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Bahan bahan:
2 keping ayam thighs (boneless) - potong kecil
2 sb butter
1 sb cili merah - cincang
2 chili padi - cincang
1 pelepah daun kari
Beberapa keping cheese
230 ml susu cair - ikut kepekatan disukai
Secubit serbuk perasa ayam Knorr - opsyenal
Serbuk lada hitam
Bahan perap:
1 sk garam
1/2 sb sugar
2 sk serbuk kari
1 sb tepung gandum
1 telur
Cara cara:
Perap ayam dengan bahan perap selama 1 jam. Masak ayam sehingga
kekuningan di dalam non stick pan. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Panaskan kuali dengan butter. Tumis chili dan daun kari sehingga
wangi. Masukkan susu cair dan masak sehingga mendidih. Masukkan pula
Masukkan Knorr chicken powder, serbuk lada hitam, garam dan gula
secukup rasa.
Masukkan ayam tadi dan masak seketika kerana tepung yang ditabur
pada ayam akan memekatkan kuahnya, Jika terlebih pedas, tambahkan
sedikit gula.


350g chicken breast, cut into thin strips
Oil, for deep-frying
1 lettuce leaf
1 egg
Toasted sesame seeds, to garnish
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons water
Honey Lemon Sauce:
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Frying Batter:
1 egg
1/2 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
Marinate the chicken strips with all the ingredients of Marinade for 10
minutes. Make the Frying Batter in a large bowl, lightly whisk the egg and
mix the rest of the Frying Batter with the ingredients. The batter should
not be lumpy, nor too runny, but smooth. Drop the chicken strips into the
batter, mix well until they are all well coated. Mix all the ingredients in the
Honey Lemon Sauce well and set aside.
Heat up a wok with the oil on medium high heat. Gently drop the battered
chicken strips, make sure it is spread out to prevent sticking together
while frying. Deep fry the chicken strips to golden brown. Dish out and
drain on paper towels.
In a saucepan, gently pour in the Honey Lemon Sauce and bring to a light
simmer. Give it a quick stir until the sauce bubbles. Remove from heat.
Place the lettuce leaf on a plate, put the chicken strips on top and pour
the Honey Lemon Sauce, and topped with sesame seeds. Serve
immediately with steamed rice.

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