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NAME:____________________________________ CURSE:______ DATE:________________

Level 1 Unit 11

Green cars

Most cars run on petrol. However, the chemicals they produce are a major cause of global
warming. Fortunately, there are other types of fuel available these days. Cars using fuel that
doesn't harm the environment are called 'green' cars. They are also much quieter, more
efficient and cheaper to run.

More and more green cars are appearing on our streets. For many years the only electric
cars you could see were on the golf course! This is because they could only travel at low
speeds, and had a maximum distance of 30-50 miles. Things are very different now. Thanks
to new technology, electric cars can go over 600 miles without recharging. What's more,
their performance is much better. You can even buy an electric-powered luxury sports car,
with a top speed of over 125 miles per hour! Many electric cars are 'hybrid' cars. This
means they run on both electricity and petrol. At high speeds, they use petrol, but at low
speeds, they use electricity. They are therefore perfect for driving in cities. By 2025,
researchers suggest that 35% of all new cars could be powered by electricity.

Some green cars use fuel from sunflowers, rapeseed and soybean. This is called biofuel.
Biofuel is carbon-neutral. This means the carbon dioxide produced is the same as the
carbon dioxide the plants use when they grow. Biofuel is also easily renewable. When you
want more, just grow more plants! Other cars run on a type of gas called LPG. This is a
liquid, and is easy to store and use. Yet another alternative to petrol are fuel cells. These use
the latest technology. A fuel cell is a type of battery that produces its own energy. Cars
using fuel cells are too expensive to buy now, but will become cheaper in the future.

1. Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
Electric cars are more powerful today than in the past. True False

2. Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
Green cars are becoming more popular these days. True False
3. Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
Most green cars are used for traveling around golf courses. True False

4. Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
Green cars use fuel that is better for the environment. True False

5. Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
It costs more to run an electric car than a petrol car. True False

6. Underline the correct answer from the choices.

Hybrid cars produce no pollution at all / a small amount of pollution / as much pollution as
petrol cars.

7. Underline the correct answer from the choices.

Fully-charged, some electric cars can run for 50 miles / 125 miles / many hundreds of miles.

8. Underline the correct answer from the choices.

Hybrid cars are good for driving on golf courses / in cities / at high speeds.

9. Underline the correct answer from the choices.

The most expensive form of green energy for cars is biofuel / a fuel cell / electricity.

10. Underline the correct answer from the choices.

The majority of new cars made today use electricity / petrol / biofuel.

11. Use a key phrase from the text to complete the sentence.
Cars that use both electricity and petrol are called __________________.

12. Use a key phrase from the text to complete the sentence.
A new type of battery that makes its own energy is called a __________________.

13. Use a key word from the text to complete the sentence.
Fuel made from plants is called __________________.
14. Use a key word from the text to complete the sentence.
LPG is a type of liquid __________________.

15. In Paragraph 3, which word means

able to be replaced naturally?

16. In Paragraph 2, which word means

putting more power into a battery?

17. In Paragraph 3, which word means

most modern or recent?

18. Underline the word which is a synonym for

harm (paragraph 1).

alter / use / damage / affect / kill / involve

19. Underline the word which is a synonym for

store (paragraph 3).

buy / explain / make / keep / find / replace

20. Underline the word which is a synonym for

major (paragraph 1).

known / terrible / recent / real / important / unfortunate

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