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point while supporting the Earth on his shoulders.

(Mars Moon)
Eminence; if conjoining Sun or Moon - accidents to face, or
blindness from smallpox; a strong love nature.
29....Degree of fate; favored by fortune; a dramatic area; a
famous actors' degree.
2919'.Saturn-Uranus conj.: May 3, 1942.
Degrees, Individual, Gemini (accurate 1925; add 1 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
(Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.)
0.....Degree of draftsmanship (also 1 and 2).
2.....An ambassadorial degree.
3.....Exaltation of Moon's North Node: a point of spiritual
illumination. Cusp of Sixth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree.
4.....Degree of aviation; of mental stability.
441' 5 44'S (4) First of the Hyades, Gamma Tauri (Saturn
Mercury - Mercury Mars) Contradiction of fortunes; injuries to
the head by instruments; impaired eyesight.
5.....Degree of quiet fortunes.
58'...Mars-Uranus conj.: January 16, 1944.
6.....A degree of brilliant intellectuality; of expression in
7.....Degree of cantankerous irritability.
8.....Ascendant and Uranus in U.S. horoscope.
840' 5 28'S (i) Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri. The Watcher of the
East; the Bull's Eye. A red star, the brightest of the Hyades,
a group of seven stars called "Weepers" because when they rise
or set heliacally they were anciently supposed to bring rain.
The Sun conjoins them during the latter days of May and the
beginning of June. (Mars - Mercury Mars Jupiter) Said to have
rulership over hands and fingers, and when afflicted to be
conducive to pneumonia. In conjunction with Mars or Saturn, or

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