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My name: Yelitza Martinez

Class: 015
My daily routine in my daily routine I wake up at 6:00 am then I breast-feed my
baby girl Sophia later take shower brush my teeth and make breakfast when is
8:00 I clean de bedroom and play with my baby. Every two hours breastfeed my
baby. At 10:00 am take her baby shower. In the evenings make my food and eat,
then doing my homework and prepare the package for my daughter to take she to
where her baby sitter, I take a shower and brush my teeth again. When is 3:00 pm
prepare my back pack take the baby where her baby sitter sometimes the baby
sitter is late. I take the bus at 3:40 then take the train "A" at 4:00 and change to
train "4" at 4:38. At 5:30 I take my class and finish my class at 8:00 the Friday I
have class in the morning. At 8:06 take the train and go home when I am I my
house take my baby make dinner wait for my mother and breast-feed my baby and
she sleep in the end take a shower and sleep.

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