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Battery Secrets

Lecture by

Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

Copyright 2011 - A & P Electronic Media - All Rights Reserved

Images that Accompany the Lecture

The following 7 images are used in the lecture to illustrate certain aspects of the chemistry of the
Lead Acid Battery. The images in the video presentation are sometimes difficult to see because
of the lighting in the auditorium. This image file reproduces these images to promote clarity in
the lecture.

Special Note:
When watching the video file, it is necessary to reset the "Aspect Ratio" in your video player to
normalize the picture. Depending on your video viewer, this Aspect Ratio may need to be reset
to some setting between "16:9" or as high as "2.35:1". The correct Aspect Ratio for your viewer
will make the wheel seen in the opening sequence perfectly round.

Figure 1. Battery Chemistry

Figure 2. Alkaline Fuel Cell

Figure 3. Formula Page

Figure 4. Discharge Graph

Figure 5. Charge Graph

Figure 6. Chemical Charge

Figure 7. Chemical Discharge

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