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The central subject of this book is one black men fighting in non violence sense for equal
races and white men helping black ones.
In our opinion, Cry Freedom was such a touching, unforgettable book.
It express why is important freedom of the press and freedom of speech, because they
are essential to democracy (THEY LEAD TO DEMOCRACY).
This is a must-read story, because it teach us how stupid could become the society, or
rather the government because of his power.
I think this story touched our heart because, we really like when one man could change
the mind of another man, or even an entire country just telling them the true.
It also gives an important lesson of free speech: "You can blow out a candle, but you
can't blow out a fire. Once the flame begins to catch, the wind will blow it higher."
This is a really good reflexion.
To finish, we have to keep in our minds, that this is a real story with real characters, real
lives, reals problems And please, ask yourselves if is worthwhile fight because of
the thought of two differents worlds that are nonexistent, they are just created by the
people who live in.

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