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Emily the Strange


1. Characterization.
Emily Strange A mad scientist, a cat lover, A mural
painter, A wicked skater, A wily troublemaker, A golem builder, A
mystery solver, A master prankster, A happy loner and A unique
Patti Strange a lovable mother, always freaks out to
Emily`s invention but goes along with it.
Raven The Golem she`s one of Emily`s experiments
made out of some bird parts. She is a extreme dumb because
when Emily told her to pack up the boxes, she packs them inside
of each other like a nesting doll.
Zenith Emily`s friend who owns a junk shop. He has a cat
named Fiona, and Emily love to hang out with them always.
Binary Larry The kid who writes codes on walls, and have
a soft side in Emly.
Gigi Doubleton and Bebe Doubleton owners of the
Science Club in Silifordville, Emily kind of hate them because she
thinks those two are annoying, self-satisfied and self centered and
non-science-oriented ladies.
Venus Fang fang She has a sour temper, has a peculiar
accent and had a strong hatred for anyone she caught on her
property. And she is also Binary Larry`s mother
Dr. Greenblatt the Doctor who is trying to help the citizen
in Silifordville.

Great Aunt Millie Emily`s Aunt who lives in the attic.

And Emily`s 4 cats named
Sabbath The newest cat to join the Strange Family.
Nee chee the thinker of the group.
Miles the most artistic cat of the group
Mystery the Leader of the group and also the only Female
of the 4 cats

II. Setting.
First They lived in Blandinulle but her mother wants to move
to another house because of Emily`s issues about the
neighborhood. So her mother had an idea about moving in to
Silifordville. So that they can have a wonderful normal life. Emily
kind of like this town because theres a secret sewer and a lot of
places she wants to investigate.

IV. Plot.
Chapter 1.
The Strange Family is packing there things because there moving
to Silifordvile but Emily is not happy because she is starting to
enjoy her life in Blandindulle.
Patti said to Emily that she needs to put her stuff in the boxes so
that when the moving truck arrives all they need to is putting
their stuff in the truck.
But Emily doesnt want to pack so she went out and go to Zeniths
Junk Shoppe to say her Goodbyes to him and his pet named Fiona.

Unfamiliar Words.
1. Summer is practically here, the nights are balmy, and I am
Characterized by pleasantly warm weather.

2. Am now hunkered down behind someones garage.

Squat or crouch down low.

3. I would rather be up to unauthorized

not having official permission or approval.

Chapter 2.
Emily just started to pack, while shes packing the cats is just
playing around the room.

Moments past she got tired and ask raven to continue the packing
for her, and then Emily and the cats went to the City Hall thinking
of a master prank Blandindulle and for Drew and Sherry.

When Emily got home she saw raven pack all the boxes inside one
another like a Russian nesting, while shes looking around her
stuff she had an idea about donating her belongings to science
after the move.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Making it tough for me to write in my journal, Legibly
in a legible manner

2. Not enjoying peaceful four-feline blanket

relating to or affecting cats or other members of the cat family.

3. They promptly banged into the phone pole.

with little or no delay; immediately.

Chapter 3.

When Emily is almost done with her packing, she stop for awhile
and think that she is not sure what she was thinking about
donating her belongings, so she decided to donate nothing
because there all precious to her.

Only three days left before Emily leave Blanddidulle and she still
havent come up with an idea for master prank so she tried to go
out to look for some inspiration
when she tried to go out her mother ask her to return and
continue packing.

When Emily tried to escape using the bedroom window her

mother saw her and said that she can leave only when she pack
at least one box, so she did, Only one box, so when she was out
she saw Drew and Sherrys car and did her master prank to them.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Its always been a matter of personal pride for me to pull at
least one jaw-dropping prank.

2. Am back from brief trip outdoors.

of short duration; not lasting for long.

3. Best moments are when Sabbath unwittingly blows their

without knowledge or intention

Chapter 4.
Emily did not pack a single thing because she is busy doing a
blueprints of trapdoors and booby traps.
Emily comes up with the ultimate master prank for blandindulle.

While Emily is collecting the materials for the ultimate master

prank she feels really down about the move.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Was intercepted by mom at the front door and have returned
to my room.
Obstruct (someone or something) so as to prevent them from continuing to a destination.

2. Am back from brief trip outdoors.

Of short duration

3. Going to be exceedingly complex to build.


Chapter 5.
Emily is still kind of disappointed because she is not having a
master prank for blandindulle because her mother ask her to
finish already because this is there last night in Blandindulle.

While she is still packing she made a list about her top
blandindulle prank and the things that are very hard to pack.

Theres too much to pack, so Emily ask again raven for help,
raven is so strong they even finish packing early.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Any common prankster worth her salt would drool over my list
of accomplishments.
Drop saliva uncontrollably from the mouth.

2. I guess this diary is pretty much got to include the

incriminating stuff or ill have nothing to write about.
Make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

3. Threw my voice a lot:7 fully developed characters. 47

townspeople hoodwinked.
Deceive or trick.

Chapter 6.
So now Emily is leaving Bladundulle.
Emily asks where are they going and her mother said in
When they came in silifordville one of their neighbor come to their
house and talk to them when suddenly one of Emilys robot come
and scary of the neighbor.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Removing miscellaneous surveillance equipment from the
Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.

2. Have been crushed by sudden attack of anxiety over what the

new town will be like.
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

3. Not every breed of cats, but every individual cat.

Mate and then produce offspring.

Chapter 7.
Emily reprogrammed raven so that she could be more useful in
the unpacking effort.
Great aunt Millie asks Emily if she can help her paint the attic

She have been avoiding going to the store for white paint,
instead, she spent a very fun hour with the cats.
And she cannot wait to get a master prank for silifordville.
Unfamiliar words.
1. You only need to get bacterial pneumonia once.
Pneumonia caused by bacterial infection.

2. Mucles cars with engines forged in the speed-loving dungeons

of darkness.
A strong underground prison cell, especially in a castle.

3. Including closer surveillance of the neighbors.

Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.

Chapter 8.
While Emily is searching around Silifordville she found a secret
sewer and a tolerable junk shop and a hardware store and a
Raven is causing a lot of trouble because she is scaring their
neighbor with her weirdness.
They start painting the attic white and also reassembling Emilys
Unfamiliar words.
1. She wandered the neighborhood again!
walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way.

2. I was being neglected

suffering a lack of proper care.

3. Lucky for me the guy was half asleep and incompetent.

not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully.

Chapter 9.
Raven is causing even more problems.
So Emily and the cats have done some preliminary patrols in the
In the morning the neighborhood was around in the strangers
yard and it was full of small skeletons.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Raven wouldnt be better off in some kind of institutional
Of, in, or like an institution or institutions.

2. She is one of my greatest accomplishments, this little golem of

A clay figure brought to life by magic.

3. But the household is in uproar and once again its ravens fault.
A loud and impassioned noise or disturbance.

Chapter 10.
Emily has been in tree by a ferocious canine.
Raven and Emily is done painting the attic white.
Emily started her duplication device for the master prank.
Unfamiliar words.
1. The cats and I were working on a nice new set of covert paths.
Not openly acknowledged or displayed.

2. I had just shimmied down the fence.

Move effortlessly; glide with a swaying motion.

3. Hideous drooling dog beast shows bi sign of leaving.

move effortlessly; glide with a swaying motion.

Chapter 11.
While she is working on the duplication project she decided to go
out and have a fresh air to help her think.
While she is in a small park she hears some teens approaching in
the distance, so she decided to go home.
Emily was super surprise when the duplication device was
working and accidentally duplicates her.
Emily was kind of mad to her mom because she thinks her mom is
not supporting her for being a genius kid.
They decided they will take turns leaving the room so that her
mom will not freak out.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Cats and I have given up the search for oddities.
A strange or peculiar person or thing.

2. I guess we were both kind of exhilarated about what happen.

Make (someone) feel very happy, animated, or elated.

3. Mom spotted her still standing on the bed and promptly

screamed a bloodcurdling scream.
with little or no delay; immediately.

Chapter 12.
Emily woke up and fined other Emily was wrapping her in a rug
then ask raven to unroll the rug.

Emily has completed her sort of headgear contraption that she

could wear while sleeping.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Could barely croak out ravens name.
A characteristic deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow.

2. Will spend the day working on some kind of apparatus to

wake me up if Im
being rolled up in a rug.
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

3. I used sound waves that nauseate the human gut.

affect with nausea.

Chapter 13.
Emily is having a problem with other Emily in sleeping
arrangements, because when she tries to throw other Emily in the
bed she realized they were both in the floor.
Emilys turn to leave the room, she went to the kitchen and made
a sandwich and go downtown and underground to revisit the
Emily discovered the sewer system where the walls are like
twelve feet high.
Then went back home to check other he

Unfamiliar words.
1. I woke up out of a lovely nightmare about sinking in licoriceflavored quicksand.
a sweet, chewy, aromatic black substance made by evaporation from the juice of a root
and used as a sweet and in medicine.

2. Other Me was kneeling on my arms, vigorously vomiting.

in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously.

3. I jimmied that gate right open.

force open (a window or door) with a jemmy.

Chapter 14.
When Emily woke up she saw raven holding a ax and other her
was struggling with raven then Emily command raven to put the
ax down, when raven put the ax down other Emily explain

They decided to give raven away to the science club in

silifordville, because raven is causing a lot of problems lately,
they made a lot of lies so that the president of the science club
will take raven in.
They made a Dreamseizer to see other Emilys dreams.
Its other Emilys turn to leave the room and she is going to do
some scouting over at Venus fang fans house, because they are
interested at the obstacle course in front of Venus Fang Fangs
Emily is feeling lonely because her cats wont come near her
because the cats is still freaking about the whole duplication
thing, so she tell that to other Emily and it seems like other Emily
Doesnt even care so Emily is really not happy about it.
Emily went out and go to the sewer and met someone named
Binary Larry, He write codes on walls, he ask Emily if he can write
code on the sewers wall.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Not worrying about the mischief our golem is getting up to.
Playful misbehavior, especially on the part of children.

2. Apparently has an elaborate plan for her rehabilitation.

The restoration of someone to a useful place in society

3. Im kind of mystified.
Utterly bewilder or perplex (someone).

Chapter 15
Emily finally met Gigi Doubleton President of the science Club and
her sister Bebe the Vice pres. and Emily is kind of mad because
their annoying, self satisfied stuck-up, non-oriented ladies and the
reason why they want raven is because of a bit town gossip.

Gigi called Emily because raven wont do anything she wonder if

their some kind of code or something, at first Emily is playing with
gigi saying no sense codes but when gigi got mad Emily finally tell
the code.
While Emily is energized by the belly busting laugh at gigis
expense, she and other Emily is doing some inventions.
Unfamiliar words.
1. The town gossip has nothing to do with her being a
preternatural creature.
Beyond what is normal or natural.

2. Gathered up their raven and hustled her away.

Push roughly; jostle.

3. Whats important is that we were able to bring all our bizarre,

beautiful plants in the room.
very strange or unusual.

Chapter 16.
Other Emily and Emily is planning to prank Silifordville in the
ribbon cutting ceremony at town hall, they are going to create a
wondrous Manifesto that will open peoples minds to the beauty
of Strange.
They were hanging out in the tree house, Emily is wondering why
other Emily is laughing then other Emily Told Emily that she throw
the dog repeller in there, so Emily rush herself to save the dog
Beast when suddenly Venus Fang Fang caught her and call her
Emily feels down so she went to the sewer and saw Larrys
Unfamiliar words.
1. I was feeling very gung ho on the whole duplicate silifordville
Unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager, especially about taking part in fighting or warfare.

2. Several achingly beautiful, pristinely white, longing for the

spray can walls.
1. In an aching manner; sorely
2. In a way that is pristine

Chapter 17.
Patti already know about what happen to Emily and Venus Fang
Fang, so as punishment Emily must walk her Dog once a day

Emily just discover that other Emily and her is not really same at
all when it comes to skill like playing guitar and other stuff, then
Emily say that other Emily should walk the Dog and other Emily is
Ok with that.

Raven made the silifordville paper and Emily is kind a displeased

about raven because she thought that Gigi and Bebe were going
to shelter her from the world.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Efficient way to get some payback from other Emily.
Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

2. Handing me my polythermal-shielded ceramic dics.

Describing a method of establishing the solubility of a substance in which a mixture of
known composition is heated above its solution temperature and then monitored visually during
cooling until turbidity is observed at the cloud point

3. Have never met anyone so squirrelly.

An actual dead squirrel

Chapter 18.
Patti wants a fun family outing to black basin canyon but Emily is
not in to it because other Emily and she will have a master prank
to do so, she is thinking to come up with a convincing story to get
them out of it.

Other Emily explain everything to their mom and get her mother
a freak out because Patti still cant believed that there is two
Other Emily is changing she is becoming a bad girl so Emily is
really annoyed by her., but still continues to work at the town hall.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Naturally I eavesdropped on their conversation.
Secretly listen to a conversation.

2. Howd you get so evil? Breaking promises? Tormenting moms

Cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering.

3. its seemed much less exciting and spy like, and much more
cramped and dusty

uncomfortably small or restricted.

Chapter 19.
Patti came to Emilys room and said that she will face the fact that
she is now having a twin daughter, so she decided to continue the
outing together with the two of them.
when they arrive in the black basin canyon, they took a family
picture then continue walking when suddenly other Emily is
missing then they tried to find her but still no sign of her.

When the police arrive Emily gets out of the car and walking
around the black basin canyon to look for super annoying Emily.
Moments past Emily found super annoying Emily in the sprawled
in tangle of brush on the steep hillside twenty feet about and she
had been paralyze by the bite from a black jackal spider.
Emily is still thinking if she will saved super annoying Emily or let
her die, when Emily come to super annoying Emily she still not
doing anything to save other Emily.
When super annoying Emily opened her eyes she took a breath
and punched Emily in the mouth but not that hard.
Emily called for help and went home.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Instead of making up obnoxious lyrics to songs on the radio.
Extremely unpleasant.

2. its downright diabolical.

Characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to recall the Devil.

3. The darkness is like tar.

A dark, thick flammable liquid distilled from wood or coal, consisting of a mixture of

hydrocarbons, resins, alcohols, and other compounds. It is used in road-making and for coating
and preserving timber.

Chapter 20.
Emily woke up excited because today she will activate the
manifesto in the ribbon cutting ceremony in town hall and she if
she did a pretty good job.

The manifesto is working! So the citizen who comes to the town

hall is now turned in some kind of a loony.
Emily come home and sabotages the TV reception so that Patti
and super annoying Emily do not see the news.
Unfamiliar words.
1. And no pedestrians anywhere.
A person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.

2. Marvelous, hilarious strangeness is talking place at town hall!

Causing great wonder; extraordinary.

3. I may need to go home and sabotage our TV reception

Deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military

Chapter 21.
Emily is so much trouble because Emily and other Emily switched
journals two days ago. Thats why chapter 19 and 20, Emily is
being an evil girl.
Emily is now sitting in the couch resting because of the accident
in the black Bason canyon.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Just woke up from harrowing medication-muddled dreams.
Acutely distressing.

2. Remembering what I wrote about in the past two days and

whether it was incriminating.
Make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

3. But in my current foggy state.

Belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.

Chapter 22.
Emily is still in pain and she wants a cat affection time but the
cats is not giving any affection to her so Emily feel bad again.
Emily is checking the duplication device to see if she can the
original from the fake one, but they look exactly the same to her.
Patti is now taking care of Emily and suggested a game to
determined how the REAL Emily and its called jeopardy game.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Am too fuzzed to come up with juicy simile at the moment.
Having or producing a distorted buzzing tone.

2. I thought everyone was going to have a nice, mind-blowing, life

altering experience
change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant

3. Mysterys infinite eyes and hear Sabbaths retarded meows of

Less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.

Chapter 23.
Emily asks Patti to bring her the stuffed animals so that her can
imagine that the cats is in her side giving her some affection.

When Emily woke up she saw that other Emily signed her cast
Emily when she saw that she feel terrified because other Emily
can do such thing while Emily is asleep.
Other Emily and Emily had a little talk and other Emily say that if
she wins the jeopardy game she will punish Emily and Emily felt a
little worried because other Emily really wants to kill Emily.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Raided them for body parts and cobbled together a plushy
black stuffed cat.
1. Conduct a raid on.
2. Paved with cobbles

2. Exploration and experiment filled summer of solitude!

the state or situation of being alone.

Chapter 24.
Emily is using self-hypnosis for the leg pain. Because she really
dont want to take the medicine.
Emily is now reviewing her family photo for the jeopardy game.
Moments past Emily just realizes that back in when she woke up
and saw raven holding an ax with other Emily. Raven was actually
saving her from other Emily from the ax, so Emily rushes in to
Bebes house to get raven.
when Emily arrive in bebes house she saw raven having a new
look but no time to noticed that because Emily really wants raven
to guard her from other Emily.
Emily noticed that raven doesnt obeying any of her command
then she found out that other Emily reprogrammed raven so Emily
take action to that.

Raven is now under Emily control again!

Emily and raven went home.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Reviewing the old family photos for the jeopardy challenge.
Danger of loss, harm, or failure.

2. And that raven was in fact rescuing me, not threatening my

Having a hostile or deliberately frightening quality or manner.

3. Turned into a gibbering loony.

Speak rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock.

Chapter 25.
Emilys leg feeling much better thanks to the liquid black rock.
Emily is various hidey-holes round the house and noticed that
there all have new booby traps.
Emily now is preparing a prank for other Emily in the bathroom so
that when other Emily in talking a bath her hair will turn into
Unfamiliar words.
1. Hopefully my failure is just a result of lingering leg pain.
Lasting for a long time or slow to end.

2. Only to be scared out of my wit and semi deafened by a

barrage of extremely loud firecrackers.
Cause (someone) to lose the power of hearing permanently or temporarily.

3. Diabolical psychological torture.

Of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a

Chapter 26.
Emily found raven in the birdcage and lucky not reprogrammed

In the middle of the dinner time other Emily shows up with a new
blonde look and Emily is silently laughing.
Emily just lost to other Emily in the jeopardy game!
Emily is now going to the sewer because she missed the outdoors.
when Emily return to home she heard other Emily and Patti
talking and other Emily told to Patti that they need to shutdown
raven, so Emily rush to get raven and went to tree house.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Id stashed some miscellaneous tools in my pockets before
going to sleep.
Of various types or from different sources.

2. Hard to resist writing triumphant entries about evil One right

in front of her.
Having won a battle or contest; victorious.

3. And all the faucets screamed when anyone turned them on.
A tap

Chapter 27.
When Emily woke up raven is gone so she quickly searched
downstairs and saw raven with other Emily with a chainsaw and
then other Emily command raven to cut her hand off when raven
going cut her hand Emily rush and stop raven then get out of the
Emily left raven in the sewer to get some sleeping bags and when
she is in the street she saw many people being loony because of
the manifesto.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Only to interrupt this charming scene.

Break the continuity

2. Sliding down the drainpipe while I clutched her for dear life.
to hold onto (someone or something) tightly with your hand

3. I observed a large group of them congregating in a parking

gather into a crowd or mass

Chapter 28.
While in the sewer Emily wants to trade the north wall for south
wall, larry is calling her some silly nickname and discovered that
other Emily is taking Ms. Popularity.
while Emily is painting she noticed that the wall isnt big enough
for the painting so she ask binary to trade the west and still
binary doesnt want to gave it so Emily is curious about the west
side so she force binary to tell her what up with the west wall but
binary still doesnt want to tell Emily so Emily got tired and went
Unfamiliar words.
1. Hes never too hard to find what with his squeaky boom box
and all.
Having or making a high-pitched sound or cry.

2. I can foresee all the tiresome sentences.

Be aware of beforehand; predict.

3. Was painfully shocked by an electrified metal plate in front of

the refrigerator.
Charge (a medium) with electricity; pass an electric current through.

Chapter 29.
Emily is now at her bedroom downloading some picture of other
Emily screaming at her blonde hair.

Back in the sewer Emily wants to investigate the west wall but
when she was about to explore it binary arrives.
Emily wants to apologize and lucky binary is a kind of man who is
ready to forgive and forget.
Emily went home because she doesnt want to spend another
night in the sewer so she went to Pattis room and ask if she can
sleep for one night and not a one word to other Emily about it.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Also papered bedroom walls with large printouts of said
Apply wallpaper to (a wall or room).

2. Regardless of the time of night.

Despite the prevailing circumstances.

3. Snuck into the house very cautiously.

As if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact

Chapter 30.
Emily woke up at noon by a very upset mom and when they went
to the living room Emily saw police, Venus Fang Fang, Bebe,
Raven and other Emily sitting.
They found out that other Emily is knifing tires last night but of
course that Emily pretending to be other Emily and while Emily is
pretending to be other Emily, other Emily is pretending to be
Emily as Venus Fang Fang, shows the videotaped that Emily is
doing some extravagant vandalism of her fence last night.
Now Emily will be named Jemily and the other Emily will be
named Emily and Emily feel really mad about it because she is

the REAL Emily.

Venus Fang Fang give Jemily a book called Defeating your Enema.
in the attic jemily is now looking for great Aunt millie, she is
looking very scary because when Emily went to the attic and had
some kind of temper tantrum she paint the attic black and broke
some glass all over the place, great Aunt millie is there really
afraid of her, when jemily found her at first she was shaking then
jemily try to calm her down and then told jemily what happen so
jemily is now really really really angry to Emily right now.
jemily told the whole thing to patti but it turns out that patti is like
you know cool with it because she thought that it was just like
sister fight thing. So again jemily is now a little mad to patti.
Unfamiliar words.
1. its a very long fence.
A barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of
ground to prevent or control access or escape.

2. Pondered clever and excruciating revenge for evilone.

Intensely painful.

3. Which made for unintentional comedy when she told me that.

Not done on purpose.

Chapter 31.
Jemily is now with Venus Fang Fang, she wants to sign up herself
for some spy training with Venus Fang Fang.
Jemily eat dinner with patti and Emily when she was finish she
quickly went to be basement to checked on great aunt millie and
thinking of taking aunt millie in the sewer with raven to keep her
safe from Emily.
Jemily brought an x-ray so that she can see what binary is hiding

in the west wall then she found out that theres another secret
sewer and ask herself why would binary hide it.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Unrelenting monologue toward defeating ones enemy.
A long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast

2. These were not your average mournful teens.

Feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief.

3. Some of the finer points of coercion, extortion and blackmail.

The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Chapter 32.
Venus Fang Fang hired a handyman to finish the punishment for
jemily because she wants to start the training for jemily to defeat
her enemy.

Jemily was really surprise when she saw binarys skull button in
venus Fang Fang abstacle garden.

When jemily is spying on binary she was surprise when binary

went home to venus Fang Fangs house then she realize that
binary is venus Fang Fangs son.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Brain is hemorrhaging slightly.
To a small degree; not considerably.

2. Quite possibly as talented at deception as his mother!.

The action of deceiving someone.

3. I will barricade myself here tonight.

An improvised barrier erected across a street or other thoroughfare to prevent or delay
the movement of opposing forces.

Chapter 33.
jemily is not worried about Emily killing her because of venus
Fang Fangs training.
Venus fang fang knew that Emily was the bad one.

Jemily promise that there will be no violence when she and Emily
face each other.
Unfamiliar words.
1. I said something gloomy and threatening about evil one.
Dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening.

2. Which I instigated by kicking my double with my full leg cast.

Bring about or initiate

3. She wants me to stop all fisticuffs with Evilone.

Fighting with the fists.

Chapter 34.
Jemily is now again good with the picking the doorknob thanks to
venus fang fangs spy training.

When jemily come home she went to the bedroom and noticed
that theres a booby trap so she use her spy skill and when the
door is opened she saw Emily with a gas mask. HA! Emily failed
on pranking on jemily!.
Unfamiliar words.
1. I find her tedious and have had to forbid her to explain how
her devices work.
Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.

2. Im clueless when it comes to predicting what the enemy

will do next.
Say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence
of something.

3. Evil One looked up expectantly at me through her gas

in an expectant manner; "she looked at him expectantly"

Chapter 35.
Jemily and Venus fang fang is now back on training in the
nighttime because can distinguish 67 more shades of gray that
the average person.
Jemily heard that Venus fang fang is not only the worlds foremost
expert but on spy diaper too.

Binary met Emily who thought I was jemily was brutally mean to
him so jemily wants to explain everything but binary wont show

Jemily saw that Emily was to take over the town by commanding
the loony teenager to wear like her.
Unfamiliar words.
1. I can distinguish 67 more shades of gray than the average
recognize or treat (someone or something) as different

2. This is a little item spy wears on extended stakeouts or long

The action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated.

3. Performing synchronized skateboarding routines at her


cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate.

Chapter 36.
Mystery is dead.
Jemily found a hidden compartment under the floorboards that
they built weeks ago and found some 67 copies of manifesto of

Mystery was alive! It was just a prank from Emily to patti and
Mystery and jemily and raven and great aunt millie is now living in
the sewer. For protection to Emily.
Unfamiliar words.
1. Zero delightful petting sessions.
Causing delight; charming.

2. I was stumbling aimlessly around my bedroom.


Trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.

without aim; in an aimless manner

Chapter 37.
Jemily make a booby trap for Emily and it was success and now
Emily is in the birdcage.

Jemily erased all the 67 copies of the manifesto of strange.

Jemily have completely ruined November Decembers reputation

with hundreds of teens by simply being a little bit weird.
Jemily show to patti what Emily done to mystery and clearly Patti
isnt going to like it.

Emily and jemily had a little fight because Emily is trying to kick
jemily but jemily has a fast reaction so there she kick Emily and
now she is in the cage again.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Where she is currently shaking the bars, mad as yardsticks.
At the present time.

2. Im resigning myself to life as a set of surgically conjoined

In a surgical manner; by means of surgery; "surgically removed"

3. I saw the violence and malevolence.

The state or condition of being malevolent; hostility.

Chapter 38.
jemily is now trying to fix what Emily destroy by healing the
loonies with the manifesto to normal.

Jemily threw to the room full of loony because Dr. greenblatt

thought she was a loony after jemily explain that the manifesto to
normal they will turn them to normal. Sounds weird.

Jemily quickly find her way out so that she can heal the loonies
and everything will be back to normal.

When the manifesto to normal was played everyone was slowly

being normal again. But the police have found an evidence and
they said that it was all pattis fault so the police quickly went to
the strange house but jemily was faster than them so she explain
to patti what she heard to she ask patti to live in to the sewer for
just one night so that she wouldnt come to jail.

Unfamiliar words.
1. I really had to restrain my own idle my own mischief.
Prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within

2. Being hauled away kicking and screaming.

Pull or drag with effort or force.

3. More paranoia.

A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or

exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system.

Chapter 39.
Jemily and Emily are one now in physically..
jemily and Emily fixed the cable reception to monitor the new for
evidence to the manifesto to normal.
patti still dont want to come home because she think that the
police are still after her.

when binary saw jemily and Emily at first he was really scared
then later he went to the house of strange then get Emilys
journal for some evidence that she is the one who started all of
this weirdest.
Now jemily know why they move the house so often

Binary is back with the journal of Emily and they saw so many
evidence. Now jemily is now called as Emily again and Emily is
now called as evil One.
patti agreed to come home because Emily and evil one need to
one again!.
And now Emily is slowly hugging evil one with her spiritual arms
and now they are one again!!!! And evil ones body is now like an
old corn husk or dried up snakeskin.
Emily and the cats are now giving affection on each other!

Unfamiliar words.
1. Evil one, who is struggling under the Victorian tapestry.
Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.

2. I had to tip out the reservoirs in the duplication device.

A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.

3. And the other body was being drained of life.

Cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty or dry.

Chapter 40.
patti woke up Emily because she is still scared about the police

after her so Emily said that tomorrow they will come to venus
fang fang house and talk about it because binary is the one who
told to the police what happen.

Emily is getting a fresh start again with her one body and now she
can pet again the cats!
Unfamiliar words.
1. Maybe shell feel obligated to help out.
Require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral duty.

2. Revamping all the basements booby traps.

Give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.

3. The town revisited the original purpose of the ill-fate ribbon

cutting ceremony,
Doomed: marked by or promising bad fortune; "their business venture was doomed
from the start"

Chapter 41.
Emily is so happy because now she can enjoy her nightmares just
like always.

The sewer is now so Emily will find another secret hiding place.
With the help of venus fang fang the police is not looking for patti
now but ask the strange family to leave out of town because of
Emilys new skill.

She was worry is something evil will be happen again in the town
of silifordville.

Unfamiliar words.
1. Map making gear and spelunking gear.
The exploration of caves, especially as a hobby.

2. I think I prefer knowing it is down there under the muck.

Dirt, rubbish, or waste matter.

3. but its small consolation for having to move again.

The comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment

Chapter 42.
Binary shows Emily whats inside the west wall and it was a super
secret sewer. Emily is so happy that they found another sewer but
kind of sad because there are moving again.

When Gigi was cured her mind was changed and now super
interested in science, so Emily give the dried up husk of the other
Emily to keep it in the science laboratory.
Unfamiliar words.
1. But she is much less argumentative the before.
Given to arguing.

2. Lounging on the bed, putting off packing.

Lie, sit, or stand in a relaxed or lazy way.

3. Futuristic bachelor pad!

Having or involving very modern technology or design.

Chapter 40.
Now that everything is back to normal. The strange family is now
AGAIN moving to another town

B. story summary.
theres was a girl named Emily and she lived in bladundille. Her
mother patti said they will move to another house in silifordville
so she again pack her stuff, when they arrive in silifordville the
neighborhood was seen normal,then Emily investigate the town
and saw a secret sewer.

Rising Action.
Emily accidentally duplicates herself by the duplication device.
You can never tell which one is which by their faces but you can
tell the difference between their actions and the way they smell.

when the other Emily is becoming evil and wants to kill Emily
because she thinks she is the real Emily, she even wants to take
over the town using the manifesto of strange.

Falling Action.
when Emily is doing all she got to saved the town, she even ask
help to Venus fang fang so that she can protect herself and her
family and she even made a manifesto to normal so that the
loonies will return to normal.

When Emily sabotages other Emilys evil plan and get other Emily
in a cage and proceed to the surgery and when they conjoined
other Emily is slowly despairing then Emily is now one again.

V. Theme
this book is a fiction one because a little girl cant made a
golem and built duplication that actually works, and of course you

cant make your great aunt living in the shoe box. This book really
is the best for me because it is so fun and so many twice in the

VI. Memorable line/Idea.

Im Sad!!!! I Need Cat Affection!!!
This is my memorable line because Emily is just like me when Im
sad I need a hug or cat affection :).

VII. What did I learn 2-3 paragraph.

I learn in Emily strange that you need to face your fear now!
Dont consume any time cause maybe your fear will get stronger
than you. But when youre facing them make sure that you will
not use violence, you can use the hugging and learning thing :D
and I also learn that when youre facing your fear dont forget to
ask for help because who knows maybe they can help you by
simply giving you advice or training you to solve your problem.

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