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Alyssa Larsen

Ch. 22.2 outline notes

The Enlightenment in Europe

Outline notes
-Enlightenment=Logic, reasoning
Thomas Hobbes- believed people are naturally selfish and without government, there would be
War of every man against every man.
-Social contract- agreement between a government in exchange
John Locke- Philosopher believed the same as Hobbes, but in a more positive way
-Natural Right- people are born free and equal with the three natural rights,
Life, Liberty, Property
- Purpose of government is to protest rights
Philosophe: French philosophers
-Reason, natures, happiness, progress, liberty
Voltaire- Considered the most brilliant and influences
-Freedom of speech
Montesquieu- Influential writer devoted to political liberty
-Separation of powers, or each branch of government
judicial, executive, legislative
Rosseau- Committed to individual freedom
Wollstonecraft- female rights activist
-Impacts of Enlightenment
Belief in progress
A more secure outlook
Importance of the individual

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