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Standard 7

Topic - Collection management

In order to operate at a highly accomplished level a TL must maintain the ethical
standards of the profession through the design and implementation of a collection
management policy that meets the needs of the community it serves whilst
safeguarding open access, intellectual autonomy and the unrestricted flow of ideas
(ALIA, 2007; AITSL, 2014). Collection management is a series of interrelated tasks
that requires expertise in a wide variety of areas in order to ensure the management
of an effective collection (Bishop, 2007). Best practice in collection management is
achieved when a clear policy document is developed that is strategic in its purpose,

Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:59 PM

Comment [1]: This sentence seems a bit
long. If you put a full stop after profession
this would shorten the sentence. It would
make a great topic sentence and makes
the following sentence support it.

reflects the needs of the curriculum and the requirements of the learners (Wall &
Ryan, 2009). Effective collection management requires continual reflection and the
ongoing evaluation of resources to identify areas of deficit and provide a framework
for strategic decision making to address weaknesses through the purchasing of new
resources and weeding of the collection (Tenenbaum, 2005).
The core goal of collection management by highly accomplished TLs is the equitable
provision of resources to all members of the school community irrespective of
ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, faith, or socio-economic status (IFLA/ UNESCO
School Library Manifesto, 2009). The TL at Site 1 believes she has an excellent
collection despite not having any collection management policies or documents. The
TL has a guiding principle that she uses to manage the collection; if someone asks
for something, she will buy it. There seems to be little understanding of the complex
and interrelated activities that underpin effective collection management (Bishop,
2007). The Site 1 TL appears to view collection management as simply the
purchasing of novels. This narrow view supports the suggestion by Bishop that many
teacher-librarians believe collection development involves only selecting the items
that become part of a media centre collection (2007, p.9). Collection management
is an area of great concern at Site 1 as there are no underpinning documents that
have analysed the needs of the community or any consideration of the core values of
the profession as outlined by ALIA (ALIA, 2007). Equity cannot be asserted when
the unofficial collection development policy at Site 1 relies on the requests of a
minority of students.

Larissa McKirdy 23/5/2015 7:06 AM

Comment [2]: Good clear topic sentence
which outlines the role of the TL!

Should I come to power as TL at Site 1 I would create a collection management

policy that was grounded in and reflective of the core values of the profession (ALIA,
2007; AITSL, 2014). As there are currently no written policy documents, I would have
to start at the very beginning and meet with the principal to discuss what her vision
for the library was, then begin the process of gathering the relevant stakeholders,
and through a process of collaboration develop a vision and mission statement for
the library. I would then spend time evaluating the existing collection reflecting on
the needs of the curriculum and the community (Bishop, 2007; Johnson, 2014; Ryan
& Wall, 2009). Using the data available, I would ascertain the degree to which the
collection meets the needs of the community before making any acquisition or
weeding decisions (Wall & Ryan, 2009). I would formalise the collection

Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:35 PM

Comment [3]: Instead of starting this
sentence with 'as there' could it say 'There
are currently no policy documents
Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:57 PM
Comment [4]: You could put a full stop
after library as this is an action sentence.
Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:58 PM
Comment [5]: This sentence can then
be changed to...'In collaboration with the
relevant stakeholders we can then
develop a vision and mission statement for
the library'.

management processes through the development of written policy documents

including: the purpose of the collection, selection policy, acquisition guidelines and
evaluation procedures (Dillion &Henri, 2001). When I come to power, the
development of written policy documents for collection management would be crucial
in signalling to administration a new era of transparency, professionalism and
accountability within the library (Wall & Ryan, 2009).

Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:56 PM

Comment [6]: The sentence is dynamic
and well written.
Larissa McKirdy 22/5/2015 4:56 PM
Comment [7]: Jacinta I find you write
with clarity, you are succinct and your
structure flows well. I have learned that I
need to synthesise my own writing and
include more information. I need to have
better topic sentences and a concluding
sentence as well.

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