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Catcher in the Rye Test

1. What does Holden mean when he says Its no fun being Yellow?
a. He is describing how tough he is because he says I would break his goddamn jaw
b. He is very nice
c. He is calling himself cowardly
d. He is a very mean person
2. What does Holden do that shows he is depressed?
a. He isolates himself, he constantly dogs on himself, he says I dont even know why I
was running, I felt like I was sort of disappearing
b. He cries all the time
c. He runs away from home
d. He tries to commit suicide, he runs away from school
3. How does Holdens relationship with adults and kids differ?
a. He hates being around kids because they dont know anything
b. He likes being around kids more and values their opinion more because it reminds
him of innocence, he describes it when he says I love it when a kids nice and polite
c. He likes being around adults more than kids because they are more mature and kids
always bother him
d. He doesnt like being around anyone
4. Who was Holden talking about when he said, She had a lousy childhood, im not
a. Ackley
b. Phoebe
c. Stradlater
d. Sally Hayes

5. How did Holdens little brother die?

a. Brain cancer
b. He was hit by a car
c. He drowned
d. Leukemia
6. Why is the little boy singing in the street significant?
a. The little boy represents Holdens little brother and reminds Holden of innocence
b. He almost got hit by a passing car like Holdens little brother
c. He reminds Holden of himself because he used to love to sing
d. The song he is singing is talking about what Holden wants to be when he grows up

7. Give an example of Holdens feelings for Jane.

a. He hates her
b. He is in love with her
c. He doesnt know her very well
d. He wants to protect her
8. How does Holden feel when he sees the little boy singing in the street?
a. He gets really happy
b. He feels really sad because it reminds him of Allie
c. He gets angry because he shouldnt be in the street
d. He says he feels not depressed for a second
9. How does Holdens reaction to Stradlater talking about his date with Jane show how he
feels about her?
a. It shows how much he hates Jane
b. It shows he wants to protect her, he says, It made me so nervous I nearly went crazy
c. It shows how much he wants to be with her
d. It shows how much he misses her
10. Describe what Holden does when Maurice punches him?
a. He acts like he is dead, he says, This time I thought I was dying
b. He starts crying, he says, I was still sort of crying
c. He acts like he was shot, he says,I started pretending I had a bullet in my guts.
d. He says hes fine, I wasnt knocked out or anything.
11. How is Holdens red hat an example of his individuality?
a. He feels really good about himself in it and thinks its unique
b. He thinks all of the girls will like it
c. He is very confident in it and wants everyone to see it
d. He wears it to make himself look cool
12. How is Allie related to Holdens depression?
a. Allie was really mean to Holden s
b. Holden feels bad for being mean to Allie and he misses him
c. Allie made him mad all of the time and he eventually stop talking to him
d. He is sad Allie died
13. Contrast Holden and Phoebe.
a. Holden is really mean and Phoebe is nice
b. Holden has a negative view on everything and Phoebe finds the good in bad situations
c. Holden is really happy all the time and Phoebe is negative
d. None of the above
14. On page 60, Holdens response to the taxi drivers question of Where to? reveals
a. Creativity and sense of humor

b. Insecurity and desire to appear mature

c. Openness and desire for conversation
d. Need for adult advice
15. Analyze Holdens reaction to being at Mr. Anolinis home.
a. He is happy to be there but later gets freaked out by Mr. Antolini because he wakes up
to him petting his head and Mr. Antolini says, I was just pettin you.
b. He his mad he has to talk to him because Mr. Antolini was always really mean to him
and never let him express himself
c. He likes talking to Mr. Anolini because he gives him good advice and always listens
to what he has to say
d. He doesnt want to be around Mr. Antolini because he drinks a lot
16. How is the ducks in the pond related to Holden?
a. The ducks like to be alone
b. The ducks want to fly away and leave just like Holden
c. The ducks have the freedom to go anywhere and do what they please and Holden
wants to do that
d. The ducks are sad
17. What could you infer from Holdens reaction to Maurice punching him?
a. He is really dramatic
b. He is still a child in that way because he over reacts
c. He is a really tough kid
d. None of the above
18. What can you infer from Holdens opinion on the people at Pency?
a. He really cant be around people who dont understand him
b. He doesnt want any friends
c. He is a very deep person and doesnt believe anyone is real or wants to be around him
d. He thinks everyone is out to get him

19. Do you believe Holden is depressed? Why or why not? Give specific examples.

20. What is Holdens opinion on adults vs. children? Explain.

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