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Come to My Kingdom! Throughout history, many wealthy and advanced African kingdoms and empires have flourished on this great continent. Today, you will work to create a poster that educates people on an African kingdom or empire, and entices them to visit. 1. DECIDE whether you would like to work ina group of three, pair, or as an individual. Pairs and groups of three will share the grade. 2. CHOOSE the African kingdom or empire you will represent. Choices are: a. f. . Egyptand Kush (Chapter 4 and 2) b. Ghana (Chapter 3 section 1) Cc d. e. Mali and Songhai (Chapter 3, section 2) . Hausa (Kid’s Discover) . Shona (Great Zimbabwe) (Kid’s Discover & Ch. 8, sec. 2) Other? 3. DISCOVER your kingdom/empire. Find out: a. Who was in your kingdom? Ethnic groups? b. 9 d. e. f. What did your kingdom have? What was the source of its wealth/power? - When did your kingdom start and end? When was it at its most powerful? Where was your kingdom located? . Why did your kingdom succeed? Why did it eventually fall? Why should people choose your kingdom to visit? 4. CREATE a poster that showcases the above information. Information should be presented in pictures and short, catchy captions, and should make the viewer want to visit your kingdom. Your purpose is to inform and entice’ 5. ENC this opportunity to learn about ancient Africa in a fun way! Timeline: Monday, May 11 ~ start project Tuesday, May 12 - class time to work on project Wednesday, May 13 - class time to work on Project Thursday, May 14 ~ Project presentations Early African Civilizations Poster Rubric /s Class work and effort j2 Title /10 Informative /s Convincing - enticing /3 Neatness and Spelling /25 Total Name(s):

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