I am a 12 year old boy and I
would like to thank you for creating such a nice and mid ranged cost
car. What I like about the Tesla the most is how energy efficient it is.
Its a good price for a very nice car, and it doesnt pollute the air.
First, the Tesla helps you save money by being energy efficient.
Some of your cars are electric which makes it easy for people not to
pay lots of money for gas. This way you can charge your car when
youre not using the car. This makes it easy for people not having to
stop for gas when you already have a full tank when you leave home.
This helps to save time and money.
Secondly, The Tesla might cost a lot of money but it also evens
out with other car companies. How you might ask? The reason it evens
out is because the car doesnt need gas to run but instead they use
electricity which doesnt cost as much. This saves you about $70
dollars every time you would be going to get gas. In total, that would
be saving you up to five thousand dollars a year if you were paying
$500 a month in gas. Which puts the original cost at a much lower
price, which saves money and Teslas become the price of a cheaper
car. Tesla might not look like a cheap car but in the long term they
become less expensive.
Lastly, with the Tesla you can get an eco system friendly car,
which saves the air. With the cars that use gas they pollute the air and
make the sun hotter and that leads to skin cancer, which leads to
death. Now tell me do you want your car to destroy the air and kill
people; if not choose tesla the money saving energy efficient car.
In conclusion, the Tesla is a money saving, eco friendly, energy
efficient car that makes everyones life happier. Do you want a gas
wasting car or do you want a eco friendly Tesla.
Riley Hardiman

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