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a t t e r
Grey M
Edi t o ri a l

Hi everyone, welcome to Grey Matter! AN ENDING FITTING FOR THE

START: Liam and Mike celebrate the
It’s a tough job being the editor, you have to deal with contributors release of another Grey Matter!
who mostly submit nothing, sometimes submit stuff that isn’t funny and
generally submit stuff that is very nasty and offensive - how rude! News in
Luckily, we’ve done this before, so this issue is both hilarious and
completely uncontroversial and inoffensive to anyone. Martyn Chamberlain
If you do read something you don’t like, don’t worry, it was probably pisses in pool at Grey
written by Darius Rackus or Mark Hosking, and everyone knows Day
they’re so nice.
Pete the Porter banned
Anyway, we hope you enjoy the summer issue of Grey Matter, and also from formals after toilet
that you have a nice summer. visit
No doubt you’ll be doing an internship for Deloitte or PWC, or
perhaps leaving for a 3 month trip to the Americas compliments of Sean Young thoroughly
Daddy. enjoys 9th year at Grey

Unless you’re Speakman, whose complete lack of any transferable skills German Tim’s Grey Day
and pathological desire for lubed up inflatable armbands has destined performance goes down
him to a lifetime of dead-end jobs in the rubber industry. a Stohrm!

m & M i
Nice one Lee!
k e Pete Gill describes

Sportsperson’s Formal
speech as “Popular and

This term’s elected sub-editors are:

Graham Bailey Jon Forman Ben Halfpenny Iain Haywood Mark Hosking Darius Rackus Malcolm Simms Dave Williams

This term we are not publishing details of sub-editors non-contributions as we

feel it may put off future candidates. But rest assured you are all LAZY SHITS!!!
Also thanks to Ha Cook, at least he tried to write something.
g e 3 !

There's more
to share with
sarah hare...
Spe e c h w r i t i n g
With Guest Speaker Dave Jo
Need a speech for that important event? Looking to impress? Well look no further
than Dave “Jones” Jones, master orator and comedian. The slimmer, fitter Jones
made a triumphant return to Grey College with a rollercoaster of a speech at the
illustrious Sportspersons Formal. Dave shares his top tips with us for commanding
the respect and admiration of all quarters of the college:

Step 1: Baby/Infant jokes

Any good speechwriter will tell you that you need a good joke to get the audience
going. Take it from me that with dirty fuckers like The Bush there you’re gonna need
to hit ‘em with a cracker. Two words: Child Rape. This is the perfect subject matter
for something like a Formal, because it’s guaranteed to get you laughs whilst also
being well within the boundaries of taste and decency.

Step 2: Marginalise everyone

Ultimate Frisbee? Sports involving women? Don’t be afraid to let the audience know
that if its not rugby (not including the variety played by women) it’s not worth shit.

Step 3: Snipe at guests

Don’t think for one minute that anti-
Semitism isn’t funny. Because it is.
Similarly with fat jokes. You can never
overdo it.

Step 4: Remember that it’s

your show
You’re the captain. You’re in
the driving seat. If you want
to make allegations of
seal clubbing, go ahead.
Who are you? Dave-
that’s who.

winds down after
another successful speech
+ +
Despite costing a bomb and tasting like piss,
the drink garnered more votes than any other,
swaying the judging panel into offering it the
dubious title of “college drink”.
“He’s achieved this through nothing other
than intimidation” spat drink creating
Bottoms Up! competitor Lee Williamson.
Visitors from Cuth’s and Castle were visibly
Local Knucklehead amused upon tasting Grey’s lowly offering, safe
“Immensely Proud” of in the knowledge that their own college drinks
were vastly superior.
College Drink
Grey College voted in their droves on Monday Amidst calls for a vote of no confidence, Jeffery
as Yarm-based sport student Tom Jeffery was heard to talk about his “legacy” over a pint
prevailed in the competition to find a new of Strongbow distinctly lacking in either Red
college drink with his effort, “The Mirage”. Bull or Vodka.

Ready, Steady, Bake!

Resident Nice Guy Wins Baking Competition
Foppish Jonny Thomson yesterday But the competition took a turn
baked his way to victory in the first for the macabre when thrash metal
ever Grey College bake-off. loving Tim Spear entered his own
The competition was organised and special brand of brownies into the
judged by Grey’s own Jonny Rigby, competition.
who washed down mountains of “I don’t like this... I don’t like this
tasty cake with a nice pint of real one bit”, whimpered Rigby several
ale. hours later, his once rosy cheeks
“It was light, fluffy and delicately noticeably paler.
balanced flavour-wise, with a sweet Nonetheless, the competition was a
cinnamon aftertaste”, chuckled roaring success.
Rigby of the winning cake. “It was great fun” smiled Thomson.
“It’s just nice to have my talents “Hopefully, we can turn this into an
recognised for a change” sighed an annual, quarterly or even weekly
elated Jonny Thomson. event”, added Rigby hopefully.
s t. . .
Ps s
Bash in my trough and call
me a sow, I’m so angry I
n o rt!)
could eat my own snout!
! O i n k! S
News has just reached
(Oi n k
my sty that those JCR
Which sporty
do-gooders have recently
fresher gave oral
appointed a Welshman as
relief to a boy from
‘JCR Chair’.
Northumbria Uni
What next, a Scot for
on the tour coach?
Prime Minister?
For those who don’t know,
Which lumbering
Wales is a small province
oaf had sex on the
of Abergevanny, which
rowing machine in
has recently been granted
the gym?
Durham asylum by the
powers that be - more fool
Which Grey Matter
them! CAUGHT UNAWARES: Gruff Welshman Steffan Messenger editor was caught

Steffan grew up in the heart
wanking in a field?
of Lower Referendum, Wales,
where he learned English by

Which current JCR
sifting through the bins of
president has had
the Welsh Assembly.
sex with a lubed up
His vocabulary is therefore
armband, along with
limited to such phrases as “Motion pass-es” and “Stan-ding by proxy”.
Dave Williams and
Call me a backward swine if you will, but given the current climate of terrorism and avian
Adam Rowlands?
flu, is it really wise to allow people such as this to handle our affairs? This little piggy thinks
that it’s political correctness GONE MAD!!! Would our revered politico Joseph Cookson be
Which 2nd
dishing out crosswords, games and sweets in serious JCR meetings if he were Chair?
year biologist is
No - he would be fending off accusations of illicit S&M affairs with rent boys, and doing a fine
approaching 30
and sombre job of running the good ship Grey to boot.
notches on his bed-
The JCR constitution is like a straw house on which our hopes and dreams are built, and if we
post? Jackets on!!!
don’t watch out, Barmy Steffan will huff and puff and blow that house down.
It’s just common sense.
“Rampant” Sunbed Use by College Nancy-Boys
Oink! My spies from beyond the farm The sorry culprits were yesterday
tell me that the average risk of skin named as resident dandy Dan
cancer in Grey recently tripled, after Bean, Boris-Johnson-alike Sam
one too many tanning booth visits by Kempsey, college cunt Douglas
the self-proclaimed pretty boys of the Houston and the normally
college. politically astute Tom Bohills.
In tale to rival that of Icarus, these I piggishly suggested to Dan Bean
preening fresher peacocks flew too that he might try rolling in the mud
close to the sunbed, and in one and letting it dry in the sun, but he
marathon 10 minute session their told me that mud was “icky” and
skins were turned a deep crimson would “mess up the ‘do”.
- not of shame at their tarnished “Top banter”, sniggered Dougie. MONEY WELL SPENT: The boys show
masculinity, but of good old sunburn. You couldn’t make it up. off their new look
Drugs Officer James Dowler Reporting
Evening all, it’s me, James Dowler. I’ve had reports
that a “Timothy Anthony Mark Spear” has been
causing minor offences around college. I’ve
uncovered a catalogue of evidence. Here it is!

Absolutely Disgraceful!

Substance abuse at it’s

Spear hitting the pipe. A sorry sight - Tim Another day, another
finds solace in drink. coke binge.


Katy Davies (M
issing) Ruth Taylor

Aoife Mansfield

Twin One

Twin Two
Bianca Belby

He’s well known around college for his bright blue barnet and affable nature.
But beyond the blue hair, what makes up this complex enigma of a man?
Grey Matter went to lunch 25 minutes early to find out...
Have Your
“For as long as I can remember, next In the few short weeks surrounding
best has been for the next man”, muses exam time, Mr. Blue has shown his true
the mysterious Mr. Blue. colours, metamorphosing from a mild
The time is 11:32 and Blue is already mannered frisbee-botherer into one of
holding pride of place in what will soon the most feared men of college.
“I say the
become the lunch queue. With his blue hair a metaphor for a
more pushing
“I put the time in. I make the sacrifices. heavy handed policing of the lunch
in the better.
And if the johnny-come-lately’s of queue, Mr. Blue has transformed lunch
It’s dog eat
college are going to come and try to and dinner queues from a sociable amble
dog out there
usurp my hard-won position in the into his very own totalitarian queuetopia.
people, last man
queue, I simply can’t be held responsible And what of Mr. Blue’s plans for the
standing. Wait
for my reaction”. future?
til you’re in the
And what a reaction it’s been. “I’m very busy implementing a ticket
real world!”
based queueing system for the bar -
and I’m getting first dibs!”

“Why do some
people have no
manners? Surely
Advertising Promotion at our age
New From HA Cook... people would
realise its just
polite not to
push in!!?? How
Get the Hey porn lovers!
hard can it be?”
Do you enjoy dodgy fetish/scat porn as much as me? I doubt it, but in any
case here is my new 1GB USB stick preloaded with all the pornography Only
‘drive for Sarah
porn’ as Williams
you can stomach, including the private collection - all Henri all the time!
Grey Matter Exclusive Our African Correspondent Reports

Milner and Molloy

Aids Benefit Scandal

“Look, it’s not our problem if these people don’t

understand art”.
Alice Milner

“The only sad thing it that more of them didn’t

turn up, it’s their own fucking fault”.
Clare Molloy

Famed art duo Alice Milner & Clare Inspection of the committee’s hand-
Molloy yesterday denied claims that their painted accounts revealed that up to
“mAshHHup in afRicAFricafRiCa fOR £10,000 had been spent on hiring male
aIDs” event had backfired. models dressed as Zulu tribesmen serving
The event, originally organised by UNICEF, up hot earl grey tea in mugs made of
was in effect hijacked by the guerilla art Russian ice.
twosome as part of their continuing
mission to spread their bizarre brand of “The real problem facing Africa is their
“art” around the complete lack of any unifying
globe. aesthetic” opined Milner, when
pressed on her views on the
Predictably, the AIDS epidemic facing the
pair’s ill advised continent.
non-event bombed The ever kooky Molloy nodded
spectacularly, in agreement, adding: “I think
leaving the state that poverty can be a truly
of Malawi in beautiful thing, when framed
debt to the Arts Repentant: A Malawian village offer all in the context of suffering as a
of their remaining grain to pay for arty
Committee to the decorations.
facet of the human condition”.
tune of £120,000.
“They’re gonna have to pay, decorations JCR President Lee Speakman defended the
and bastard-pop DJs don’t come cheap and disgraced duo, saying: “I just think it’s good
I’m certainly not footing the bill” snarled that Arts are reaching a wider audience.
art-loving Molloy. Not in this case obviously, but you know
what I mean”.
Citizens of Malawi were yesterday But Clare Molloy, characteristically, had the
auctioning grain, cattle and wives in a vain last word:
attempt to cover the tremendous costs “The only thing that could have improved
accrued by the pretentious pair. this event would be a highly selective
interview process. Now fuck off you
uncultured swine”.
A Little Bit of Magic
Following his glowing review of the Phoenix Ball,
John Elmes mourns the passing of a recent trip to Tesco...
No Complaints Here helpfully provided. traditional bakeries around Europe to
I hope most people can remember The incredible instore sound system create one über-bakery.
the giddy feeling of excitement at a played such classics as ‘Night Nurse’. I plucked a tasty looking roll from
childhood Christmas, or birthday. This was my kind of store. one of the many bread platters
Some people, perhaps, can recall on display and cheerfully strolled
the awe-inspiring view of the grand Walking through this market of magic, towards the exit.
canyon or the man-made beauty of I was struck by the community spirit
the sistine chapel. of the place. Happy Days
If you bundle these memorable and All around me, happy local shoppers All around me happy people were
aesthetic delights into one, we begin picked and weighed fruit, smiling as browsing the smorgasbord of delights
to get a picture of the immense they lead their beautiful children which Tesco had placed on handy
destination that is the Durham around the garden of delights which rows of shelves.
branch of Tesco. Tesco had prepared for us all. I waved and smiled to the shoppers
Partisan I may be, but I am sure I picked up a rosy-red apple and as I headed homeward, and gave a
that there are customers of other continued on my way. respectful nod and cheerful wave of
branches of Tesco who have been my roll to the Herculean security
disappointed and who have waited Need….to….catch……… guard at the door.
to cry out their grievances to the breath…..(gasp)
customer services desk. Fortunately, Feeling a little overawed, I staggered Suddenly I felt a firm but reassuring
Durham Tesco has yet to let us down. on to the deli counter, where yet hand on my shoulder.
more wonders awaited. “Oi, dickhead, where are you going
The shopping experience began Friendly staff greeted me behind a with that?” asked the burly guard.
when I walked through the smooth counter laden with literally every Luckily it was a simple
operating electric doors, which variety of cheese and meat known misunderstanding which I cleared up
worked quietly and even used infra- to man. After a cheery conversation, with a crisp £50 note handed to the
red technology to sense my presence I walked away with a nice package of nice security man.
as I approached the door. Camembert, without a single bit of
I knew already that this was going to money having changed hands. Hyperbole often occurs when you
be a very special visit. describe something close to your
As I strolled comfortably through the heart, but in this case I feel I have
The sights and sounds that hit me perfectly climate-controlled store, my only understated my visit.
within were amazing. It appeared nostrils became party to an incredible It is no exaggeration to say that, 24
that Tesco had prepared a veritable aroma, and I realised that I must be hours and a night in the cells later, I
banquet of fruits and vegetables at approaching the famed Tesco bakery. still hear the faint sound of children’s
the front of the store, simply waiting The hard-working staff had combined crying and beeping tills ringing in my
to be scooped into the plastic bags all the facets of modern and ears.
Party is Over for
‘Team Dickhead’ Group struggles to remain socially relevant
following departure of eponymous leader
Grey college Concern has also been raised
students are over the well being of a member
up in arms after of Team Dickhead, precocious
revelations suggesting ex-Fresher rep Laura Daykin,
the infamous sex- 13. “She may be small” Lee
swapping quasi-political Williamson exclaimed “But she
group “Team Dickhead” loves it nonetheless”.
were in fact not that funny.
The group, comprising The imminent departure of
many of the movers-and- Speakman and Daykin’s VP
shakers of Grey College’s election debacle leaves the
political and social scene, group in definite crisis. The team
would once “amuse” fellow who were once Premier league
students with their drunken are soon to be dwindling in the CONCERN: Questions have
antics, catchphrases, and bizarre proverbial college conference. been raised over the alleged
sexual networks. Self professed As philosopher of the group mistreatment of tiny Daykin
“dickhead” and Grey College Williamson mused, “Times
President, Lee Speakman was are changing - I think it was
bewildered by the claims; “I just Montesquieu who said, oh
don’t understand it – we have a err wait sorry this is totally
Facebook group and everything!” irrelevant.”

The group are reported to be As the sweet winds of time

devastated over allegations blow their merry bagpipes and
that their chat is “smelly”, and the exec receive a fresh lick
their banter, is in fact, “shanter”. of paint, Team Dickhead can
Charlotte “5000 rpm” Tregunna only hope that their infamous
was however, unfazed by the banter and witty jokes act as
accusations, answering her the metaphorical arm bands
detractors by stating “Don’t to not only appease the sexual SCHMOOZING: Speakman’s days
fuck with Dickhead, our chat is needs of President Speakman, as president, and with them the
odourless and I’ll blow [away] but to help them avoid sinking Dickhead Dynasty, are numbered
any man who says otherwise.” into the sea of obscurity.

Disappointment of Poke Boy

“It isn’t fair, I’ve put so much fucking that this might lead to sex. interaction, the boy has renewed
work in” complained an unnamed Unfortunately, the anticipated sexual hope thanks to the new ‘Facebook
fresher boy recently. relations have failed to materialise, Application Platform’.
The boy had until last week been and the boy has grown increasingly “I’m gonna send her a shitload of
‘poking’ a girl from the other side of frustrated with the situation. ‘iLike’ notifications!” he explains
Oswald on Facebook, in the hope Reluctant to engage in real world cheerfully.
Assassin Society News

Ben Haytack’s Arm Broken
“Never underestimate the
element of surprise” said
Peter Dunn yesterday, in a curt
response to queries over the
now infamous ‘Haytack Arm-
Arguably, there was nothing
surprising about an 18 stone ex-
SAS killing machine breaking the
arm of the waif-like physicist in
a one-on-one fight to the death.
But Dunn was in fact referring
to the unconventional methods
he has pursued since joining the
Assassin’s society last term.
Eschewing the traditional spazzy the college’s elite killing unit”.
Speaking from his hospital bed,
bandana, mask and top-to-toe But the Assassin’s society, whileHaytack emitted a soft whimper
black spandex getup of the elite, was by no means the test and tried in vain to move his
assassin (pictured far right), the of man Pete was hoping for. now useless arm.
portly porter carried out his “It’s not fair... it wasn’t supposed
deadly business wearing a nice “So this reet fairy comes up and to be part of the game” gasped
blue shirt and jeans. tries hittin’ me with a plastic Haytack.
axe” explains Pete.
“It was horrible, Ben’s arm “I performed defence But vice-master Tony Cleaver
snapped like a sapling” wailed motion 339 and the threat sprung to his porter’s defence.
onlooking assassin Katie Logan, was neutralised”, he added “He was just doing his job”, said
clutching her pet owl as if it ominously. Cleaver.
were real. When pressed on whether
‘Motion 339’ is known Dunn’s job description
“Ohh I joined jus’ for a laff like” colloquially in the service involved breaking the arms of
commented Dunn. as “the human pretzel” and defenceless students, Cleaver
“Since leavin’ the SAS, life been involves creating a figure of added: “Who dares wins, it’s
reet borin’, so I thought I’d join eight style pattern with the what we pay him for, now fuck
attacking party’s arms. off before I call Pete”.
Have you had an accident at work Dave Williams I have a
or in your place of education that can help! degree and I
intend to
WASN’T YOUR FAULT? Fees Required Regardless
of Outcome. Call Today!
use it!
Assassin Society News

Nick Harkin
Collects Bounty
Following numerous rumours and whisperings
in both the literary and mainstream press, it has
been confirmed that Harry Potter is dead.
Potter was widely expected to be killed off by
millionaire author JK Rowling, but, in the event,
kicked the bucket at the hands of Grey College’s
own Nick Harkin.
Harkin is the most feared of all the men who use
fake guns to pretend to kill each other, thanks to
his vivid imagination and constant cries of “I shot Getting past the magical Hogwarts security was
you, I shot you first”. relatively easy for flame-haired Harkin, who
capitalised on his natural resemblance to Potter’s
Harkin’s bold move has dealt a long time friend Ron Weasley.
serious blow to the progress Donning his formal gown and
of Ms. Rowling’s latest, final brandishing a poorly crafted wand,
Potter instalment, as she faces the disguise was complete.
the problem of explaining why
Harry has died at the hands of a Friend Hermione Granger was visibly
wiry computer science student distraught the next day, sobbing
with a rubber knife bought from uncontrollably and repeatedly crying:
Woolworths. “He was our friend!”

Harkin executed the Potter Harkin’s status in the Assassin’s

hit job by sneaking into the society is now assured.
Griffyndor dorm at Hogwarts Already known as “The Dark Lord”,
and throwing in a black tennis Harkin is now insisting that friends
GINGER: The disguise Harkin
ball which was supposed to be a refer to him as “The One Who Must
used to infiltrate Hogwarts
tear gas grenade, before launching Not Be Named”, and apparently he’s
himself at Potter and landing pretend blow after generally been acting like a prick about all of it.
pretend blow with the rubber knife, rendering The moral is clear - pretending to kill the world’s
the popular fictional wizard completely pretend most popular fictional character may bring glory,
dead. but it certainly does not bring happiness.
B l u e b e l l S c o o p !
In a recent bluebell pho
tography competition, K
£2500 in prize money. B aren Blundell handed out
ut what of the entries th over
Here we present the also at didn’t quite make the
-rans... cut?

“Bluebell in the snow”

By Dan Tresman “Blue Balls”
by Katie Lo
g an

Pete Gill and Dan Tresman really cap
the frailty of the lonely bluebell in thi A fucking distu
rbing picture in
touching work of photography. Logan of the Tre
asure Trap hits
which Katie
man with a sw a near-naked
ord. Nice blueb
“Just doing my hair”
By Lucy ‘Heaven’ Reid “Leigh Haworth holding my
baps in the pool after Grey
Day” by Sarah Farricker

Lucy’s was the only entry to include

bluebells at all. She created this piece
some makeup, a camera with self-time pose in
r Sarah Farricker and Leigh Haworth
and a carefully studied pose. and
this tasteful juxtaposition of bluebells

Better luck next time guys!

Exec Profile
F o o t e :
r y s
Cssaistant Treasurer
Assistant TO the
Hey guys, Carys Foote here. I’m sure you all know me as the treasurer!
financial powerhouse behind college life... no, not Emily, she’s
the “Treasurer”.
Sure, I may only be “assistant” treasurer, but not many
people realise it’s one of the most, if not the most, high
pressure jobs in all of college.That’s why I thought I’d take you Afternoon
on the wild journey that is a day in my life. A quick lunch then back to work.
Time is of the essence in my job,
Morning but luckily I can handle it.
Get up, eat sensible breakfast, watch the financial news
on BBC Breakfast. Job #2 - Receive a phone call
You never really know how the FTSE 100 index might from Emily, debts need chasing
affect the cost of the Army Bop tickets until you’ve up! 13 people have yet to pay
walked a mile in my shoes. for the Wensleydale Pilgrimage,
Head up to college, on the way bumping into my and it’s down to me to write the
predecessor Nick Rossiter. He looks much better after email. Produce a friendly but forceful email, outlining
that month in The Priory but I guess this job takes more the damage that could be done to college should the
of a toll on some than it does on others, I just hope I cheques not be received.
make it out alive. Receive instructions for the day ahead. Send it through to Emily safe in the knowledge that
pretty soon, 13 crisp cheques will line the exec safe and
Job #1 - Obtain those little plastic money bags from I’m to thank. I wonder if I’ll be made HLM for this...
the Natwest. Head down to the union...disaster, they’ve
run out! After a Evening
brief panic, I use It’s a disgrace! Emily sent out the email and because only
my initiative and she has access to the gr-liversin and gr-liversout mailing
head across to lists, she signed it as if she had written the email! Now
Barclays. The staff nobody will know that it was I, Carys Foote, Assistant
aren’t as friendly Treasurer who saved college from potential bankruptcy.
but they Can’t let myself get stressed though, that’s what they
do have a nicer want.
logo, so all in all
the mission is a Time for bed anyway. I hope you’ve enjoyed your insight
success. Head into the roller coaster ride that is the life of the Assistant
up to college Treasurer.
and enjoy a cup Just remember though, next time you pay a cheque in
of coffee in the late, signed to the wrong account and for the wrong
college cafe amount, it’s my neck on the line.
as my reward College’s finances remain safe for another day, but who
for averting a knows what tomorrow will bring.
potentially major Whatever it does bring, Assistant Treasurer Carys
crisis. Foote will be there to ensure you don’t suffer the
Wife Swap
Two couples swap wives or girlriends and watch the
fireworks fly!

The pilot episode sees Mrs. Chamberlain joining

‘banter boy’ Douglas Houston, with Mr. Chamberlain
welcoming Sam Williams into his ample home.

HOUSE ON FIRE: Williams and

Chamberlain in Loveshack

The Apprentice
Hopeful contestants compete to win the affections
of millionaire businessman Henry Dyson, with the
ultimate prize a trip to Dyson’s lavish Norwegian home.

This year’s winner is moustachioed James Trundle, who

will be jetting off this summer!

Queer Eye for the Grey Guy

A straight-as-an-arrow guy with dubious fashion sense
is brought up to date by a whole gossip of gay men.

This week, Neal, Rich, Henry and James throw out Tim
Spear’s dated skater threads and replace them with
some of this season’s cutest looks!


And now, some American/Canadian humor [sic] courtesy of
Darius Rackus!

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Tables Turned
Students soon to take over from Conference Trade
as “Number one Priority” for Durham University
In a shock U-turn, Old Shire Hall will soon physicists flashing the Bishop and a load of
be looking at how they can further academic Norwegian Archaeologists who streaked
targets and improve the experience of across Palace Green. Then there were the
Durham students. Taxidermists from Romsgrave who took a
keen liking to the swans living
For the last few years, under Prebends Bridge.
emphasis at Old Shire Hall, the
Durham University base of GM: There are swans living
operations, has firmly shifted under Prebends?
from anything studies related
with conference trade taking Source: No, and there never
precedence. were. I cannot confirm or
deny any statement of that
Since the October 2005 re- nature.
branding of from ‘University
of Durham’ to ‘University of GM: Hmm. So where do
Conferences,’ there has been you see the course of the
an emphasis within the newly university progressing from
titled University to “Take in the FIRED: The University’s old focus here?
conference trade at all costs.” on conferences and business
Source: Well, we’re going to
However following a series have to focus on the bloody
of high profile blunders the students again aren’t we! As if
university is setting out to it wasn’t hard enough trying to
reassess it’s position regarding run a university without having
conferences. Grey Matter a load of fucking students
speaks to a confidential running about the place.
source inside Old Shire Hall.
At this point our Grey Matter
GM: What’s brought on this correspondent took his
shock turn-around then like? leave. Our source is currently
believed to be re-arranging
Source: Well there have been his paperweight collection
some cover-ups. Turns out in order of mass, prior to
the conference delegates are addressing the less important
HIRED: A risky new strategy
more volatile than the average focusing on students and education matter of catering to the
Durham University Student. needs of students.
We’ve had German particle
To The
Dear Editors,

Why did the slag chart disappear after I left?

London Girl, Hawaii

We’re sure it’s purely coincidental...

Dear Editors,

What’s going on? After my dismal failure at

the local elections I was expecting at least
one page of abuse!
Joe Twatson, Prominent Fresher Conservative


Dear Editors,

Is this the first edition in two years not to

mention a pint of spirits being downed?
Paul Furley, Behind The Bar

Not anymore!

Dear Fuckfaces,

You’ve been in my office and pissed in my

favourite mug AGAIN. I thought you said we’d
call it quits after Grey Day, what the fuck?!
Silver Fox,The House Next to Fountains Hall

We’ve barely mentioned you this

issue, it’s the least we could do.
A Game i ly...
Use this cut ou
t and keep gam
T h e F a m e
For All to play a fun ga
me of dress up
Simply cut aro
und the shapes
below and plac
e them on
everyone’s favo
urite porter to
create an outfi
t that is so fetc

Disclaimer: Quite a lot of this publication is misquoted, made-up or just bollocks. If you feel offended, don’t worry, it
probably isn’t true. And don’t take it personally, everyone’s a target.You’re next, “Malcolm Simms”. GM 2007

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