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The Watchman (part four of the Maze series)

From the snow-capped mountains and ice-frosted valleys of the north, to

the lush green jungles and vast deserts of the south, I, Razaal, Father Sky
and Walker Among Mankind, was created to watch creation form, study the
birth of the human race, to walk among them, and to report back to my
father with news of their progress. I was destined to keep score of the
game of Chance which played out between good and evil.
From the watery masses came the land and the land provided life for
countless creations. Now, to the south three hills were created, one for the
All Powerful, one for the prince of darkness and one for myself. I witnessed
the birth of life, of Zest. And in time, a lost name that was to become
Kings Hill.

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