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Innovation Centre

Extraction and Evaporation

Continuous Vacuum and Freeze Drying

I n n ovat i o n , D e s i g n , M a n u fact u r e

Extraction, Evaporation, Vacuum Drying

Extraction, Evaporation And Continuous Vacuum Drying

Small scale extraction, evaporation, vacuum belt and freeze
drying plants enable customers to determine necessary process


parameters prior to the purchase of a plant.

Controlled testing conditions

Short process times


Continuous and batch processing


Controlled adjustment of end-product properties including bulk

Aroma rectification


Scale-up of results for commercial plants


Product development resulting in representative product sample



Plant extracts

Small scale extraction unit, 2 x 50 l

Fruit juice concentrates

Small scale evaporation unit, water evaporation rate: 50 kg/h

Food/Instant products

Small scale vacuum belt and freeze dryer: 0,3 mbar 100 mbar

Pharmaceutical products

Rotary evaporator (laboratory scale), quick analysing of product

Coffee, tea, etc.

Soluble dried malt extract

Bakery products

Meat extracts

Product Samples
The following product quantities are required to optimize test results:

density, colour and flavour

Drying: approx. 10 20 kg of concentrate

Extraction: 30 100 kg raw material, depending on the yield

Evaporation: approx. 300 600 kg of liquid extract

concentration characteristics

Pilot aroma rectification plant, aroma recovery of stripcondensates from extraction and evaporation processes

Pilot liquid gas extraction plant

Small S cale E xtracti on Plant, ATEX

The SPX e&e Series small scale extraction plant is designed to extract small batches of raw material using water or alcoholic solvents. The
gasket material can also be adapted for other solvents (acetates, alkanes, etc.) on request. The plant is equipped with 2 percolators, each
with 50 litre volume capacity. Additionally, the plant features a condensation unit consisting of a condenser and a stainless steel vacuum
pump, together with a solvent balance tank and a miscella outlet.

P r o f i t f r o m t h e a d va n tag e s o f S PX e & e
S e r v i c e Data o f t h e S PX Sm a l l S ca l e E xt r act i o n P l a n t

D i m e n s i o n s e x t r acto r U n i t

2.100 x 1.300 x 2.100 mm

L e n gt h x W i dt h x H e i g h t )

Di m e nsions Pu m p u n it

2.500 x 1.300 x 2.200 mm

( L e n gt h x W i dt h x h e i g h t )

We ig ht

a pp r ox . 9 0 0 k g

Vo lu m e e x t r acto r

2 x 50 Litr e

Design pressure

-1/3 bar

D e s i g n t e m p e r at u r e

up to 1 5 0 C

Vo lu m e s o lv e n t ta n k

300 litr e

S e r i e s Sm a l l S ca l e e xt r act i o n P l a n t s

Determination of key process conditions which are necessary

for the design and the purchase of a production plant, for
example: yields, solvent requirements, temperatures, etc.

CPP (Connect - Plug - Produce)

Ideal for small scale production

Reduced project timescales with quick availability of the plant

Can be used for commissioning and training of the operator


Consultancy by SPX specialists available before, during and

after the test runs

I n sta ll e d e l e ct r i ca l p ow e r

3,7 kW

St e a m r e q u i r e m e n t

a pp r ox . 5 0 k g / h

F r e s h wat e r r e q u i r e m e n t

a pp r ox . 2 m / h f r o m 1 5 - 3 5 C

E q u i p m e n t P r ot e ct i o n
leve l

EE x e II T 3

Small footprint required for the installation of the plant

The device can be rented for trials at your premises

Small S cale Evap orati on Plant, ATEX, f or th e con ce ntrati on of li qu id e xtracts

The SPX e&e Series small scale evaporation plant is designed to concentrate small batches of extracts or other liquid products using water
or alcoholic solvents. The concentration rate is limited to the viscosity of the concentrated liquid (up to approx. 500 cP). The plant consists
of a plate evaporator with a downstream centrifugal separator. The evaporated vapours are condensed in a plate heat exchanger. A vacuum
pump is connected to the condenser, and the vacuum can be adjusted between 50 and 800 mbar. The evaporation temperature can be
adjusted according to the product specific boiling curve through the applied vacuum, which also enables concentration of temperature
sensitive extracts.

P r o f i t f r o m t h e a d va n tag e s o f S PX e & e
S e r v i c e Data o f t h e S PX Sm a l l S ca l e E va p o r at i o n P l a n t

D i m e n s i o n s e va p o r at i o n P l a n t

3.600 x 1.350 x 2.000 mm

( L e n gt h x W i dt h x H e i g h t )

We ig ht

a pp r ox . 9 0 0 k g

Ca pac i t y e va p o r ato r

a pp r oX . 5 0 l / h wat e r e va p o r at i o n

Vo lu m e b a l a n c e ta n k

a pp r ox . 1 0 0 l i t r e

I n sta ll e d e l e ct r i ca l p ow e r

7,4 kW

St e a m r e q u i r e m e n t

a pp r ox . 6 0 k g / h

F r e s h wat e r / c o o l i n g wat e r r e qu i r e m e nt

a pp r ox . 2 m / h f r o m 1 5 - 3 5 C

E q u i p m e n t P r ot e ct i o n l e v e l

EE x e II T 3

S e r i e s Sm a l l S ca l e e va p o r at i o n P l a n t s

Determination of key process conditions which are necessary

for the design and the purchase of a production plant, for
example: product quality, evaporation behaviour, temperature

sensitiveness, etc.

CPP (Connect - Plug - Produce)

Ideal for small scale productions

Reduced project timescales with quick availability of the plant

Can be used for commissioning and training of the operator


Consultancy by SPX specialists available before, during and

after the test runs

Small footprint required for the installation of the plant

The device can be rented for trials at your premises

Liquid Gas Extraction Technology

N ew te ch n ology fr om S PX

When the extraction step is complete, the liquid solvent containing

Dimethyl ether (DME) is an organic compound that exists as a

the extract is then routed to a separator where the expanded volume

non-toxic gas under atmospheric conditions. It is the simplest ether

reduces the pressure and, because of its low boiling point (-28C),

and can be derived from many sources. The new process from

the gas is flashed off. It leaves through the top of the separator to a

SPX uses DME to extract organic material and requires the use

condenser and is pumped as a liquid back to a second storage tank

of only moderate pressures. DME, which is commonly used as an

for recycling. Besides DME, other solvents with similar boiling points

environmentally friendly propellant in aerosol canisters and is being

may be used on the pilot plant, e. g. propane or butane.

increasingly used as an alternative fuel solution, is now approved for

use with food substances and accepted as an extraction agent.

Trials and driving efficiencies

SPX has extensive test facilities and has carried out pilot tests on

Traditionally carbon dioxide (CO2) is used in applications using liquid

this new extraction technology on herbals and other materials. The

gas extraction but this requires pressures of 150-500 bar. DME,

results have shown high yields with rapid extraction and the system

however, liquefies at pressures above just five bar. This much lower

does not need the high-pressure machinery required with the use

pressure requirement and rating significantly reduces the cost of the

of CO2. Besides a high product quality, it offers the potential for

equipment required as well as simplifying installation requirements.

significant cost savings in applications.

The liquid gas extraction pilot plant process

SPX continues to innovate and research to deliver technology which

The DME liquid gas is pumped from a storage tank through the

offers real savings and efficiency improvements to its customers.

extractor vessel which contains the solid raw material being used for

The new liquid gas extraction process is also available as a pilot

the extract. The extracting agent can be fed through the extraction

plant for trials at customers sites.

vessel from either the top or the bottom and the solvent circulated
between tanks until the extraction is complete. The temperature

Now accepted for use within the food industry and gas extraction

control of the solvent is managed via heat exchangers.

installations, DME offers significant advantages in both its extraction

and product characteristics. Its lower pressure requirements
equates to significant reductions in equipment costs with a system
design which still delivers the performance and efficiency expected
from SPX extraction vessels. This new extraction process further
demonstrates the continued, sustained drive for innovation at SPX.

Vacuum Belt and Vacuum Freeze Belt Dryers and
Drying Cabinets
SPX offers both vacuum belt and freeze belt dryers for customers to examine and
develop different drying processes for solid and liquid products. Vacuum or freeze drying

App l i cat i o n s :
Plant extracts
Fruit juice concentrates

processing can be selected along with either tray or belt drying, depending on specific

Food / Instant products

application, product characteristic and efficiency required.

Pharmaceutical products


Coffee, tea, etc.

Vac u u m D ry i n g

Vac u u m D ry i n g

Lyo p h i l i s at i o n

Soluble dried malt extract

D ry i n g T e m p e r at u r e

40 C 70 C

-2 C 40 C

P r e t r e at m e n t o f
P r o du cts

E x t r act i o n
Eva p o r at i o n

E x t r act i o n
Eva p o r at i o n
St e r i l i s at i o n

E x t r act i o n
Eva p o r at i o n
F oa m i n g a n d P r e f r e e z i n g U n i t
F r e e z i n g o f I n sta n t P r o du cts
M i ll i n g o f I n sta n t P r o du cts

Wat e r Eva p o r at i o n *

0,9 2,5 kg/mh

0,9 2,5 kg/mh

0,9 2,0 kg/mh

D ry i n g P r e s s u r e

70 300 mbar

10 100 mbar

0,1 6 mbar

Vac uu m D e v i c e s

a n d Wat e r
Ring Pump

a n d Wat e r
Ring Pump
w i t h G as j e t

I c e C o n d e n s e r a n d D ry
C o m p r e s s i n g Vac uu m P u m p
with FC Control

D ry P r o du ct
H a n dl i n g

Discharg i ng,
Pac k ag i n g
i n B ag s

Discharg i ng,
Pac k ag i n g i n
B ag s

Discharg i ng,
Pac k ag i n g i n B ag s

*depending on the product properties

10 C 40 C

Bakery products
Meat extracts

The small scale vacuum belt dryer is

to requirements. The vacuum can be

Ad va n tag e s

a continuous dryer. Products can be

generated via water ring pumps or dry

Controlled drying conditions

introduced through a sluice in both liquid

compressing vacuum pumps, depending on

Short drying times

and solid form without interruption of or

the application and the process can achieve

Drying in trays or continuous drying

impact on the drying process. The drying

temperatures of -50 C.

Adjustment of the dried product

process can be directly observed via two

SPX also offers the capability for

properties, such as bulk density, colour

large sight glasses, enabling an exact

characterising and developing drying

and flavour

adjustment of drying properties.

product properties. Drying test runs can be

The special arrangement of the heating

plates enables variation of the drying plate
temperature of each heating zone for more
control over the process.

carried out in order to determine important

product properties such as water content,
adsorption and desorption behaviour,

Scale-up of drying results for

commercial plants
Product development in reasonable
scale (representative product sample)

relative product humidity and glass transition


Product can be fed by swivel arm, nozzle

or vacuum sluice and parameters such as
spread and product temperature adjusted

Innovation Centre

About SPX
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX Corporation (NYSE: SPW) is a global Fortune 500 multi-industry manufacturing leader.
For more information, please visit

S PX F low T e c h n o lo gy Wa r e n d o r f GmbH

Splieterstrae 70 a
48231 Warendorf
P: +49 2581 636 01-0
F: +49 2581 636 01-20

SPX reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.
Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless
confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region.
For more information visit The green > is a trademark of SPX Corporation, lnc.
e&e-400-GB Version: 02/2014 Issued: 03/2014
COPYRIGHT 2014 SPX Corporation

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