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Isaac Yahir Delgado

Mr. Gomez
Reading & Writing
MArch 3, 2015
Catholic & Public School First draft

In the following essay the reader wil have the opportunity to know, the difference
between a private school and a public school. In the united states the public and private
schools as all the world are differents. Its very important to the reader or the person that
want to enroll in a school in United States can know the attention of the teachers, the
religion and students.
The catholic schools generally are very small with few students not like public
schools. For example I want to share an experience that I had, I went to a public and a
catholic schools. El Dorado High School was the first school that I attended, this school are
located in the east side of El paso and the second one was Cathedral High School that are
located in the central area as you can see is a big difference between these schools. Firstly,
the number of the students. El Dorado High School had more than 3000 students and
Cathedral had 500 students its a big difference and as consequence have the attention of the
teacher. When I was in El Dorado I had a lot of classmates, more than 30 students per class
and at Cathedral we were less than 20 students per class. I can say that I had more attention
in Cathedral than El Dorado. The other difference is that in El Dorado I didnt took Religion
class as in Cathedral.
Religion in the Catholics schools is a requirement to graduate not like public school.
When I was in El Dorado High school I never took a religion class and I liked that. The

religion class in Cathedral was like a punishment I didnt liked. Religion classes in my
opinion is something useless because we have our own criteria. I remember one time that I
studied all night the differents religions of the world because I needed a 80 to pass, and
when I was in el Dorado high school I never worried about this kind of classes. Cathedral
and Dorado had another big difference, the types of people.
The types of people in the school as we know depends of money. In El Dorado High
School as I said in the last sentences is a public school where are attending all types of
people: Rich people, middle class and poor people. Cathedral High School is a private
school where you need top ay to studie there, and generally is people that have money (rich
people, middle class) and this is a big difference between this schools the type of people. In
Cathedral we can find more people with arrogants actitudes but also we can find good
people. In El Dorado we can find all types of people as I said in the last sentences but still
are persons. I can say that in both school we can study and we can find friends.
In conclusion I can say that Im glad with God and with my parent for giving me the
opportunity to attended both high schools and for meeting all the people. Attenting a
Private high school doesnt make a better person that someone that attends a public high
school. Money doesnt give you class, Education does.

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