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Identify the implicit premise(s) or the missing premise(s)

and conclusion (if implicit) in the following arguments. Also,

put questions 2, 3 and 4 in standard argument form by
identifying the argument patterns.

Stealing is wrong. Using a friends car without asking is taking

property without permission. So using a friends car without asking
is wrong.

You promised to be here at 8:00. If you promised to be here at 8:00,

then you should have arrived at 8:00.

1) If the Netwizard computer can run Webmeister, and it is cheaper

than the
Hacker 1000, then I should buy it.
2) [.........................]
3) [.........................]
SoI should buy the Netwizard computer.

We will face substantial energy shortages by the year 2020 because

there are not enough nuclear power stations under construction.

It looks like Bruce will get a promotion. Alice has a great new job in
Minneapolis. If so, shell be moving, and that will create an opening
for either Bruce or Frank.


1) Stealing is wrong.
2) Using a friends car without asking is taking property without
3) Taking property without permission is always stealing. (Implicit)
Using a friends car without asking is wrong.

1) A.
2) If A, then B.
8:00, then

1) You promised to be here at 8:00.

(2) If you promised to be here at
you should have arrived at 8:00.

3) B.

You should have arrived at 8:00. (Implicit)

1) If A and B, then C.
2) [A].
3) [B].
4) C.

1) A.

[The Netwizard can run Webmeister.]

[The Netwizard is cheaper than the Hacker

(1) There are not enough nuclear power stations under


2) If A, then B.

(2) If there are not enough nuclear power

under construction, then we will face

substantial energy shortages by the year 2020.
3) B.

(3) We will face substantial energy shortages by

the year 2020.

1) Alice has a new job in Minneapolis.

2) If so, then shell be moving.
3) If shell be moving, then Bruce or Frank will get a promotion.

4) Frank will not get a promotion. (Implicit)

5) Bruce will get a promotion.

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