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How Does Your Media Product

Represent A Particular Social

By Jaeden Condappa

After conducting research into the different social groups and

analysing our target audience feedback, we decided that our
opening sequence best targeted the C1 Social demographic
category. Our characters (as shown in shot below) are seen wearing
collared shirts and are well groomed, this attention to appearance
connotes their middle-class nature which is also reflected in their
behaviour. We also said our target social group would have an
explorers psychographic as our characters are slightly driven by
curiosity so much that they break into an abandoned building
however even still they dont vandalise the building, they explore
Our characters are 18 years old so that they are easy for our target
audience to form bonds with. We also decided to keep our
characters balanced by having multiple ethnicities and genders
which challenged the typical stereotypes. People of black ethnicity
are stereotyped as violent, shady and criminalistic; from a media
point of view as they are a minority this allows the media to
manipulate views of them and depict them stereotypically,
especially with the clich of the black guy dies first.

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