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Match the follow pictures with the correct profession.

1. Teacher

2. Architect

3. Pilot

4. Bus driver

5. Carpenter

6. Chef

7. Dentist

8. Doctor

9. Farmer

10. author

Complete the next crossword with the correct answer.





1. a person who flies a plane.
2. They write books or novels.
3. a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.
4. a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture.
5. a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
6. a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or caf.

7. a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school.
8. a person that designs building and houses.
9. a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.
10. a person that drives buses.

Choose correct option.

1. He is a ________.
a) teacher

b) pilot

c) chef

2. she works like _______.

a) author

b) farmer

c) dentist

3. I am a _______.
a) dentist

b) carpenter c) teacher

4. My father is a ______.
a) bus driver

b) architect

c) chef

5. My uncle is a______.
a) author


c) farmer

For further information see and listen the next video

Jobs and professions

JOBS AND PROFESSIONS by YAZMIN MURRIETA is licensed under a Creative Commons

Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License..

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