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Rudolph Douglas Woodward

16278 Woodlands Dr. Orange, VA Phone: (540) 407-0009 Email:

April 8, 2015
Mrs. Janice Simmons
4744 James Madison Highway
Fork Union, VA 23055 USA
Dear Mrs. Simmons,
I have decided to create my family tree. The reason why I want to do this family tree is to
find out where my family Came from With me completing this research, I hope to accomplish
two things: to learn more about my family on both my mothers side and my fathers side and to
learn about my familys background. It will teach me more about my family then the rest of my
family knows and it will also allow me to teach my family members something that they might
not of known about our ancestors. For me doing this paper, it will also teach my family
something that they did not know about the family.
When researching my family, I will come to find out about the long lost great grandfather
that I never knew. I will be researching the origin of my last name and what the origins are. For
my artifact, I will construct, using an online Family Tree Building Website, a family tree that will
go back to the earlier times and when my family first sailed over here.
I think this paper will be a stretch for me because I have actually never really never
thought about doing this till now. I think it would be an effective thing to do. Another stretch for
me will be the fact that I probably do not know a thing about my family and this will help me
learn about my heritage.
I will not plagiarize this paper. It is on my honor as a student that I have neither given nor
received aid on this assignment. I understand that if I do plagiarize that it is a Honor Code
Violation, which could lead to demerits or even dismissal from Fork Union Military Academy.
Rudolph Woodward

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