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For: Cassandra Poulette Paredes

My grandmother is called Maria del Carmen Flores Jurez, of girl, my granny
was a very calm person, though sometimes he liked to do pranks.
Of so many anecdotes that it has told me, there is one especially that I like how
my granny tells her to me and that I would like to share it.
One day, when my grandmother was 10 years old, his mom had given the
orders to cut her chiles jalapeos to do a green mole.
- Daughter, I need a favor. Can you me be going to cut a few chiles jalapeos to
do the green mole that so much they you like and to your brothers?
- Of course. I like Green mole.
My granny says that to the moment in which it was cutting a green chili, he felt
since something it him was walking along the hand, She turned the head
towards this one and realized that.
My granny since very fearful age, started shouting
and running.
- Ah! Ah! Take it from me! Help!
So much it was his fear for the worm, which wet
My grandma come to the house with some chiles
in the hand, my great-grandmother continued
Cassandra Paredes y Mara del
meeting her, and asked her.
- Why are you wet?

Carmen Flores

She, with the turned downward head it answered her:

- it was cutting a chili of the tree and a worm started walking along my hand, I
got frightened and wet myself.
Her mom listened to his statement, and her mom started laughing of my granny
and said to her that it was happening to her for fearful.

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