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Before :

Before she came to me and knew I wasnt okay, I was a mess.

My work quality began to be less four quality. My motivation
for this year was gone and I wasnt chiseling.

Personal Event:
Date: Aug 14, 2014Jun 5, 2015

With the help of my
friend I am now stress
free and we both are
excited to go to our last
year of high school. I am
confident that next year I
will be more
academically better and
manage my time better.

I chose my friend Richa because this year she has helped
me in more ways than I could thank her for. Having her
opinion and help has encouraged me to stay focused on
my school work.

I chose how this woman has
helped change me through the 11th
grade year because without her
help and motivation, I would have
given up on school and college.
She is my reason why I thrive to
do better in school like get better
grades and how next year I will
apply to colleges I love.


Cause 2:

Cause 2:

I Love Lucy
Date: October 15, 1951May ,6 1960

Explanation: I love Lucy was a show about

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