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Fractious- bad behavior

Innate- born with

Indolent- laziness and depression
Upheaval- where the fight turns to revolution and chaos
Upbraiding- scolding
Chronicling- telling the story in the sequence it occurred
Articulated- to put into words
Ruinous- state of being ruined
Overt- obvious
Despoiled- spoiled/ steal someone elses stuf
Pugnacious- looking for a fight
Abstruse- hard to understand
Symposium- gather of academic people to discuss something
Entice- to lure
Extol- to praise
Fervent- passionate
Jovial- happy friendly
Vacuous- empty headed stupid/ empty
Factitious- not artificially created
Circumspect- cautious
lan- Joy
Utilitarian- only interested in how useful things are
Surly- rude
Urbane- sophisticated
Ditty- a happy song
Dirge- a funeral song
Oracular- you can tell the future correctly
Inefable- cannot be put into words
Egotistical- arrogant
Discursive- jumping from subject to subject

Castigated- scold
Fastidious- super picky
Idiosyncratic- personal peculiarity/habit
Profligate- wasteful
Facetious- form of humor
Beguiling- charm in a tricky way
Plight- a problem
Ominous- scary something bad is going to happen
Prominent- outstanding
Crepuscular- come out at dawn or dusk
Etymology- origin of the word
Reticent- shy not wanting to talk
Querulous- whining or complain
Obfuscate- to make unclear
Raconteur- story teller
Capricious- mood changing/erratic
Avowed- to swear something is true
Proselyte- persuades other to believe what they believe
Arcane- magic is arcane/ not many people know it
Avert- to avoid
Ingenuity- cleverness
Deferential- highly respectful
Discrete- separate
Discreet- to keep a secret
Scope- range of what they are looking at
Cynical- when you believe everyone is lying to you
Sardonic- mean spirited humor/ sarcastic
Surfeit- surplus
Eschew- to avoid
Indubitable- not doubtable

Acclimate- to get used too

Ingenuous- gullible naive
Ingenious- clever
Rife- full of or teaming with
Dearth- lack of or shortage of
Quintessential- perfect model
Promulgate- to announce publicly
Cogitate- think
Exposition- idea of writing something to expose the truth of it
Fruition- when something becomes a success
Dutifully- doing what is expected of you
Cagey- how you would behave in a cage/ paranoid
Remonstrates-scolding but telling someone what to do
Pontificate- to express an opinion in a pompous manner
Pompous- an arrogant tone
Halcyon- perfect
Assiduousness- diligent hard working
Onerous- burden some
Quiet cent- serene tranquil
Obsequious- a suck up
Deplore- you really dont like something
Fawns- to give too much attentions to
Munificence- to give too much generosity with money
Exhorts- to urge
Candor- blunt truth
Feckless- useless
Rustic- rural farm like
Bucolic- rural farm like
Contemptuous- to look down harshly
Vacillated- to go back and forth what you feel in your head

Conflagration- a big fire

Deleterious- harmful
Clandestine- sneaky
Burnished- shiny
Contingency- when things dont go as plan
Irk- to bother
Subvert- to weaken
Pragmatic- concern how useful something is
Trepidation- fear
Foreordained- predicted
Obfuscator- someone who makes things confusing
Explicator- explainer
Brain child- your creation/ invention
Belied- to cover something up with a fake expose a fake front
Nonplussed- you dont know how to react
Jejune- dull
Bootlick- sidekick but worse
Quotidian- something that is done daily
Dissemble- put on a fake appearance
Scuttle- abandon or give up on
Impetuous- impulsive
Juxtaposition- two things next to each other for comparison
Indomitable- cant be beaten
Innocuous- harmless
Scrutinize- to look at carefully
Obstinacy- stubbornness
Prudent- careful and cautious
Scuttle- to give up on or abandon
Modicum-a little bit
Flabbergasted- outraged

Mifed- a little bit angry

Jaded- lack of enthusiasm
Penurious- poor
Phlegmatic- showing no emotion (bad way)
Embittered- becoming bitter
Avant-garde- ahead of its time
Salient- relevant most noticeable
Ephemeral- short lived
Esoteric- known only to a few
Antiquated- obsolete
Profusion- a lot of something
Altruistic- someone who loves helping people
Evanescent- short lived
Trenchant- incisive, smart, mean
Fugacious- short-lived
Mendacity- deceit
Mendicancy- poverty
Inscrutability- hard to read or interpret
Recalcitrant- bad behavior
Ameliorated- to improve
Assiduity- characteristic of hard work
Serendipitous- chance and fate
Abstruse- hard to understand
Maudlin- crying sad
Treacly- crying sad
Deft- skilled
Ancillary- secondary
Obstreperously- bad behavior
Gregarious- talkative friendly outgoing
Meticulously- close detail

Enigmatic- mysterious
Lamentable- regrettable
Unimpeachable- flawless
Facile- easy not thorough thought
Motley- something that is mad up from diferent patterns
Pusillanimous- wimpy
Lackadaisical- lazy
Germane- relevant
Supercilious- arrogant looking down at others
Balks- to hesitate
Lucid- clear
Dilettante- an amateur in sometimes non-expert
Sycophant- s suck up and a follower
Zealous- fanatic
Caricature- a cartoon that uses exaggerated representations
Pithy- clever using few words to express meaning
Scanty- very little bit
Acumen- keen awareness
Imbecilic- stupid
Monotony- boredom
Quixotic- over idealistic
Superfluous- extra
Indecent- obscene
Cosmopolitan- sophisticated/ urbane
Prurient- slut
Conciliatory- willing to please

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