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(Hermione enters classroom and sees Cho and

Ginny attempting the Leviosa spell) CHO: You have your time turner right?

CHO: Leviosa! (Hermione nods)

HERMIONE: Silly Cho, it won`t work no GINNY: (gasps) How about we use it to travel
matter how many times you cast it because its back in time!
Levi-O-sa not Leviosah, look.
HERMIONE: That`s amazing! How about we
HERMIONE: Wingardium Leviosa! split up? I`ll take Broglie, Cho you`ll take
Heisenberg, Ginny you`ll take Shrodinger.
(The thing levitates and Hermione impresses
her two friends) (Hermione, Cho, and Lavender stands up and
Hermione spins her time turner.)
GINNY: You`re so good at spells, Hermione!
(Lights will flicker then Broglie will enter,
CHO: Yeah, will you help me with the spells? I Hermione will hide.)
don`t want to fail Defense Against The Dark
Arts. HERMIONE: That must be Louis De Broglie!

HERMIONE: Sure, Cho. But, I gotta find the (Hermione will sneak behind Broglie with her
two noobheads, I don`t know where Ron and wand pointed at him, then Broglie turns
Harry bloody went. around then the she hides her wand.)

GINNY: Oh have you guys seen The Daily BROGLIE: Good heavens! How did you enter
Prophet? my workroom?!
HERMIONE: Not yet, why? HERMIONE: Errm

CHO: They`re paying tribute on Louis De (Broglie sees her wand)

Broglie, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin
Shcrodinger. BROGLIE: Is that a wand?

(Hermione takes The Daily Prophet from HERMIONE: It doesn`t matter, Sir. Curiosity
Lavender) brought me here As well as magic.

HERMIONE: Broglie, Heisenberg, BROGLIE: You must be some sort of a magic

Shcrodinger: The Scientists Who Shaped Our casting person then?
Vision on Science. HERMIONE: Don`t you mean a wizard?

CHO: Wow, they look so professional. BROGLIE: Never knew people like you
GINNY: It makes me want to know more HERMIONE: Anyway, can I ask a few
about them! questions? I`m so curious about your work
since you`re very well known!
HERMIONE: Let`s go to the library then!
There must be tons of books about those noble BROGLIE: Me? Well known? Really?
HERMIONE: Yes! And every aspiring
(Cho and Ginny face palms) scientists looks up to you.

CHO: The library? Ever since we came to (Broglie`s so amazed)

Hogwarts, the library is the only source of BROGLIE: Have a seat, Miss?
information. Can we do something a little bit
more Special? HERMIONE: Granger, Hermione Granger.

GINNY: Yeah Except I`ve only been at the HERMIONE: So Mr. Broglie, What have you
library once. thought of and worked hard to discover the
wave nature of electrons?
HERMIONE: You know what they say, when
in doubt go to the library.
BROGLIE: I actually took up Humanities HEISENBERG: An honor? Am I someone
during my college years but grew fond of who won a Noble Peace Prize?
mathematics and physics. I am actually driven
by my own curiosity. CHO: Yes you actually did, you contributed a
lot in the world of science.
HERMIONE: That`s very inspiring to hear!
So, how did you do it since it`s very hard to HEISENBERG: Are you someone from the
figure out? future?!

BROGLIE: Because of my love for physics, I CHO: Technically, yes.

did a thesis which is Research on the Theory of
the Quanta, it is a theory about electron waves. HEISENBERG: Have they invented time
It was hard but I was driven by my passion. traveling machines??

HERMIONE: Muggles, I mean humans, CHO: Not really It`s all magic.
specifically teenagers, don`t you ever thought
that a lot of students will be burdened because HEISENBERG: What do you want to ask me
of it? then?

BROGLIE: I`ve never actually thought of it, I CHO: First of all, it`s an honor. My name is
just wanted to share what I found so that Cho Chang. My question is what had driven
people who are interested will learn a lot. you to devise a method to formulate quantum
mechanics in terms of matrices?
HERMIONE: Thank you, Sir! That`s all I
wanted to ask. HEISENBERG: It`s because I had interest in
Niels Bohr's theories on atomic physics.
BROGLIE: Thank you as well, I can`t wait to
share about wizards like you to people! CHO: So how did you do it? It must have been
HERMIONE: That wouldn`t be necessary.
Obliviate! HEISENBERG: Yes it was, I just studied
about it and felt like there is something more
(Broglie forgets everything then Hermione about the world of Physics that I can expand.
disappears) CHO: Impressive! So, in our time. Teens study
about it, don`t you think it would be a lot
(Lights will turn off) harder for them?
(Lights open, Cho and Heisenberg scene)
HEISENBERG: I really intended on sharing
(Cho freezes where she stand and Heisenberg it, with schools actually and for students to
immediately sees her) learn about it and I`d like to say sorry if they
HEISENBERG: An intruder!! think it`s hard, but nothing is easy in this
CHO: Sir, I`m no intruder! Please stay calm. world.

HEISENBERG: If you don`t leave I`ll call CHO: That`s deep. Well, I really appreciated
the police. your answers.

CHO: Don`t, Sir Heisenberg. Hear me out (Heisenberg nods as a thank you, Cho turns
please!! around to leave but remembers to Obliviate
(Heisenberg takes his phone)
CHO: Petrificus Totalus! CHO: Obliviate!

(Heisenberg will freeze) (Cho disappears)

(Cho hesitates and takes off the spell)

HEISENBERG: You`re a wizard!! (Lights will turn off, Cho and Heisenberg will
CHO: Yes, it would be an honor to interview (Lights open, Ginny and Schrodinger scene)
(Ginny sneaking behind Schrodinger and (School setting again, the three enters from the
caught him off guard) door)

GINNY: You must be Erwin Schrodinger? CHO: That was so much fun!
SCHRODINGER: I almost had a heart
attack! Who are you and why are you in my HERMIONE: Definitely wanted to do that
office? again.

GINNY: I`m Ginny Weasley from Hogwarts GINNY: Hermione, have you ever used that
and I`m here to ask you questions. time turner?

SCHRODINGER: Hogwarts? Is that a HERMIONE: Well ,yeah. Whenever I`m late

school? for class.

GINNY: Well, yes. Of witchcraft and wizardry.

SCHRODINGER: Wizards and Witches


GINNY: Well, yeah. Don`t act too surprised

about it. So, you developed a number of
fundamental results in the field of quantum
theory, what made you do it?

SCHRODINGER: Well (gulps because he`s

scared of the wizard in his presence), I
acquired a mastery of eigenvalue problems in
the physics of continuous media, thus laying
the foundation for my work.

GINNY: Cool, so, I guess it`s hard creating

these theories, how did you overcome it?

SCHRODINGER: I was influenced by great

Physicists. I continued to research about it
until I was satisfied.

GINNY: Have you ever thought that your

work will be published and be read by students
worldwide and they said it`s giving them a
hard time.

SCHRODINGER: Well first of all, I`m sorry.

I did not intend my findings will give you
burdens but I do hope there may be some who
enjoyed it.

GINNY: Thank you for your time. I got all the

answers that I need.

(awkward pause)

SCHRODINGER: So you won`t use that

wand of yours?

GINNY: Oh! I almost forgot. Obliviate!

(Schrodinger forgets everything then lights off)

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