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I hate her because

A. She essentially forced Walt to buy the carwash, and then forced her way into
laundering his money. Despite repeated protests from Walt against it, and now de
scribes herself as "His hostage." As though she is in this through no fault of h
er own
B. She insists on pulling this stupid shit to involve everybody in the entire fa
mily. Throughout all of Walt's strugge with cancer, his fear of being murdered b
y Tuco, then Gus. All while manufacturing meth, he basically kept it inside, dra
wing no unneeded attention knowing that he needed to keep up a good outer image.
Then comes Skylar, whose husband MIGHT be in trouble (She doesn't even know) and
she flips out at Marie, goes for some fake suicide shit, and kicks out their ki
ds. When Walt gives an explanation on this behavior saying it was the affair, sh
e gets fucking angry. Because apparently he should have said "She's sad because
we're in danger from my meth business."
3. She can't form any plan. What if 5 years from now Walt is still fine, are the
ir kids just never going to live with them again? She tries to take control of e
very situation regardless of having no fucking clue what the situation is even a
That's why she's an obnoxious cunt

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