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Is the Red Flag Flying? The political economy of the Soviet Union today Albert. Szymanski Is the Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Albert Szymanski To my parents, Aland Vera, and sister Judy. Cf Zed Press, $7 Caledonian Road, London NI 9DN 1 the Red Rag Flying? wae fit published by Zed Pres, $7 Caledonian Read, London NL 9DN in Jane 1979, Copyright © Albert Seymansk ISBN Hy 0 90576235 Po 0905762363, Printed by Redwood Bum Ld Trowbridge and Esher Typeset by Lyn Cale, Designed by Mayin/Shaw Alright eseved Other Books by Albert Szymanski ‘The Capita State and he Polite of Ca (Boston: Winthrop Pubishing Co, 1977) (ass, Conciusnes, and Contains: An Inroduction {0 Sociotogy Coat with Ted Geertz (New York: Van Nostand, 1978) Contents Acknowledgements 1. Introdvetion The Nature ofthe Soviet Union: A Creal Question ‘Assomptons and Motions Unering Tis Book ‘Suna of Tis Book I Note on Sores 2, What isa Socaist Society? teri for Csteporng Soi Fomations Cental ‘nner, Consol nd Day 4-Day Operation san Soc Ce Rillng Cae and Power Ets Mechanisms of Poplr Control Forms of Soca ‘Traaformtion of Scat Societies ‘The Role of Market Forces Commodity Markets and Prices ‘oe Labour Market Conciion 4. Socal Clases ‘The Disrbston of Material Rewards ‘Tendencies Tounds th Formation of Soil Clase Conan 5. Polis Processes ‘he Formal oie! Srctare ‘bt Debate nd ble Opinion Formation PopulatPrtipaton Stat Bodies ‘The Commani Paty Sicko of he Leader Sivctr Bouman of Sate Paces Summary and Cons 6 Soviet Foreign Relations: The Logic of Trade and the ‘aes of the itary Definitions Soviet Fowip Trade ‘he Soviet Military 7, Soviet Relations with Eastern Europe “Trade Relasons oomomie Asaetance Coordinated Pann “Toit Eateries Today Economic Gow Econone Relations Before and After the Mid1950s, ‘The Drak with Vogolaia Intervention n Caeehodovskia Mungary, 1956 | ‘The Avtonomy of Fattern Europe Today 8, Soviet Relations with the Nowsocialist Third World Economie Antance Economie Ariane: The Cae of nda Owmeriip and Cento of Enterprises Trade: The Cae of Ind Politea! Intervention in Third Weld Counties Miltary Asitane Bangladesh Cambodia faosla {The Hom of fa Conchsen 9, Soviet Relations with the Socialist Third World ‘The Che Nts ofthe USSR Sta ‘The Org of Soviet Hepronism ‘The Pate of he Soviet Union Innpeations forthe Word Suugse Bibliography Soret Domest Poitcal Esonomy and Soil Stature ‘Sovet Foreign Relations Index 101 104, iit} 120. 0, a7 2 BT 19. 16 147 151 157 19) 161 164 165 167 168 10. m va ta 187 194 19 19 201 Bo m ms m mm Acknowledgements ‘Ay lntellectual work a collective produ, An author suchas myself tly manifest the various intelectual erent and soci oct of his lnm. The he socal ores leading met wate this book was the debate in the Anencannew eommenist movement which ad grown up out ofthe tas ofthe Students for Democrat Sodety (SDS) nthe aly 19708 The ration of Arian radial formed inthe movements of the 1960 were ery much strated othe Vietnamese, Cuban and Chines revelations. We Wer aac tothe fist two becaoe of hi ert estane tothe Ingram of or ewn country and the tier becuse it seme, during the yer ofthe ‘Great Pletal Cull Revaiton, tobe bubding a form of sia tue tthe Communist eal (and tus qualitatively diferent irom what we thought wa the Sov beesyal of soils ea). Accepting the unit Soviet notions current among al those who rew yp inthe US. in the 19805, Iwas natal fru to acept the analysis fered ofthe Soviet, Union tthe Ces, Although the Chine began calling the Soviet Union ‘apt ety a 1967 i wae not unt round 197273 tat hose femnants of SDS. veh hd taken «Marist Lenni path tepn seriouly (o dscuss an digest thee analysis. In 1974 two influential works appeared Red Paper No.7 How Cap hs Ben Restored in the Sone Union. Published y the Revolutionary Union (now the Revolutionary Communist Fry) and Mara Neal's Restoration of Cpa nthe USS ey sponsored at the tine bythe October Legs (now the Communist Pay [Mtrxst- Lain} They spared of comsderaledscsin within the new ‘Armen Marston left an edt many roupe an indus ‘xceping the tess of thse two works ‘At the time [wasn a politcal independent colecdve within which any inddual mers were ening fo accept the Chinese thes Under Pressure ofthe debates within th oup, intr a election of the lager ‘Gsaston nthe US. et in 1975-74 {begat investigate the question of the clas nature ofthe Sot Union, both in order tose tin my own Fide to eotbute to the dcuaion, Thc, mone than weythng itis the Anna Louie Song Collective the ander US. left (spedally the Reoltionary Union and Martin Neat) and finally the Comment Party China which st be acknowledged asthe primary stimu for undertaking Un a a wor, owe a grat eal to Jnr Lambe, aso a member ofthe Collective at he te we bgas our dciasion ofthe Chinese thes Jer ad I sin ‘aneouly undertook the ty of Soviet oety forthe sme reason ‘eiching evenly the same concen. tn the cous of out separate lve Igatons we provide each other with considerable asistance. Tis work onsequenty ewes more to Jerry thant ay oer nd Tust alo thank tose who taught be socal cence, above all Juan Linz snd Terry Hops. Without the effort hey invested ine his work would ot have been ‘My fdende during the period in which his work took shape are partly responsible fort hang prowled both emotional suppor ahd intebectoa ‘mulation. especially woud Uke othank Bert Knot, Sue cobs, Peter Dre, Hary Humps, Call Lenberger nd Madeleine MacDondl ‘My psets Aland Vera aswel sy ster Judy have ven me consistent support on ll ews In very ral ese | oe tot to them. "Kealwaye the eeachibrartan at the Univers’ of repo, my typist ‘Dos Boylan, copy editor Miranda Davie, ad all that who dd the pia work of typesetting printing and dtbating the book mast be thanked for (Geen conttion hey hat made “Thom Soviet soilogts ofthe ast decade or 2 who hare prodced empresa her sockty anda the les ystescal Western Sovetologsts who have preuced reasonably objective empl studies of| ‘pets of the Sot Uaton must do be hte for proving ost of he ‘ta om which thir study hasbeen Bane. Special hanks must be given to Muray Yunowich, Pal Gregory and Robert Stuart, Robert Osborn, David Parkin, 0. Slarton, TH. Riby and H Gordon Skiing. Ao, cothowe ‘no read sue ratte of her the ene manserpt or partie chapters Submited as arte to varius US. eft journals, namely the reviewers or ‘he Review of Radial Polite! Economics (fr chaper thee), Soil Science ‘Quartet (Fo ehape four), Seence and Society (or chapter ve) and The Berkley Joural of Sotology (or caper ix), Roger van Zwanenberg. and Robert Nalteno of Zed res st be expecially thanked fr tet halal comments which hae made the manuscript considerably tong ‘My intellectual debt to Pal Sweezy (inspite of our compete disagreement on thi ise and to the Monthly Revew ation of which he has Been the Principal representative, considerable si the debt ofc ene generation ‘rail chal. Swerzy must be especialy thanked because ofthe debates hich were pubshed in Monthy Rew in the te 1960s sd early 1970s, round the question ofthe Smet Union. Although Teena came to feet both the postions of Bette and of Sweezy in thes Faous debate, ‘heaves they ried deal hd s major impact on the outeoe of investigation, Finally {wth to acknowledge the Soviet people andthe Communit Paty of the Sovet Una who for too long hare had to beat the double burden of Being the wo’ st socialist country (with al the pain and hardship wos a ation as made incumbent om tht rol) and the cic and stacks of ther progreive forestrund the wodd (not ht the Chine and the ‘uportes) who, holding too high an dea about what can be complished Intheshort sn and ang an nulient understanding of soa ores stone posses, hve added tothe dificult aed bythe Sones Tt itnot ben forthe conalderabe,howee: imperfect, Sone! schieverents In buldinga scat ssiety and the world-wide controversies thi efor fs provoked ts quite obvious that hs work would not ex. ert Seymanes Thember 1978 1. Introduction Since the October Revaluton of 1917 there has bees considerable debate fvong both socialist and enemies of sotlism onthe cls mature of the ‘Soviet Union, Ths debate waxes and wanes ores ine In good measure a Funston of te international poles othe Soviet Union and its enemies. The last few yous have sen a pen evil f interest inthe gestion among ther ofthe People's Republi of Chis, wich since 1967 ha caied that Capitalism hasbeen estore i he Salt Union. Many ofthe sues and ‘Mgumens raed by various ranches ofthe Trotskyist moweent in the 1950r and 1940 ate one again blag cused in respose fo his debate. On the other hand defender ofthe Soviet Union continue fo claim that he county isch ‘The Nature of the Soviet Union: A Crucial Question ‘Snce 1967 the Crmmanist Pasty of Cina has been arguing tha apts fas been e-stablhed in the Soviet Union * Segment ofthe radical left ‘ound the wold hve echoed the Chinese ci. the Unie Sats the ‘moet important poups which have atempted to defend the Chines thes fine been the Revolutionary Commuaist Party (former the Revoatonsry Union), te Commnist Party (Mand Leinst) (Tome the October Leage} andthe journal Monch Review wick has polished numerous is nce 1967 by Pal Sweeny, Char Betelheim and others Who Aefend the Chines hss “The Chinese hve ergo: “Tis “ew sage in the developnent ofthe Sve society onthe wy to conn” so much advertised by the Soviet iEading group nating bt total and complete restoration of capitalism. (Ghalman Mio tar ded thatthe newly westored captain the Soviet ‘Union i frterscaptalism of the “asst ype’. "The Soviet Union todty is Under the ditatorsip ofthe boureae, a etatonhipof the bg bourgelse lciatonhip ofthe Garman frit type detatrship ofthe Hier ype * “The Revoutlonry Communist Party one ofthe two principal claimants to-Macist erthodany in the US. fllows sult by arp Introduction i ae capi] economy, oe fy wel ais though in a te Sort wating peop, Ii oped by tem ‘nthe exon of apy vue rm the worker bys ing ca of ‘the monopoly eaptalis For some tne the October League endorsed Martin Nicolas (one ofits former leaden) Booklet The Reston of Caplio Un he USSR, which voted [Te Soviet rade) erected an out andout capita economic ctr sate monopay cpt type, toy sconce |n many ways the Chinese analss ofthe Soviet Unions unfortunate be- use It as ed some propessie forces around the word to oppose revolt Ktnary moverents in Latin Ameria and Afi because of tht acceptance of ‘tance fom the Soviet Union, Te Chinese tals has ao pend dvion, tnd demorlzation among Marsst forces. The facts ofthe matter would seem {ape so cleny opine theca ta here he been sipieant acess In the ole of etait forces in the Sot economy in the st 25 yeu. Nevertheless ofthe great pest ofthe Chinese Revolution and the onuiderble acomplsent in buding ecialsm achieved by the Chinese (Commas Party, iti neesay to teat the Chinese claims wih espe. Ie Uerefore neces fr thse of us who saree with these cas toatenpt Conscientious to efit ther arpuents The queton of he clas natte of the Soviet Union by no means an seademie one, ft manly for univers seminars and the ie As the arguments ta plier th Chinese have made et, ones nays of theatre of the Soviet Union fects how ae rele t hs most powerfl saris country Inthe word, couse which sa the welds most apy owing economic ‘nd itary power. Whether one accepts is leadership, or works costly with Itelyaceptng the ld offers ot merely forms a unrdedalance witht, ‘cin contrat holst ata length or even develops het lations ft ‘pends on what ooe wera theres of sch relations. Wht do the Soviets want? Do they offer ad and advice only to Besme tw masters? Are they realy intrested in revolutionary chang and national independence? Are ‘hey flab alles? These are questions which face the ente wor revlu- lenny and progesste movesent. They at especialy acute forthe revolt. leary an attimpeiist movements ofthe Tha Word the coor ofthe (Cuban evolution wich accepts Soviet eadehlp vad fr other counties? Is ‘he coure followed by the MP.L-A, Vieinm andthe Ethiopian Derg, ll ‘of which accep the support ofthe Soviets, conect Should i tun, the SORE PRs Pyne? ‘ne’s analysis ofthe Set Union, Iti ths imperative or eeltionaies tiwoughout the wo todo a earefl ad scenic analysis ofthe clan nature ‘of Sone society in order to havea fie theoretical bse on which to Dud ‘evolutionary strates. And these strates, gen the pwn Soviet ole ‘nthe Third World necessat aking «pston on Soviet aden and siitance. No serous revoltonais ca swe tang hese decom ‘A seriou problem in attempting objectively to determin the cas mature of he Sore Union the cbvious palit impliatons of soc an analysis, Few ifamy snes since 1917 have tee of eater polit consequence than {hs one. Tn almost al cases one's adherence to one or the ew ofthe nature of the Soviet socal formation | determined by one's price colocl ¢emmitments, I no acident that ideolopal commitment lary deter: ‘ine position on the Soviet Union, for mich a stake As the es county {nthe world to make a evolution which procaine itl the istument of ‘he working cla, and asthe most powerfal country in the word odey wich mks the clin of beng sci (re. a sokty in which the working cos ‘le ll hoo witha stake one way o the ote in the uenon of te ‘silty of soci must take x poston on ts naure. On the one hand, ‘many fel that to make a socialist revelation (petclry in the West) we ‘mus demonstrate both the vat and superionty ofthe sot way of lf by pointing toa concrete exape wich has endured fer ove 60 yeas {nd which has made continuous progres towards tbe commit gan site ffincredibe os, Other soll, contra el that the interes of Soci revolution can best be ered by distancing themselves sf 3 ose from the Soviet Union becane oft pbc imag (asin pariclaly ‘nthe West of being a Stalinist dictatorship ‘State Capitan or 2 ‘Bureaucratic Collective’. Of counsel nt-comsmaniats et dct the Soviet claim ob a country where the working cat rules, node to i ‘edt the very ies that socialism is poste. Capitalist splot who sre Shatin pte of it problems capitis is the system whch bet serve the ‘Westen and Third World working clas have tshow ta, even when the ‘orking cls makes revolution, anew elie nevitbly ais to oppress the worker ie that‘ snot worth the bother t hangs the govemsneat™ Assumptions and Motivations Underlying This Book ‘The reader may wih fo know whee Ihae come fom. Asa thd generation American ofPls-tllan ancestry I ew up ina small New England factory town in the 1950s, which wae a petiod of nfm anticommunist within my family and within American soley sare, My eat ners in Fistor and science tion aswell =a tong reside of Chaim led me the Ite 1950s oMentiy with soca tan bse! pine (on enif- ation achieved solely chrough eading sac I never met soit wt my sophomore yarn cles), and alot the ety 1960s to dent withthe ‘owing cn rights and peace movements in he US.A-1 became ¢staent 6 I , Introduction vt, joing the Stade or Demat Society in 1961 As the SD. the Amen stant movement moved uring tr 1960 moved Sine ben toa sels Marat in 964, nd after thorough ening Othe cao Mr Lenn Le in 1966. As pau et solo at Club river fro 968 to 19701 became valved ine stent lion 1968, Ths expennce and ttc ha fonierbe inact on my conscious ike most member of SD. in hate 1950s, Tet se Vietnam, (uta and Chia the te etary beeons of te wot ad fo ed he olf the the Sot Union, with conde cpt fa [arm tos Mans consumes my eonerpon of th Soret Union changed butt vr wba tad ben befor mars oil Lrpeedss ome Nin of Saint or ans nly buna sosiey ile ti than an captain though ita tobe conceded a ciy which tien played prone role the word Out enaton ith China fect epeciy ong during the Cua Revolston wich igh Uw erence betcen the Sit nd Chnete mode fc, We nthe New Lt ensstcly enoned the Chet development of what seemed ht seemed, artistry and northstar sols Ths edu Aohuve peat pet forthe Calne, psa Mao To feng it ite natura for, therfore, toss what he Chess wer yng Aout the Svet Union not nly caf expect atom, bat Ire id i ith ca oh 19s aden thoroughly condoned obo sont the USS. ts ny obra ertonny on ir aa of ieneton wi Ca Ine int have orevat nd rj al a ne ha een ght Aout he ‘evs oman inthe Soviet Unon Te Cina wee we feted gaat diferent rom the Sot Al we had ee agit ut Sans, tues, tox, ck odo ete ores oman, were ft colts nt of Soviet communi an nt of ea commun typified yt hn, ws emp sal and ‘cptd by met of Noverthte,lthogh the Chinese had ee calling he Sve Union i since 196 few os took thom ray tot ti, We ad not come mhaneaiy Yo seep every tng the Chior Abani) rhea tthe watt te ey 19701973 ing Mh piety, tht the Maris enn onan ofthe New Lt sey Acnfontd that Chines poln ha aptalonhad eral been testo the Sot Union. Wil th jor Mai grouping he Heute Unies (ow the Revlon Comma Fay) and the ‘site Leamse (aw the Cmmanst Party [Mans Lest) July ‘opted the Ces potn, many mae independentAeran Mart frpethzr of Cm nclodng rp brakes Fesing something webs wrong wth he Chine nls, now tevly promoted bythe lending Naot poop in he US but ot eing tt the Soviet Ulon wa soi, Bea oy ara the gueton I : Je the Red Fag Fyne? ls nature In order ogre out omy own station what ind of society "When began my study 1a inlined to believe that the Soviet Union was wither eapitalist nr seis, but unique third thing somewhat log the lines ofthe Burau Collec dserbed by Max Sehachtman (belt a ‘utmore humane and propessive than he sugested). Twa thu ule surprised {ofnd through my reading of mostly procapalist and antiSonet but more eles scholarly sotes, tat the Soviet Union was ar ferent Spe Secity than Thad apne, ‘Sammary of This Book “Te erature onthe las nature of the Soviet Unione ditto dient and cralate beens of considerable dveences in erminlogy and frames of ‘ference among the vows writers who have added the urstion Not ‘nly dos academe Anglo Saxon Sotolog de ote ores completely {in terminology ad frame of reference fom Mar, but within the Marist tradition ill theres considerable digreerent boat the we of terms and the criteria tobe appli catgoricng soll formations. ln the next chapter ty to untangle what bean by “capt and solani I develop ‘clasifeator schema ofthe main types of sci by sting out reasonable ‘stra of what a soca society can be expected to lok ike Concepts ke ‘oenerihip, conte and clas are carefully srvtiized as athe vnous posible mechanisms of popula contain an attempt develop the concep {ual ook prereqtiteto an empl ivestition ofthe question “The trd chapter examiner ecent study Western esnomists onthe sole of commodity capital and Ibour markets nthe Soviet Union. The ee ofthe state plan prs, tho lw of ve, ivestment nation, unerplay’ ‘ent and econo ye areal examine a ae the Lichen Keni Reforms. Whether tee ae any tendencies fo he ate of prot tol (or sae of surpls to ie located. The chaperconlads that the Soviet Union snot docnated by the laws of markets os the case under spl ‘Chapter Four examines recent empiial research by both Soviet and Western sci sles on diferent spect of soll ation the Soviet Union. It adress the question of whether or not socal clases, Sula to those nth West, ext Das te early examined om Income inequity and ie rends,therle of th sol wage’ conditions of abour ‘Even the various groups, the atts of ferent sata, pater offend Ship ad intersmartag, intergeneration] carryover i stats and ses fo ‘lucstion I conclude tat, although here se tmportan ference in ttt tnd income between woupsin the Soviet Union, se ifernce sre su ‘antalya tha nthe Wet, show no tndenc) to ncn, and a6 not ‘filent to eatgoie the diferent statue group x Consiatd socal ‘uses However, tw distinctive soll raps, the echaleal and profesional ‘ Ivingsomevtat more prerogatives than the socialist el wuld sem to potty. The convestonl wisdom of many Wester rail a wel a ofthe Western eablshmen which tell ur tthe Soviet Union i at a democratic ity i chalenged in Chapter Fie examine recently aeaabe epi! ‘hs on patil proce inthe Soviet Union, includ om public debates, Julia patlpaon, oppot fr therein, the role and composition of the Communist Party and pattems of sca mobility amongst tp dion Imker The theory ofthe relate auonoay ofthe state" also applied to the Soviet Union. The conclsion that demacrate proces, bet somewhat Mtrted, are ery real inthe Sv Union. Also, the foes of palit power es ore with he igh skied worker, experts, scents engineers and elnilnsof aos Kinds than with eter an eit of bureaucrat and Images o withthe manual ston of he working cae. ‘Chapter Si, Sever, Eg and Ney to esate the question of whether lie USSR tremely socal imperbt, ohepemoni, or proletarian Internationals (Le benevolent and progesive ns frig lations. The tesa perils sed by Cha apis he Soviet Union defined tn ageqateeeonone relations betwee the Soret Union an Eaton Unope, andthe Sovet Union an te Ted Word are careful examined fo eidence af uch phenomenon. The Soviet foreign trade organizations tie analyse, as he competion of tends and terms of ade Between the Sovete and ote countries Sone economic tnd matey altace 10 both Esters Europe and the Third Wo ae exanuned. The Counel of Nita Econom Aistance alo looked at for evidence of Soviet domia- ‘ce and Soviet an Jet economic eters partilpated in by the Soviet ‘Usiom and other counts, nd th trends fn rach tutions, te sted. ‘heeft of le conor lations withthe Sot Union onthe rae of (powth and indtalton of Eastern Europe cased. The modes rad Sength ofthe Soviet mlltay are dso examined, as ae specie Soviet Involvement inthe fae of various Enter European an Third Wold nti. Hew | focus onthe Soviet le those counties whee the ‘Ghinese and ie supporters have most often crested ter accusations: (Gischoelovaiy, Ina, Bunglader, Cambod, Cuba, Ang, Ethlopa and (hin before 1961) 'My veal concoson is thatthe Soviet Union cannot be comaldeed a octal imped’ county, though thet ar elements of hepmonis ini forthe mos pat proresie foreign economic and palit mations ‘Although the Sot Union someties pressures othe comtnes to conform {olts concepts ef soit development, can in no reasonable tense be esis of soi imperialism «concept wich pls aig the forces of [lea Yeaton and halding back the growth of secilism inode to purse ffsersing economic and maitary gas fr the Soviet Union r, more pully, for some ruling class with the Soviet Union) “The st hap looks at the Soviet Unni eeospect, tempting to Inthe Red Fla Flying? count for how itha become what it It summarizes the arguments ofthe Carle chapter to each a conclsion on ihe cls nature of Sot society {nd makers proton shout the future development of the Soviet Union ‘he questions of Stalin and the development of Soviet hepemoais inthe orld communi movement at tested st some length cone hat the Soviet Union soils soit, belts technorati tale socials ‘hich anew petty bourgeois of enti, economist, echaiians and ater Profesional playa proportionate role somparsn withthe manual ‘vk das: The US'S. is then a society in which colton ofthis new “echnelpetyboureosie ues opethr wit the mana wrking las. 1a ‘he fnal section ofthe chapter I suggest that the smooth progres over the last generation towards more snd more ual and pester and greater popular partcipaton might be halted bythe resistance of the technical {selena and cltaral evolution of the Chinese ype conequenty ccurin wich he woeking clas may fal subordinate thi stat, ANNote on Sources ‘The empire nvesigtion a this book es to stay alos fo he fet seocrlly accepted by AngloSaxonsovetolops a posible. Except fr Some ufc acologal tues produced by Sotet solos, ly ‘mostly on information and data accepted by thee authors aid, Because ‘tthe strong poll comments inthe various statements produced by ‘Cin, Albania and their supporters onthe esd, and bythe Sot Union nd supporters on the other such poles — however weal hey might ‘therwie be ~ re mony fgnoted inthis sale. To do ohervise woul ‘pen my argument fo the ccs that my sources were so ined a to rake ty case unconvincing tal those who are not already comico ofthe orrectnes of my cncision. Aba principle of alent ittorogaphy is {hat evidence gated in favour of «hypothesis, rm thowe observers whose bias obviouly unsympathetic ot, far more reluble han that rom thw ‘tho ae sympathetic. This becase those host to a hyptbeuscanalvays Teexpeted fo bend ely abit in onder to suppor thir peje thus {bent vay sll support conchson opposite to what the author wants Sr tobeive, then the quay ofthe evidence likly tobe petty good. A ‘le, and for the mot prt unquestioned, premise of Wester sovetlogy it {hat ie productive canes te notin power inthe Soviet Union 0. ht Is ‘notsodalst bythe caste! definton) and tht theres comsideably more feedom, democracy, pubic debate, att by tde unions, etn the West than nthe Sovet Unto. Anothes popula, but not completly univer, ponition among sovetagists tht tee 2 convergence between te Soviet Union an the US. Since, therefor, the ba of soloists so evince thet ener th soiism nt 3 realty in the Sot Union, that futhentc democracy and freedom do mot exist there, that market forces are plaving an increasing role an that the country it coming move and more to 0 look tke th US,endence found othe contrary in thee wating ike to vera have also to lester degree used unofficial studies done by Soviet socio- lopsts now sean inthe West Soviet leaders hav considerable intra a Ione more about Soviet social strates andthe attedes of the Soviet peopl, jut the lenders ofthe US. havea knowing bout thee. Such Information = prerequste on whch fo be pice. Since both counties ted the seni nfermaton-pthering techniques of modem soclaon. ths acpi ba developed in both Just we rest information gathered by Western social cents for er leaders, we must also growl st dat pared by Soviet soil slentt for the sae een, Decision makers rant afford tote thei decison on fbriaton or unreal information; they need te fats thee decor are tobe the right ones. Sch data peoeraly needs oly tobe reconceptaie oft the quetons asked by ‘Sia eres ‘Recently the emplcalterature svalable on the Soviet Union ha also ‘expanded because ofthe incresing need ofthe dominant interests inthe US. toundestand the USS. better‘This need as been met by auch eran of the captalist claw a the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and US. State Departnent which fund moch of US. euch on Sov society. Tht ‘ook ths bout indeed tosh nto hich have so geerouly (of coune unwitting) provided support References 1. Fortwo ofthe most developed arguments in defence ofthe Chines ition tht cpl has fen etre in he Soviet Union ace arin Nala Restretion of Cpl the OS. R (Cheng Uberntor Pe 1975) tnd the Revoltonary Union, low Capi ‘as ben stared nthe Soviet Union and Whe hi man forthe ‘Word Sage (Chicago: The Revolutionary Union, 1994. For wha potty the beat statement of the ame sume within the Trotsky tradition ee Tony it Site Capel n Rus, (ondoa: Plate Pres, 1970. Ax mportant statement in defence ofthe ‘hos hat the Soviet ‘Union is apeiet conse nthe ey by Pal Sexy and Chases Betti On the Treaton Socom, (ew York Monthly Review, 1971) For tome ofthe better states of Tothy’s position thatthe Soviet Union eformed workers state we Leon Trotaky, The Reroturon ‘Betrayed (New York” Poser Publabey, 1945) Erie Mandel Moris Econom Theory, (ew York Monthly Review Pes 1968), 418 ence Destcha, The afted Revlon a York Grtors "96h, ‘nother branch of Trotkyism, represented by the International Soci inthe SLA defends the then that both the Some Union ‘nd the People's Repub of China are bureauerat caactivat For {he csc statement of ths onto ee Max Schack, The 1th Red Fag Png? ‘ureeuere Revolution, (New York: The Donal Pres, 1962) Related to ths poston ae the argument of Kart Wigs rhs renal Dezporim, (New Haven: Yale Uiveriy Pe 1987)cend Sones, For defence of he positon thatthe Soviet Unio snow a socal seciety se any oft nub of recat putton by te Seats en sehen fer rnp eyes Se Deno on bases ovetoloy,(Moneow: Progress Publisher, ml) Prog Publishes, The Sovet Form of Popular Goverment (Mancow: Popes Pate, 1973) Proges Publaber, The Sve Usion Today, escow: Poses sof the afl Chinese postion we: How the Senet erkionas Cary Out ltKound Restoration of Copan she USSR. rn: Focen Langage: Pron 168); Youn Bonk), Socal Import: Reprints rom FekngRevow, eae, ‘onan Books, nd); Yenan Books, (ed) Socal Pperion The Sone Lon Totti, aor Yona ons 1977 ep Hanh, 39 October 1967, reprinted in How the Sone Rerionts 7 Ou oan Rein ‘sling Renew, 30 Sumury 1976 Repti Sct mperiom: The Sone Union Today apo pa ie Martin Nia, apt: has ou systema cig ofthe tegument of Mist Niclas an he Rewletionry Comane Gorey te Revolutionary Union) ns ere emty of Reston of Caplin nthe USSR. snd Ret apes 7 Hoe Copao at Sten Restored nthe Senet Unton and Whe ti Manson the Won ‘Strate Soe Scenes and Sot 41.3, al 1 Fora good dacnon ofthe vty of ter cece by rang ls ence, ee the Novth Ameren Cones on Latin Aes NACLA Renarch Methosoogy Cue, ee Yor, 0) 2. What is a Socialist Society? ths chapter wl uy to laf he base tems relevant toa dun of the ratte of he Soviet Union. Before we cn slentifialyanlyse meter the Soviet Union capa, totit or rm other for of wey, we must ‘seen how the terms we use ato be employed, since much ofthe di ‘erent om ths queton stems ether fom misunderstanding beat the Inenlng of wor or rom the inconsistent aplication of terms. Thus, the ‘ecfcaton of ou tern inthis chapter xe eeliinay stp terore undertaking the empl investigation which tacked nthe flow (Criteria for Categorizing Social Formations ‘The Mass tation distinguishes ations of production, mode of produe- ‘ion and sec formation. The tees ~ capt, oud dave and soit can be applied teach of hee tre concepts Reletins of production refer tothe way in whch the producing and contalng css late to one {othe inthe production proces Mode of production rer to the mode oF ‘yin which production takes place, This concept include the elation of Production as wll asthe tecalgues of producuon. Automated production, the factory system, agrculture, Rorteatre, hunting and athe, 32 Fundamestal forms ofthe producti fre or tchniqus of produc, ae {part ofthe moe of producon We can thu fe a indus aptlion, ‘grin capa, industrial slavery, acuta feudalism eas modes of ‘duction Whe thee 1 hstorclcoincldence between capt relations {fprodoction nd industrial ecnqu, and betwee ave and feudal relations ‘of production nd agicltrl technique, ther no pecesary association of thes echalgues with ese relations fprodscton Indust aver a well, ‘apicultunl capitals hve exited a important mode of prodcton though periape never a the domaat mode of production Tet however an economic reson why feudal and sae relations f production come acted ath apiculturl production wl cpt relations| come associated wth indus technology; season has odo with maximizing the rate of expotation. The ten ctl formation refers to the B Inthe Red lag Fyng? sess of modes of proton tha ke wpa ven economy. It is ue ‘Posi for sae about exist alongside foe abou and serfdom, well as “ple commodity prodscton (a was clely the ease he South ofthe UUSIA before 1858 forexanple)- But nomilly one st of poductive lations ie Sominan in any gem soil formation This mint et of ‘lations of produto determines the fundamental loi of at socal {omation a whale A soe formation can therefore be defined in tems ofits dominant maton of produetion, This ned not mean the relation of prodston in ‘hich the pat umber of producer re Involved, north tof productive ‘lations that produce the greatest aout of supls valve (ot necesay ‘esae thing). The demiant lation of production, trae thve relations whos bascloge sctues the frm and movement ofthe whole foci formation. Ths, for example, he US wat apt sia formation {1860 despite tee being more saves, feng ares an artisans chan there mere indus workers, The vey existence of sey inthe US. was ‘Product of intr apts ned for ea mater, whe the prevalence 1 echold production was Mkewise condoned by the apily proving food ‘nd raw material neds of the capitalist industies an thet workers. ts ‘hens poable to hav Soci society in which the majoaty ofthe producing cles ae not working in collstalyonmed and contd ents ‘res, provided tat the lg of such ener structures theres of the "The mode of production mst be hep arly cally tinct rom the moe ofr Major modes of tbat ile”) commana dt buion according to ned (0) restate networks from produces to.» Chie and then Back othe produces) market or barter dstbution of Semmodites according to income or welt, with prodcton unt being sl ‘fin; and (0) suas dstbton according to work. ‘Marts fave tadonaly ctegorued societies in ters of those elatons production dominant na social formation, Often catgoization i ated ‘onthe dorinant mae of production, bu his defined peal ters of the relations of producton within tha mode wl categorize societies by ‘het dominant rations of production, see x fundamentally different tyes of ations of production (of our ‘hore are intermediate and mixed eas): (a)cllectve production, where all dala ae produces, the no exlsting cas nd labour done in coro (household production, where al aul are producers thee sno explo Ingclass, but labours dove by individual fares controling Wer own means ‘a proton; (2) saver, where the Bodies a he producing clas ae the pert ofthe explting clas, and dposbl by ther at wil; () sefdom, ‘there the producing cla ed tothe means of production (pial the Tind),but annot be bout and sold, and in aon ha igs ns own ‘Mbour and in some ofthe means of production: (e peasaty, whee the rduclng cass nt ted othe and, maintains ight the an, but loted trough ents ad taney te expan clas) extn, “ whe i Soci Society? were the producing ls fe toss abour power to any one wh wl buy the prog ls not vig ay iit ih eta ‘We ths ave four basic types of clas society (or soll formations) and ‘wo bai types of momclss secety Al form of society have to jor ss, oe Wich owma snd cons the meane of production, but Joss et ‘Somos of te atl prodection, nd another which does town or contro ‘he means of prodvton, but works for thine that in sch manner that lows the owninglcontealing sao appropriate the sul about ofthe ‘odoctve cs fr dos by the dominant ls “Tere sem 1 be two basic variant of non-clas socety: household and calletive production. tn household produto, each sly an economic Ut (Mares simple commodty production, ht Gerais mode of productce, tnd the enlist pase of his Ancient Mode of Production). Collective ‘Production intr ca be ddd int fv subtypes asording to the level of Wtchaology, the le of he tte and the divin of labour Fist ther wimive communism, as described by Engels in his Orga of Piva Property he Fam and the State, which in urs vied iat arg ox honing and grbring soiety nd barbarism or hore sci. Then there pentespitait society which canbe dived into soca | (hore sat and dvson of labor pers) and cmamunism (where they do 10) Socalsm ean bedded into two ba types according tthe location ‘initiate tn ove state econ making and inthe leu of ay-o- Say operational deesion making. I state social onrenp and fond Intl coatlcalleetive, but inte and operational eon makings Concentrated inthe hand fetal In decentalized octalion onthe ‘thes hand, owmeip and contra inthe hands of he clei producer ‘sho maintain the tate, and make the -10-y operational decison. “The out bas forms of cle oity~ avery serfdom, psa and cepts ~ can in tum be died bythe daminsnt form of ownership and sin a poaicne propety wih cach, The Ky diese ei whether or not ownerthp and conte sin the hans primary of pate Individuals or of he state Duenueracy. While important a determing the ‘rel loge of he socal formation, te fra of owner and sont snot {5 important asthe as lations a production, We tis hae eight ase oem f cas saclety: (I) state ery (a existed in he Ancient Greek City ates: (2) poate saver (as wa revaeatin the Caribbean se fom the {th to 19th centute) (3) state serfdom, 4 major frm in preemanspaton Rusia (4 manorial eatin, the dons socal form in Western Europe hing the mide aps) state peasy, the dominant frm in the Neat Hist and South Asa fom the bpinning ofl society unt the 1th en (landlord peasanry. which was the dominant form in Earope Between tht limination o serom and thereof capitalism and ain most of the ‘Thr Weld in the 20 century (7) market cepts (i bot scm pete and monopaly forms), whch has been predominant in the European Woddsince the mal 19th century: and (Sette apt, whee the state 1s : ; i 1s te Red Fla Fyne? ‘(eave AD Foe —_ una) PEN er wg 4g pr nm 2 30 SNA 8 wonampong 30 sony se a) Jo sus wt RIO HOS Jo NONEAHUAAIE Y 1 the Re Pla Fyne? cons und cont te mets of production nds replace the operation of Sretaws ofthe mat by cel ning Whe der example of ata hepa ext vice tre scoadenble sate overt of he teat of production, wheter tnt ny counts fhe mod tly can be ‘iepouedsurdanetly watch in od pa oe sje of is tenon Thm cpt ote ma statin eter ono conpeltn cpon mcrdng othe ape rent the open Snmodiy ark Incompetine capone ano sient. ‘Sits fe comme whe sd monopo cpa « Fanuft f gant corporations arable n god pr fot max sommedty Pest es above the leer eg coon oy ypc Sie repuation, The esbshent of monopaly ping rel themed [Et of any ote lve compete mate, seh whe fom, quency and hrc oem pce ling reo po he {Ener movement ofc et but mnipaly ping doesnot ie the ‘Sndacnal crc of maretecnony bing teined yo beyond tne contrl fhe ovning dan Tas both compete and menoply cap era damental pect fam tte copa were he ina marth en contain by he exten ate aang n Tih prosction nd drbton Capitalism ‘The ail Marat definition of cpltalisn in ems of the explosion of Ue tabouring cas by the le that own nd conte the means f prod fon throug abou market (abou power ix commodity) i cla. But trong conempor aca thre sno consensus about the precise ‘Efinton of capita, Conteqsony, wien the sue i raied of whether or foteaptaism has bean wertored inthe Soviet Union, sme articpans inthe Abate meta somthing ey diferent fom others. ‘swery and Gunder Frank, Stes Theory notably inmanuel Waestin, define capita a terms tf the heperny of maets x genera, ota trms ofthe existence pec fal of wage our markets (Le. where tour power ia commodity) ‘Sweery toak this poston in his cal debate with Maurice Dob over the {tension fo feudal t capitalism. Gunde Frank dd Hkewie in is Invent book Captain and Underdeelopment Im Latin Amerie 2 id Trmael Wells in hs The Mors Mord Sytem." Pal Swoery. in his ‘pument ta captain has ben estred inthe USS.R. defies capitalism, What Sona Society? conto of eterprie inthe enters themselves, ordination ivoush the market aed rice on materia incentives thee hee factor taken opether make lente stone tendency foward 4 ‘Sonoma dr hich, whatever one may choose ol funtion foore and more ke cpa Ienteorie are ron by smal groupe witha view to masizing pro theouph production of commorls forthe market, ou ave the ‘Sten prodston and am relations of xpi ‘Martin Nicolas is booklet which argues tht capital hasbeen sesored inthe USSR, kewise defines caption terms of the existence ‘market in pene and nol inter ofthe exploitation ofthe abourng Sas hogs our markets [he power to fr workers) implies that labor power commodity t0 Me beoght and die anyother crt pet teeter wy oe, ‘Therewer labor power har the shane of commit, thew te owner Siena don hth htt tow te wakes at onto ‘he necessary mate and companion oth right the owner et to ‘a (or by) mean of production so ike any other commodis ‘ating down protein, dsoatinsing om ype of production Snr ofthe mete of production Ino captst and cone set “The teadonal Marist defistion of capitalism, onthe oe hand, was held by both Maurice Dob and Chases Bete in thelr debates with Soe. Sia, resto Lala systematically eile Andre Gander Fanks and Robert Benner, Alex Dupuy and Paul Fitzperad hae likewise riled Ianvel Walertt, fe dtinig capitalism terme of the hepemeny of mare feces pneraly* In ths ook the tem tinloyed stl inthe aca! Mat ene "The sole defining hacer, heeore, of wheter a soci Formation le captit whether wage labour the primary frm by wach the producing population exploited by the owning and contaling chs. The {rtene andl of commodity and capital market, a hel tw this fot defining chaetese of eptalam. A society can be capa and not (e determined by ay ote aspect ofthe avs of the make excep he avs tthe labour marke State eaptalm then snot neces sujet tothe Iw of ave, under consumption, inflation, equalization of the mt of peal, "ating at of profit or any other laws which area produto he operation ‘capa and commodity markets. These and al other rated laws of market {aptalis (whethe monopoly or competitive stom from the lop of capi tnd commodity markets and need not apy to every solely Whete wage Inbour iss commodity. Consequeny a demonstrate tat soe ie Red og Pyne? caps ts een ony sow wo hg (1 tht nealing cs atv pepe te mp uou of ic produ popes tose tern ts owe ner nd (the eso tre ofc s thoy wos aur Whe he et te deiing ete fom oy, he cod thespeste charet- th fal foo ana sey iSnomatton tte ofammodiy ad cpt mat ttre tne bt formate, sho oly a sch sancky same cey o act thrette e aeyperey one fwich cnal: Tate smeosiypedactn eo ange) pte ery where Sa bdo oman wei 0) fenanty wih cond rete () mut pais aes ee ou eng css ow nd ont he ‘ets of procton, eam of hare ners pet) Fale {ating etn me seommes fs pes tn eal 2 ‘eae mat cof nthe bat sou whether ort he Sone GN Qedpir Wiser toanerand hat maton ee sie costs cpilat ste sod not nena be eed by ‘The at conmciymufew shoud noted home tt oman hc tl for fake! ote nd tre owed econ ‘Ownership, Control and Day-to-Day Operation of the tems ‘owner, "cont! nd opetation' must be made cle. ‘Cone neans he poet to dei bow pyc resurcwlb ed and ‘expanded hat tobe produced and how iabeursto be allocated ‘lode th by tose at dei are mpiemerted, eve past the ‘iat: Ome meine te el at toupied snd sped by the explo as pls hat tre Fominnt cca agar of wat hy contol arty mane hey Ti, Inloing eligi to other and ping tothe chien ater et Scan follows hat op my he fal powe to conte propery Shrouhout he Mets bet no hae power tamer totes ter {rough ale orinbertnc they do ot have owner) Ora indigut ay href power fo conta property, Otol or aint {Ge We here ay bea tendency forcontal to wesfrm il nt ena eine ie cones ea nt The st Inport concept ining sal fermen ental tot ones. Thus ssocety st scolded cals i goup of pol onl He tne of proeston, wheter rate hav septate hf he, ‘Di whcter rot thy hive the power todos of property a they wih ‘he defining cancer of capa soy on that an exlting {Soup apron te sup aboor ofthe poduig cs ough wage {or and dpe of tints ow ners 2» hei Social Soe? “Operation refers tothe daytoday rng ofthe means of proton luis pombe that a poup that doesnot contro the means of reduction ny eerele day-to-day decison making ower. For example the stock. elders of «mor eoporston may nt 2 nancial interes group Based ina major bank may contol Base decons sich ss nvestnets and ove Feodvton and stibstion plans, bt manages may execoe the dy to ‘hy operational écson making Much ofthe trata, therefore, on which of these oups control corporations s evant toa dscusion of the das nature of the Soviet Union. “The difrnces between contol and ownership can perhaps be hated ‘sit the examples ofthe mltary andthe Cathie Church, The top prelates (lie Chrchsas well altar commande i an amy deta, have fy umdamantal conta over hr iene ax well yoda ‘operational dedon making power But they do not have the ower 1 lente ther contra orto pas ton to thee descendants Attempt oo 30 ‘tal most probably be met by mame resistance on the pat of both the ‘Nearly and ankand le ofthese lnttuions 2 strong ete prohibitions ‘inst such actions. nother words toe dlinite) contr is coniered to. Iti eptiate eg the Pope's aes nw Bu fll omer rihte Itludng the ght allenate hs postion in fatou of sneer of his choosing {nd the right tops ton folate denied. both de facto and de fre. It foul be argied te, hough top wltry tors sd plate cat pat ‘hee pots on to ther chen or nephews, nevertheles elle (ot in ‘idly they do have ownership gis athe aed fre or Church because Uheichldren oe nephews are more key to goto military aademse or ‘ligous tring schools and Become officers an prelates in ur, than ge ‘he lldren of the common people. This would be the case there was 3 ‘iifeanty higher probability f top ofc being the children of her ‘op officals than teng the chien of members of eter socal goups. Thus ‘Motion af alec, opposed to iil owneriip and contl by iss must be entertained a eal possblty. Consequently eis not suffient ‘o demonstate tit offic canst alienate pots o property to specie other individual to demonstrate ht thy donot have fl cetrl or even Cmershipasecfas over he means of production. To demenstate the kstence of contr without ower, must be shown that mot fp state bic not achive tee poston because of thelr ancsto sir These distinctions between ownership, contol and operation te vry Important ia dfsingexaly wat ne en by sei. Solis and ‘ommunism ar thoe types of scety wiee the means of production ae bed and cond by the producing clase, snd wher production i done ‘allectively rather tan in households. The dstincton between socialism and Communism ls inthe mode of datbutton respectively, earn to wore nd wecordng to need), the existence or otherwie of state, and the ‘tence or otherwise of Svson of abr betwoen mana and mental ‘wrk: The difference betwen sca snd commu does not ein 21 nthe Red Fla ying? the bai charter ofthe lations of production. In both cases the producing ‘cases cooperate among themslves to produce, and exploitation dows aot, ‘it Bat scala may or may not involve the callective operation of the ‘nea of production. Te inmediate produce may ox may not make the (lytodey prodeton decors As og athe sven determine the ‘ndnmentl decors ~soch a the nature ofthe produ, the base stuctre ‘ofthe prodcton proce, the fundamental dtbuton ofthe product ee =the soy Ise or example it certainly at conetable for de ‘orking ast fo the apis las, to hie mamas to dee the dy-t- (hy operation ofa factory while fondamental cont remain the hands of ‘how that hired them Its posible or hereto bea socialist) ‘tore the immedi produces do not exerci dry to-day control ti ‘ane fr thereto be septal sot whore they do (eg lle fitout contacts to perfxm a piven job amaner determined by those that (doth contacting rch asharerting cop bug a hose panting es), justo long asa few basi output extern are met. In sun we mst aot ‘emfve the question of operation’ ofthe mens of production with the ‘quetlon of conta any more than we ca afford o confuse the question of Ererminaton by markets withthe exience of captain. Soci ike Ssptalam i defined in ens of what clas of people fundamental control {pot necessly own or pert) the medns of production (aswel as the tat) (lass and Social Clas rll to the differences betneenownenip and contrl ae the afferences teewee clas snd otal ln: Both the notions, contol and clas, are based ‘oly on the ides of power, whe the nowors of ownership and soil ass {Sd soch des alpina, consclouses, culture and tradions. By cass ‘meant solely ase of opie who hat an eset sna elation to the ‘ean of production, a saves or slave-ovners, ead lords re, ‘Shalit or proletarian, petty Bourget independent produces, ec. By social clas is meant ast which har conciousness of sel a las, with ‘Sitnctvetadton and social astm manifested in high ate of inter ‘mung within the ds, and high probably of passing one's clas poston tm fo one's children, To demonstrate tat a solely sss, t's STcent to demonstrat that it ha explting and exlted cases isnot fecery to demorstiate tht these clases ave enstlized snd coma ‘ited into social clases. However, shouldbe noted that theres univers tendency for auch eystallaation and consoldation of clases to take pace It fellow that evdence ofthe existence of oll aes, such ashigh rates of fntermatriige and cee intergeneration inks of scl potion where ther are Inagualtes in income and dciloa making can sve to Indicate the tistenoe of eae. By producing clases o the working people I mean all thot chases which imal produce the goad and sere required by socket. By now producing 2 What ia Socialist Society? ‘lames othe onmbnfcontrolng cases nena thse clases that ie off the abour of oer cases (without henseles making an egret cont btn othe neds of sack’) sch a rent, coupon cpp hei of ‘ets tndors and the ch in prea a wel stove nga pinay inher evel soperson desigyed oes explain and domination, op corporat managers met higher vel Hate oficial cla soe, ‘26 Neier be itary oor, in ferent ypes of sey the producing cases hae very erent ontpsiton th ne cas noel beg preminen In contemporary ‘Spit soley th art component of he producing cases the proletariat or working css Tics ves by clings aboor power to hose Ut own the meas of production; they do not controle condone of thkeisbo The workings 3 nme of ctor, thee most Important of wich sth nds proletariat th whe aly work withthe hadi ctr min, cerstton ter prt a ‘imunicaton, The indus waking clas tog thet with fa and serie ween compan he anal wong Other Seton ofthe working “hm incode rice workers who workin such ples returns oF lends, lal nd ofce worker and ales workers The petty Douek Sein advanced capt counts a econdry clas within the producing Ste incorpo tion orindependnt ctr Cte ad pety otros) comping Independent artisan and profesional ‘stincnen and amet (lof whom hae conierabl contol over the ‘ondton thou) and the enployed or slid new pet ‘oureoti comping level manag aud profes cher, ‘ices, sent, et. The new pty bourgeoliecan nt be ied tno ts manaperi sata compre of hae engaged pinay in uperision (hehe ployed by eterpries oxy the state), an technical or Profesional rts composed of hoe who make & more dict contbuton {apron ro andres. Thow ater two clog — the manage Ste andthe echo and profesional sa ~ are enpecal mprtn in th aay of sores ich he Soret Union we ey wl ered terest he manpl inaa(rsaan) a pate et or ec) elisa or tu) Tay be the eta the anal moshing class and the intlienta (manager nd profesional) in secant counties (bt no, coe in Commas st) have dferncs nthe apace pt of conta tne the condo ft own ibour omparae to hve which ext in ‘Sal se Home nvcitne th ienebetee e rely bourposi of mlared manage fi, profesional and experts {the one hand, and the working css onthe oter, mst be eflned in Es ofthe cancer ofthe work done and notin rm of whee: hey Incite a wap oly, in tems of the ating dee of conta the {wo-danar oe condos of tr labour Tt eit ty ‘wc can spe ofthe flowing cases and sector the nds ctr of the workngclas who work mery wih hi hands a facto mines, othe Red Pl yng? contraction, transport and communicators: the white cll sector of the ‘erking ct who o hemi! work n offices nd shop the fam workers ‘who do mancal labour on he state farms the highly educated technica Sects ofthe petty ourgeobte (the tcl or profesional inteliensa) ‘who develop and dsemizate Knowledge and sil and who provide prove ‘Sonal segs; the managerial sector of the petty bourgeois or intel (pats, who ate engaged primary in sopeesion, planing and the reall [dance of iatitutons (eg entrprac managers sate oficals and party Fader) and the pass who ether work on olestive farms For them- sve. Ruling Clases and Power Elites Following spall dicusion by G, Wil Dombof ia his Who Ruler ‘America wil define x power ete as made vp of those individuals who ‘copy command potions athe lesdagistuilns of asacety and who ‘hers day-tday deen making pomer A ruling clas on the ober and; fee co that cla which cont the meus of production whether of ot town them) and which dominates he stat appartas (whether r not thas slegiiate dk todo to, and wheter or not ft exer day-to-day ‘perstional Section making). There maybe acoincidence between he ing ‘srand the power it, On the other han, the power lie my const of individuals who se forthe mot part ot members ofthe aig cas, but tho are in the mort fndsmentl ene under her control, and hence serve ‘ecient. Ths could conctaly be the case In any typeof cls society ‘8 wellas in a soclalst socety Lia, itis st spose fora producing Shs to ie stat ofa both to un day-oday matters and oak the inate in formulating major polices, itis possible forthe ners of Coal ndustry tocar effi to do exactly the sme things Ione has Power, one eed not nessa fave to worry ether about dy today deta traout coming up with ply proposals. One ned nly acept ort tapos an Beef fom them tis nt necessary fr ling cass sctuly tobe the fist o come up with new leas or aley propos ts tly recor forthe poles tat are plemented tobe ths cer’ interes and frit tohave the power to all or eo such policies. Raling ‘hse inal forms of clas soit have ied ntl sens, egi fer, and experts oa pds well ofits, managers und top goremment Header to come up with nw ideas aswel as eay ther out. Infact most, ‘rw ides and pies in sich tceties come rom people out a the fling lass og US. Saretay of State Henry Kaige’ fregn polices ‘ing the 1970, But rch eas ad poise ne sways stamped wih he Interns of the clas that controls the means of production andthe sate, nd fr whom these rings work. Thar ae socio, where the aie ‘well a day today operational dekson making inthe hands of ate ‘ic ita ch sci solety a deentalaed sock, ™ Whe «Soi Society? wer init and day-to-day decison making ain the hands ofthe Producing clr themselves Whether o not esoctey isin fact socialist ‘ono be determined atthe pita eel by whether or not there a power ite which iniates plies and makes day-to-day decisions t must be ‘termined intesd on he basi of whether or tthe deo made are in the terest ofthe prodacing clases, and whether o not the decision mars ‘ould have made anyother decison and sl eaied inter postions {Ce whether or not the producing clases exer effective contol over hem) If dekons re made in the istrsts ofthe prodoing cases, but the power ete could hare gone ans them and kept their postions, then the podcing lsescanot bead to exer contol oer the power ete ‘Ts even f such a power elite canbe considered tobe humane and well, Intndoned, the sot cant be a soci soset since the producing ‘se cannot be cosdeed to hav power. Consequently, o prove tha ‘osetia nor vce, not afin to prove thal tat «power elite ‘ih take the native polley fomation and which makes day-to-day “icin mst be frtherSemonstated that there ulin cs which ‘plot the urls abou of he prdcing cass and wes it in its own Mechanisms of Popular Control Inthe dal model of fly decentraed socal, all woking peopl govern themeves throu partcgtio in workers’ coun, election of al ener, Uhroug frequent eleton (with provision formed veel) and referenda brother vote onal the bale questions facing the society and conritvent pret Fortes, the nitive inthe decison making prensa well ay. {ocday operational contr i both he enor enterprise teake ode ith the mates of working people. The existence of sch. rctuee and Scentralized proces, howere, i ot sneer condition forthe rl ofthe working clase solu can exist under mach less ‘tingent plies condos. “he existence of coun in which the members ofthe ruling cls partic pate and pebcites or even election or lading oficial, re not neces ‘oaitlon forthe re of» piven at ther extnce ent a necessay est ‘whether or nts pen cas cons the power eit. This an easly be ‘emontrated by as examination of capitalist and epecil pre capitalist ‘dhs vce. The ending oficial of tae snd fel societies, for example, tere not pnealy elated. Heredity and ocaional conquests tad upeings (eve the mechanisms by which memberhp ofthe power lite of sich Yoseies was determined” Nevertheles, the lading State ofc in ew {ta lave societies id poerlyreprset the interest of the clases which ‘omtelled the means of production in thse societies. Likewise in apt Society, the rule of varions fascist regimes in Europe and the widely prevalent ltr regimes in Ala, Afric and Lan America (which ely marpaly if as nthe Red Fle Fyne? ‘tll, on lecton) must ao be considered, in most cases, to exemplty Tourgeos and landlord contol over the sate Cleat, there must be other ‘hanels by which a en clas ean execs conte er «power ete and the contute«uing ls. “Of coun, even the section of member of the power elite through seston and oneal votes ones of pais palicy dos not guanee ‘democracy forthe productive tases. The example of plebuctes in Napoleon's Pance or Hier's Germany, aswel ste frequent elections in ‘apa countes ody, lustrats that merely baling elections doesnot Provera contol over power ele. There ate numerous works tha femonstate the mechani of capitals contol ower the statin ‘pte of popular cectene® Conte, to be ra,most be exreed through Consdersbly more betta channels ha lectins Taste ite pose for the eaptalt last exerci ra contra over ‘estate in the abseneof elections orn pte felations in which he tbe ofits own ots male, a0 pone for he producing ‘lus in socal scey to enero veal conta in the absence of sch formal structure of contol The most important of such informal mec tis include (1) he onal revalton by whch the working people ‘ertzew the old ode and selected a ealtonay leaders: (2) the ‘conomic log of he socal mode of production which eques leaders to ‘espond to the needs ofthe working peple inorder to promote production: {G) the thet of mane rexstance and even anther evolution i the event ‘ta betrayal ofthe socialite () theft of the rceltment of Ear from working cla background; (5) he effec ofthe leader soll Ustgraton into the working la by such means artieiaton in anal "Sb, ving n working elas neighbourhoods nd taking Pat in popular ‘ctr an (6) partpation na ined party which is prefominany ‘ovking as Latur examine each of hese mechani a tre "The ongoing importance ofthe egal revlutio, in which te mass of oppressed produces overthew the old ruling clases and pu new leaders and ‘Tew organization (eg, communist prt) n power, sould not be iphly “inmised. There considerable Inert in people's wtitades, commitments, {devas and nthe absence of sah emptatos asthe ald class soci offered to, for example trade unin leaders ~ the evolutionary ‘eXdniip can wel be expected at ent for s considerable Une) to rein loyal to the cam which elevated to power Not only inert, bu also ‘Sooception of ial ar gevatonary eaderhip and sense of worth and ‘ccomplchment ae td toi cngoing urs o he revolutionary ide. “Me socalled on law ofcigathy develope in is most sophisticated foun by Roberto Mil isto easy Scepted by cynics who Believe hat {nyooe ina poaton of power wil more ot ls immediately and completely ‘ne conuptd by it exerci. While ts may be re of many tae union office capiaist society, there is ory sent evidence that this Taw’ can ‘bemore widely applied. On he contrary, he experiences ofthe Catholic {Ghrch and of mary establshments, aswell a of government offical in 26 sors of cas soit, demonstrates the considerable strength ofthe deo. ‘Commitments of offi a thal Loyalty to the pope from whom ey have emerged. The origina evolution can ths be considered aid {own of election, sen ors pneration or 30 aftr the vet and ethaps ‘Siderably longer, rovlded, ery in th history ofthe new rexime am intonation of ender sletio accomplished tat an sre the Promotion and slction of indus of «ilar mou to thoxe it ‘iced by the working people ts the st of evolution. ‘power etna ste socialist society is also not under the same pressures to sore slaving asa power ete ta cls soe). The very sia tnd expanion of etal, nd the promotion of corporate manages es a thee securing the pestest sips om the worker. Faure to dose means ‘ower ateof profit eventual banknote, or demotion, The cates sina ‘thee owners or fu Tord. The ibeent lope of thee modes of | Production regs them act in ich way ato simi th ate of statin. Ths clues ung the state which hy contr to elze ther economic end Beesse of the cas ature of producuon, this aturally lips that he tate wl be ued in he interests of one ls apis the lero another, ace the very nature of sve, Se, peasant realist atone bse on constng cla interes, (what rin he interest of the raligcla contrary to the fterests of the producer clas and ce en. No sich lo applies inthe case of noni sockets. The mote frce sexing on power te Ins socal soety moving it towards consolidating ite power, and advancing its own interests at the expense ofthe producing ‘hanes would apes to bea diffuse paychalogally bused deste to et toe and ore power frit om sake. This has nothing to do wth sy Fequsites inherent in the mode of production, such ately exit in elas Srey. Any such prycholopealpere mart either be ino deter fined or be s oidue of conditioning aera rm clas society. Civen the dence of eatuopaog, the fist atematve seems unterable, As fr any Ittmed propensities fr power and pepe on the pat of evautlonary leadership, these aeHkaly tobe counteracted by the ladesip's conception (lite a ertormingareolstonary duty and its own bel athe rev Ionay ideas by which achieved is posien. There weald seem tobe lite strstr presto undermine thew els excep hat wich comes fom the neces to increase produto, buld soil ull and defend the terltion Neverthe there may be restanc fo ay-todny operational ‘istons being made by the masses and a dese to kep the nitive in {he leadership: own hands which stm rom a felng hat ts best equipped {omake desions and from the feng of selfasteem when they ae proved tigi In mes of ea, suh as the 1920 and 1950s ln the Soviet Un, this ting say wi bora ‘Whe stat sellin right wel degenerate into state capalism o even x form of indus state serfdom, the presse or such a transformation anno be ound in same inevitable blog ar structural wish for power n nthe Red Fle Flying? songs he reoutonry power lites, but must rather be sought inthe Stractral loge of the sat formation, sacha may well cru at alow level tf the development ofthe producuve frees, or under extreme exter or ‘eral trent Arvolutionsry power ite has no iheret interest in under miming the postion ofthe productive clases fr its own ake, Indeed its {eling of accomplsment and mentum se best ealzed when greater popular participation and etaranam are chewed. Thi not to say that power cite doesnot tempt to achieve special pevoge inthe form of ‘mute benefit, a wel sto secure pita prerogatives in itshands, But Itdoes not experince the sme pressures to explo the producing dass ‘do pomer citer in las socits Tote extent ha the power ete ‘ceed in advancing the prs focs othe plat where It need not fiffer and the revauton ls consolidated, and tothe extent that needs to {aldate the soil eclogy ofthe epne, evalutonary power elite can “owt be as much expected to mone inthe dvstion of commun, a towards state capital. The stl movemeat ofthe society wil flow the stinctral log ofthe seal formation, not the subjective deste of pow Tut cas societies have a ol ofthe own, independent ofthe wl of thee pomer elites, does socal sci. (Only communist society re tf such ogc) Te captain tate ms to maze and parance oft and ensre the proce of eplalst ccumulation, repress of ‘tether epesentatves of the capitalist cls or proletarian arty are ‘Sreupying goverment oso. To act oxerse would res in a eneral ‘Sonomiccllagu beease of wthdrl of o-opertion by the cpt ‘ine (the socaledvndemining of usness confidence’, Ths, nes 2 ‘ect reveltion onthe agenda, capitalist policies mus be followed "Thre sa very limited numberof options or the leader ofa capital ‘nea wel a for the managers of capt enterpris, which site of ‘peste ate not generally fe 1 decide one thing or another, In practice, ‘Be aw of capitalist ecnome elation arply determine the decisons made fd the probaly of het sucess implementation. Likewise, in socialist ‘ocey sounded by a eaplalist wod the necesity to deep industrially, toed the people, to protect ean atch up with he eaig capitalist cunts, impose aft inte et of option on socialist power ete ‘Ona wide range of guetlon the decisions mae by a seis power ete trby the peopl ra whole would be much the same, since they re tated by the tation ‘There eno print, however, that power elite, once installed bythe prodeing clase wl uphold it commitment to socal indefinitely. A “Epencratin fo ste capitalism ina el poebiity. Stat epi which doesnot rely on popular mobilization snd enthusxm to grantee produc tion ea atemate othe necesty for such mobilization requted by toca, To prevent thi depeeration here must be mechanisms by which the producing clase can execs ongoing conta re he power ee, One ‘ofthe moat important of thee mechanisms, whether or not thee ae eet 8 nat a Sots Society? the thea of another evolution or peng, oF simply masse restance and ‘noncompliance in he event of the power ete moving towards becoming | lng cast, Such becomes 3 eal pouty if armsare widely dtrbved {hd mot ofthe worng prope have rected maitary taining With evo iicnary adios ale fom the recent revolution tat instal the rege In powe, and withthe vitality andimmeday of the evolutionary eng, thermechani fa more real than a Wester etait counties where outpokreveatonty tions are ancient story an epaltaian ol {Qpesae not ued to leptimate the state The aim that the powe lite's ‘nition rest omitting progres towards communism ca easy be ‘created in the absence of such pres. Selfsering decison making and ‘ecumulsted pve among the powe: elie might be expected to et ery son inthe deeptination of ay eine which bases Is legitinary on Yevelatonryepitaaism an the achieve of communis and would [Ee toms esitane (Fit pasive but eventually probably actual Using). The Chinete Cultural Revelation isa leading cain pit ‘Socal regimer mst lyon mane gras oospartiation i hey are to wor expeil since the conta functions of markets donot pert. ‘ha productive case nt be mobilized and politcal active. And such sue and authenteprticpation eee et presses fom below on {he selection of offical (with ot without rel electlons) anon plicy form en (ith without formal Yung on ali) tn sch situation, latant Inaniglation an lock of consideration for th setient and interest of themssesis aed out since would est demolition and deol ution, aia etn a prodactiy, the decay ofthe moral fable of stcety anda general socal breakdown ‘Scholars whe have analysed the mechani by which the capitalist clas dominates the plies process in fomaly democratic capitis counties (pestis 6. Wiliam Domo and. Wit Ml) have argued that to Aine most important way in which the formally democratic vctures ae thorecivalted ae) the sources of rerutment of the deco maker, al) ter contenporary social networks. Analogous proces alo operse i soil society ar mechanisms of contr), abel in his cae by the Working people not the capita Jus the apts las in bourgeois Mrlety crn domnate the tat by providing the personel or top postions ti nteprating the right indus ro other clases huh elite ‘Shots so can the working cls in socal soley dominate he tate by Thereles porting the incumbent ofthe power le and nteating the then of eer cles vate educational process. Just asthe capitals {ican omit he stat by integating the power ete nto the ring tin through sel lbs, resort, rectors, xcosive neghbouthoods Iucommon ebure time sctits, work Me and enh networks, so tin the working us aa socialist Solty dominate the tate by Intepating the power ele tn ts prtiaton in physical labour, agin workng- thn cihbourhoods and apartment, partipation in wrkingetas ure ‘eves, partption in gras oot plies meetings especially those of & » ete Red Peg Fins?

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