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In the article Argument as Conversation: The role of Inquiry in writing by

Stuart Greene, the author talks about the meaning of an argument. In this article
he states how an argumentation works and what includes. For example Greene
explains how making an argument is like having a mere conversation with someone,
but instead of a normal conversation you are debating and fighting for your own
beliefs and prove to your audience why the reasons you are arguing are correct.
Argument is very much a part of what we do every day: (Greene, pg. 28). Greene
makes a reasonable explanation in his article of what an argument is and how it
works out in public or in the community.
This article made me realize the true meaning of what an argument means
and how it works in a community, especially when you are conversing with
someone. For example, in rhetorical and writing studies class we are starting an
assignment on making an argument paper about giving our own opinions and trying
to convince our audience the reason of that argument. Likewise in this article,
Greene mentions many facts and details on how an argument works and who is
your audience when arguing about something. I agree with the author for stating
these facts and explaining why it is important to know about publicity and how
important it is to know how to argue and what is it you are arguing for.

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