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Zero conditional

1. If you press that button, the light

2. It's easier to sleep if

(come) on.
(you / not / be) stressed.

3. The teacher gets angry if

4. If

(we / not / work) hard.

(I / go) on a boat, I always feel sick.

5. His mother gets annoyed if

6. If

(he / be) late.

(I / not / know) a word, I look in my dictionary.

7. They play football if

(they / not / have) any homework.

8. If you freeze water,

(it / turn) to ice.

First conditional

1. If I

(to study), I

2. If the sun

(to pass) the exams.

(to shine), we

3. If he

(to walk) to the town.

(to have) a temperature, he

4. If my friends

(to see) the doctor.

(to come), I

(to be) very happy.

5. If she

(to earn) a lot of money, she

6. If we

(to travel) to London, we

(to fly) to New York.

(to visit) the museums.

7. If you
(to wear) sandals in the mountains, you
slip) on the rocks.
8. If Rita
a low mark.

(to forget) her homework, the teacher

9. If they

(to go) to the disco, they

10. If you

(to wait) a minute, I

(to give) her

(to listen) to loud music.

(to ask) my parents.

Second conditional
1. If William
scared of the dark.
2. If William
and lightning.
3. If William
4. If William

(not/watch) so many horror films, he

(be) braver, he

(not/feel) frightened of thunder

(not/spend) so much time playing video games,

(get) better grades at school.
(ate) healthier food, he


(not/be) ill so often.

5. If he

(not/be) ill so often, he

6. If his parents
(sleep) much better.
7. If William
8. If he
9. If William

(not/miss) so many classes.

(not/allow) him to drink so much coke, he

(sleep) better at night, he

(start) his day with more

(start) his day with more energy, he

(do) many more

(practice) a sport, he

(keep) fit and healthy.

10. If he

(keep) fit and healthy, he

(feel) more confident.

11. If he

(feel) more confident, his self-esteem


12. If his self-esteem

(increase), he
problems to sleep at night.

(not/have) so many

Third conditional
1. If Jane

(not/lose) her job as a sales representative in London,

(not/move) to Edinburgh.

2. If she
(not/move) to Edinburgh, she
job in a new company.

(not/find) a

3. If she
(not/find) a job in the new company, she
(not/meet) Adam.
4. If she
5. If they
marry him.

(not/meet) Adam, they

(not/fall) in love, Adam

6. If Michael's alarm clock

have breakfast at home.
7. If he
8. If he
9. If he
10. If he

(not/fall) in love.

(ring) on time, he

(have) breakfast and home, he

(feel) more relaxed, he
(drive) slowly, he
(see) the sign, he

(not/ask) Jane to
(have) time to
(feel) more relaxed.
(not/drive) so fast.
(see) the "STOP" sign.
(not/crash) against the other

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