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Jennifer Marion

November 13, 2014

Music and Math Integrated Lesson Plan
4th or 5th Grade
Objective: SWBAT identify the beat value of different notes and use them to practice
adding fractions and whole numbers.
1. Vocabulary Words
2. Worksheet Musical Notes Number Sentences (One for each student needed)
3. Worksheet Musical Staff and Drawing Notes (One for each student)
4. Worksheet Homework (One for each student)
5. Staff Lines, Rests, Notes Handout
o Directions for this Paper: Before presenting this lesson, cut along the
horizontal dotted lines for all pages. Then for the notes and rests pages cut
along the vertical lines. Each student needs one full sheet that is cut out of
the notes and rests. Each student needs one of the cut out of the 5 line
o Each student will need a cut out 5 line staff and one cut out sheet of the
rests and notes.
6. Worksheet Name, Symbol, & Number of Beats its Worth (One copy needed to
7. Writing Materials
8. Clock/Timer on phone
9. Scissors (Use before presenting lesson)
10. Magnets
Prior Knowledge
Students must have been taught the following definitions and what they look like either in
music class or math class:
Common Denominator
Meter Signature
Musical Staff
Notes (Rhythm Tree) whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth
Rests whole, half, quarter, eighth

Students must have practice drawing the notes and rests. Students must know how to add
fractions and whole numbers. Students must know how to add fraction that dont have the
same denominator
1. Opening/Introduction
a. Start by announcing to the class that We are going to start today by
playing a game to review our vocabulary for math and music.
i. Attached with this lesson plan are vocabulary words. To separate
the vocabulary words, cut along the dotted lines. Have this already
done. There should be a total of 16 vocabulary words and one that
says Music & Math Vocabulary for organization purposes after
they are cut out you can put that label on top of all the words and
paperclip them together. They are color codded. Math related
vocabulary is in blue and music related vocabulary is in purple.
2. Lessons Steps
a. Begin the game by saying: So, when I say go, I need everyone to get into
pairs and sit back to back with your partner somewhere on the ground.
You have 15 seconds. Ready set go. Watch the clock and after 15 seconds
if students dont have a partner match them up with someone.
b. Explain the game to them. We are going to play partner taboo. One
partner will sit with their back facing the board and the other will sit face
to face with that person. Ask who wants to demonstrate how I asked you
to sit to the class? Pick a group to do that. Once a group have
demonstrated, say, Okay, now lets have every pair do that. You have 10
seconds. Go.
c. Raise your hand if your back is to toward the board. Good. You guys are
going to start as being the ones who guess. Raise your hand if your front
is facing the board. Good. You guys will be the one giving clues so your
partner can guess the word.
d. Ill give an example. (Write the word Multiply on the board.) Lets say
the word is multiply and I was giving you the clues. I may say something
like it is what you do when you want to find the product of two numbers
and its symbol looks like an x. Then, my partner would be able to guess
Multiply. Notice how I didnt say the word multiply. You cant say the
word you see on the board.
e. After 5 minutes partners will switch roles. The guesser becomes the clue
giver and the clue giver becomes the guesser. Ill put 8 of the words on the
board using magnets. Try and have your partner guess all 8 within the 5
minutes. You can describe any of the word up there in any order. Are there
any questions of how to play?
f. Lets get started! If everyone is facing the way they should, put 8 of the
words up on the board. Pick some that are notes, rests, and at least one
math word to put up. If the students arent facing the way they need to be
for the game say Alright guys face the way you need to be facing so we
can start. When I say go, start describing the words to your partner.

Ready set go. Use the clock or the timer on a phone to keep track of the 5
minutes. Walk around and listen to the students. If you can see some are
stuck, give them encouragement, hints, or tell them to try another word.
g. After five minutes, flicker the lights and say Okay, switch places with
your partner. While they are doing this, take the current words on the
board done. Once everyone is in position, put the other 8 words up on the
board using magnets and say Alright, you have minutes for your partner
to guess as many of the 8 words as they can. Ready set go. Use the clock
or the timer on your phone to keep track of the 5 minutes.
h. While they are playing, place the worksheet labeled Musical Notes
Number Sentences on everyones desk. Also place a sheet of precut
notes, rests, and one 5-line staff paper.
i. After the 5 minutes, flicker the lights and say Alright everyone, on your
desk is a worksheet for you all to do. You have the notes and staff line cut
out in front of you to help you. Try your best to do it independently and if
you need help raise your hand. There is an example at the top of the page.
Youll have about 15 minutes to work on it. When youre done turn it in to
me. Go ahead back to your desks and get started.
j. While working if you notice them struggling, draw on the board the notes
and rests. Write how many beats each are worth. (Attached is a sheet with
the names of the notes and rest and the number of beats they are worth. It
is named Names, Symbols, and Number of Beats its Worth Worksheet.
You can display this on an Elmo instead of drawing the notes if you have
one.) Announce that there is a helpful hint on the board if you are getting
k. When students finish and hand their worksheets to you, give them the
worksheet labeled Musical Staff and Drawing Notes and say work on
this until the end of class.
3. Closure/Clean-Up/Take Away
a. Two minutes before class is over, tell your students, If you arent
finished, put the worksheet in your math folder and well finish it next
time. Im also handing out tonights homework so make sure you put that
in your backpack.
b. Call the students to line up at the door so they can leave to their next class.
Extension/Lead-In for next time
1. Finish the worksheet labeled Musical Notes Number Sentences if anyone did
not finish last class.
2. For the students are done have them work on the worksheet labeled Musical
Staff and Drawing Notes
3. For the following class you could lead into improper fractions, mixed numbers, or
fractions with denominators that are hard to find a common denominator with.
Useful Links Used:
Common Core Standards:
(page 17)

o This is where I got the grade level. 4th graders work on fractions, so this
could be their lesson or a fun review for 5th grade.
Vocabulary Review Ideas:
o This is where I got the vocabulary game. There are other games to review
vocabulary as well.

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