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Week8 - Sound transformations

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Topics covered: Filtering and morphing using the short-time Fourier transform;
frequency and time scaling using the sinusoidal model; frequency transformations using
the harmonic plus residual model; time scaling and morphing using the harmonic plus
stochastic model. Demonstrations of the various transformation interfaces of the smstools package and of Audacity. Presentation of the stftTransformations,
sineTransformations and hpsTransformations functions implemented in the sms-tools
package, explaining how to use them.
Work to be done: 1 quiz, 1 peer assessed assignment.

8T1 Theory lecture 1: Sounds transformations 1 (video + quiz)
8T2 Theory lecture 2: Sounds transformations 2 (video + quiz)
8D1 Demo lecture 1: Morphing with STFT (video) [10:03]
8D2 Demo lecture 2: Time scaling (video) [11:43]
8D3 Demo lecture 3: Pitch changes (video) [12:59]
8D4 Demo lecture 4: Morphing with HPS (video) [12:50]
8P1 Programming lecture 1: stftTransformations (video) [18:34]
8P2 Programming lecture 2: sineTransformations (video) [11:46]
8P3 Programming lecture 3: hpsTransformations (video) [9:38]
Advanced Material (Theory)
Specific advanced references and topics

Assignments and Quizzes

Community Interaction

A8-Sound transformations: This is a peer

assessed assignment where you will use the
HPS model to creatively transform sounds.

Useful forum topics for this week

Lectures week 8: Questions/Discussion
Peer Assessment week 8:

You will first perform a natural sounding

transformation on a speech sound and then
you will select a sound of your choice and do
a "creative" transformation. You will do the
transformations using the existing sms-tools
GUI. No programming needed.

Quiz 8: Questions/Discussion

A8 - Go to the assignment page

(Deadline 03-Dec-2014)
Deadline passed, cannot submit A8 any
more. Use the link below for the second run
A8-makeup. If you have submitted A8
already, you can use the link above to
evaluate your peers.

A second run of A8 is available for those who

could not submit A8 on time. It is a makeup
assignment. Those who have submitted A8 in
the first run need not have to submit it again.

(A8-makeup) Go to the
assignment page (Deadline 17Dec-2014)
Q8-Sound transformations: This quiz
covers the topics discussed in the theory
lectures of this week, which include different
sound transformation approaches based on
the different spectral analysis/synthesis
methods presented in the previous weeks.

Start Quiz Now

Created Mon 8 Sep 2014 3:18 AM PET

Last Modified Wed 10 Dec 2014 3:04 AM PET

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